blob: f6638c2381027b63bcafb80b46c1cf9ba0f5d50f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/fenced_frame/redacted_fenced_frame_config.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/interest_group/ad_auction_service.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/interest_group/interest_group_types.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/navigator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/ad_auction/join_leave_queue.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/modules_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/exception_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/garbage_collected.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/mojo/heap_mojo_remote.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/supplementable.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/weborigin/security_origin.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace blink {
class AdAuctionDataConfig;
class AdRequestConfig;
class Ads;
class AuctionAdInterestGroup;
class AuctionAdInterestGroupKey;
class AuctionAdConfig;
class ScriptPromiseResolver;
class V8UnionFencedFrameConfigOrUSVString;
class MODULES_EXPORT NavigatorAuction final
: public GarbageCollected<NavigatorAuction>,
public Supplement<Navigator> {
class AuctionHandle;
static const char kSupplementName[];
explicit NavigatorAuction(Navigator&);
// Gets, or creates, NavigatorAuction supplement on Navigator.
// See platform/Supplementable.h
static NavigatorAuction& From(ExecutionContext*, Navigator&);
// TODO( Make `const AuctionAdInterestGroup*` after rename.
ScriptPromise joinAdInterestGroup(ScriptState*,
static ScriptPromise joinAdInterestGroup(ScriptState*,
ScriptPromise leaveAdInterestGroup(ScriptState*,
const AuctionAdInterestGroupKey*,
static ScriptPromise leaveAdInterestGroup(ScriptState*,
const AuctionAdInterestGroupKey*,
// Implicit leaveAdInterestGroup - only supported when called from within
// a fenced frame showing FLEDGE ads.
ScriptPromise leaveAdInterestGroupForDocument(ScriptState*, ExceptionState&);
static ScriptPromise leaveAdInterestGroup(ScriptState*,
void updateAdInterestGroups();
static void updateAdInterestGroups(ScriptState*, Navigator&, ExceptionState&);
// TODO( Make `const AuctionAdConfig*` after rename.
ScriptPromise runAdAuction(ScriptState*, AuctionAdConfig*, ExceptionState&);
static ScriptPromise runAdAuction(ScriptState*,
// If called from a FencedFrame that was navigated to the URN resulting from
// an interest group ad auction, returns a Vector of ad component URNs
// associated with the winning bid in that auction.
// `num_ad_components` is the number of ad component URNs to put in the
// Vector. To avoid leaking data from the winning bidder worklet, the number
// of ad components in the winning bid is not exposed. Instead, it's padded
// with URNs to length kMaxAdAuctionAdComponents, and calling this method
// returns the first `num_ad_components` URNs.
// Throws an exception if `num_ad_components` is greater than
// kMaxAdAuctionAdComponents, or if called from a frame that was not navigated
// to a URN representing the winner of an ad auction.
static Vector<String> adAuctionComponents(ScriptState* script_state,
Navigator& navigator,
uint16_t num_ad_components,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
ScriptPromise deprecatedURNToURL(ScriptState* script_state,
const String& urn_uuid,
bool send_reports,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
static ScriptPromise deprecatedURNToURL(
ScriptState* script_state,
Navigator& navigator,
const V8UnionFencedFrameConfigOrUSVString* urn_or_config,
bool send_reports,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
ScriptPromise deprecatedReplaceInURN(
ScriptState* script_state,
const String& urn_uuid,
const Vector<std::pair<String, String>>& replacement,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
static ScriptPromise deprecatedReplaceInURN(
ScriptState* script_state,
Navigator& navigator,
const V8UnionFencedFrameConfigOrUSVString* urn_or_config,
const Vector<std::pair<String, String>>& replacement,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
ScriptPromise getInterestGroupAdAuctionData(ScriptState* script_state,
const AdAuctionDataConfig* config,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
static ScriptPromise getInterestGroupAdAuctionData(
ScriptState* script_state,
Navigator& navigator,
const AdAuctionDataConfig* config,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
ScriptPromise createAdRequest(ScriptState*,
const AdRequestConfig*,
static ScriptPromise createAdRequest(ScriptState*,
const AdRequestConfig*,
ScriptPromise finalizeAd(ScriptState*,
const Ads*,
const AuctionAdConfig*,
static ScriptPromise finalizeAd(ScriptState*,
const Ads*,
const AuctionAdConfig*,
// Web-exposed API that returns whether an opaque-ads fenced frame would be
// allowed to be created in the current active document of this node after
// an ad auction is run.
// Checks the following criteria:
// - Not trying to load in a default mode fenced frame tree
// - All of the sandbox/allow flags required to load a fenced frame are set
// in the embedder. See: blink::kFencedFrameMandatoryUnsandboxedFlags
// - No CSP headers are in place that will stop the fenced frame from loading
// - No CSPEE is applied to this or an ancestor frame
bool canLoadAdAuctionFencedFrame(ScriptState*);
static bool canLoadAdAuctionFencedFrame(ScriptState*, Navigator&);
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const override {
// Pending cross-site interest group joins and leaves. These may be added to a
// queue before being passed to the browser process.
struct PendingJoin {
mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr interest_group;
mojom::blink::AdAuctionService::JoinInterestGroupCallback callback;
struct PendingLeave {
scoped_refptr<const SecurityOrigin> owner;
String name;
mojom::blink::AdAuctionService::LeaveInterestGroupCallback callback;
// Tells the browser process to start `pending_join`. Its callback will be
// invoked on completion.
void StartJoin(PendingJoin&& pending_join);
// Completion callback for joinInterestGroup() Mojo calls.
void JoinComplete(bool is_cross_origin,
ScriptPromiseResolver* resolver,
bool failed_well_known_check);
// Tells the browser process to start `pending_leave`. Its callback will be
// invoked on completion.
void StartLeave(PendingLeave&& pending_leave);
// Completion callback for leaveInterestGroup() Mojo calls.
void LeaveComplete(bool is_cross_origin,
ScriptPromiseResolver* resolver,
bool failed_well_known_check);
// Completion callback for createAdRequest() Mojo call.
void AdsRequested(ScriptPromiseResolver* resolver,
const WTF::String& ads_guid);
// Completion callback for finalizeAd() Mojo call.
void FinalizeAdComplete(ScriptPromiseResolver* resolver,
const absl::optional<KURL>& creative_url);
// Completion callback for Mojo call made by deprecatedURNToURL().
void GetURLFromURNComplete(ScriptPromiseResolver*,
const absl::optional<KURL>&);
// Completion callback for Mojo call made by deprecatedReplaceInURNComplete().
void ReplaceInURNComplete(ScriptPromiseResolver* resolver);
void GetInterestGroupAdAuctionDataComplete(ScriptPromiseResolver* resolver,
mojo_base::BigBuffer data);
// Manage queues of cross-site join and leave operations that have yet to be
// sent to the browser process.
JoinLeaveQueue<PendingJoin> queued_cross_site_joins_;
JoinLeaveQueue<PendingLeave> queued_cross_site_leaves_;
HeapMojoRemote<mojom::blink::AdAuctionService> ad_auction_service_;
} // namespace blink