blob: c9e001cf737bc1524eaa11362c0a360c51419b66 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_authentication_request_proxy.h"
#include "device/fido/authenticator_get_assertion_response.h"
#include "device/fido/cable/cable_discovery_data.h"
#include "device/fido/fido_request_handler_base.h"
#include "device/fido/fido_transport_protocol.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "base/android/scoped_java_ref.h"
#include "device/fido/mac/authenticator_config.h"
namespace device {
class FidoAuthenticator;
class FidoDiscoveryFactory;
class PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor;
class PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity;
} // namespace device
namespace url {
class Origin;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
class RenderFrameHost;
class WebContents;
// WebAuthenticationDelegate is an interface that lets the //content layer
// provide embedder specific configuration for handling Web Authentication API
// ( requests.
// Instances can be obtained via
// ContentBrowserClient::GetWebAuthenticationDelegate().
class CONTENT_EXPORT WebAuthenticationDelegate {
virtual ~WebAuthenticationDelegate();
// Returns true if `caller_origin` should be able to claim the given Relying
// Party ID outside of regular processing. Otherwise, standard WebAuthn RP ID
// security checks are performed by `WebAuthRequestSecurityChecker`.
// (
// This is an access-control decision: RP IDs are used to control access to
// credentials so thought is required before allowing an origin to assert an
// RP ID.
virtual bool OverrideCallerOriginAndRelyingPartyIdValidation(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const url::Origin& caller_origin,
const std::string& relying_party_id);
// Returns whether |caller_origin| is permitted to use the
// RemoteDesktopClientOverride extension.
// This is an access control decision: RP IDs are used to control access to
// credentials. If this method returns true, the respective origin is able to
// claim any RP ID.
virtual bool OriginMayUseRemoteDesktopClientOverride(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const url::Origin& caller_origin);
// Returns true if the tab security level is acceptable to allow WebAuthn
// requests, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsSecurityLevelAcceptableForWebAuthn(
content::RenderFrameHost* rfh,
const url::Origin& caller_origin);
// Permits the embedder to override the Relying Party ID for a WebAuthn call,
// given the claimed relying party ID and the origin of the caller.
// This is an access-control decision: RP IDs are used to control access to
// credentials so thought is required before allowing an origin to assert an
// RP ID. RP ID strings may be stored on authenticators and may later appear
// in management UI.
virtual absl::optional<std::string> MaybeGetRelyingPartyIdOverride(
const std::string& claimed_relying_party_id,
const url::Origin& caller_origin);
// Returns true if the given relying party ID is permitted to receive
// individual attestation certificates. This:
// a) triggers a signal to the security key that returning individual
// attestation certificates is permitted, and
// b) skips any permission prompt for attestation.
virtual bool ShouldPermitIndividualAttestation(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const url::Origin& caller_origin,
const std::string& relying_party_id);
// SupportsResidentKeys returns true if this implementation of
// |AuthenticatorRequestClientDelegate| supports resident keys for WebAuthn
// requests originating from |render_frame_host|. If false then requests to
// create or get assertions will be immediately rejected.
virtual bool SupportsResidentKeys(RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host);
// Returns whether |web_contents| is the active tab in the focused window. We
// do not want to allow authenticatorMakeCredential operations to be triggered
// by background tabs.
// Note that the default implementation of this function, and the
// implementation in ChromeContentBrowserClient for Android, return |true| so
// that testing is possible.
virtual bool IsFocused(WebContents* web_contents);
// Returns a bool if the result of the isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticator
// API call originating from |render_frame_host| should be overridden with
// that value, or absl::nullopt otherwise.
virtual absl::optional<bool>
RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host);
// Returns the active WebAuthenticationRequestProxy for WebAuthn requests
// originating from `caller_origin` in `browser_context`.
// If this method returns a proxy, the caller is expected to hand off WebAuthn
// request handling to this proxy instance.
virtual WebAuthenticationRequestProxy* MaybeGetRequestProxy(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const url::Origin& caller_origin);
#endif // !IS_ANDROID
using TouchIdAuthenticatorConfig = device::fido::mac::AuthenticatorConfig;
// Returns configuration data for the built-in Touch ID platform
// authenticator. May return nullopt if the authenticator is not available in
// the current context, in which case the Touch ID authenticator will be
// unavailable.
virtual absl::optional<TouchIdAuthenticatorConfig>
GetTouchIdAuthenticatorConfig(BrowserContext* browser_context);
// Callback that should generate and return a unique request id.
using ChromeOSGenerateRequestIdCallback =
// Returns a callback to generate a request id for a WebAuthn request
// originating from |RenderFrameHost|. The request id has two purposes: 1.
// ChromeOS UI will use the request id to find the source window and show a
// dialog accordingly; 2. The authenticator will include the request id when
// asking ChromeOS platform to cancel the request.
virtual ChromeOSGenerateRequestIdCallback GetGenerateRequestIdCallback(
RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host);
// GetIntentSender returns a Java object that implements
// `WebAuthenticationDelegate.IntentSender` from
// See the comments in that file for details.
virtual base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> GetIntentSender(
WebContents* web_contents);
// AuthenticatorRequestClientDelegate is an interface that lets embedders
// customize the lifetime of a single WebAuthn API request in the //content
// layer. In particular, the Authenticator mojo service uses
// AuthenticatorRequestClientDelegate to show WebAuthn request UI.
class CONTENT_EXPORT AuthenticatorRequestClientDelegate
: public device::FidoRequestHandlerBase::Observer {
using AccountPreselectedCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(std::vector<uint8_t> credential_id)>;
// Failure reasons that might be of interest to the user, so the embedder may
// decide to inform the user.
enum class InterestingFailureReason {
// kStorageFull indicates that a resident credential could not be created
// because the authenticator has insufficient storage.
// kWinUserCancelled means that the user clicked "Cancel" in the native
// Windows UI.
const AuthenticatorRequestClientDelegate&) = delete;
AuthenticatorRequestClientDelegate& operator=(
const AuthenticatorRequestClientDelegate&) = delete;
~AuthenticatorRequestClientDelegate() override;
// SetRelyingPartyId sets the RP ID for this request. This is called after
// |WebAuthenticationDelegate::MaybeGetRelyingPartyIdOverride| is given the
// opportunity to affect this value. For typical origins, the RP ID is just a
// domain name, but
// |WebAuthenticationDelegate::MaybeGetRelyingPartyIdOverride| may return
// other forms of strings.
virtual void SetRelyingPartyId(const std::string& rp_id);
// Called when the request fails for the given |reason|.
// Embedders may return true if they want AuthenticatorImpl to hold off from
// resolving the WebAuthn request with an error, e.g. because they want the
// user to dismiss an error dialog first. In this case, embedders *must*
// eventually invoke the FidoRequestHandlerBase::CancelCallback in order to
// resolve the request. Returning false causes AuthenticatorImpl to resolve
// the request with the error right away.
virtual bool DoesBlockRequestOnFailure(InterestingFailureReason reason);
// Supplies callbacks that the embedder can invoke to initiate certain
// actions, namely: cancel the request, start the request over, preselect an
// account, dispatch request to connected authenticators, and power on the
// bluetooth adapter.
virtual void RegisterActionCallbacks(
base::OnceClosure cancel_callback,
base::RepeatingClosure start_over_callback,
AccountPreselectedCallback account_preselected_callback,
device::FidoRequestHandlerBase::RequestCallback request_callback,
base::RepeatingClosure bluetooth_adapter_power_on_callback);
// Invokes |callback| with |true| if the given relying party ID is permitted
// to receive attestation certificates from the provided FidoAuthenticator.
// Otherwise invokes |callback| with |false|.
// If |is_enterprise_attestation| is true then that authenticator has asserted
// that |relying_party_id| is known to it and the attesation has no
// expectations of privacy.
// Since these certificates may uniquely identify the authenticator, the
// embedder may choose to show a permissions prompt to the user, and only
// invoke |callback| afterwards. This may hairpin |callback|.
virtual void ShouldReturnAttestation(
const std::string& relying_party_id,
const device::FidoAuthenticator* authenticator,
bool is_enterprise_attestation,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback);
// ConfigureCable optionally configures Cloud-assisted Bluetooth Low Energy
// transports. |origin| is the origin of the calling site and
// |pairings_from_extension| are caBLEv1 pairings that have been provided in
// an extension to the WebAuthn get() call. |resident_key_requirement| is only
// set when provided (i.e. for makeCredential calls) and reflects the value
// requested by the site. If the embedder wishes, it may use this to configure
// caBLE on the |FidoDiscoveryFactory| for use in this request.
virtual void ConfigureCable(
const url::Origin& origin,
device::FidoRequestType request_type,
absl::optional<device::ResidentKeyRequirement> resident_key_requirement,
base::span<const device::CableDiscoveryData> pairings_from_extension,
device::FidoDiscoveryFactory* fido_discovery_factory);
// SelectAccount is called to allow the embedder to select between one or more
// accounts. This is triggered when the web page requests an unspecified
// credential (by passing an empty allow-list). In this case, any accounts
// will come from the authenticator's storage and the user should confirm the
// use of any specific account before it is returned. The callback takes the
// selected account, or else |cancel_callback| can be called.
// This is only called if |WebAuthenticationDelegate::SupportsResidentKeys|
// returns true.
virtual void SelectAccount(
std::vector<device::AuthenticatorGetAssertionResponse> responses,
// Disables the WebAuthn request modal dialog UI.
virtual void DisableUI();
virtual bool IsWebAuthnUIEnabled();
// Configures whether a virtual authenticator environment is enabled. The
// embedder might choose to e.g. automate account selection under a virtual
// environment.
void SetVirtualEnvironment(bool virtual_environment);
bool IsVirtualEnvironmentEnabled();
// Set to true to enable a mode where a priori discovered credentials are
// shown alongside autofilled passwords, instead of the modal flow.
virtual void SetConditionalRequest(bool is_conditional);
// Sets a credential filter for conditional mediation requests, which will
// only allow passkeys with matching credential IDs to be displayed to the
// user.
virtual void SetCredentialIdFilter(
std::vector<device::PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor> credential_list);
// Optionally configures the user entity passed for a makeCredential request.
virtual void SetUserEntityForMakeCredentialRequest(
const device::PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity& user_entity);
// device::FidoRequestHandlerBase::Observer:
void OnTransportAvailabilityEnumerated(
device::FidoRequestHandlerBase::TransportAvailabilityInfo data) override;
// If true, the request handler will defer dispatch of its request onto the
// given authenticator to the embedder. The embedder needs to call
// |StartAuthenticatorRequest| when it wants to initiate request dispatch.
// This method is invoked before |FidoAuthenticatorAdded|, and may be
// invoked multiple times for the same authenticator. Depending on the
// result, the request handler might decide not to make the authenticator
// available, in which case it never gets passed to
// |FidoAuthenticatorAdded|.
bool EmbedderControlsAuthenticatorDispatch(
const device::FidoAuthenticator& authenticator) override;
void BluetoothAdapterPowerChanged(bool is_powered_on) override;
void FidoAuthenticatorAdded(
const device::FidoAuthenticator& authenticator) override;
void FidoAuthenticatorRemoved(base::StringPiece device_id) override;
bool SupportsPIN() const override;
void CollectPIN(
CollectPINOptions options,
base::OnceCallback<void(std::u16string)> provide_pin_cb) override;
void StartBioEnrollment(base::OnceClosure next_callback) override;
void OnSampleCollected(int bio_samples_remaining) override;
void FinishCollectToken() override;
void OnRetryUserVerification(int attempts) override;
bool virtual_environment_ = false;
} // namespace content