blob: 6468d9d5a0ac264ddb4fd85fbab7dfcf2a587234 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
namespace blink {
class LayoutObject;
class LayoutBlockFlow;
class NGFragmentItem;
class NGFragmentItems;
class NGPaintFragment;
class NGPhysicalBoxFragment;
struct PhysicalOffset;
// This class traverses fragments in an inline formatting context.
// When constructed, the initial position is empty. Call |MoveToNext()| to move
// to the first fragment.
// TODO(kojii): |NGPaintFragment| should be gone when |NGPaintFragment| is
// deprecated and all its uses are removed.
class CORE_EXPORT NGInlineCursor {
NGInlineCursor(const LayoutBlockFlow& block_flow);
NGInlineCursor(const NGFragmentItems& items);
NGInlineCursor(const NGPaintFragment& root_paint_fragment);
// Functions to query the current position.
bool IsAtEnd() const { return !current_item_ && !current_paint_fragment_; }
explicit operator bool() const { return !IsAtEnd(); }
// True if the current position is a line box.
bool IsLineBox() const;
// |Current*| functions return an object for the current position.
const NGFragmentItem* CurrentItem() const { return current_item_; }
const NGPaintFragment* CurrentPaintFragment() const {
return current_paint_fragment_;
const NGPhysicalBoxFragment* CurrentBoxFragment() const;
const LayoutObject* CurrentLayoutObject() const;
// The offset relative to the root of the inline formatting context.
const PhysicalOffset CurrentOffset() const;
// Functions to move the current position.
// Move the current position to the next fragment in pre-order DFS. Returns
// |true| if the move was successful.
void MoveToNext();
// Same as |MoveToNext| except that this skips children even if they exist.
void MoveToNextSkippingChildren();
// TODO(kojii): Add more variations as needed, NextSibling,
// NextSkippingChildren, Previous, etc.
using ItemsSpan = base::span<const std::unique_ptr<NGFragmentItem>>;
void SetRoot(const NGFragmentItems& items);
void SetRoot(ItemsSpan items);
void SetRoot(const NGPaintFragment& root_paint_fragment);
void MoveToItem(const ItemsSpan::iterator& iter);
void MoveToNextItem();
void MoveToNextItemSkippingChildren();
void MoveToParentPaintFragment();
void MoveToNextPaintFragment();
void MoveToNextSibilingPaintFragment();
void MoveToNextPaintFragmentSkippingChildren();
ItemsSpan items_;
ItemsSpan::iterator item_iter_;
const NGFragmentItem* current_item_ = nullptr;
const NGPaintFragment* root_paint_fragment_ = nullptr;
const NGPaintFragment* current_paint_fragment_ = nullptr;
} // namespace blink