blob: 9c83ccf9a4d58da9ea7e344465021d8c1457b161 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "components/services/app_service/public/cpp/macros.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace apps {
// The concept of match level is taken from Android. The values are not
// necessary the same.
// See
// for more details.
enum class IntentFilterMatchLevel {
kNone = 0,
kScheme = 1,
kHost = 2,
kPath = 4,
kMimeType = 8,
// The type of a condition in an IntentFilter, which determines what Intent
// field will be matched against.
// Values are persisted to disk by preferred_apps_converter.h, so should not be
// changed or removed without migrating existing data.
enum class ConditionType {
// Matches the URL scheme (e.g. https, tel).
kScheme = 0,
// Matches the URL host (e.g.
kHost = 1,
// Matches the URL path (e.g. /abc/*). Does not include the URL query or
// hash.
kPath = 2,
// Matches the action type (e.g. view, send).
kAction = 3,
// Matches the top-level mime type (e.g. text/plain).
kMimeType = 4,
// Matches against files. All files in the Intent must separately match a
// ConditionValue for this Condition to match. kFile conditions may only
// use the following PatternMatchTypes: kMimeType, kFileExtension,
// kIsDirectory, and kGlob.
kFile = 5
// Describes what pattern matching rules are applied to a ConditionValue.
// Values are persisted to disk by preferred_apps_converter.h, so should not be
// changed or removed without migrating existing data and the integer values
// should be preserved
enum class PatternMatchType {
// kNone Deprecated. Use kLiteral which has the same function
// The ConditionValue is a literal string which must match the value in the
// Intent exactly.
kLiteral = 1,
// The ConditionValue matches if it is a prefix of the value in the Intent.
// For example, a ConditionValue of "/users/" matches a value of "/users/me".
kPrefix = 2,
// The ConditionValue is a simple glob pattern which matches against the value
// in the Intent. The syntax allows the following special characters:
// * - match 0 or more occurrences of the previous character
// .* - match 0 or more occurrences of any character
// \ - escape character
// All wildcard matching is non-greedy. This syntax is the same as Android:
kGlob = 3,
// The ConditionValue is a mime type with optional wildcards (e.g.
// "image/png", or "image/*", or "*/*"), which matches against a mime type
// from the Intent.
kMimeType = 4,
// The ConditionValue is a file extension (e.g. "png") or a wildcard ("*")
// which is matched against file names in the Intent. Common double extension
// file types are supported: for example, a file named "file.tar.gz" matches
// both "gz" and "tar.gz" ConditionValues. File extension matching is
// case-insensitive.
kFileExtension = 5,
// The ConditionValue matches any files which are directories.
kIsDirectory = 6,
// The ConditionValue matches if it is a suffix of the value in the Intent.
// For example, a ConditionValue of "" matches a value of
// "".
kSuffix = 7
// A ConditionValue is a possible value that is accepted by a Condition. The
// ConditionValue matches |value| against a field from the Intent, using the
// matching rules determined by |match_type|.
struct COMPONENT_EXPORT(APP_TYPES) ConditionValue {
ConditionValue(const std::string& value, PatternMatchType match_type);
ConditionValue(const ConditionValue&) = delete;
ConditionValue& operator=(const ConditionValue&) = delete;
bool operator==(const ConditionValue& other) const;
bool operator!=(const ConditionValue& other) const;
std::string ToString() const;
std::string value;
PatternMatchType match_type;
using ConditionValuePtr = std::unique_ptr<ConditionValue>;
using ConditionValues = std::vector<ConditionValuePtr>;
// A single Condition that must match as part of an IntentFilter. An Intent
// matches this Condition if the appropriate field in the Intent (as determined
// by |condition_type|) matches any of the possible values in
// |condition_values|.
Condition(ConditionType condition_type, ConditionValues condition_values);
Condition(const Condition&) = delete;
Condition& operator=(const Condition&) = delete;
bool operator==(const Condition& other) const;
bool operator!=(const Condition& other) const;
std::unique_ptr<Condition> Clone() const;
std::string ToString() const;
ConditionType condition_type;
ConditionValues condition_values;
using ConditionPtr = std::unique_ptr<Condition>;
using Conditions = std::vector<ConditionPtr>;
// An IntentFilter is a matcher for a set of possible Intents. Apps have a
// list of IntentFilters to define all Intents that the app can handle. Each
// IntentFilter contains a list of Conditions, an Intent matches the
// IntentFilter if it matches all of the Conditions.
IntentFilter(const IntentFilter&) = delete;
IntentFilter& operator=(const IntentFilter&) = delete;
bool operator==(const IntentFilter& other) const;
bool operator!=(const IntentFilter& other) const;
std::unique_ptr<IntentFilter> Clone() const;
// Creates condition that only contain one value and adds the condition to
// the intent filter.
void AddSingleValueCondition(apps::ConditionType condition_type,
const std::string& value,
apps::PatternMatchType pattern_match_type);
// Gets the intent_filter match level. The higher the return value, the better
// the match is. For example, a filter with scheme, host and path is better
// match compare with filter with only scheme. Each condition type has a
// matching level value, and this function will return the sum of the matching
// level values of all existing condition types.
int GetFilterMatchLevel();
void GetMimeTypesAndExtensions(std::set<std::string>& mime_types,
std::set<std::string>& file_extensions);
// Returns all of the links that this intent filter would accept, to be used
// in listing all of the supported links for a given app.
std::set<std::string> GetSupportedLinksForAppManagement();
// Returns true if the filter is a browser filter, i.e. can handle all https
// or http scheme.
bool IsBrowserFilter();
// Returns true if the filter only contains file extension pattern matches.
bool IsFileExtensionsFilter();
// Checks if the filter is the older version that doesn't contain action.
bool FilterNeedsUpgrade();
std::string ToString() const;
// A list of Conditions which Intents must match.
Conditions conditions;
// Publisher-specific identifier for the activity which registered this
// filter. Used to determine what action to take when Intents are launched
// through this filter.
absl::optional<std::string> activity_name;
// The label shown to the user for this activity.
absl::optional<std::string> activity_label;
using IntentFilterPtr = std::unique_ptr<IntentFilter>;
using IntentFilters = std::vector<IntentFilterPtr>;
// Creates a deep copy of `intent_filters`.
IntentFilters CloneIntentFilters(const IntentFilters& intent_filters);
// Creates a deep copy of `intent_filters` map.
base::flat_map<std::string, IntentFilters> CloneIntentFiltersMap(
const base::flat_map<std::string, IntentFilters>& intent_filters_map);
bool IsEqual(const IntentFilters& source, const IntentFilters& target);
// Returns true if `intent_filters` contains `intent_filter`.
bool Contains(const IntentFilters& intent_filters,
const IntentFilterPtr& intent_filter);
} // namespace apps