blob: 902d3badf87fb022e48cd58bb5ed7fa802675d68 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/name_client.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/script_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/trace_wrapper_v8_reference.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/handle.h"
namespace blink {
class V8PersistentCallbackInterfaceBase;
// CallbackInterfaceBase is the common base class of all the callback interface
// classes. Most importantly this class provides a way of type dispatching (e.g.
// overload resolutions, SFINAE technique, etc.) so that it's possible to
// distinguish callback interfaces from anything else. Also it provides a common
// implementation of callback interfaces.
// As the signatures of callback interface's operations vary, this class does
// not implement any operation. Subclasses will implement it.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT CallbackInterfaceBase
: public GarbageCollectedFinalized<CallbackInterfaceBase>,
public NameClient {
// Whether the callback interface is a "single operation callback interface"
// or not.
enum SingleOperationOrNot {
virtual ~CallbackInterfaceBase() = default;
virtual void Trace(blink::Visitor*);
// Check the identity of |callback_object_|. There can be multiple
// CallbackInterfaceBase objects that have the same |callback_object_| but
// have different |incumbent_script_state_|s.
bool HasTheSameCallbackObject(const CallbackInterfaceBase& other) const {
return callback_object_ == other.callback_object_;
v8::Local<v8::Object> CallbackObject() {
return callback_object_.NewLocal(GetIsolate());
v8::Isolate* GetIsolate() { return incumbent_script_state_->GetIsolate(); }
// Returns the ScriptState of the relevant realm of the callback object.
// NOTE: This function must be used only when it's pretty sure that the
// callcack object is the same origin-domain. Otherwise,
// |CallbackRelevantScriptStateOrReportError| or
// |CallbackRelevantScriptStateOrThrowException| must be used instead.
ScriptState* CallbackRelevantScriptState() {
return callback_relevant_script_state_;
// Returns the ScriptState of the relevant realm of the callback object iff
// the callback is the same origin-domain. Otherwise, reports an error and
// returns nullptr.
ScriptState* CallbackRelevantScriptStateOrReportError(const char* interface,
const char* operation);
// Returns the ScriptState of the relevant realm of the callback object iff
// the callback is the same origin-domain. Otherwise, throws an exception and
// returns nullptr.
ScriptState* CallbackRelevantScriptStateOrThrowException(
const char* interface,
const char* operation);
DOMWrapperWorld& GetWorld() const { return incumbent_script_state_->World(); }
// NodeIteratorBase counts the invocation of those which are callable and
// those which are not.
bool IsCallbackObjectCallableForNodeIteratorBase() const {
return IsCallbackObjectCallable();
explicit CallbackInterfaceBase(v8::Local<v8::Object> callback_object,
// Returns true iff the callback interface is a single operation callback
// interface and the callback interface type value is callable.
bool IsCallbackObjectCallable() const { return is_callback_object_callable_; }
ScriptState* IncumbentScriptState() { return incumbent_script_state_; }
// The "callback interface type" value.
TraceWrapperV8Reference<v8::Object> callback_object_;
bool is_callback_object_callable_ = false;
// The associated Realm of the callback interface type value. Note that the
// callback interface type value can be different from the function object
// to be invoked.
Member<ScriptState> callback_relevant_script_state_;
// The callback context, i.e. the incumbent Realm when an ECMAScript value is
// converted to an IDL value.
Member<ScriptState> incumbent_script_state_;
friend class V8PersistentCallbackInterfaceBase;
// V8PersistentCallbackInterfaceBase retains the underlying v8::Object of a
// CallbackInterfaceBase without wrapper-tracing. This class is necessary and
// useful where wrapper-tracing is not suitable. Remember that, as a nature of
// v8::Persistent, abuse of V8PersistentCallbackInterfaceBase would result in
// memory leak, so the use of V8PersistentCallbackInterfaceBase should be
// limited to those which are guaranteed to release the persistents in a finite
// time period.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT V8PersistentCallbackInterfaceBase
: public GarbageCollectedFinalized<V8PersistentCallbackInterfaceBase> {
virtual ~V8PersistentCallbackInterfaceBase() { v8_object_.Reset(); }
virtual void Trace(blink::Visitor*);
v8::Isolate* GetIsolate() { return callback_interface_->GetIsolate(); }
explicit V8PersistentCallbackInterfaceBase(CallbackInterfaceBase*);
template <typename V8CallbackInterface>
V8CallbackInterface* As() {
std::is_base_of<CallbackInterfaceBase, V8CallbackInterface>::value,
"V8CallbackInterface must be a subclass of CallbackInterfaceBase.");
return static_cast<V8CallbackInterface*>(callback_interface_.Get());
Member<CallbackInterfaceBase> callback_interface_;
v8::Persistent<v8::Object> v8_object_;
// V8PersistentCallbackInterface<V8CallbackInterface> is a counter-part of
// V8CallbackInterface. While V8CallbackInterface uses wrapper-tracing,
// V8PersistentCallbackInterface<V8CallbackInterface> uses v8::Persistent to
// make the underlying v8::Object alive.
// Since the signatures of the operations vary depending on the IDL definition,
// the class definition is specialized and generated by the bindings code
// generator.
template <typename V8CallbackInterface>
class V8PersistentCallbackInterface;
// Converts the wrapper-tracing version of a callback interface to the
// v8::Persistent version of it.
template <typename V8CallbackInterface>
inline V8PersistentCallbackInterface<V8CallbackInterface>*
ToV8PersistentCallbackInterface(V8CallbackInterface* callback_interface) {
std::is_base_of<CallbackInterfaceBase, V8CallbackInterface>::value,
"V8CallbackInterface must be a subclass of CallbackInterfaceBase.");
return callback_interface
? MakeGarbageCollected<
: nullptr;
// CallbackInterfaceBase is designed to be used with wrapper-tracing. As
// blink::Persistent does not perform wrapper-tracing, use of |WrapPersistent|
// for callback interfaces is likely (if not always) misuse. Thus, this code
// prohibits such a use case. The call sites should explicitly use
// WrapPersistent(V8PersistentCallbackInterface<T>*).
Persistent<CallbackInterfaceBase> WrapPersistent(CallbackInterfaceBase*) =
} // namespace blink