blob: 623d6a70d42857ee6c3b169269ed1473c00cff17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/attribution.mojom-forward.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_response_head.mojom-forward.h"
class GURL;
namespace net {
class HttpRequestHeaders;
class URLRequest;
struct RedirectInfo;
} // namespace net
namespace network {
class AttributionVerificationMediator;
class TrustTokenKeyCommitmentGetter;
struct ResourceRequest;
// Class AttributionRequestHelper handles attribution-reporting-api related
// operations ( that must
// happen in the network service. It is meant to be optionally hooked to a
// url_loader instance.
class AttributionRequestHelper {
// In the context of an attribution trigger registration request. The
// destination origin corresponds to the top_frame origin where the trigger is
// registered. We use this enum to log the status of this value. We can only
// proceed with report verification with a valid destination origin.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class DestinationOriginStatus {
kValid = 0,
kMissing = 1,
kNonSuitable = 2,
kMaxValue = kNonSuitable,
// TODO( Review the number of verification tokens per
// trigger. The higher the number, the more work and bandwidth is needed to
// generate report verification tokens. The lower the number, the more likely
// it is that some reports will be sent without a verification token.
static constexpr size_t kVerificationTokensPerTrigger = 3;
// Creates an AttributionRequestHelper instance if needed.
// It is needed when it's to be hooked to a request related to attribution;
// for now only trigger registration ping.
static std::unique_ptr<AttributionRequestHelper> CreateIfNeeded(
const TrustTokenKeyCommitmentGetter* key_commitment_getter);
// Test method which allows to instantiate an AttributionRequestHelper with
// dependency injection (i.e. `CreateIfNeeded` builds `create_mediator`, this
// method receives it).
static std::unique_ptr<AttributionRequestHelper> CreateForTesting(
AttributionRequestHelper(const AttributionRequestHelper&) = delete;
AttributionRequestHelper& operator=(const AttributionRequestHelper&) = delete;
// Orchestrates report verification by calling the attribution verification
// mediator and optionally adding headers on the `request`. Externally, it
// will be called once per request. Internally, on redirection, it will be
// called by `OnReceivedRedirect`.
void Begin(net::URLRequest& request, base::OnceClosure done);
// Orchestrates report verification on a redirection request by `Finalize`-ing
// an initial request and `Begin`-ing the verification process on the
// redirection request. A trigger_verification property might be added to the
// `response`. Verification headers will potentially be added to or removed
// from the `request`.
void OnReceiveRedirect(
net::URLRequest& request,
mojom::URLResponseHeadPtr response,
const net::RedirectInfo& redirect_info,
base::OnceCallback<void(mojom::URLResponseHeadPtr response)> done);
// Orchestrates report verification by calling the attribution verification
// mediator with the `response`'s headers. If a verification header is
// present, it will be processed and removed from the `response`. A
// trigger_verification property might be added to the `response`. Externally,
// it will be called at most once per request. Internally, it might be called
// on redirection by `OnReceivedRedirect`.
void Finalize(mojom::URLResponseHead& response, base::OnceClosure done);
struct VerificationOperation;
explicit AttributionRequestHelper(
// Continuation of `Begin` after asynchronous
// mediator_::GetHeadersForVerification concludes.
// `request` and `done` are `Begin`'s parameters, passed on to the
// continuation. `headers` are headers optionally returned by the
// attribution verification mediator that wil be added to the request.
void OnDoneGettingHeaders(net::URLRequest& request,
base::OnceClosure done,
net::HttpRequestHeaders headers);
// Continuation of `Redirect` after asynchronous call to `Finalize`. `request`
// and `done` are `Redirect`'s parameters, passed on to the continuation.
void OnDoneFinalizingResponseFromRedirect(net::URLRequest& request,
const GURL& new_url,
base::OnceClosure done);
// Continuation of `Finalize` after asynchronous
// mediator_::ProcessVerificationToGetTokens concludes.
// `response` and `done` are `Finalize`'s parameters, passed on to the
// continuation. `redemption_tokens` is the result from the
// attribution verification mediator.
void OnDoneProcessingVerificationResponse(
mojom::URLResponseHead& response,
base::OnceClosure done,
std::vector<const std::string> redemption_tokens);
// A mediator can perform a single verification operation. Each redirect does
// a verification. We use this callback to generate a new mediator instance
// per verification operation.
base::RepeatingCallback<AttributionVerificationMediator()> create_mediator_;
// One request can lead to multiple report verification operations as each
// redirect requires a distinct operation. `verification_operation_`
// will be non-null when an operation is undergoing.
std::unique_ptr<VerificationOperation> verification_operation_;
// The destination origin is needed to complete the verification. On
// `Request`, we check that it is suitable and update
// `has_suitable_destination_origin_` accordingly. On `finalize` we check that
// it is true before proceeding.
bool has_suitable_destination_origin_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AttributionRequestHelper> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
// Sets the Attribution Reporting request headers on attribution eligible
// requests. See
void SetAttributionReportingHeaders(net::URLRequest&, const ResourceRequest&);
} // namespace network