blob: 7e4d0ea1a3e2a949a5929157b7408754e275ebc2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom-forward.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_export.h"
namespace ui {
// Convenience method needed to implement platform-specific text
// accessibility APIs like IAccessible2. Search forwards or backwards
// (depending on |direction|) from the given |start_offset| until the
// given boundary is found, and return the offset of that boundary,
// using the vector of line break character offsets in |line_breaks|.
AX_EXPORT size_t FindAccessibleTextBoundary(const base::string16& text,
const std::vector<int>& line_breaks,
ax::mojom::TextBoundary boundary,
size_t start_offset,
ax::mojom::MoveDirection direction,
ax::mojom::TextAffinity affinity);
// Returns a string ID that corresponds to the name of the given action.
AX_EXPORT base::string16 ActionVerbToLocalizedString(
const ax::mojom::DefaultActionVerb action_verb);
// Returns the non-localized string representation of a supported action.
// Some APIs on Linux and Windows need to return non-localized action names.
AX_EXPORT base::string16 ActionVerbToUnlocalizedString(
const ax::mojom::DefaultActionVerb action_verb);
// Returns indices of all word starts in |text|.
AX_EXPORT std::vector<int> GetWordStartOffsets(const base::string16& text);
// Returns indices of all word ends in |text|.
AX_EXPORT std::vector<int> GetWordEndOffsets(const base::string16& text);
} // namespace ui