blob: 40eeb49cf3e5ee2642c807d66818fb49c14f1146 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/gn/ninja_copy_target_writer.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "tools/gn/file_template.h"
#include "tools/gn/string_utils.h"
NinjaCopyTargetWriter::NinjaCopyTargetWriter(const Target* target,
const Toolchain* toolchain,
std::ostream& out)
: NinjaTargetWriter(target, toolchain, out) {
NinjaCopyTargetWriter::~NinjaCopyTargetWriter() {
void NinjaCopyTargetWriter::Run() {
CHECK(target_->action_values().outputs().size() == 1);
FileTemplate output_template = FileTemplate::GetForTargetOutputs(target_);
std::vector<OutputFile> output_files;
std::string rule_prefix = helper_.GetRulePrefix(target_->settings());
// Note that we don't write implicit deps for copy steps. "copy" only
// depends on the output files themselves, rather than having includes
// (the possibility of generated #includes is the main reason for implicit
// dependencies).
// It would seem that specifying implicit dependencies on the deps of the
// copy command would still be harmeless. But Chrome implements copy tools
// as hard links (much faster) which don't change the timestamp. If the
// ninja rule looks like this:
// output: copy input | foo.stamp
// The copy will not make a new timestamp on the output file, but the
// foo.stamp file generated from a previous step will have a new timestamp.
// The copy rule will therefore look out-of-date to Ninja and the rule will
// get rebuilt.
// If this copy is copying a generated file, not listing the implicit
// dependency will be fine as long as the input to the copy is properly
// listed as the output from the step that generated it.
// Moreover, doing this assumes that the copy step is always a simple
// locally run command, so there is no need for a toolchain dependency.
for (size_t i = 0; i < target_->sources().size(); i++) {
const SourceFile& input_file = target_->sources()[i];
// Make the output file from the template.
std::vector<std::string> template_result;
output_template.Apply(input_file, &template_result);
CHECK(template_result.size() == 1);
// All output files should be in the build directory, so we can rebase
// them just by trimming the prefix.
OutputFile output_file(
out_ << "build ";
path_output_.WriteFile(out_, output_file);
out_ << ": " << rule_prefix << "copy ";
path_output_.WriteFile(out_, input_file);
out_ << std::endl;
// Write out the rule for the target to copy all of them.
out_ << std::endl << "build ";
path_output_.WriteFile(out_, helper_.GetTargetOutputFile(target_));
out_ << ": " << rule_prefix << "stamp";
for (size_t i = 0; i < output_files.size(); i++) {
out_ << " ";
path_output_.WriteFile(out_, output_files[i]);
out_ << std::endl;