blob: e3d1e32882af68b958a4c0a73c0f359c0d49b231 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_event_type.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace base {
class ListValue;
namespace net {
struct NetLogEntry;
// Checks that the element of |entries| at |offset| has the provided values.
// A negative |offset| indicates a position relative to the end of |entries|.
// Checks to make sure |offset| is within bounds, and fails gracefully if it
// isn't.
::testing::AssertionResult LogContainsEvent(
const std::vector<NetLogEntry>& entries,
int offset,
NetLogEventType expected_event,
NetLogEventPhase expected_phase);
// Just like LogContainsEvent, but always checks for an EventPhase of
::testing::AssertionResult LogContainsBeginEvent(
const std::vector<NetLogEntry>& entries,
int offset,
NetLogEventType expected_event);
// Just like LogContainsEvent, but always checks for an EventPhase of PHASE_END.
::testing::AssertionResult LogContainsEndEvent(
const std::vector<NetLogEntry>& entries,
int offset,
NetLogEventType expected_event);
// Just like LogContainsEvent, but does not check phase.
::testing::AssertionResult LogContainsEntryWithType(
const std::vector<NetLogEntry>& entries,
int offset,
NetLogEventType type);
// Check if the log contains an entry of the given type at |start_offset| or
// after. It is not a failure if there's an earlier matching entry. Negative
// offsets are relative to the end of the array.
::testing::AssertionResult LogContainsEntryWithTypeAfter(
const std::vector<NetLogEntry>& entries,
int start_offset,
NetLogEventType type);
// Check if the first entry with the specified values is at |start_offset| or
// after. It is a failure if there's an earlier matching entry. Negative
// offsets are relative to the end of the array.
size_t ExpectLogContainsSomewhere(const std::vector<NetLogEntry>& entries,
size_t min_offset,
NetLogEventType expected_event,
NetLogEventPhase expected_phase);
// Check if the log contains an entry with the given values at |start_offset|
// or after. It is not a failure if there's an earlier matching entry.
// Negative offsets are relative to the end of the array.
size_t ExpectLogContainsSomewhereAfter(const std::vector<NetLogEntry>& entries,
size_t start_offset,
NetLogEventType expected_event,
NetLogEventPhase expected_phase);
// The following methods return a parameter of the given name and type, or
// nullopt if there is none.
base::Optional<std::string> GetOptionalStringValueFromParams(
const NetLogEntry& entry,
base::StringPiece name);
base::Optional<bool> GetOptionalBooleanValueFromParams(const NetLogEntry& entry,
base::StringPiece name);
base::Optional<int> GetOptionalIntegerValueFromParams(const NetLogEntry& entry,
base::StringPiece name);
base::Optional<int> GetOptionalNetErrorCodeFromParams(const NetLogEntry& entry);
// Same as the *Optional* versions above, except will add a Gtest failure if the
// value was not present, and then return some default.
std::string GetStringValueFromParams(const NetLogEntry& entry,
base::StringPiece name);
int GetIntegerValueFromParams(const NetLogEntry& entry, base::StringPiece name);
bool GetBooleanValueFromParams(const NetLogEntry& entry,
base::StringPiece name);
int GetNetErrorCodeFromParams(const NetLogEntry& entry);
// TODO(eroman): Remove use of base::ListValue.
bool GetListValueFromParams(const NetLogEntry& entry,
base::StringPiece name,
const base::ListValue** value);
} // namespace net