blob: fc54afdda9fd771c3497ec60116324428122cfed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/audio/audio_pref_observer.h"
namespace ash {
struct AudioDevice;
// Interface that handles audio preference related work, reads and writes
// audio preferences, and notifies AudioPrefObserver for audio preference
// changes.
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AudioDevicesPrefHandler> {
static constexpr double kDefaultInputGainPercent = 50;
static constexpr double kDefaultOutputVolumePercent = 75;
static constexpr double kDefaultHdmiOutputVolumePercent = 100;
// Gets the audio output volume value from prefs for a device. Since we can
// only have either a gain or a volume for a device (depending on whether it
// is input or output), we don't really care which value it is.
virtual double GetOutputVolumeValue(const AudioDevice* device) = 0;
virtual double GetInputGainValue(const AudioDevice* device) = 0;
// Sets the audio volume or gain value to prefs for a device.
virtual void SetVolumeGainValue(const AudioDevice& device, double value) = 0;
// Reads the audio mute value from prefs for a device.
virtual bool GetMuteValue(const AudioDevice& device) = 0;
// Sets the audio mute value to prefs for a device.
virtual void SetMuteValue(const AudioDevice& device, bool mute_on) = 0;
// Reads whether input noise cancellation is on from profile prefs.
virtual bool GetNoiseCancellationState() = 0;
// Sets the input noise cancellation in profile prefs.
virtual void SetNoiseCancellationState(bool noise_cancellation_state) = 0;
// Sets the device active state in prefs.
// Note: |activate_by_user| indicates whether |device| is set to active
// by user or by priority, and it only matters when |active| is true.
virtual void SetDeviceActive(const AudioDevice& device,
bool active,
bool activate_by_user) = 0;
// Returns false if it fails to get device active state from prefs.
// Otherwise, returns true, pass the active state data in |*active|
// and |*activate_by_user|.
// Note: |*activate_by_user| only matters when |*active| is true.
virtual bool GetDeviceActive(const AudioDevice& device,
bool* active,
bool* activate_by_user) = 0;
// Sets the user priority of `target` to be one level higher
// than `base`.
// Given the user priorities ranking as: [.., target, ..., base, A, B]
// After applying this function, the new ranking of user
// priorities will be [.., base, target, A, B].
// If both target and base have kUserPriorityNone,
// set the target's user priority to kUserPriorityMin.
// If base is nullptr, assign a minimal priority to `target`.
// Do nothing if target already has a higher user priority.
virtual void SetUserPriorityHigherThan(const AudioDevice& target,
const AudioDevice* base) = 0;
// Reads the user priority from prefs.
virtual int GetUserPriority(const AudioDevice& device) = 0;
// Reads the audio output allowed value from prefs.
virtual bool GetAudioOutputAllowedValue() const = 0;
// Adds an audio preference observer.
virtual void AddAudioPrefObserver(AudioPrefObserver* observer) = 0;
// Removes an audio preference observer.
virtual void RemoveAudioPrefObserver(AudioPrefObserver* observer) = 0;
// Mark `connected_devices` as seen and drop the least recently seen devices
// if there are more than `keep_devices` stored in preferences.
virtual void DropLeastRecentlySeenDevices(
const std::vector<AudioDevice>& connected_devices,
size_t keep_devices) = 0;
virtual ~AudioDevicesPrefHandler() = default;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AudioDevicesPrefHandler>;
} // namespace ash