blob: ff32b4a2cad796c2ffd4f1b518170f3af66858b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
namespace base {
class ListValue;
namespace extensions {
class IPCMessageSender;
class RequestSender;
class ScriptContext;
struct EventFilteringInfo;
// The class responsible for creating extension bindings in different contexts,
// as well as dispatching requests and handling responses, and dispatching
// events to listeners.
// This is designed to be used on a single thread, but should be safe to use on
// threads other than the main thread (so that worker threads can have extension
// bindings).
class ExtensionBindingsSystem {
virtual ~ExtensionBindingsSystem() {}
// Called when a new ScriptContext is created.
virtual void DidCreateScriptContext(ScriptContext* context) = 0;
// Called when a ScriptContext is about to be released.
virtual void WillReleaseScriptContext(ScriptContext* context) = 0;
// Updates the bindings for a given |context|. This happens at initialization,
// but also when e.g. an extension gets updated permissions.
virtual void UpdateBindingsForContext(ScriptContext* context) = 0;
// Dispatches an event with the given |name|, |event_args|, and
// |filtering_info| in the given |context|.
virtual void DispatchEventInContext(const std::string& event_name,
const base::ListValue* event_args,
const EventFilteringInfo* filtering_info,
ScriptContext* context) = 0;
// Returns true if there is a listener for the given |event_name| in the
// associated |context|.
virtual bool HasEventListenerInContext(const std::string& event_name,
ScriptContext* context) = 0;
// Handles the response associated with the given |request_id|.
virtual void HandleResponse(int request_id,
bool success,
const base::ListValue& response,
const std::string& error) = 0;
// Returns the associated IPC message sender.
virtual IPCMessageSender* GetIPCMessageSender() = 0;
// Returns the associated RequestSender, if any.
// TODO(devlin): Factor this out.
virtual RequestSender* GetRequestSender() = 0;
// Returns true if any portion of the runtime API is available to the given
// |context|. This is different than just checking features because runtime's
// availability depends on the installed extensions and the active URL (in the
// case of extensions communicating with external websites).
static bool IsRuntimeAvailableToContext(ScriptContext* context);
// The APIs that could potentially be available to webpage-like contexts.
// This is the list of possible features; most web pages will not have access
// to these APIs.
// Note: `runtime` is not included here, since it's handled specially above.
// Note: We specify the size of the array to allow for its use in for loops
// without needing to expose a separate "kNumWebAvailableFeatures".
static const char* kWebAvailableFeatures[3];
} // namespace extensions