blob: 2071336c9f5eda7d9a62c346a421bddc0636f91b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iosfwd>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/containers/stack_container.h"
#include "tools/gn/err.h"
#include "tools/gn/source_dir.h"
#include "tools/gn/value.h"
struct EscapeOptions;
class ParseNode;
class Settings;
class SourceFile;
class Target;
extern const char kSourceExpansion_Help[];
// A FileTemplate object implements source expansion for a given "template"
// (either outputs or args, depending on the target type).
// There are two ways you can use this. You can make a template and then
// apply a source to it to get a list of outputs manually. Or you can do the
// actual substitution in Ninja, writing the arguments in a rule and using
// variables in build statements to invoke the rule with the right
// substitutions.
class FileTemplate {
enum OutputStyle {
OUTPUT_ABSOLUTE, // Dirs will be absolute "//foo/bar".
OUTPUT_RELATIVE, // Dirs will be relative to a given directory.
struct Subrange {
// See the help in the .cc file for what these mean.
enum Type {
SOURCE, // {{source}}
NAME_PART, // {{source_name_part}}
FILE_PART, // {{source_file_part}}
SOURCE_DIR, // {{source_dir}}
ROOT_RELATIVE_DIR, // {{root_relative_dir}}
SOURCE_GEN_DIR, // {{source_gen_dir}}
SOURCE_OUT_DIR, // {{source_out_dir}}
NUM_TYPES // Must be last
Subrange(Type t, const std::string& l = std::string())
: type(t),
literal(l) {
Type type;
// When type_ == LITERAL, this specifies the literal.
std::string literal;
// Constructs a template from the given value. On error, the err will be
// set. In this case you should not use this object.
FileTemplate(const Settings* settings,
const Value& t,
OutputStyle output_style,
const SourceDir& relative_to,
Err* err);
FileTemplate(const Settings* settings,
const std::vector<std::string>& t,
OutputStyle output_style,
const SourceDir& relative_to);
FileTemplate(const Settings* settings,
const std::vector<SourceFile>& t,
OutputStyle output_style,
const SourceDir& relative_to);
// Returns an output template representing the given target's script
// outputs.
static FileTemplate GetForTargetOutputs(const Target* target);
// Returns true if the given substitution type is used by this template.
bool IsTypeUsed(Subrange::Type type) const;
// Returns true if there are any substitutions.
bool has_substitutions() const { return has_substitutions_; }
// Applies the template to one source file. The results will be *appended* to
// the output.
void Apply(const SourceFile& source,
std::vector<std::string>* output) const;
// Writes a string representing the template with Ninja variables for the
// substitutions, and the literals escaped for Ninja consumption.
// For example, if the input is "foo{{source_name_part}}bar" this will write
// foo${source_name_part}bar. If there are multiple templates (we were
// constucted with a list of more than one item) then the values will be
// separated by spaces.
// If this template is nonempty, we will first print out a space to separate
// it from the previous command.
// The names used for the Ninja variables will be the same ones used by
// WriteNinjaVariablesForSubstitution. You would use this to define the Ninja
// rule, and then define the variables to substitute for each file using
// WriteNinjaVariablesForSubstitution.
void WriteWithNinjaExpansions(std::ostream& out) const;
// Writes to the given stream the variable declarations for extracting the
// required parts of the given source file string. The results will be
// indented two spaces.
// This is used to set up a build statement to invoke a rule where the rule
// contains a representation of this file template to be expanded by Ninja
// (see GetWithNinjaExpansions).
void WriteNinjaVariablesForSubstitution(
std::ostream& out,
const SourceFile& source,
const EscapeOptions& escape_options) const;
// Returns the Ninja variable name used by the above Ninja functions to
// substitute for the given type.
static const char* GetNinjaVariableNameForType(Subrange::Type type);
// Extracts the given type of substitution from the given source file.
// If output_style is OUTPUT_RELATIVE, relative_to indicates the directory
// that the relative directories should be relative to, otherwise it is
// ignored.
static std::string GetSubstitution(const Settings* settings,
const SourceFile& source,
Subrange::Type type,
OutputStyle output_style,
const SourceDir& relative_to);
// Known template types, these include the "{{ }}".
// IF YOU ADD NEW ONES: If the expansion expands to something inside the
// output directory, also update EnsureStringIsInOutputDir.
static const char kSource[];
static const char kSourceNamePart[];
static const char kSourceFilePart[];
static const char kSourceDir[];
static const char kRootRelDir[];
static const char kSourceGenDir[];
static const char kSourceOutDir[];
typedef base::StackVector<Subrange, 8> Template;
typedef base::StackVector<Template, 8> TemplateVector;
void ParseInput(const Value& value, Err* err);
// Parses a template string and adds it to the templates_ list.
void ParseOneTemplateString(const std::string& str);
const Settings* settings_;
OutputStyle output_style_;
SourceDir relative_to_;
TemplateVector templates_;
// The corresponding value is set to true if the given subrange type is
// required. This allows us to precompute these types whem applying them
// to a given source file.
bool types_required_[Subrange::NUM_TYPES];
// Set when any of the types_required_ is true. Otherwise, everythins is a
// literal (a common case so we can optimize some code paths).
bool has_substitutions_;