blob: ef4cbed8150af9807c495d95d89fd15ae3a223d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/client.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/client_memory.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/element_area.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/metrics.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/payment_request.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/script.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/script_executor_delegate.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/script_tracker.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/service.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/state.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/trigger_context.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/ui_delegate.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/web_controller.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_delegate.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
namespace content {
class RenderFrameHost;
class WebContents;
} // namespace content
namespace base {
class TickClock;
} // namespace base
namespace autofill_assistant {
class ControllerTest;
// Autofill assistant controller controls autofill assistant action detection,
// display, execution and so on. The instance of this object self deletes when
// the web contents is being destroyed.
class Controller : public ScriptExecutorDelegate,
public UiDelegate,
public ScriptTracker::Listener,
private content::WebContentsObserver {
// |web_contents|, |client| and |tick_clock| must remain valid for the
// lifetime of the instance.
Controller(content::WebContents* web_contents,
Client* client,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
~Controller() override;
// Returns true if the controller is in a state where UI is necessary.
bool NeedsUI() const;
// Called when autofill assistant can start executing scripts.
void Start(const GURL& initial_url,
std::unique_ptr<TriggerContext> trigger_context);
// Lets the controller know it's about to be deleted. This is normally called
// from the client.
void WillShutdown(Metrics::DropOutReason reason);
// Overrides ScriptExecutorDelegate:
const GURL& GetCurrentURL() override;
Service* GetService() override;
UiController* GetUiController() override;
WebController* GetWebController() override;
ClientMemory* GetClientMemory() override;
const TriggerContext* GetTriggerContext() override;
autofill::PersonalDataManager* GetPersonalDataManager() override;
content::WebContents* GetWebContents() override;
void SetTouchableElementArea(const ElementAreaProto& area) override;
void SetStatusMessage(const std::string& message) override;
std::string GetStatusMessage() const override;
void SetDetails(std::unique_ptr<Details> details) override;
void SetInfoBox(const InfoBox& info_box) override;
void ClearInfoBox() override;
void SetProgress(int progress) override;
void SetProgressVisible(bool visible) override;
void SetChips(std::unique_ptr<std::vector<Chip>> chips) override;
bool IsNavigatingToNewDocument() override;
bool HasNavigationError() override;
void AddListener(ScriptExecutorDelegate::Listener* listener) override;
void RemoveListener(ScriptExecutorDelegate::Listener* listener) override;
void EnterState(AutofillAssistantState state) override;
bool IsCookieExperimentEnabled() const;
void SetPaymentRequestOptions(
std::unique_ptr<PaymentRequestOptions> options) override;
// Overrides autofill_assistant::UiDelegate:
AutofillAssistantState GetState() override;
void UpdateTouchableArea() override;
void OnUserInteractionInsideTouchableArea() override;
const Details* GetDetails() const override;
const InfoBox* GetInfoBox() const override;
int GetProgress() const override;
bool GetProgressVisible() const override;
const std::vector<Chip>& GetSuggestions() const override;
void SelectSuggestion(int index) override;
const std::vector<Chip>& GetActions() const override;
void SelectAction(int index) override;
const PaymentRequestOptions* GetPaymentRequestOptions() const override;
void SetShippingAddress(
std::unique_ptr<autofill::AutofillProfile> address) override;
void SetBillingAddress(
std::unique_ptr<autofill::AutofillProfile> address) override;
void SetContactInfo(std::string name,
std::string phone,
std::string email) override;
void SetCreditCard(std::unique_ptr<autofill::CreditCard> card) override;
void SetTermsAndConditions(
TermsAndConditionsState terms_and_conditions) override;
void GetTouchableArea(std::vector<RectF>* area) const override;
void OnFatalError(const std::string& error_message,
Metrics::DropOutReason reason) override;
friend ControllerTest;
void SetWebControllerAndServiceForTest(
std::unique_ptr<WebController> web_controller,
std::unique_ptr<Service> service);
void GetOrCheckScripts();
void OnGetScripts(const GURL& url, bool result, const std::string& response);
// Execute |script_path| and, if execution succeeds, enter |end_state| and
// call |on_success|.
void ExecuteScript(const std::string& script_path,
AutofillAssistantState end_state);
void OnScriptExecuted(const std::string& script_path,
AutofillAssistantState end_state,
const ScriptExecutor::Result& result);
// Check script preconditions every few seconds for a certain number of times.
// If checks are already running, StartPeriodicScriptChecks resets the count.
// TODO( Find a better solution. This is a brute-force
// solution that reacts slowly to changes.
void StartPeriodicScriptChecks();
void StopPeriodicScriptChecks();
void OnPeriodicScriptCheck();
// Runs autostart scripts from |runnable_scripts|, if the conditions are
// right. Returns true if a script was auto-started.
bool MaybeAutostartScript(const std::vector<ScriptHandle>& runnable_scripts);
void DisableAutostart();
// Autofill Assistant cookie logic.
// On startup of the controller we set a cookie. If a cookie already existed
// for the intial URL, we show a warning that the website has already been
// visited and could contain old data. The cookie is cleared (or expires) when
// a script terminated with a Stop action.
void OnGetCookie(bool has_cookie);
void OnSetCookie(bool result);
void FinishStart();
void MaybeSetInitialDetails();
// Called when a script is selected.
void OnScriptSelected(const std::string& script_path);
void UpdatePaymentRequestActions();
void OnPaymentRequestContinueButtonClicked();
// Overrides ScriptTracker::Listener:
void OnNoRunnableScripts() override;
void OnRunnableScriptsChanged(
const std::vector<ScriptHandle>& runnable_scripts) override;
// Overrides content::WebContentsObserver:
void DidAttachInterstitialPage() override;
void DidFinishLoad(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
const GURL& validated_url) override;
void DidStartNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
void DidFinishNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
void DocumentAvailableInMainFrame() override;
void RenderProcessGone(base::TerminationStatus status) override;
void OnWebContentsFocused(
content::RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host) override;
void OnTouchableAreaChanged(const std::vector<RectF>& areas);
void SelectChip(std::vector<Chip>* chips, int chip_index);
void ReportNavigationStateChanged();
// Clear out visible state and enter the stopped state.
void EnterStoppedState();
ElementArea* touchable_element_area();
ScriptTracker* script_tracker();
Client* const client_;
const base::TickClock* const tick_clock_;
std::unique_ptr<UiController> noop_ui_controller_;
// Lazily instantiate in GetWebController().
std::unique_ptr<WebController> web_controller_;
// Lazily instantiate in GetService().
std::unique_ptr<Service> service_;
std::unique_ptr<TriggerContext> trigger_context_;
// Lazily instantiate in GetClientMemory().
std::unique_ptr<ClientMemory> memory_;
AutofillAssistantState state_ = AutofillAssistantState::INACTIVE;
// The URL passed to Start(). Used only as long as there's no committed URL.
GURL initial_url_;
// Domain of the last URL the controller requested scripts from.
std::string script_domain_;
bool allow_autostart_ = true;
// Whether a task for periodic checks is scheduled.
bool periodic_script_check_scheduled_ = false;
// Number of remaining periodic checks.
int periodic_script_check_count_ = 0;
// Run this script if no scripts become autostartable after
// absolute_autostart_timeout.
// Ignored unless |allow_autostart_| is true.
std::string autostart_timeout_script_path_;
// How long to wait for an autostartable script before failing.
base::TimeDelta autostart_timeout_;
// Ticks at which we'll have reached |autostart_timeout_|.
base::TimeTicks absolute_autostart_timeout_;
// Area of the screen that corresponds to the current set of touchable
// elements.
// Lazily instantiate in touchable_element_area().
std::unique_ptr<ElementArea> touchable_element_area_;
// Current status message, may be empty.
std::string status_message_;
// Current details, may be null.
std::unique_ptr<Details> details_;
// Current info box, may be null.
std::unique_ptr<InfoBox> info_box_;
// Current progress.
int progress_ = 0;
// Current visibility of the progress bar. It is initially visible.
bool progress_visible_ = true;
// Current set of suggestions. May be null, but never empty.
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<Chip>> suggestions_;
// Current set of actions. May be null, but never empty.
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<Chip>> actions_;
// Flag indicates whether it is ready to fetch and execute scripts.
bool started_ = false;
// True once UiController::WillShutdown has been called.
bool will_shutdown_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<PaymentRequestOptions> payment_request_options_;
std::unique_ptr<PaymentInformation> payment_request_info_;
// Value for ScriptExecutorDelegate::IsNavigatingToNewDocument()
bool navigating_to_new_document_ = false;
// Value for ScriptExecutorDelegate::HasNavigationError()
bool navigation_error_ = false;
std::vector<ScriptExecutorDelegate::Listener*> listeners_;
// Tracks scripts and script execution. It's kept at the end, as it tend to
// depend on everything the controller support, through script and script
// actions.
// Lazily instantiate in script_tracker().
std::unique_ptr<ScriptTracker> script_tracker_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<Controller> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace autofill_assistant