blob: acffff86ce97d64682ab5310d67974d2da2fa0fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "ash/app_list/model/app_list_model_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/app_list/app_list_types.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/shelf_types.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "components/sync/model/string_ordinal.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
namespace ash {
enum class AppListConfigType;
class AppListItemList;
class AppListItemListTest;
class AppListItemObserver;
class AppListModel;
// AppListItem provides icon and title to be shown in a AppListItemView
// and action to be executed when the AppListItemView is activated.
explicit AppListItem(const std::string& id);
AppListItem(const AppListItem&) = delete;
AppListItem& operator=(const AppListItem&) = delete;
virtual ~AppListItem();
void SetIcon(AppListConfigType config_type, const gfx::ImageSkia& icon);
const gfx::ImageSkia& GetIcon(AppListConfigType config_type) const;
// Setter and getter for the default app list item icon. Used as a base to
// generate appropriate app list item icon for an app list config if an icon
// for the config has not been set using `SetIcon()`. The icon color is
// associated with the icon so set the icon color when the icon is set.
void SetDefaultIconAndColor(const gfx::ImageSkia& icon,
const IconColor& color);
const gfx::ImageSkia& GetDefaultIcon() const;
// Returns the icon color associated with the default icon.
const IconColor& GetDefaultIconColor() const;
// Sets an number to represent the current icon version. It is used so that
// the data provider side (AppService) only marks an icon change without
// actually loading the icon. When AppLIteItem is added to UI, UI code
// observes this icon version number and calls back into data provider to
// perform the actual icon loading. When the icon is loaded, SetIcon is called
// and UI would be updated since it also observe ItemIconChanged.
void SetIconVersion(int icon_version);
void SetNotificationBadgeColor(const SkColor color);
const std::string& GetDisplayName() const {
return short_name_.empty() ? name() : short_name_;
const std::string& name() const { return metadata_->name; }
// Should only be used in tests; otherwise use GetDisplayName().
const std::string& short_name() const { return short_name_; }
bool IsInFolder() const { return !folder_id().empty(); }
const std::string& id() const { return metadata_->id; }
const std::string& folder_id() const { return metadata_->folder_id; }
const syncer::StringOrdinal& position() const { return metadata_->position; }
void SetMetadata(std::unique_ptr<AppListItemMetadata> metadata) {
metadata_ = std::move(metadata);
const AppListItemMetadata* GetMetadata() const { return metadata_.get(); }
std::unique_ptr<AppListItemMetadata> CloneMetadata() const {
return std::make_unique<AppListItemMetadata>(*metadata_);
void AddObserver(AppListItemObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(AppListItemObserver* observer);
// Returns a static const char* identifier for the subclass (defaults to "").
// Pointers can be compared for quick type checking.
virtual const char* GetItemType() const;
// Returns the item matching |id| contained in this item (e.g. if the item is
// a folder), or nullptr if the item was not found or this is not a container.
virtual AppListItem* FindChildItem(const std::string& id);
// Returns the child item at the provided index in the child item list.
// Returns nullptr for non-folder items.
virtual AppListItem* GetChildItemAt(size_t index);
// Returns the number of child items if it has any (e.g. is a folder) or 0.
virtual size_t ChildItemCount() const;
// Request a folder item for an icon refresh. Method is no-op for app items.
virtual void RequestFolderIconUpdate() {}
// Returns whether the item is a folder with max allowed children.
bool IsFolderFull() const;
std::string ToDebugString() const;
bool is_folder() const { return metadata_->is_folder; }
void set_is_page_break(bool is_page_break) {
metadata_->is_page_break = is_page_break;
bool is_page_break() const { return metadata_->is_page_break; }
bool has_notification_badge() const { return has_notification_badge_; }
SkColor notification_badge_color() const { return metadata_->badge_color; }
bool is_new_install() const { return metadata_->is_new_install; }
// Sets the `is_new_install` metadata field and notifies observers.
void SetIsNewInstall(bool is_new_install);
AppStatus app_status() const { return metadata_->app_status; }
void UpdateNotificationBadgeForTesting(bool has_badge) {
void UpdateAppStatusForTesting(AppStatus app_status) {
metadata_->app_status = app_status;
// Subclasses also have mutable access to the metadata ptr.
AppListItemMetadata* metadata() { return metadata_.get(); }
friend class AppListBadgeController;
friend class AppListItemList;
friend class AppListItemListTest;
friend class AppListItemViewTest;
friend class AppListModel;
// These should only be called by AppListModel or in tests so that name
// changes trigger update notifications.
// Sets the full name of the item. Clears any shortened name.
void SetName(const std::string& name);
// Sets the full name and an optional shortened name of the item (e.g. to use
// if the full name is too long to fit in a view).
void SetNameAndShortName(const std::string& name,
const std::string& short_name);
// Updates whether the notification badge is shown on the view.
void UpdateNotificationBadge(bool has_badge);
void set_position(const syncer::StringOrdinal& new_position) {
metadata_->position = new_position;
void set_folder_id(const std::string& folder_id) {
metadata_->folder_id = folder_id;
void set_is_folder(bool is_folder) { metadata_->is_folder = is_folder; }
friend class AppListModelTest;
std::unique_ptr<AppListItemMetadata> metadata_;
// Contains icons for AppListConfigTypes different than kShared. For kShared
// config type, the item will always use the icon provided by |metadata_|.
// This is currently used for folder icons only (which are all generated in
// ash).
std::map<AppListConfigType, gfx::ImageSkia> per_config_icons_;
// A shortened name for the item, used for display.
std::string short_name_;
// Whether this item currently has a notification badge that should be shown.
bool has_notification_badge_ = false;
base::ObserverList<AppListItemObserver> observers_;
} // namespace ash