blob: 8ce5d5664666c8541a7bab855befa9e4c72274f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ClientSocketPoolManager manages access to all ClientSocketPools. It's a
// simple container for all of them. Most importantly, it handles the lifetime
// and destruction order properly.
#include "base/values.h"
#include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/request_priority.h"
#include "net/dns/public/secure_dns_policy.h"
#include "net/http/http_network_session.h"
#include "net/socket/client_socket_pool.h"
#include "url/scheme_host_port.h"
namespace net {
class ClientSocketHandle;
class NetLogWithSource;
class NetworkIsolationKey;
class ProxyInfo;
class ProxyServer;
struct SSLConfig;
constexpr int kDefaultMaxSocketsPerProxyServer = 32;
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE ClientSocketPoolManager {
virtual ~ClientSocketPoolManager();
// The setter methods below affect only newly created socket pools after the
// methods are called. Normally they should be called at program startup
// before any ClientSocketPoolManagerImpl is created.
static int max_sockets_per_pool(HttpNetworkSession::SocketPoolType pool_type);
static void set_max_sockets_per_pool(
HttpNetworkSession::SocketPoolType pool_type,
int socket_count);
static int max_sockets_per_group(
HttpNetworkSession::SocketPoolType pool_type);
static void set_max_sockets_per_group(
HttpNetworkSession::SocketPoolType pool_type,
int socket_count);
static int max_sockets_per_proxy_server(
HttpNetworkSession::SocketPoolType pool_type);
static void set_max_sockets_per_proxy_server(
HttpNetworkSession::SocketPoolType pool_type,
int socket_count);
static base::TimeDelta unused_idle_socket_timeout(
HttpNetworkSession::SocketPoolType pool_type);
// The |net_error| is returned to clients of pending socket requests, while
// |reason| is logged at the socket layer.
virtual void FlushSocketPoolsWithError(int net_error,
const char* net_log_reason_utf8) = 0;
virtual void CloseIdleSockets(const char* net_log_reason_utf8) = 0;
// Returns the socket pool for the specified ProxyServer (Which may be
// ProxyServer::Direct()).
virtual ClientSocketPool* GetSocketPool(const ProxyServer& proxy_server) = 0;
// Creates a Value summary of the state of the socket pools.
virtual base::Value SocketPoolInfoToValue() const = 0;
// A helper method that uses the passed in proxy information to initialize a
// ClientSocketHandle with the relevant socket pool. Use this method for
// HTTP/HTTPS requests. |ssl_config_for_origin| is only used if the request
// uses SSL and |ssl_config_for_proxy| is used if the proxy server is HTTPS.
// |resolution_callback| will be invoked after the the hostname is
// resolved. If |resolution_callback| does not return OK, then the
// connection will be aborted with that value.
int InitSocketHandleForHttpRequest(
url::SchemeHostPort endpoint,
int request_load_flags,
RequestPriority request_priority,
HttpNetworkSession* session,
const ProxyInfo& proxy_info,
const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_origin,
const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_proxy,
PrivacyMode privacy_mode,
NetworkIsolationKey network_isolation_key,
SecureDnsPolicy secure_dns_policy,
const SocketTag& socket_tag,
const NetLogWithSource& net_log,
ClientSocketHandle* socket_handle,
CompletionOnceCallback callback,
const ClientSocketPool::ProxyAuthCallback& proxy_auth_callback);
// A helper method that uses the passed in proxy information to initialize a
// ClientSocketHandle with the relevant socket pool. Use this method for
// HTTP/HTTPS requests for WebSocket handshake.
// |ssl_config_for_origin| is only used if the request
// uses SSL and |ssl_config_for_proxy| is used if the proxy server is HTTPS.
// |resolution_callback| will be invoked after the the hostname is
// resolved. If |resolution_callback| does not return OK, then the
// connection will be aborted with that value.
// This function uses WEBSOCKET_SOCKET_POOL socket pools.
int InitSocketHandleForWebSocketRequest(
url::SchemeHostPort endpoint,
int request_load_flags,
RequestPriority request_priority,
HttpNetworkSession* session,
const ProxyInfo& proxy_info,
const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_origin,
const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_proxy,
PrivacyMode privacy_mode,
NetworkIsolationKey network_isolation_key,
const NetLogWithSource& net_log,
ClientSocketHandle* socket_handle,
CompletionOnceCallback callback,
const ClientSocketPool::ProxyAuthCallback& proxy_auth_callback);
// Similar to InitSocketHandleForHttpRequest except that it initiates the
// desired number of preconnect streams from the relevant socket pool.
int PreconnectSocketsForHttpRequest(url::SchemeHostPort endpoint,
int request_load_flags,
RequestPriority request_priority,
HttpNetworkSession* session,
const ProxyInfo& proxy_info,
const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_origin,
const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_proxy,
PrivacyMode privacy_mode,
NetworkIsolationKey network_isolation_key,
SecureDnsPolicy secure_dns_policy,
const NetLogWithSource& net_log,
int num_preconnect_streams,
CompletionOnceCallback callback);
} // namespace net