blob: f86da07f693068a1e31b6a9db5f6fee1fa8ba941 [file] [log] [blame]
Name: TensorFlow Lite
Short Name: tflite
Version: be1a33f1566b40bd43ecfc53dbd8c3dfbc7f2aa1
Date: 2023/05/23
License: Apache 2.0
License File: LICENSE
Security Critical: Yes
CPEPrefix: unknown
TFLite is a part of the open-source machine-learning library TensorFlow that
provides a stable ML framework optimized for binary size and execution on
mobile devices with limited computation and memory resources.
Update Process/Notes:
The owners ensure that TFLite and its dependencies are rolled once per week. If
you need to roll this library sooner, please reach out to one of the owners so
all the dependencies and necessary validation tests can be run.