blob: 7a229ed4c7225215a3f4f71d080cab873e084532 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.UrlUtils;
import java.util.HashMap;
* Class containing utility functions for using RenderTests with VR UI.
public class RenderTestUtils {
// Creating a temporary directory doesn't seem to work, so instead use a fixed location that
// we know we can write to.
private static final String IMAGE_DUMP_DIR = "chrome/test/data/vr/framebuffer_dumps";
* Helper function for running the general dumpAndCompare when only one image needs to be
* compared.
* @param suffix the framebuffer suffix from NativeUiUtils to use.
* @param id the RenderTest image ID to use when comparing the produced imaged to the golden.
* @param rule the RenderTestRule to use for comparing images.
public static void dumpAndCompare(String suffix, String id, RenderTestRule rule)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
dumpAndCompareWithCrop(suffix, id, null /* bounds */, rule);
* Helper function for running the general dumpAndCompare when only one image needs to be
* compared and it needs to be cropped before comparing.
public static void dumpAndCompareWithCrop(String suffix, String id, RectF bounds,
RenderTestRule rule) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
HashMap<String, String> suffixToId = new HashMap<String, String>();
suffixToId.put(suffix, id);
dumpAndCompare(suffixToId, bounds, rule);
* Dumps all framebuffers on the next frame and compares the specified images using the provided
* RenderTestRule.
* @param suffixToIds a map from framebuffer suffixes from NativeUiUtils to RenderTest image
* IDs.
* @param bounds a RectF defining the bounds [0, 1] with the origin in the top left corner to
* crop the image to before comparing. Pass null to not crop.
* @param rule the RenderTestRule to use for comparing images.
public static void dumpAndCompare(HashMap<String, String> suffixToIds, RectF bounds,
RenderTestRule rule) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
File dumpDirectory = new File(UrlUtils.getIsolatedTestFilePath(IMAGE_DUMP_DIR));
if (!dumpDirectory.exists() && !dumpDirectory.isDirectory()) {
Assert.assertTrue("Failed to make framebuffer dump directory", dumpDirectory.mkdirs());
// Properly joining these with Paths.get() would be great, except that Paths.get() requires
// API level 26.
File baseImagePath = new File(dumpDirectory, "dump");
// Dump the next frame's frame buffers to disk.
for (String suffix : suffixToIds.keySet()) {
String id = suffixToIds.get(suffix);
String filepath = baseImagePath.getPath() + suffix + ".png";
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filepath, options);
// Crop the image if necessary
if (bounds != null) {
"Given left bound is not in [0, 1)", bounds.left >= 0 && bounds.left < 1);
Assert.assertTrue("Given right bound is not in (0, 1]",
bounds.right > 0 && bounds.right <= 1);
"Given horizontal bounds are not valid", bounds.left < bounds.right);
"Given top bound is not in [0, 1)", >= 0 && < 1);
Assert.assertTrue("Given bottom bound is not in (0, 1]",
bounds.bottom > 0 && bounds.bottom <= 1);
"Given vertical bounds are not valid", < bounds.bottom);
bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, (int) (bounds.left * bitmap.getWidth()),
(int) ( * bitmap.getHeight()),
(int) (bounds.width() * bitmap.getWidth()),
(int) (bounds.height() * bitmap.getHeight()));
// The browser UI dump contains both eyes rendered, which is unnecessary for comparing
// since any difference in one should show up in the other. So, take the left half of
// the image to get the left eye, which reduces the amount of space the image takes up.
if (suffix.equals(NativeUiUtils.FRAME_BUFFER_SUFFIX_BROWSER_UI)) {
bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth() / 2, bitmap.getHeight());
rule.compareForResult(bitmap, id);