blob: b71c4fb3d9fa7da9704aceac473842a25770c22f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/address.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_profile.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/contact_info.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_l10n_util.h"
#include "third_party/icu/source/i18n/unicode/translit.h"
namespace autofill {
// A utility class to assist in the comparison of AutofillProfile data.
class AutofillProfileComparator {
explicit AutofillProfileComparator(const base::StringPiece& app_locale);
// Returns a copy of |text| with uppercase converted to lowercase and
// diacritics removed.
// If |whitespace_spec| is RETAIN_WHITESPACE, punctuation is converted to
// spaces, and extraneous whitespace is trimmed and collapsed. For example,
// "Jean- François" becomes "jean francois".
// If |whitespace_spec| is DISCARD_WHITESPACE, punctuation and whitespace are
// discarded. For example, +1 (234) 567-8900 becomes 12345678900.
base::string16 NormalizeForComparison(
base::StringPiece16 text,
WhitespaceSpec whitespace_spec = RETAIN_WHITESPACE) const;
// Returns true if |p1| and |p2| are viable merge candidates. This means that
// their names, addresses, email addreses, company names, and phone numbers
// are all pairwise equivalent or mergeable.
// Note that mergeability is non-directional; merging two profiles will likely
// incorporate data from both profiles.
bool AreMergeable(const AutofillProfile& p1, const AutofillProfile& p2) const;
// Populates |name_info| with the result of merging the names in |p1| and
// |p2|. Returns true if successful. Expects that |p1| and |p2| have already
// been found to be mergeable.
// Heuristic: If one name is empty, select the other; othwerwise, attempt to
// parse the names in each profile and determine if one name can be derived
// from the other. For example, J Smith can be derived from John Smith, so
// prefer the latter.
bool MergeNames(const AutofillProfile& p1,
const AutofillProfile& p2,
NameInfo* name_info) const;
// Returns true if |full_name_2| is a variant of |full_name_1|.
// This function generates all variations of |full_name_1| and returns true if
// one of these variants is equal to |full_name_2|. For example, this function
// will return true if |full_name_2| is "john q public" and |full_name_1| is
// "john quincy public" because |full_name_2| can be derived from
// |full_name_1| by using the middle initial. Note that the reverse is not
// true, "john quincy public" is not a name variant of "john q public".
// Note: Expects that |full_name| is already normalized for comparison.
bool IsNameVariantOf(const base::string16& full_name_1,
const base::string16& full_name_2) const;
// Populates |email_info| with the result of merging the email addresses in
// |p1| and |p2|. Returns true if successful. Expects that |p1| and |p2| have
// already been found to be mergeable.
// Heuristic: If one email address is empty, use the other; otherwise, prefer
// the most recently used version of the email address.
bool MergeEmailAddresses(const AutofillProfile& p1,
const AutofillProfile& p2,
EmailInfo* email_info) const;
// Populates |company_info| with the result of merging the company names in
// |p1| and |p2|. Returns true if successful. Expects that |p1| and |p2| have
// already been found to be mergeable.
// Heuristic: If one is empty, use the other; otherwise, if the tokens in one
// company name are a superset of those in the other, prefer the former; and,
// as a tiebreaker, prefer the most recently used version of the company name.
bool MergeCompanyNames(const AutofillProfile& p1,
const AutofillProfile& p2,
CompanyInfo* company_info) const;
// Populates |phone_number| with the result of merging the phone numbers in
// |p1| and |p2|. Returns true if successful. Expects that |p1| and |p2| have
// already been found to be mergeable.
// Heuristic: Populate the missing parts of each number from the other.
bool MergePhoneNumbers(const AutofillProfile& p1,
const AutofillProfile& p2,
PhoneNumber* phone_number) const;
// Populates |address| with the result of merging the addresses in |p1| and
// |p2|. Returns true if successful. Expects that |p1| and |p2| have already
// been found to be mergeable.
// Heuristic: Populate the missing parts of each address from the other.
// Prefer the abbreviated state, the shorter zip code and routing code, the
// more verbost city, dependent locality, and address.
bool MergeAddresses(const AutofillProfile& p1,
const AutofillProfile& p2,
Address* address) const;
// The result type returned by CompareTokens.
enum CompareTokensResult {
// Returns the set of unique tokens in |s|. Note that the string data backing
// |s| is expected to have a lifetime which exceeds the call to UniqueTokens.
static std::set<base::StringPiece16> UniqueTokens(base::StringPiece16 s);
// Compares the unique tokens in s1 and s2.
static CompareTokensResult CompareTokens(base::StringPiece16 s1,
base::StringPiece16 s2);
// Returns the value of |t| from |p1| or |p2| depending on which is non-empty.
// This method expects that the value is either the same in |p1| and |p2| or
// empty in one of them.
base::string16 GetNonEmptyOf(const AutofillProfile& p1,
const AutofillProfile& p2,
AutofillType t) const;
// Generate the set of full/initial variants for |name_part|, where
// |name_part| is the user's first or middle name. For example, given "jean
// francois" (the normalized for comparison form of "Jean-François") this
// function returns the set:
// { "", "f", "francois,
// "j", "j f", "j francois",
// "jean", "jean f", "jean francois", "jf" }
// Note: Expects that |name| is already normalized for comparison.
static std::set<base::string16> GetNamePartVariants(
const base::string16& name_part);
// Returns true if |p1| and |p2| have names which are equivalent for the
// purposes of merging the two profiles. This means one of the names is
// empty, the names are the same, or one name is a variation of the other.
// The name comparison is insensitive to case, punctuation and diacritics.
// Note that this method does not provide any guidance on actually merging
// the names.
bool HaveMergeableNames(const AutofillProfile& p1,
const AutofillProfile& p2) const;
// Returns true if |p1| and |p2| have Chinese, Japanese, or Korean names that
// are equivalent for the purpose of merging profiles.
// This method is used internally by |HaveMergeableNames()| when CJK names are
// detected.
bool HaveMergeableCJKNames(const AutofillProfile& p1,
const AutofillProfile& p2) const;
// Returns true if |p1| and |p2| have email addresses which are equivalent for
// the purposes of merging the two profiles. This means one of the email
// addresses is empty, or the email addresses are the same (modulo case).
// Note that this method does not provide any guidance on actually merging
// the email addresses.
bool HaveMergeableEmailAddresses(const AutofillProfile& p1,
const AutofillProfile& p2) const;
// Returns true if |p1| and |p2| have company names which are equivalent for
// the purposes of merging the two profiles. This means one of the company
// names is empty, or the normalized company names are the same (modulo case).
// Note that this method does not provide any guidance on actually merging
// the company names.
bool HaveMergeableCompanyNames(const AutofillProfile& p1,
const AutofillProfile& p2) const;
// Returns true if |p1| and |p2| have phone numbers which are equivalent for
// the purposes of merging the two profiles. This means one of the phone
// numbers is empty, or the phone numbers match modulo formatting
// differences or missing information. For example, if the phone numbers are
// the same but one has an extension, country code, or area code and the other
// does not.
// Note that this method does not provide any guidance on actually merging
// the company names.
bool HaveMergeablePhoneNumbers(const AutofillProfile& p1,
const AutofillProfile& p2) const;
// Returns true if |p1| and |p2| have addresses which are equivalent for the
// purposes of merging the two profiles. This means one of the addresses is
// empty, or the addresses are a match. A number of normalization and
// comparison heuristics are employed to determine if the addresses match.
// Note that this method does not provide any guidance on actually merging
// the email addresses.
bool HaveMergeableAddresses(const AutofillProfile& p1,
const AutofillProfile& p2) const;
// Populates |name_info| with the result of merging the Chinese, Japanese or
// Korean names in |p1| and |p2|. Returns true if successful. Expects that
// |p1| and |p2| have already been found to be mergeable, and have CJK names.
bool MergeCJKNames(const AutofillProfile& p1,
const AutofillProfile& p2,
NameInfo* info) const;
const std::string app_locale() const { return app_locale_; }
l10n::CaseInsensitiveCompare case_insensitive_compare_;
std::unique_ptr<icu::Transliterator> transliterator_;
const std::string app_locale_;
} // namespace autofill