blob: b7462a72226b6b8e7ab156459cc35a086154dec7 [file] [log] [blame]
"layers": [
"name": "Scrolling background of LayoutView #document",
"bounds": [800, 600],
"contentsOpaque": true,
"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
"paintInvalidations": [
"object": "LayoutNGBlockFlow HTML",
"rect": [8, 16, 454, 320],
"reason": "chunk disappeared"
"object": "NGPhysicalTextFragment 'This test checks that grid items correctly repaint when 'z-index' changes.'",
"rect": [8, 16, 454, 19],
"reason": "appeared"
"object": "LayoutGrid DIV class='grid fit-content'",
"rect": [8, 236, 400, 100],
"reason": "appeared"
"object": "LayoutGrid DIV class='grid fit-content'",
"rect": [8, 126, 400, 100],
"reason": "appeared"
"object": "NGPhysicalTextFragment 'For this test to pass, there should be no red below.'",
"rect": [8, 52, 314, 19],
"reason": "appeared"
"object": "LayoutNGBlockFlow DIV class='sizedToGridArea red'",
"rect": [208, 236, 200, 100],
"reason": "appeared"
"object": "LayoutNGBlockFlow DIV class='sizedToGridArea red'",
"rect": [208, 126, 200, 100],
"reason": "appeared"
"object": "LayoutNGBlockFlow DIV id='item2' class='sizedToGridArea green'",
"rect": [8, 236, 200, 100],
"reason": "chunk appeared"