blob: 097a2276b225003214253be93a479207a360c0c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/gn/filesystem_utils.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "tools/gn/file_template.h"
#include "tools/gn/location.h"
#include "tools/gn/settings.h"
#include "tools/gn/source_dir.h"
namespace {
enum DotDisposition {
// The given dot is just part of a filename and is not special.
// The given dot is the current directory.
// The given dot is the first of a double dot that should take us up one.
// When we find a dot, this function is called with the character following
// that dot to see what it is. The return value indicates what type this dot is
// (see above). This code handles the case where the dot is at the end of the
// input.
// |*consumed_len| will contain the number of characters in the input that
// express what we found.
DotDisposition ClassifyAfterDot(const std::string& path,
size_t after_dot,
size_t* consumed_len) {
if (after_dot == path.size()) {
// Single dot at the end.
*consumed_len = 1;
if (IsSlash(path[after_dot])) {
// Single dot followed by a slash.
*consumed_len = 2; // Consume the slash
if (path[after_dot] == '.') {
// Two dots.
if (after_dot + 1 == path.size()) {
// Double dot at the end.
*consumed_len = 2;
if (IsSlash(path[after_dot + 1])) {
// Double dot folowed by a slash.
*consumed_len = 3;
// The dots are followed by something else, not a directory.
*consumed_len = 1;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
inline char NormalizeWindowsPathChar(char c) {
if (c == '/')
return '\\';
return base::ToLowerASCII(c);
// Attempts to do a case and slash-insensitive comparison of two 8-bit Windows
// paths.
bool AreAbsoluteWindowsPathsEqual(const base::StringPiece& a,
const base::StringPiece& b) {
if (a.size() != b.size())
return false;
// For now, just do a case-insensitive ASCII comparison. We could convert to
// UTF-16 and use ICU if necessary. Or maybe base::strcasecmp is good enough?
for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
if (NormalizeWindowsPathChar(a[i]) != NormalizeWindowsPathChar(b[i]))
return false;
return true;
bool DoesBeginWindowsDriveLetter(const base::StringPiece& path) {
if (path.size() < 3)
return false;
// Check colon first, this will generally fail fastest.
if (path[1] != ':')
return false;
// Check drive letter.
if (!IsAsciiAlpha(path[0]))
return false;
if (!IsSlash(path[2]))
return false;
return true;
// A wrapper around FilePath.GetComponents that works the way we need. This is
// not super efficient since it does some O(n) transformations on the path. If
// this is called a lot, we might want to optimize.
std::vector<base::FilePath::StringType> GetPathComponents(
const base::FilePath& path) {
std::vector<base::FilePath::StringType> result;
if (result.empty())
return result;
// GetComponents will preserve the "/" at the beginning, which confuses us.
// We don't expect to have relative paths in this function.
// Don't use IsSeparator since we always want to allow backslashes.
if (result[0] == FILE_PATH_LITERAL("/") ||
result[0] == FILE_PATH_LITERAL("\\"))
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// On Windows, GetComponents will give us [ "C:", "/", "foo" ], and we
// don't want the slash in there. This doesn't support input like "C:foo"
// which means foo relative to the current directory of the C drive but
// that's basically legacy DOS behavior we don't need to support.
if (result.size() >= 2 && result[1].size() == 1 && IsSlash(result[1][0]))
result.erase(result.begin() + 1);
return result;
// Provides the equivalent of == for filesystem strings, trying to do
// approximately the right thing with case.
bool FilesystemStringsEqual(const base::FilePath::StringType& a,
const base::FilePath::StringType& b) {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Assume case-insensitive filesystems on Windows. We use the CompareString
// function to do a case-insensitive comparison based on the current locale
// (we don't want GN to depend on ICU which is large and requires data
// files). This isn't perfect, but getting this perfectly right is very
// difficult and requires I/O, and this comparison should cover 99.9999% of
// all cases.
// Note: The documentation for CompareString says it runs fastest on
// null-terminated strings with -1 passed for the length, so we do that here.
// There should not be embedded nulls in filesystem strings.
a.c_str(), -1, b.c_str(), -1) == CSTR_EQUAL;
// Assume case-sensitive filesystems on non-Windows.
return a == b;
} // namespace
SourceFileType GetSourceFileType(const SourceFile& file) {
base::StringPiece extension = FindExtension(&file.value());
if (extension == "cc" || extension == "cpp" || extension == "cxx")
return SOURCE_CC;
if (extension == "h")
return SOURCE_H;
if (extension == "c")
return SOURCE_C;
if (extension == "m")
return SOURCE_M;
if (extension == "mm")
return SOURCE_MM;
if (extension == "rc")
return SOURCE_RC;
if (extension == "S" || extension == "s")
return SOURCE_S;
if (extension == "o" || extension == "obj")
return SOURCE_O;
const char* GetExtensionForOutputType(Target::OutputType type,
Settings::TargetOS os) {
switch (os) {
case Settings::MAC:
switch (type) {
case Target::EXECUTABLE:
return "";
case Target::SHARED_LIBRARY:
return "dylib";
case Target::STATIC_LIBRARY:
return "a";
case Settings::WIN:
switch (type) {
case Target::EXECUTABLE:
return "exe";
case Target::SHARED_LIBRARY:
return "dll.lib"; // Extension of import library.
case Target::STATIC_LIBRARY:
return "lib";
case Settings::LINUX:
switch (type) {
case Target::EXECUTABLE:
return "";
case Target::SHARED_LIBRARY:
return "so";
case Target::STATIC_LIBRARY:
return "a";
return "";
std::string FilePathToUTF8(const base::FilePath::StringType& str) {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
return base::WideToUTF8(str);
return str;
base::FilePath UTF8ToFilePath(const base::StringPiece& sp) {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
return base::FilePath(base::UTF8ToWide(sp));
return base::FilePath(sp.as_string());
size_t FindExtensionOffset(const std::string& path) {
for (int i = static_cast<int>(path.size()); i >= 0; i--) {
if (IsSlash(path[i]))
if (path[i] == '.')
return i + 1;
return std::string::npos;
base::StringPiece FindExtension(const std::string* path) {
size_t extension_offset = FindExtensionOffset(*path);
if (extension_offset == std::string::npos)
return base::StringPiece();
return base::StringPiece(&path->data()[extension_offset],
path->size() - extension_offset);
size_t FindFilenameOffset(const std::string& path) {
for (int i = static_cast<int>(path.size()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (IsSlash(path[i]))
return i + 1;
return 0; // No filename found means everything was the filename.
base::StringPiece FindFilename(const std::string* path) {
size_t filename_offset = FindFilenameOffset(*path);
if (filename_offset == 0)
return base::StringPiece(*path); // Everything is the file name.
return base::StringPiece(&(*path).data()[filename_offset],
path->size() - filename_offset);
base::StringPiece FindFilenameNoExtension(const std::string* path) {
if (path->empty())
return base::StringPiece();
size_t filename_offset = FindFilenameOffset(*path);
size_t extension_offset = FindExtensionOffset(*path);
size_t name_len;
if (extension_offset == std::string::npos)
name_len = path->size() - filename_offset;
name_len = extension_offset - filename_offset - 1;
return base::StringPiece(&(*path).data()[filename_offset], name_len);
void RemoveFilename(std::string* path) {
bool EndsWithSlash(const std::string& s) {
return !s.empty() && IsSlash(s[s.size() - 1]);
base::StringPiece FindDir(const std::string* path) {
size_t filename_offset = FindFilenameOffset(*path);
if (filename_offset == 0u)
return base::StringPiece();
return base::StringPiece(path->data(), filename_offset);
base::StringPiece FindLastDirComponent(const SourceDir& dir) {
const std::string& dir_string = dir.value();
if (dir_string.empty())
return base::StringPiece();
int cur = static_cast<int>(dir_string.size()) - 1;
DCHECK(dir_string[cur] == '/');
int end = cur;
cur--; // Skip before the last slash.
for (; cur >= 0; cur--) {
if (dir_string[cur] == '/')
return base::StringPiece(&dir_string[cur + 1], end - cur - 1);
return base::StringPiece(&dir_string[0], end);
bool EnsureStringIsInOutputDir(const SourceDir& dir,
const std::string& str,
const Value& originating,
bool allow_templates,
Err* err) {
// This check will be wrong for all proper prefixes "e.g. "/output" will
// match "/out" but we don't really care since this is just a sanity check.
const std::string& dir_str = dir.value();
if (, dir_str.length(), dir_str) == 0)
return true; // Output directory is hardcoded.
if (allow_templates) {
// Allow the string to begin with any source expansion inside the output
// directory.
if (StartsWithASCII(str, FileTemplate::kSourceGenDir, true) ||
StartsWithASCII(str, FileTemplate::kSourceOutDir, true))
return true;
*err = Err(originating, "File is not inside output directory.",
"The given file should be in the output directory. Normally you would "
"specify\n\"$target_out_dir/foo\" or "
"\"$target_gen_dir/foo\". I interpreted this as\n\""
+ str + "\".");
return false;
bool IsPathAbsolute(const base::StringPiece& path) {
if (path.empty())
return false;
if (!IsSlash(path[0])) {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Check for Windows system paths like "C:\foo".
if (path.size() > 2 && path[1] == ':' && IsSlash(path[2]))
return true;
return false; // Doesn't begin with a slash, is relative.
// Double forward slash at the beginning means source-relative (we don't
// allow backslashes for denoting this).
if (path.size() > 1 && path[1] == '/')
return false;
return true;
bool MakeAbsolutePathRelativeIfPossible(const base::StringPiece& source_root,
const base::StringPiece& path,
std::string* dest) {
if (source_root.size() > path.size())
return false; // The source root is longer: the path can never be inside.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Source root should be canonical on Windows. Note that the initial slash
// must be forward slash, but that the other ones can be either forward or
// backward.
DCHECK(source_root.size() > 2 && source_root[0] != '/' &&
source_root[1] == ':' && IsSlash(source_root[2]));
size_t after_common_index = std::string::npos;
if (DoesBeginWindowsDriveLetter(path)) {
// Handle "C:\foo"
if (AreAbsoluteWindowsPathsEqual(source_root,
path.substr(0, source_root.size())))
after_common_index = source_root.size();
return false;
} else if (path[0] == '/' && source_root.size() <= path.size() - 1 &&
DoesBeginWindowsDriveLetter(path.substr(1))) {
// Handle "/C:/foo"
if (AreAbsoluteWindowsPathsEqual(source_root,
path.substr(1, source_root.size())))
after_common_index = source_root.size() + 1;
return false;
} else {
return false;
// If we get here, there's a match and after_common_index identifies the
// part after it.
// The base may or may not have a trailing slash, so skip all slashes from
// the path after our prefix match.
size_t first_after_slash = after_common_index;
while (first_after_slash < path.size() && IsSlash(path[first_after_slash]))
dest->assign("//"); // Result is source root relative.
path.size() - first_after_slash);
return true;
// On non-Windows this is easy. Since we know both are absolute, just do a
// prefix check.
if (path.substr(0, source_root.size()) == source_root) {
// The base may or may not have a trailing slash, so skip all slashes from
// the path after our prefix match.
size_t first_after_slash = source_root.size();
while (first_after_slash < path.size() && IsSlash(path[first_after_slash]))
dest->assign("//"); // Result is source root relative.
path.size() - first_after_slash);
return true;
return false;
std::string InvertDir(const SourceDir& path) {
const std::string value = path.value();
if (value.empty())
return std::string();
DCHECK(value[0] == '/');
size_t begin_index = 1;
// If the input begins with two slashes, skip over both (this is a
// source-relative dir). These must be forward slashes only.
if (value.size() > 1 && value[1] == '/')
begin_index = 2;
std::string ret;
for (size_t i = begin_index; i < value.size(); i++) {
if (IsSlash(value[i]))
return ret;
void NormalizePath(std::string* path) {
char* pathbuf = path->empty() ? NULL : &(*path)[0];
// top_index is the first character we can modify in the path. Anything
// before this indicates where the path is relative to.
size_t top_index = 0;
bool is_relative = true;
if (!path->empty() && pathbuf[0] == '/') {
is_relative = false;
if (path->size() > 1 && pathbuf[1] == '/') {
// Two leading slashes, this is a path into the source dir.
top_index = 2;
} else {
// One leading slash, this is a system-absolute path.
top_index = 1;
size_t dest_i = top_index;
for (size_t src_i = top_index; src_i < path->size(); /* nothing */) {
if (pathbuf[src_i] == '.') {
if (src_i == 0 || IsSlash(pathbuf[src_i - 1])) {
// Slash followed by a dot, see if it's something special.
size_t consumed_len;
switch (ClassifyAfterDot(*path, src_i + 1, &consumed_len)) {
// Copy the dot to the output, it means nothing special.
pathbuf[dest_i++] = pathbuf[src_i++];
// Current directory, just skip the input.
src_i += consumed_len;
// Back up over previous directory component. If we're already
// at the top, preserve the "..".
if (dest_i > top_index) {
// The previous char was a slash, remove it.
if (dest_i == top_index) {
if (is_relative) {
// We're already at the beginning of a relative input, copy the
// ".." and continue. We need the trailing slash if there was
// one before (otherwise we're at the end of the input).
pathbuf[dest_i++] = '.';
pathbuf[dest_i++] = '.';
if (consumed_len == 3)
pathbuf[dest_i++] = '/';
// This also makes a new "root" that we can't delete by going
// up more levels. Otherwise "../.." would collapse to
// nothing.
top_index = dest_i;
// Otherwise we're at the beginning of an absolute path. Don't
// allow ".." to go up another level and just eat it.
} else {
// Just find the previous slash or the beginning of input.
while (dest_i > 0 && !IsSlash(pathbuf[dest_i - 1]))
src_i += consumed_len;
} else {
// Dot not preceeded by a slash, copy it literally.
pathbuf[dest_i++] = pathbuf[src_i++];
} else if (IsSlash(pathbuf[src_i])) {
if (src_i > 0 && IsSlash(pathbuf[src_i - 1])) {
// Two slashes in a row, skip over it.
} else {
// Just one slash, copy it, normalizing to foward slash.
pathbuf[dest_i] = '/';
} else {
// Input nothing special, just copy it.
pathbuf[dest_i++] = pathbuf[src_i++];
void ConvertPathToSystem(std::string* path) {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
for (size_t i = 0; i < path->size(); i++) {
if ((*path)[i] == '/')
(*path)[i] = '\\';
std::string RebaseSourceAbsolutePath(const std::string& input,
const SourceDir& dest_dir) {
CHECK(input.size() >= 2 && input[0] == '/' && input[1] == '/')
<< "Input to rebase isn't source-absolute: " << input;
<< "Dir to rebase to isn't source-absolute: " << dest_dir.value();
const std::string& dest = dest_dir.value();
// Skip the common prefixes of the source and dest as long as they end in
// a [back]slash.
size_t common_prefix_len = 2; // The beginning two "//" are always the same.
size_t max_common_length = std::min(input.size(), dest.size());
for (size_t i = common_prefix_len; i < max_common_length; i++) {
if (IsSlash(input[i]) && IsSlash(dest[i]))
common_prefix_len = i + 1;
else if (input[i] != dest[i])
// Invert the dest dir starting from the end of the common prefix.
std::string ret;
for (size_t i = common_prefix_len; i < dest.size(); i++) {
if (IsSlash(dest[i]))
// Append any remaining unique input.
ret.append(&input[common_prefix_len], input.size() - common_prefix_len);
// If the result is still empty, the paths are the same.
if (ret.empty())
return ret;
std::string DirectoryWithNoLastSlash(const SourceDir& dir) {
std::string ret;
if (dir.value().empty()) {
// Just keep input the same.
} else if (dir.value() == "/") {
} else if (dir.value() == "//") {
} else {
ret.resize(ret.size() - 1);
return ret;
SourceDir SourceDirForPath(const base::FilePath& source_root,
const base::FilePath& path) {
std::vector<base::FilePath::StringType> source_comp =
std::vector<base::FilePath::StringType> path_comp =
// See if path is inside the source root by looking for each of source root's
// components at the beginning of path.
bool is_inside_source;
if (path_comp.size() < source_comp.size()) {
// Too small to fit.
is_inside_source = false;
} else {
is_inside_source = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < source_comp.size(); i++) {
if (!FilesystemStringsEqual(source_comp[i], path_comp[i])) {
is_inside_source = false;
std::string result_str;
size_t initial_path_comp_to_use;
if (is_inside_source) {
// Construct a source-relative path beginning in // and skip all of the
// shared directories.
result_str = "//";
initial_path_comp_to_use = source_comp.size();
} else {
// Not inside source code, construct a system-absolute path.
result_str = "/";
initial_path_comp_to_use = 0;
for (size_t i = initial_path_comp_to_use; i < path_comp.size(); i++) {
return SourceDir(result_str);
SourceDir SourceDirForCurrentDirectory(const base::FilePath& source_root) {
base::FilePath cd;
return SourceDirForPath(source_root, cd);
std::string GetOutputSubdirName(const Label& toolchain_label, bool is_default) {
// The default toolchain has no subdir.
if (is_default)
return std::string();
// For now just assume the toolchain name is always a valid dir name. We may
// want to clean up the in the future.
return + "/";
SourceDir GetToolchainOutputDir(const Settings* settings) {
const OutputFile& toolchain_subdir = settings->toolchain_output_subdir();
std::string result = settings->build_settings()->build_dir().value();
if (!toolchain_subdir.value().empty())
return SourceDir(SourceDir::SWAP_IN, &result);
SourceDir GetToolchainOutputDir(const BuildSettings* build_settings,
const Label& toolchain_label, bool is_default) {
std::string result = build_settings->build_dir().value();
result.append(GetOutputSubdirName(toolchain_label, is_default));
return SourceDir(SourceDir::SWAP_IN, &result);
SourceDir GetToolchainGenDir(const Settings* settings) {
const OutputFile& toolchain_subdir = settings->toolchain_output_subdir();
std::string result = settings->build_settings()->build_dir().value();
if (!toolchain_subdir.value().empty())
return SourceDir(SourceDir::SWAP_IN, &result);
SourceDir GetToolchainGenDir(const BuildSettings* build_settings,
const Label& toolchain_label, bool is_default) {
std::string result = GetToolchainOutputDir(
build_settings, toolchain_label, is_default).value();
return SourceDir(SourceDir::SWAP_IN, &result);
SourceDir GetOutputDirForSourceDir(const Settings* settings,
const SourceDir& source_dir) {
SourceDir toolchain = GetToolchainOutputDir(settings);
std::string ret;
if (source_dir.is_source_absolute()) {
// The source dir is source-absolute, so we trim off the two leading
// slashes to append to the toolchain object directory.
ret.append(&source_dir.value()[2], source_dir.value().size() - 2);
// (Put system-absolute stuff in the root obj directory.)
return SourceDir(SourceDir::SWAP_IN, &ret);
SourceDir GetGenDirForSourceDir(const Settings* settings,
const SourceDir& source_dir) {
SourceDir toolchain = GetToolchainGenDir(settings);
std::string ret;
if (source_dir.is_source_absolute()) {
// The source dir should be source-absolute, so we trim off the two leading
// slashes to append to the toolchain object directory.
ret.append(&source_dir.value()[2], source_dir.value().size() - 2);
// (Put system-absolute stuff in the root gen directory.)
return SourceDir(SourceDir::SWAP_IN, &ret);
SourceDir GetTargetOutputDir(const Target* target) {
return GetOutputDirForSourceDir(target->settings(), target->label().dir());
SourceDir GetTargetGenDir(const Target* target) {
return GetGenDirForSourceDir(target->settings(), target->label().dir());
SourceDir GetCurrentOutputDir(const Scope* scope) {
return GetOutputDirForSourceDir(scope->settings(), scope->GetSourceDir());
SourceDir GetCurrentGenDir(const Scope* scope) {
return GetGenDirForSourceDir(scope->settings(), scope->GetSourceDir());