blob: 96e3a77cd44c77e013784f0ec03952549a7ffbf7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
namespace autofill {
class AddressNormalizer;
class AutofillProfile;
// Class to handle multiple concurrent address normalization requests. This
// class is not thread-safe.
class AddressNormalizationManager {
// Initializes an AddressNormalizationManager. |app_locale| will be used to
// lookup the default country code in an AutofillProfile to normalize is not
// valid. The AddressNormalizationManager does not own |address_normalizer|.
AddressNormalizationManager(AddressNormalizer* address_normalizer,
const std::string& app_locale);
// Multiple address version of NormalizeAddressWithCallback. Starts the
// normalization of |profile|. Callers should call
// FinalizeWithCompletionCallback. On completion, the address in |profile|
// will be updated with the normalized address.
void NormalizeAddressUntilFinalized(AutofillProfile* profile);
// Stops accepting normalization requests until all pending requests complete.
// If all the address normalization requests have already completed,
// |completion_callback| will be called before this method returns. Otherwise,
// it will be called as soon as the last pending request completes.
void FinalizeWithCompletionCallback(base::OnceClosure completion_callback);
// Runs the completion callback if all the delegates have completed.
void MaybeRunCompletionCallback();
// Whether the AddressNormalizationManager is still accepting requests or not.
bool accepting_requests_ = true;
// The application locale, which will be used to lookup the default country
// code in absence of a country code in the profile.
const std::string app_locale_;
// The callback to execute when all addresses have been normalized.
base::OnceClosure completion_callback_;
// Storage for all the delegates that handle the normalization requests.
class NormalizerDelegate;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<NormalizerDelegate>> delegates_;
// An unowned raw pointer to the AddressNormalizer to use.
AddressNormalizer* address_normalizer_;
} // namespace autofill