blob: 45c08b858bd58d00d127cce5e143876873aaaf4d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace image_fetcher {
// Enum for the result of the fetch, reported through UMA. Present in enums.xml
// as ImageFetcherEvent. New values should be added at the end and things
// should not be renumbered.
enum class ImageFetcherEvent {
kImageRequest = 0,
kCacheHit = 1,
kCacheMiss = 2,
kCacheDecodingError = 3,
kTranscodingError = 4,
kTotalFailure = 5,
kCacheStartupEvictionStarted = 6,
kCacheStartupEvictionFinished = 7,
kJavaInMemoryCacheHit = 8,
kJavaDiskCacheHit = 9,
kMaxValue = kJavaDiskCacheHit,
class ImageFetcherMetricsReporter {
// For use in metrics that aren't client-specific.
static const char kCachedImageFetcherInternalUmaClientName[];
// Report cache events, used by CachedImageFetcher and composing classes.
static void ReportEvent(const std::string& client_name,
ImageFetcherEvent event);
// Report the time it takes to load an image from the cache in native code.
static void ReportImageLoadFromCacheTime(const std::string& client_name,
base::Time start_time);
// Report the time it takes to load an image from the cache in java code.
static void ReportImageLoadFromCacheTimeJava(const std::string& client_name,
base::Time start_time);
// Report the time it takes to load an image from native code.
static void ReportTotalFetchFromNativeTimeJava(const std::string& client_name,
base::Time start_time);
// Report the time it takes to load an image from the network.
static void ReportImageLoadFromNetworkTime(const std::string& client_name,
base::Time start_time);
// Report the time it takes to load an image from the network after a cache
// hit.
static void ReportImageLoadFromNetworkAfterCacheHit(
const std::string& client_name,
base::Time start_time);
// Report the time between cache evictions.
static void ReportTimeSinceLastCacheLRUEviction(base::Time start_time);
} // namespace image_fetcher