blob: f0df21f572d868751b4954d754415a0723b4ee06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/picture_in_picture/picture_in_picture.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document_shutdown_observer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/picture_in_picture_controller.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/page_visibility_observer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/modules_export.h"
namespace blink {
class HTMLVideoElement;
class PictureInPictureWindow;
class TreeScope;
struct WebSize;
// The PictureInPictureControllerImpl is keeping the state and implementing the
// logic around the Picture-in-Picture feature. It is meant to be used as well
// by the Picture-in-Picture Web API and internally (eg. media controls). All
// consumers inside Blink modules/ should use this class to access
// Picture-in-Picture. In core/, they should use PictureInPictureController.
// PictureInPictureControllerImpl instance is associated to a Document. It is
// supplement and therefore can be lazy-initiated. Callers should consider
// whether they want to instantiate an object when they make a call.
class MODULES_EXPORT PictureInPictureControllerImpl
: public PictureInPictureController,
public PageVisibilityObserver,
public DocumentShutdownObserver,
public blink::mojom::blink::PictureInPictureDelegate {
explicit PictureInPictureControllerImpl(Document&);
~PictureInPictureControllerImpl() override = default;
// Meant to be called internally by PictureInPictureController::From()
// through ModulesInitializer.
static PictureInPictureControllerImpl* Create(Document&);
// Gets, or creates, PictureInPictureControllerImpl supplement on Document.
// Should be called before any other call to make sure a document is attached.
static PictureInPictureControllerImpl& From(Document&);
// Returns whether system allows Picture-in-Picture feature or not for
// the associated document.
bool PictureInPictureEnabled() const;
// Returns whether the document associated with the controller is allowed to
// request Picture-in-Picture.
Status IsDocumentAllowed() const;
// Returns element currently in Picture-in-Picture if any. Null otherwise.
Element* PictureInPictureElement() const;
Element* PictureInPictureElement(TreeScope&) const;
// Returns video element whose autoPictureInPicture attribute was set most
// recently.
HTMLVideoElement* AutoPictureInPictureElement() const;
// Returns whether Auto Picture-in-Picture is allowed. It returns true if
// it's a Chrome extension or if is's a PWA window in its web app scope.
// Otherwise it returns false.
bool IsAutoPictureInPictureAllowed() const;
// Implementation of PictureInPictureController.
void EnterPictureInPicture(HTMLVideoElement*,
ScriptPromiseResolver*) override;
void ExitPictureInPicture(HTMLVideoElement*, ScriptPromiseResolver*) override;
void AddToAutoPictureInPictureElementsList(HTMLVideoElement*) override;
void RemoveFromAutoPictureInPictureElementsList(HTMLVideoElement*) override;
Status IsElementAllowed(const HTMLVideoElement&) const override;
bool IsPictureInPictureElement(const Element*) const override;
void OnPictureInPictureStateChange() override;
// Implementation of PictureInPictureDelegate.
void PictureInPictureWindowSizeChanged(const blink::WebSize&) override;
// Implementation of PageVisibilityObserver.
void PageVisibilityChanged() override;
// Implementation of DocumentShutdownObserver.
void ContextDestroyed(Document*) override;
void Trace(blink::Visitor*) override;
GetDelegateBindingForTesting() {
return delegate_binding_;
void OnEnteredPictureInPicture(HTMLVideoElement*,
const WebSize& picture_in_picture_window_size);
void OnExitedPictureInPicture(ScriptPromiseResolver*) override;
// Makes sure the `picture_in_picture_service_` is set. Returns whether it was
// initialized successfully.
bool EnsureService();
// The Picture-in-Picture element for the associated document.
Member<HTMLVideoElement> picture_in_picture_element_;
// The list of video elements for the associated document that are eligible
// to Auto Picture-in-Picture.
HeapDeque<Member<HTMLVideoElement>> auto_picture_in_picture_elements_;
// The Picture-in-Picture window for the associated document.
Member<PictureInPictureWindow> picture_in_picture_window_;
// Mojo bindings for the delegate interface implemented by |this|.
mojo::Binding<mojom::blink::PictureInPictureDelegate> delegate_binding_;
// Picture-in-Picture service living in the browser process.
mojom::blink::PictureInPictureServicePtr picture_in_picture_service_;
} // namespace blink