blob: 452335d1148c426d70f6257e49a2420e4bc1a7c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
namespace signin_metrics {
enum ProfileSignout : int;
enum class SignoutDelete;
} // namespace signin_metrics
struct CoreAccountId;
namespace signin {
// PrimaryAccountMutator is the interface to set and clear the primary account
// (see IdentityManager for more information).
// It is a pure interface that has concrete implementation on platform that
// support changing the signed-in state during the lifetime of the application.
// On other platforms, there is no implementation, and no instance will be
// available at runtime (thus accessors may return null).
class PrimaryAccountMutator {
// Represents the options for handling the accounts known to the
// IdentityManager upon calling ClearPrimaryAccount().
enum class ClearAccountsAction {
kDefault, // Default action based on internal policy.
kKeepAll, // Keep all accounts.
kRemoveAll, // Remove all accounts.
PrimaryAccountMutator() = default;
virtual ~PrimaryAccountMutator() = default;
// PrimaryAccountMutator is non-copyable, non-moveable.
PrimaryAccountMutator(PrimaryAccountMutator&& other) = delete;
PrimaryAccountMutator const& operator=(PrimaryAccountMutator&& other) =
PrimaryAccountMutator(const PrimaryAccountMutator& other) = delete;
PrimaryAccountMutator const& operator=(const PrimaryAccountMutator& other) =
// Marks the account with |account_id| as the primary account, and returns
// whether the operation succeeded or not. To succeed, this requires that:
// - the account is known by the IdentityManager.
// On non-ChromeOS platforms, this additionally requires that:
// - setting the primary account is allowed,
// - the account username is allowed by policy,
// - there is not already a primary account set.
// TODO( Investigate adding all the extra
// requirements on ChromeOS as well.
virtual bool SetPrimaryAccount(const CoreAccountId& account_id) = 0;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Updates the info of the account corresponding to (|gaia_id|, |email|),
// marks it as the primary account, and returns whether the operation
// succeeded or not. Currently, this method is guaranteed to succeed.
// NOTE: Unlike SetPrimaryAccount(), this method does not require that the
// account is known by IdentityManager. The reason is that there are
// contexts on ChromeOS where the primary account is not guaranteed to be
// known by IdentityManager when it is set.
// TODO( Remove this API.
virtual bool DeprecatedSetPrimaryAccountAndUpdateAccountInfo(
const std::string& gaia_id,
const std::string& email) = 0;
#if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Clears the primary account, and returns whether the operation
// succeeded or not. Depending on |action|, the other accounts
// known to the IdentityManager may be deleted.
virtual bool ClearPrimaryAccount(
ClearAccountsAction action,
signin_metrics::ProfileSignout source_metric,
signin_metrics::SignoutDelete delete_metric) = 0;
} // namespace signin