blob: 6ee7351b0ced285a5d2dbc1ad2d1cc924a7b95d7 [file] [log] [blame]
"-- Template --": {
"intro": "Tests that policies map to prefs properly and whether the corresponding Chrome settings UI behaves properly, e.g. if a policy is managed, the UI should be readonly and an icon with a properly worded tooltip should show up.",
"intro": "Top-level entries map a policy name to its test parameters, described below. The name of the top level entry should be of the form <policy name>[.suffix]. The optional suffix is used for defining multiple test cases for a single policy.",
"os": ["List of operating systems that support this policy. Valid values:", "win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android", "Defaults to empty if not specified."],
"official_only": "Whether this policy exists in official builds only. Defaults to |false| if not specified.",
"can_be_recommended": "Whether a recommended value may be set for the policy. Defaults to |false| if not specified.",
"test_policy": "A policy dictionary that should make the preferences affected by this policy become policy-controlled. Usually just sets the current policy. Defaults to an empty dictionary if not specified.",
"note": "If the policy affects any preferences, the following array should be specified with one entry per such preference.",
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "The affected preference's name.",
"local_state": "Whether |pref| is registered in local state's PrefService instead of the profile's PrefService. Defaults to |false| if not specified.",
"check_for_mandatory": "Should the preference be tested when a mandatory value is set for the policy? Defaults to |true| if not specified.",
"check_for_recommended": "Should the preference be tested when a recommended value is set for the policy? Defaults to |true| if not specified.",
"note": "When |can_be_recommended| is |false|, the policy is never set to a recommended value so |check_for_recommended| has no effect.",
"note": "The following entries should be specified if controlled setting indicators exist for |pref| in the settings UI.",
"indicator_test_url": "The URL to navigate to in order to test the indicators. Defaults to |chrome://extensions-frame/| if not specified.",
"indicator_test_setup_js": "Any JavaScript that should be executed before testing the indicators. This should be specified only if an explicit user action must be simulated (e.g. clicking a button).",
"indicator_selector": "A CSS selector that locates all controlled setting indicators for |pref|. This is appended to the selector 'span.controlled-setting-indicator' and if not specified, defaults to '[pref=(the value of |pref|)', e.g. '[pref=homepage]'.",
"note": "Any number of test cases may be specified in the following array.",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": "A policy dictionary that should affect |pref| when set as mandatory or recommended policy.",
"value": "The value that |pref| should take on. This must only be specified if |pref| has multiple controlled setting indicators, each corresponding to a specific value (e.g. indicators next to radio buttons).",
"readonly": "Whether setting the policy dictionary as recommended should cause |pref| to become read-only in the settings UI. This will be the case when the dictionary sets another policy that makes |pref| not applicable (e.g. setting 'homepage is NTP' makes the 'homepage URL' pref not applicable and read-only)."
"note": "The following entry should be specified if there is a controlled setting indicator that reacts to the policy directly, without a preference serving as an intermediary.",
"indicator_selector": "A CSS selector that locates the controlled setting indicator directly affected by the policy. This is appended to the selector 'span.controlled-setting-indicator'."
"TabLifecyclesEnabled": {
"os": ["win"],
"official_only": true,
"test_policy": { "TabLifecyclesEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "tab_lifecycles_enabled",
"local_state": true
"OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "android", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin": ["","*"] },
"pref_mappings": [ { "pref": "unsafely_treat_insecure_origin_as_secure",
"local_state": true } ]
"UnsafelyTreatInsecureOriginAsSecure": {
"note": "This policy is deprecated.",
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "UnsafelyTreatInsecureOriginAsSecure": ["","*"] },
"pref_mappings": [ { "pref": "unsafely_treat_insecure_origin_as_secure",
"local_state": true } ]
"HomepageLocation": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "HomepageLocation": "" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "homepage",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "HomepageIsNewTabPage": false, "HomepageLocation": "" } },
{ "policy": { "HomepageIsNewTabPage": true, "HomepageLocation": "" },
"readonly": true
"HomepageIsNewTabPage": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "HomepageIsNewTabPage": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "homepage_is_newtabpage",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "HomepageIsNewTabPage": false },
"value": "false"},
{ "policy": { "HomepageIsNewTabPage": true },
"value": "true"}
"NewTabPageLocation": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "NewTabPageLocation": "" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "newtab_page_location_override"
"DefaultBrowserSettingEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"test_policy": { "DefaultBrowserSettingEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser.default_browser_setting_enabled",
"local_state": true
"ApplicationLocaleValue": {
"os": ["win"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "ApplicationLocaleValue": "fr" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "intl.app_locale",
"local_state": true
"AlternateErrorPagesEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "AlternateErrorPagesEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "alternate_error_pages.enabled",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "AlternateErrorPagesEnabled": false } }
"SearchSuggestEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "SearchSuggestEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "search.suggest_enabled",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "SearchSuggestEnabled": false } }
"DnsPrefetchingEnabled": {
"note": "This policy has been removed. See"
"DnsOverHttpsMode": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "DnsOverHttpsMode": "off" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "dns_over_https.mode",
"local_state": true
"NetworkPredictionOptions": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "NetworkPredictionOptions": 2 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "net.network_prediction_options",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "NetworkPredictionOptions": 2 } }
"DisableSpdy": {
"note": "This policy has been removed. See"
"QuicAllowed": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "QuicAllowed": true }
"DisabledSchemes": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DisabledSchemes": ["file"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "policy.url_blacklist" }
"Http09OnNonDefaultPortsEnabled": {
"JavascriptEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "JavascriptEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_default_content_settings.javascript",
"indicator_selector": "[content-setting=javascript]",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "JavascriptEnabled": false },
"value": "block"}
"IncognitoEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "IncognitoEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "incognito.mode_availability" }
"IncognitoModeAvailability": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "IncognitoModeAvailability": 1 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "incognito.mode_availability" }
"SavingBrowserHistoryDisabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "SavingBrowserHistoryDisabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "history.saving_disabled" }
"AllowDeletingBrowserHistory": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "AllowDeletingBrowserHistory": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "history.deleting_enabled" }
"RemoteAccessClientFirewallTraversal": {
"RemoteAccessHostClientDomain": {
"RemoteAccessHostClientDomainList": {
"RemoteAccessHostFirewallTraversal": {
"RemoteAccessHostRequireTwoFactor": {
"RemoteAccessHostDomain": {
"RemoteAccessHostDomainList": {
"RemoteAccessHostTalkGadgetPrefix": {
"RemoteAccessHostRequireCurtain": {
"RemoteAccessHostAllowClientPairing": {
"RemoteAccessHostAllowGnubbyAuth": {
"RemoteAccessHostAllowRelayedConnection": {
"RemoteAccessHostUdpPortRange": {
"RemoteAccessHostMatchUsername": {
"RemoteAccessHostTokenUrl": {
"RemoteAccessHostTokenValidationUrl": {
"RemoteAccessHostTokenValidationCertificateIssuer": {
"RemoteAccessHostDebugOverridePolicies": {
"RemoteAccessHostAllowUiAccessForRemoteAssistance": {
"RemoteAccessHostAllowFileTransfer": {
"PrintingEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PrintingEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.enabled" }
"PrintHeaderFooter": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PrintHeaderFooter": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.print_header_footer" }
"CloudPrintProxyEnabled": {
"os": [],
"test_policy": { "CloudPrintProxyEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cloud_print.enabled" }
"PrintingAllowedColorModes": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PrintingAllowedColorModes": "monochrome" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.allowed_color_modes" }
"PrintingAllowedDuplexModes": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PrintingAllowedDuplexModes": "duplex" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.allowed_duplex_modes" }
"PrintingAllowedPinModes": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PrintingAllowedPinModes": "pin" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.allowed_pin_modes" }
"PrintingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PrintingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes": "enabled" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.allowed_background_graphics_modes" }
"PrintingAllowedPageSizes": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PrintingAllowedPageSizes": [{"WidthUm": 210000, "HeightUm": 297000}] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.allowed_page_sizes" }
"PrintingColorDefault": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PrintingColorDefault": "monochrome" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.color_default" }
"PrintingDuplexDefault": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PrintingDuplexDefault": "long-edge" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.duplex_default" }
"PrintingPinDefault": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PrintingPinDefault": "pin" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.pin_default" }
"PrintingBackgroundGraphicsDefault": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PrintingBackgroundGraphicsDefault": "enabled" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.background_graphics_default" }
"PrintingSizeDefault": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PrintingSizeDefault": {"WidthUm": 210000, "HeightUm": 297000} },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.size_default" }
"PrintingSendUsernameAndFilenameEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PrintingSendUsernameAndFilenameEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.send_username_and_filename_enabled" }
"CloudPrintSubmitEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"test_policy": { "CloudPrintSubmitEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cloud_print.submit_enabled" }
"ExternalPrintServers": {
"note": "This policy will be added in R-79"
"NativePrinters": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"NativePrinters": [
"display_name": "Break Room",
"description": "The blue one",
"manufacturer": "PrtrMfgr",
"model": "MegaLazer",
"uri": "ipps://",
"uuid": "aaaa-aaaa-eeee-eeee-1234",
"ppd_resource": {
"effective_manufacturer": "Printers, Ink",
"effective_model": "LaserMaster 2100"
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "native_printing.recommended_printers" }
"NativePrintersBulkConfiguration": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"NativePrintersBulkConfiguration": {
"url": "",
"hash": "deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef"
"NativePrintersBulkAccessMode": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"NativePrintersBulkAccessMode": 1
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "native_printing.recommended_printers_access_mode" }
"NativePrintersBulkBlacklist": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"NativePrintersBulkBlacklist": ["id4", "id7", "id10"]
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "native_printing.recommended_printers_blacklist" }
"NativePrintersBulkWhitelist": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"NativePrintersBulkWhitelist": ["id4", "id7", "id10"]
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "native_printing.recommended_printers_whitelist" }
"UserNativePrintersAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"UserNativePrintersAllowed": true
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "native_printing.user_native_printers_allowed" }
"SafeBrowsingEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "SafeBrowsingEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "safebrowsing.enabled",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "SafeBrowsingEnabled": false } }
"ForceSafeSearch": {
"pref": "settings.force_safesearch",
"test_policy": { "ForceSafeSearch": true },
"settings_pages": [],
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"]
"ForceGoogleSafeSearch": {
"pref": "settings.force_google_safesearch",
"test_policy": { "ForceGoogleSafeSearch": true },
"settings_pages": [],
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"]
"ForceYouTubeSafetyMode": {
"pref": "settings.force_youtube_safety_mode",
"test_policy": { "ForceYouTubeSafetyMode": true },
"settings_pages": [],
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"]
"ForceYouTubeRestrict": {
"pref": "settings.force_youtube_restrict",
"test_policy": { "ForceYouTubeRestrict": 1 },
"settings_pages": [],
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"]
"MetricsReportingEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"official_only": true,
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "MetricsReportingEnabled": false },
"indicator_selector": "#metrics-reporting-disabled-icon",
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "user_experience_metrics.reporting_enabled",
"local_state": true
"PasswordManagerEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "PasswordManagerEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "credentials_enable_service",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "PasswordManagerEnabled": false } }
"PasswordManagerAllowShowPasswords": {
"note": "This policy is retired, see"
"PasswordLeakDetectionEnabled" : {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "PasswordLeakDetectionEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
"pref": "profile.password_manager_leak_detection",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "PasswordLeakDetectionEnabled" : false} }
"ContextualSearchEnabled": {
"os": ["android"]
"AutoFillEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "AutoFillEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "autofill.enabled",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "AutoFillEnabled": false } }
"AutofillAddressEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "AutofillAddressEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "autofill.profile_enabled",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "AutofillAddressEnabled": false } }
"AutofillCreditCardEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "AutofillCreditCardEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "autofill.credit_card_enabled",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "AutofillCreditCardEnabled": false } }
"DisabledPlugins.0": {
"note": "This policy is deprecated. This test tests its migration path.",
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DisabledPlugins": ["*Flash*"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_default_content_settings.plugins",
"indicator_selector": "[content-setting=plugins]",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "DisabledPlugins": ["*Flash*"] },
"value": "block"}
"DisabledPlugins.1": {
"note": "This policy is deprecated. This test tests its migration path.",
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DisabledPlugins": ["*PDF*"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "plugins.always_open_pdf_externally",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "DisabledPlugins": ["*PDF*"] }}
"EnabledPlugins.0": {
"note": "This policy is deprecated. This test tests its migration path.",
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "EnabledPlugins": ["*Flash*"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_default_content_settings.plugins",
"indicator_selector": "[content-setting=plugins]",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "EnabledPlugins": ["*Flash*"] },
"value": "allow"}
"EnabledPlugins.1": {
"note": "This policy is deprecated. This test tests its migration path.",
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "EnabledPlugins": ["*PDF*"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "plugins.always_open_pdf_externally",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "EnabledPlugins": ["*PDF*"] }}
"DisabledPluginsExceptions": {
"note": "This policy is deprecated it doesn't map to a pref value anymore.",
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"]
"AlwaysOpenPdfExternally": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "AlwaysOpenPdfExternally": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "plugins.always_open_pdf_externally",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "AlwaysOpenPdfExternally": false }},
{ "policy": { "AlwaysOpenPdfExternally": true }}
"DisablePluginFinder": {
"note": "This policy is not in use anymore since Chrome 65."
"SyncDisabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "SyncDisabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "sync.managed" }
"SigninAllowed": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "SigninAllowed": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "signin.allowed_on_next_startup" }
"EnableDeprecatedWebBasedSignin": {
"note": "This policy has been removed in Chrome 42."
"UserDataDir": {
"note": "TODO(joaodasilva): To test that this policy works correctly, it would need to be set before the browser is launched. PolicyPrefsTest should be refactored to support this and a test for this policy added."
"DiskCacheDir": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"test_policy": { "DiskCacheDir": "${user_home}/test-cache" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser.disk_cache_dir",
"local_state": true
"DiskCacheSize": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"test_policy": { "DiskCacheSize": 100 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser.disk_cache_size",
"local_state": true
"MediaCacheSize": {
"note": "This policy has been removed, see"
"DownloadRestrictions": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "DownloadRestrictions": 3 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "download_restrictions" }
"SafeBrowsingForTrustedSourcesEnabled": {
"os": ["win"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "SafeBrowsingForTrustedSourcesEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "safebrowsing_for_trusted_sources_enabled" }
"DownloadDirectory.0": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "DownloadDirectory": "${user_home}/test-downloads" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "download.default_directory",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "DownloadDirectory": "${user_home}/test-downloads" } }
{ "pref": "download.prompt_for_download",
"check_for_recommended" : false,
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "DownloadDirectory": "${user_home}/test-downloads" } }
"DownloadDirectory.1": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DownloadDirectory": "${google_drive}/downloads" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "gdata.disabled",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "DownloadDirectory": "${google_drive}/downloads" } }
"ClearSiteDataOnExit": {
"note": "This policy is retired, see"
"CaptivePortalAuthenticationIgnoresProxy": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "CaptivePortalAuthenticationIgnoresProxy": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "proxy.captive_portal_ignores_proxy" }
"ProxyMode": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"test_policy": { "ProxyMode": "direct" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "proxy",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "ProxyMode": "direct" } }
"ProxyServerMode": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"test_policy": { "ProxyServerMode": 0 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "proxy",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "ProxyServerMode": 0 } }
"ProxyServer": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"test_policy": { "ProxyMode": "fixed_servers", "ProxyServer": "http://localhost:8080" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "proxy",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "ProxyMode": "fixed_servers", "ProxyServer": "http://localhost:8080" } }
"ProxyPacUrl": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"test_policy": { "ProxyMode": "pac_script", "ProxyPacUrl": "http://localhost:8080/proxy.pac" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "proxy",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "ProxyMode": "pac_script", "ProxyPacUrl": "http://localhost:8080/proxy.pac" } }
"ProxyBypassList": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"test_policy": { "ProxyMode": "fixed_servers", "ProxyServer": "http://localhost:8080", "ProxyBypassList": "localhost" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "proxy",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "ProxyMode": "fixed_servers", "ProxyServer": "http://localhost:8080", "ProxyBypassList": "localhost" } }
"ProxySettings": {
"os": ["linux", "win"],
"test_policy": { "ProxySettings": { "ProxyMode": "direct" } },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "proxy",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "ProxySettings": { "ProxyMode": "direct" } } }
"EnableOriginBoundCerts": {
"note": "This policy is retired, see"
"DisableSSLRecordSplitting": {
"note": "This policy is retired, see"
"EnableOnlineRevocationChecks": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "EnableOnlineRevocationChecks": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "ssl.rev_checking.enabled",
"local_state": true
"RequireOnlineRevocationChecksForLocalAnchors": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "RequireOnlineRevocationChecksForLocalAnchors": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "ssl.rev_checking.required_for_local_anchors",
"local_state": true
"EnableSha1ForLocalAnchors": {
"note": "This policy is deprecated and removed since Chrome 72."
"EnableCommonNameFallbackForLocalAnchors": {
"note": "This policy is deprecated and removed since Chrome 66."
"EnableSymantecLegacyInfrastructure": {
"note": "This policy is deprecated and removed since Chrome 75."
"BuiltinCertificateVerifierEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "BuiltinCertificateVerifierEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "builtin_certificate_verifier_enabled",
"local_state": true
"AuthSchemes": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "AuthSchemes": "AuthSchemes" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "auth.schemes",
"local_state": true
"DisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "DisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "auth.disable_negotiate_cname_lookup",
"local_state": true
"EnableAuthNegotiatePort": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "EnableAuthNegotiatePort": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "auth.enable_negotiate_port",
"local_state": true
"AuthServerWhitelist": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "AuthServerWhitelist": "localhost" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "auth.server_whitelist",
"local_state": true
"AuthNegotiateDelegateWhitelist": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "AuthNegotiateDelegateWhitelist": "localhost" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "auth.negotiate_delegate_whitelist",
"local_state": true
"AuthNegotiateDelegateByKdcPolicy": {
"os": ["linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "AuthNegotiateDelegateByKdcPolicy": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "auth.negotiate_delegate_by_kdc_policy",
"local_state": true
"GSSAPILibraryName": {
"os": ["linux"],
"test_policy": { "GSSAPILibraryName": "" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "auth.gssapi_library_name",
"local_state": true
"AuthAndroidNegotiateAccountType": {
"os": ["android"],
"test_policy": { "AuthAndroidNegotiateAccountType": "com.example.spnego" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "auth.android_negotiate_account_type",
"local_state": true
"AllowCrossOriginAuthPrompt": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"test_policy": { "AllowCrossOriginAuthPrompt": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "auth.allow_cross_origin_prompt",
"local_state": true
"NtlmV2Enabled": {
"os": ["linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "NtlmV2Enabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "auth.ntlm_v2_enabled",
"local_state": true
"KerberosEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "kerberos.enabled",
"local_state": true
"KerberosRememberPasswordEnabled": {
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"test_policy": { "KerberosRememberPasswordEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "kerberos.remember_password_enabled",
"local_state": true }
"KerberosAddAccountsAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "KerberosAddAccountsAllowed": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "kerberos.add_accounts_allowed",
"local_state": true }
"KerberosAccounts": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"KerberosAccounts": [
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"password": "password1",
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"krb5conf": [
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "kerberos.accounts",
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"PromptForDownloadLocation": {
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{ "pref": "download.prompt_for_download" }
"IsolateOrigins": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "IsolateOrigins": "" },
"note": "There is a pref behind this setting, but due to the fact that tests override the default with a command-line flag on some trybots, this setting cannot be verified with the common test."
"SitePerProcess": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "SitePerProcess": false },
"note": "There is a pref behind this setting, but due to the fact that tests override the default with a command-line flag on some trybots, this setting cannot be verified with the common test."
"IsolateOriginsAndroid": {
"os": ["android"],
"test_policy": { "IsolateOriginsAndroid": "" },
"note": "There is a pref behind this setting, but due to the fact that tests override the default with a command-line flag on some trybots, this setting cannot be verified with the common test."
"SitePerProcessAndroid": {
"os": ["android"],
"test_policy": { "SitePerProcessAndroid": false },
"note": "There is a pref behind this setting, but due to the fact that tests override the default with a command-line flag on some trybots, this setting cannot be verified with the common test."
"WebDriverOverridesIncompatiblePolicies": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "WebDriverOverridesIncompatiblePolicies": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "webdriver.override_incompatible_policy",
"local_state": true
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"can_be_recommended": true,
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "download.default_directory",
"check_for_mandatory": false,
"check_for_recommended": true
{ "pref": "savefile.default_directory",
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"check_for_recommended": true
"SpellcheckLanguage": {
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"test_policy": { "SpellcheckLanguage": [ "fr" ] },
"pref_mappings": [
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{ "policy": { "SpellcheckLanguage": [ "en-US", "ru", "sk" ] } },
{ "policy": { "SpellcheckLanguage": [] } }
"SpellcheckLanguageBlacklist": {
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "spellcheck.blacklisted_dictionaries",
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{ "policy": { "SpellcheckLanguage": [ "en-US", "ru", "sk" ] } },
{ "policy": { "SpellcheckLanguage": [] } }
"ThirdPartyBlockingEnabled": {
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"test_policy": { "ThirdPartyBlockingEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "third_party_blocking_enabled",
"local_state": true
"SpellcheckEnabled": {
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"test_policy": { "SpellcheckEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser.enable_spellchecking",
"indicator_tests": [ { "policy": { "SpellcheckEnabled": false } } ] }
"ExtensionAllowInsecureUpdates": {
"note": "Deprecated since Chrome 78."
"ExtensionInstallBlacklist": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "ExtensionInstallBlacklist": ["*"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "extensions.install.denylist" }
"ExtensionInstallWhitelist": {
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "extensions.install.allowlist" }
"ExtensionInstallForcelist": {
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"pref_mappings": [
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"ExtensionAllowedTypes": {
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"test_policy": { "ExtensionAllowedTypes": ["hosted_app"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "extensions.allowed_types" }
"ExtensionSettings": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"ExtensionSettings": {
"abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop" : {
"installation_mode": "allowed",
"blocked_permissions": ["history"]
"bcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopa" : {
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"update_url": "",
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"*": {
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"allowed_types": ["hosted_app"]
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "" }
"ExtensionInstallListsMergeEnabled": {
"note": "This policy has no pref as it is only directly read by the policy system."
"ShowHomeButton": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "ShowHomeButton": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser.show_home_button",
"indicator_tests": [
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"value": 2 }
"DeveloperToolsAvailability": {
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{ "pref": "devtools.availability",
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"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "DeveloperToolsAvailability": 2 } }
"RestoreOnStartup": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "RestoreOnStartup": 4 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "session.restore_on_startup",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "RestoreOnStartup": 1 },
"value": "1"},
{ "policy": { "RestoreOnStartup": 4 },
"value": "4"},
{ "policy": { "RestoreOnStartup": 5 },
"value": "5"}
"RestoreOnStartupURLs": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
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"test_policy": { "RestoreOnStartupURLs": [""] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "session.startup_urls",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "RestoreOnStartupURLs": [""] } }
"BlockThirdPartyCookies": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "BlockThirdPartyCookies": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.block_third_party_cookies",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "BlockThirdPartyCookies": true } }
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{ "policy": { "DefaultSearchProviderEnabled": true, "DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL": "{searchTerms}", "DefaultSearchProviderKeyword": "google" } }
"DefaultSearchProviderName": {
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"DefaultSearchProviderEnabled": true,
"DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL": "{searchTerms}",
"DefaultSearchProviderKeyword": "google",
"DefaultSearchProviderName": ""
"pref_mappings": [
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"DefaultSearchProviderKeyword": {
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"DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL": {
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"DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL": "{searchTerms}"
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "default_search_provider_data.template_url_data" }
"DefaultSearchProviderInstantURL": {
"note": "Deprecated since Chrome 63. See"
"DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"DefaultSearchProviderEnabled": true,
"DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL": "{searchTerms}",
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"DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL": ""
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"pref_mappings": [
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"DefaultSearchProviderEncodings": {
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"DefaultSearchProviderAlternateURLs": ["{searchTerms}", "{searchTerms}"]
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "default_search_provider_data.template_url_data" }
"DefaultSearchProviderSearchTermsReplacementKey": {
"note": "Deprecated since Chrome 63. See"
"DefaultSearchProviderImageURL": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"DefaultSearchProviderEnabled": true,
"DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL": "{searchTerms}",
"DefaultSearchProviderKeyword": "google",
"DefaultSearchProviderImageURL": ""
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "default_search_provider_data.template_url_data" }
"DefaultSearchProviderSearchURLPostParams": {
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"DefaultSearchProviderEnabled": true,
"DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL": "{searchTerms}",
"DefaultSearchProviderKeyword": "google",
"DefaultSearchProviderSearchURLPostParams": ""
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "default_search_provider_data.template_url_data" }
"DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURLPostParams": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
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"DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL": "{searchTerms}",
"DefaultSearchProviderKeyword": "google",
"DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURLPostParams": ""
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "default_search_provider_data.template_url_data" }
"DefaultSearchProviderInstantURLPostParams": {
"note": "Deprecated since Chrome 63. See"
"DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"DefaultSearchProviderEnabled": true,
"DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL": "{searchTerms}",
"DefaultSearchProviderKeyword": "google",
"DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams": "image_content={imageThumbnail},image_url={imageURL},sbisrc={imageSearchSource}"
"pref_mappings": [
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"DefaultCookiesSetting": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DefaultCookiesSetting": 2 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_default_content_settings.cookies",
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"value": "allow"},
{ "policy": { "DefaultCookiesSetting": 2 },
"value": "block"},
{ "policy": { "DefaultCookiesSetting": 4 },
"value": "session_only"}
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"DefaultImagesSetting": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
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{ "pref": "profile.managed_default_content_settings.images",
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"value": "block"}
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"DefaultJavaScriptSetting": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DefaultJavaScriptSetting": 2 },
"pref_mappings": [
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"value": "allow"},
{ "policy": { "DefaultJavaScriptSetting": 2 },
"value": "block"}
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"DefaultKeygenSetting": {
"note": "This policy is retired, see"
"LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabled": 1 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_default_content_settings.legacy_cookie_access" }
"LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_legacy_cookie_access_allowed_for_domains" }
"DefaultPluginsSetting": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
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"value": "block"}
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"DefaultPopupsSetting": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
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"value": "block"}
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"DefaultNotificationsSetting": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
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{ "pref": "profile.managed_default_content_settings.notifications",
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{ "policy": { "DefaultNotificationsSetting": 2 },
"value": "block"},
{ "policy": { "DefaultNotificationsSetting": 3 },
"value": "ask"}
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"DefaultGeolocationSetting": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DefaultGeolocationSetting": 2 },
"pref_mappings": [
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"value": "block"},
{ "policy": { "DefaultGeolocationSetting": 3 },
"value": "ask"}
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"DefaultMediaStreamSetting": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
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{ "policy": { "DefaultMediaStreamSetting": 3 },
"value": "ask"
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"DefaultMediaStreamSetting.OverriddenByAudioCaptureAllowed": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DefaultMediaStreamSetting": 3,
"AudioCaptureAllowed": false },
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"DefaultMediaStreamSetting": 2 },
"value": "block"
{ "policy": { "AudioCaptureAllowed": true,
"DefaultMediaStreamSetting": 3 },
"value": "ask"
"DefaultMediaStreamSetting.OverriddenByVideoCaptureAllowed": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DefaultMediaStreamSetting": 3,
"VideoCaptureAllowed": false },
"pref_mappings": [
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"DefaultMediaStreamSetting": 2 },
"value": "block"
{ "policy": { "VideoCaptureAllowed": true,
"DefaultMediaStreamSetting": 3 },
"value": "ask"
"AudioCaptureAllowed": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "hardware.audio_capture_enabled",
"indicator_selector": "[content-setting=media-stream-mic][value=block]",
"indicator_tests": [
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"AudioCaptureAllowedUrls": {
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"test_policy": { "AudioCaptureAllowedUrls": ["[*.]"] },
"pref_mappings": [
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"VideoCaptureAllowed": {
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"test_policy": { "VideoCaptureAllowed": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "hardware.video_capture_enabled",
"indicator_selector": "[content-setting=media-stream-camera][value=block]",
"indicator_tests": [
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"value": "block"
"VideoCaptureAllowedUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "VideoCaptureAllowedUrls": ["[*.]"] },
"pref_mappings": [
"pref": "hardware.video_capture_allowed_urls",
"indicator_selector": "[content-exception=media-stream-camera]",
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"DefaultWebBluetoothGuardSetting": {
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"test_policy": { "DefaultWebBluetoothGuardSetting": 2 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_default_content_settings.web_bluetooth_guard" }
"DefaultWebUsbGuardSetting": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_default_content_settings.web_usb_guard" }
"AutoSelectCertificateForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "AutoSelectCertificateForUrls": ["{'pattern':'','filter':{'ISSUER':{'CN': 'issuer-name'}}}"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_auto_select_certificate_for_urls" }
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"CookiesAllowedForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "CookiesAllowedForUrls": ["[*.]"] },
"pref_mappings": [
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"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"CookiesBlockedForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "CookiesBlockedForUrls": ["[*.]"] },
"pref_mappings": [
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"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls": ["[*.]"] },
"pref_mappings": [
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"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"ImagesAllowedForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "ImagesAllowedForUrls": ["[*.]"] },
"pref_mappings": [
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"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"ImagesBlockedForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "ImagesBlockedForUrls": ["[*.]"] },
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"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "ImagesBlockedForUrls": ["[*.]"] } }
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"JavaScriptAllowedForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "JavaScriptAllowedForUrls": ["[*.]"] },
"pref_mappings": [
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"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "JavaScriptAllowedForUrls": ["[*.]"] } }
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"JavaScriptBlockedForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "JavaScriptBlockedForUrls": ["[*.]"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_javascript_blocked_for_urls",
"indicator_test_setup_js": "document.querySelector('button.exceptions-list-button[contentType=javascript]').click();",
"indicator_selector": "[content-exception=javascript]",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "JavaScriptBlockedForUrls": ["[*.]"] } }
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"KeygenAllowedForUrls": {
"note": "This policy is retired, see"
"KeygenBlockedForUrls": {
"note": "This policy is retired, see"
"PluginsAllowedForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PluginsAllowedForUrls": ["[*.]"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_plugins_allowed_for_urls",
"indicator_test_setup_js": "document.querySelector('button.exceptions-list-button[contentType=plugins]').click();",
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"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"PluginsBlockedForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PluginsBlockedForUrls": ["[*.]"] },
"pref_mappings": [
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"indicator_selector": "[content-exception=plugins]",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "PluginsBlockedForUrls": ["[*.]"] } }
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"PopupsAllowedForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PopupsAllowedForUrls": ["[*.]"] },
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"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"PopupsBlockedForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PopupsBlockedForUrls": ["[*.]"] },
"pref_mappings": [
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"indicator_test_setup_js": "document.querySelector('button.exceptions-list-button[contentType=popups]').click();",
"indicator_selector": "[content-exception=popups]",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "PopupsBlockedForUrls": ["[*.]"] } }
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"NotificationsAllowedForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "NotificationsAllowedForUrls": ["[*.]"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_notifications_allowed_for_urls",
"indicator_test_setup_js": "document.querySelector('button.exceptions-list-button[contentType=notifications]').click();",
"indicator_selector": "[content-exception=notifications]",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "NotificationsAllowedForUrls": ["[*.]"] } }
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"NotificationsBlockedForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "NotificationsBlockedForUrls": ["[*.]"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_notifications_blocked_for_urls",
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"indicator_selector": "[content-exception=notifications]",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "NotificationsBlockedForUrls": ["[*.]"] } }
"note": "TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": {
"WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls": [
"devices": [{"vendor_id": 1234, "product_id": 5678}],
"urls": [",", ""]
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_web_usb_allow_devices_for_urls" }
"DeviceLoginScreenWebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DeviceLoginScreenWebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls": [{
"devices": [{"vendor_id": 1234, "product_id": 5678}],
"urls": ["", ","]
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "device_login_screen_webusb_allow_devices_for_urls",
"local_state": true
"WebUsbAskForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "WebUsbAskForUrls": ["[*.]"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_web_usb_ask_for_urls" }
"note": "TODO(reillyg): Add indicator tests. TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"WebUsbBlockedForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "WebUsbBlockedForUrls": ["[*.]"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.managed_web_usb_blocked_for_urls" }
"note": "TODO(reillyg): Add indicator tests. TODO(bartfab): Flag this with can_be_recommended when is fixed."
"Disable3DAPIs": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "Disable3DAPIs": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "disable_3d_apis" }
"InstantEnabled": {
"TranslateEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "translate.enabled",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "TranslateEnabled": true } }
"AppRecommendationZeroStateEnabled": {
"os:": ["chromeos"],
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "zero_state_app_install_recommendation.enabled"
"AllowOutdatedPlugins": {
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"test_policy": { "AllowOutdatedPlugins": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "plugins.allow_outdated" }
"AlwaysAuthorizePlugins": {
"note": "This policy has been removed since Chrome 65."
"RunAllFlashInAllowMode": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "RunAllFlashInAllowMode": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "plugins.run_all_flash_in_allow_mode" }
"BookmarkBarEnabled": {
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{ "pref": "bookmark_bar.show_on_all_tabs",
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{ "policy": { "BookmarkBarEnabled": true } }
"EditBookmarksEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "bookmarks.editing_enabled" }
"ShowAppsShortcutInBookmarkBar": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "ShowAppsShortcutInBookmarkBar": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "bookmark_bar.show_apps_shortcut" }
"AllowFileSelectionDialogs": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"test_policy": { "AllowFileSelectionDialogs": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "select_file_dialogs.allowed",
"local_state": true
{ "pref": "download.prompt_for_download",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "AllowFileSelectionDialogs": false } }
"SecurityKeyPermitAttestation": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "SecurityKeyPermitAttestation": ["", ""] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "securitykey.permit_attestation" }
"ImportBookmarks": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "ImportBookmarks": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "import_dialog_bookmarks",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "ImportBookmarks": false } }
"ImportHistory": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "import_dialog_history",
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{ "policy": { "ImportHistory": false } }
"ImportHomepage": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "import_home_page" }
"ImportSearchEngine": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "ImportSearchEngine": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "import_dialog_search_engine",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "ImportSearchEngine": false } }
"ImportSavedPasswords": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "ImportSavedPasswords": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "import_dialog_saved_passwords",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "ImportSavedPasswords": false } }
"ImportAutofillFormData": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "ImportAutofillFormData": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "import_dialog_autofill_form_data",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "ImportAutofillFormData": false } }
"MaxConnectionsPerProxy": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "MaxConnectionsPerProxy": 16 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "net.max_connections_per_proxy",
"local_state": true
"HideWebStorePromo": {
"URLBlacklist": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
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{ "pref": "policy.url_blacklist" }
"URLWhitelist": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "URLWhitelist": [""] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "policy.url_whitelist" }
"PolicyListMultipleSourceMergeList": {
"note": "This policy has no pref as it is only directly read by the policy system."
"PolicyDictionaryMultipleSourceMergeList": {
"note": "This policy has no pref as it is only directly read by the policy system."
"PolicyAtomicGroupsEnabled": {
"note": "This policy has no pref as it is only directly read by the policy system."
"EnterpriseWebStoreURL": {
"note": "This policy is retired, see"
"EnterpriseWebStoreName": {
"note": "This policy is retired, see"
"EnableMemoryInfo": {
"note": "This policy is retired, see"
"DisablePrintPreview": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"test_policy": { "DisablePrintPreview": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.print_preview_disabled" }
"DefaultPrinterSelection": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"DefaultPrinterSelection": "{ 'kind': 'local', 'namePattern': '.*' }"
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.default_destination_selection_rules" }
"PrintPreviewUseSystemDefaultPrinter": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"test_policy": { "PrintPreviewUseSystemDefaultPrinter": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "printing.use_system_default_printer" }
"BackgroundModeEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "BackgroundModeEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "background_mode.enabled",
"local_state": true,
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "BackgroundModeEnabled": false } }
"RestrictSigninToPattern": {
"os": ["win", "mac", "linux"],
"test_policy": { "RestrictSigninToPattern": ".*" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "",
"local_state": true
"DisableSafeBrowsingProceedAnyway": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DisableSafeBrowsingProceedAnyway": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "safebrowsing.proceed_anyway_disabled" }
"SafeBrowsingExtendedReportingOptInAllowed": {
"note": "This policy is being deprecated.",
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "SafeBrowsingExtendedReportingOptInAllowed": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "safebrowsing.extended_reporting_opt_in_allowed" }
"SpellCheckServiceEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"official_only": true,
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "SpellCheckServiceEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "spellcheck.use_spelling_service",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "SpellCheckServiceEnabled": false } }
"DisableScreenshots": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DisableScreenshots": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "disable_screenshots" }
"BuiltInDnsClientEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "BuiltInDnsClientEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "async_dns.enabled",
"local_state": true
"WPADQuickCheckEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "WPADQuickCheckEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "proxy.quick_check_enabled",
"local_state": true
"PacHttpsUrlStrippingEnabled": {
"note": "This policy has been removed, see"
"RegisteredProtocolHandlers": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": true,
"test_policy": { "RegisteredProtocolHandlers": {"protocol": "test", "url": "", "default": "true"} },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "custom_handlers.policy.registered_protocol_handlers",
"check_for_mandatory": false
"HideWebStoreIcon": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "HideWebStoreIcon": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "hide_web_store_icon" }
"VariationsRestrictParameter": {
"test_policy": { "VariationsRestrictParameter": "restricted" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "variations_restrict_parameter",
"local_state": true
"DataCompressionProxyEnabled": {
"os": ["android"],
"test_policy": { "DataCompressionProxyEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "spdy_proxy.enabled" }
"ForceEphemeralProfiles": {
"UserAvatarImage": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"UserAvatarImage": {
"url": "http://localhost/",
"hash": "deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef"
"indicator_selector": "#account-picture-indicator"
"WallpaperImage": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"WallpaperImage": {
"url": "http://localhost/",
"hash": "baddecafbaddecafbaddecafbaddecafbaddecafbaddecafbaddecafbaddecaf"
"indicator_selector": "#wallpaper-indicator"
"BrowserGuestModeEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "BrowserGuestModeEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.browser_guest_enabled",
"local_state": true
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"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "BrowserGuestModeEnforced": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.browser_guest_enforced",
"local_state": true
"BrowserAddPersonEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.add_person_enabled",
"local_state": true
"ForceBrowserSignin": {
"os": ["win"],
"test_policy": { "ForceBrowserSignin": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.force_browser_signin",
"local_state": true
"BrowserSignin.DesktopNoForce": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "BrowserSignin": 1 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "signin.allowed_on_next_startup",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "BrowserSignin": 1 } }
"BrowserSignin.DesktopForce": {
"os": ["win", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "BrowserSignin": 2 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "signin.allowed_on_next_startup" },
{ "pref": "profile.force_browser_signin",
"local_state": true
{ "pref": "profile.browser_guest_enabled",
"local_state": true
"BrowserSignin.LinuxForceNotSupported": {
"os": ["linux"],
"test_policy": { "BrowserSignin": 2 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "signin.allowed_on_next_startup" }
"BrowserSignin.AndroidForce": {
"os": ["android"],
"test_policy": { "BrowserSignin": 2 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "signin.allowed" },
{ "pref": "profile.force_browser_signin",
"local_state": true
"MachineLevelUserCloudPolicyEnrollmentToken": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": {"MachineLevelUserCloudPolicyEnrollmentToken": ""},
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "policy.machine_level_user_cloud_policy_enrollment_token",
"local_state": true
"CloudManagementEnrollmentToken": {},
"CloudManagementEnrollmentMandatory": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": {"CloudManagementEnrollmentMandatory": true},
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "policy.cloud_management_enrollment_mandatory",
"local_state": true
"SSLVersionMin": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "SSLVersionMin": "tls1.1" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "ssl.version_min",
"local_state": true
"SSLVersionFallbackMin": {
"note": "This policy is retired, see"
"SSLVersionMax": {
"note": "This policy has been removed, see"
"CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls": [""] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "certificate_transparency.excluded_hosts" }
"CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas": ["sha256/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=="] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "certificate_transparency.excluded_spkis" }
"CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForLegacyCas": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForLegacyCas": ["sha256/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=="] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "certificate_transparency.excluded_legacy_spkis" }
"RC4Enabled": {
"note": "This policy is retired, see"
"DHEEnabled": {
"note": "This policy is retired, see"
"WelcomePageOnOSUpgradeEnabled": {
"note": "This policy is retired, see"
"SuppressUnsupportedOSWarning": {
"os": ["chromeos", "linux", "mac", "win"],
"test_policy": { "SuppressUnsupportedOSWarning": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser.suppress_unsupported_os_warning",
"local_state": true
"AllowedDomainsForApps": {
"pref": "settings.allowed_domains_for_apps",
"test_policy": { "AllowedDomainsForApps": "," },
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "settings.allowed_domains_for_apps"
"AllowedDomainsForApps": {
"pref": "settings.allowed_domains_for_apps",
"test_policy": { "AllowedDomainsForApps": "," },
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "settings.allowed_domains_for_apps"
"AllowedDomainsForApps": {
"pref": "settings.allowed_domains_for_apps",
"test_policy": { "AllowedDomainsForApps": "," },
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "settings.allowed_domains_for_apps"
"EnableMediaRouter": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "EnableMediaRouter": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "media_router.enable_media_router" }
"ShowCastIconInToolbar": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "ShowCastIconInToolbar": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "media_router.show_cast_icon_in_toolbar" }
"MediaRouterCastAllowAllIPs": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
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"pref_mappings": [
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"----- Chrome OS policies ------------------------------------------------": {},
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"IdleDelayAC": {
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{ "pref": "power.wait_for_initial_user_activity" }
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"AttestationEnabledForUser": {
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"SessionLocales": {
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"can_be_recommended": true
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"pref_mappings": [
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"pref_mappings": [
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"AllowDinosaurEasterEgg": {
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"pref_mappings": [
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"KeyPermissions": {
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{ "policy": { "HardwareAccelerationModeEnabled": false } }
"UnifiedDesktopEnabledByDefault": {
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"can_be_recommended": false,
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"pref_mappings": [
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"UserFeedbackAllowed": {
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"pref_mappings": [
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"ArcEnabled": {
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"ArcPolicy": {
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"can_be_recommended": false,
"test_policy": { "ArcPolicy": "" }
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"QuickUnlockModeWhitelist": {
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"pref_mappings": [
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"QuickUnlockTimeout": {
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "quick_unlock_timeout"}
"PinUnlockMinimumLength": {
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "pin_unlock_minimum_length"}
"PinUnlockMaximumLength": {
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "pin_unlock_maximum_length"}
"PinUnlockWeakPinsAllowed": {
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "pin_unlock_weak_pins_allowed"}
"ArcCertificatesSyncMode": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": false,
"test_policy": { "ArcCertificatesSyncMode": 0 }
"ArcBackupRestoreEnabled": {
"note": "This policy has been removed. See"
"ArcLocationServiceEnabled": {
"note": "This policy has been removed. See"
"ReportArcStatusEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": false,
"test_policy": { "ReportArcStatusEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "arc.status_reporting_enabled" }
"ReportCrostiniUsageEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": false,
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "crostini.usage_reporting_enabled" }
"SmsMessagesAllowed": {
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"pref_mappings": [
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"SmartLockSigninAllowed": {
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"pref_mappings": [
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"InstantTetheringAllowed": {
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"pref_mappings": [
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"EcryptfsMigrationStrategy": {
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "ecryptfs_migration_strategy" }
"SchedulerConfiguration": {
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"test_policy": { "SchedulerConfiguration": "performance" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "chromeos.scheduler_configuration",
"local_state": true
"CloudPolicyOverridesPlatformPolicy": {
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "policy.cloud_override",
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"AllowedLanguages": {
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"can_be_recommended": false,
"test_policy": { "AllowedLanguages": ["en-US", "de"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "intl.allowed_languages" }
"AllowedInputMethods": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": false,
"test_policy": { "AllowedInputMethods": ["xkb:us::en"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "settings.language.allowed_input_methods" }
"UrlKeyedAnonymizedDataCollectionEnabled": {
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"pref_mappings": [
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"NetworkFileSharesAllowed": {
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "network_file_shares.allowed" }
"WebRtcEventLogCollectionAllowed": {
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "webrtc.event_logs_collection" }
"PowerSmartDimEnabled": {
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"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "power.smart_dim_enabled" }
"CoalesceH2ConnectionsWithClientCertificatesForHosts": {
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"test_policy": { "CoalesceH2ConnectionsWithClientCertificatesForHosts": [""] },
"pref_mappings": [ { "pref": "ssl.client_certs.h2_coalescing_hosts", "local_state": true } ]
"NetBiosShareDiscoveryEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "NetBiosShareDiscoveryEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "network_file_shares.netbios_discovery.enabled" }
"EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "enterprise_hardware_platform_api.enabled" }
"NTLMShareAuthenticationEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "NTLMShareAuthenticationEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "network_file_shares.ntlm_share_authentication.enabled" }
"NetworkFileSharesPreconfiguredShares" : {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"NetworkFileSharesPreconfiguredShares": [{
"share_url": "smb://server/share",
"mode": "drop_down"
}, {
"share_url": "\\\\server\\share",
"mode": "drop_down"
}, {
"share_url": "smb://server/share",
"mode": "pre_mount"
}, {
"share_url": "\\\\server\\share",
"mode": "pre_mount"
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "network_file_shares.preconfigured_shares" }
"ScreenBrightnessPercent": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"ScreenBrightnessPercent": {
"BrightnessAC": 100,
"BrightnessBattery": 90
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "power.ac_screen_brightness_percent" },
{ "pref": "power.battery_screen_brightness_percent" }
"PluginVmImage": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"PluginVmImage": {
"url": "http://localhost/",
"hash": "842841a4c75a55ad050d686f4ea5f77e83ae059877fe9b6946aa63d3d057ed32"
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "plugin_vm.image" }
"VoiceInteractionHotwordEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "VoiceInteractionHotwordEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [{ "pref": "settings.voice_interaction.hotword.enabled" }]
"SignedHTTPExchangeEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "SignedHTTPExchangeEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [{ "pref": "web_package.signed_exchange.enabled" }]
"SamlInSessionPasswordChangeEnabled": {
"os": [],
"test_policy": { "SamlInSessionPasswordChangeEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "saml.in_session_password_change_enabled"}
"SamlPasswordExpirationAdvanceWarningDays": {
"os": [],
"test_policy": { "SamlPasswordExpirationAdvanceWarningDays": 7 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "saml.password_expiration_advance_warning_days"}
"VmManagementCliAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "VmManagementCliAllowed": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "crostini.vm_management_cli_allowed_by_policy" }
"SharedClipboardEnabled" : {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "SharedClipboardEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [{ "pref": "browser.shared_clipboard_enabled" }]
"----- Chrome OS device policies ---------------------------------------": {},
"DevicePolicyRefreshRate": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DevicePolicyRefreshRate": 300000 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "policy.device_refresh_rate",
"local_state": true }
"DisplayRotationDefault": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": false,
"test_policy": { "DisplayRotationDefault": 1 }
"DeviceDisplayResolution": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": false,
"test_policy": {
"DeviceDisplayResolution": {
"external_width": 1920,
"external_height": 1080,
"external_scale_percentage": 100,
"internal_scale_percentage": 50,
"recommended": true
"ChromeOsReleaseChannel": {
"ChromeOsReleaseChannelDelegated": {
"DeviceOpenNetworkConfiguration": {
"HeartbeatEnabled": {
"HeartbeatFrequency": {
"LogUploadEnabled": {
"ReportDeviceVersionInfo": {
"ReportDeviceActivityTimes": {
"ReportDeviceBootMode": {
"ReportDeviceNetworkInterfaces": {
"ReportDeviceUsers": {
"ReportDeviceHardwareStatus": {
"ReportDeviceOsUpdateStatus": {
"ReportDeviceSessionStatus": {
"ReportDevicePowerStatus": {
"ReportDeviceStorageStatus": {
"ReportDeviceBoardStatus": {
"ReportUploadFrequency": {
"DeviceAllowNewUsers": {
"DeviceUserWhitelist": {
"DeviceGuestModeEnabled": {
"DeviceShowUserNamesOnSignin": {
"DeviceDataRoamingEnabled": {
"DeviceMetricsReportingEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"official_only": true,
"test_policy": { "DeviceMetricsReportingEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.metrics.reportingEnabled",
"indicator_test_setup_js": "var controllingPref = 'spellcheck.use_spelling_service'; var testedPref = 'cros.metrics.reportingEnabled'; Preferences.prefsChangedCallback([testedPref, Preferences.getInstance().registeredPreferences_[controllingPref].orig]); Preferences.getInstance().addEventListener(controllingPref, function(event) {Preferences.prefsChangedCallback([testedPref, {value: event.value.value, controlledBy: event.value.controlledBy, disabled: event.value.disabled}]);});",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "SpellCheckServiceEnabled": true } }
"note": "TODO(bartfab): The |indicator_test_setup_js| above is a hack that makes |cros.metrics.reportingEnabled| track the status of the entirely unrelated |spellcheck.use_spelling_service| pref. This is because cros settings cannot currently be made policy-controlled in browser tests. Remove this hack once that restriction is lifted."
"DeviceEphemeralUsersEnabled": {
"DeviceRebootOnShutdown": {
"DeviceIdleLogoutTimeout": {
"DeviceIdleLogoutWarningDuration": {
"DeviceLoginScreenSaverId": {
"DeviceLoginScreenSaverTimeout": {
"DeviceStartUpUrls": {
"DeviceAppPack": {
"DeviceAutoUpdateDisabled": {
"DeviceAutoUpdateP2PEnabled": {
"DeviceRollbackAllowedMilestones": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"note": "Chrome OS device policy used by update_engine only, not used in Chrome."
"DeviceRollbackToTargetVersion": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"note": "Chrome OS device policy used by update_engine only, not used in Chrome."
"DeviceTargetVersionPrefix": {
"DeviceUpdateScatterFactor": {
"DeviceUpdateAllowedConnectionTypes": {
"DeviceUpdateHttpDownloadsEnabled": {
"ReportDeviceLocation": {
"SystemTimezone": {
"SystemUse24HourClock": {
"DeviceLocalAccounts": {
"DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginId": {
"DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginDelay": {
"DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginBailoutEnabled": {
"DeviceLocalAccountManagedSessionEnabled": {
"DeviceLocalAccountPromptForNetworkWhenOffline": {
"DeviceBlockDevmode": {
"DeviceLoginScreenPowerManagement": {
"DeviceAllowRedeemChromeOsRegistrationOffers": {
"DeviceStartUpFlags": {
"DeviceVariationsRestrictParameter" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenDefaultLargeCursorEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenLargeCursorEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenDefaultSpokenFeedbackEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenSpokenFeedbackEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenDefaultHighContrastEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenHighContrastEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenDefaultScreenMagnifierType" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenDefaultVirtualKeyboardEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenVirtualKeyboardEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenDictationEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenSelectToSpeakEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenCursorHighlightEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenCaretHighlightEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenMonoAudioEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenAutoclickEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenStickyKeysEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenKeyboardFocusHighlightEnabled" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenLocales" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenInputMethods" : {
"DeviceLoginScreenSystemInfoEnforced" : {
"UptimeLimit": {
"RebootAfterUpdate": {
"AttestationEnabledForDevice": {
"AttestationForContentProtectionEnabled": {
"SupervisedUsersEnabled": {
"SupervisedUserCreationEnabled": {
"SupervisedUserContentProviderEnabled": {
"AutoCleanUpStrategy": {
"DeviceTransferSAMLCookies": {
"ExtensionCacheSize": {
"DeviceLoginScreenDomainAutoComplete": {
"AllowKioskAppControlChromeVersion": {
"LoginAuthenticationBehavior": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "LoginAuthenticationBehavior": 1 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device.login_authentication_behavior" }
"UsbDetachableWhitelist": {
"DeviceAllowBluetooth": {
"DeviceWiFiAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DeviceWiFiAllowed": false},
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device.device_wifi_allowed" }
"DeviceQuirksDownloadEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": false,
"test_policy": { "DeviceQuirksDownloadEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device.quirks_download_enabled" }
"SystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "SystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection": 1 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device.system_timezone_automatic_detection" }
"WebRestrictionsAuthority": {
"TaskManagerEndProcessEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "TaskManagerEndProcessEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
"pref": "task_manager.end_process_enabled",
"local_state": true
"NetworkThrottlingEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "NetworkThrottlingEnabled": {"enabled": "true", "upload_rate_kbits": "5600", "download_rate_kbits": "5600"} },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "net.throttling_enabled",
"local_state": true
"DeviceWiFiFastTransitionEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DeviceWiFiFastTransitionEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "net.device_wifi_fast_transition_enabled",
"local_state": true
"LoginVideoCaptureAllowedUrls": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "LoginVideoCaptureAllowedUrls": [ "" ] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device.login_video_capture_allowed_urls" }
"DeviceLoginScreenExtensions": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DeviceLoginScreenExtensions": [ "abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop" ] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device.login_screen_extensions" }
"DeviceWallpaperImage": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"DeviceWallpaperImage": {
"url": "http://localhost/",
"hash": "examplewallpaperhash"
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device_wallpaper_image" }
"BrowserNetworkTimeQueriesEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "BrowserNetworkTimeQueriesEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "network_time.network_time_queries_enabled",
"local_state": true
"DeviceSecondFactorAuthentication": {
"os": ["chromeos"]
"DeviceEcryptfsMigrationStrategy": {
"note": "This policy is deprecated and removed since Chrome 61."
"NoteTakingAppsLockScreenWhitelist": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "NoteTakingAppsLockScreenWhitelist": [] },
"pref_mappings": [
{"pref": "settings.note_taking_apps_lock_screen_whitelist"}
"CastReceiverEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "CastReceiverEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cast_receiver.enabled" }
"CastReceiverName": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "CastReceiverName": "Hallway" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "",
"local_state": true }
"DeviceNativePrinters": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"DeviceNativePrinters": {
"url": "",
"hash": "deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef"
"DeviceNativePrintersAccessMode": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"DeviceNativePrintersAccessMode": 1
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device.native_printers_access_mode" }
"DeviceNativePrintersBlacklist": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"DeviceNativePrintersBlacklist": ["id4", "id7", "id10"]
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device.native_printers_blacklist" }
"DeviceNativePrintersWhitelist": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"DeviceNativePrintersWhitelist": ["id4", "id7", "id10"]
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device.native_printers_whitelist" }
"TPMFirmwareUpdateSettings": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"allow-user-initiated-powerwash": true,
"auto-update-mode": 2
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.tpm_firmware_update_settings" }
"MinimumRequiredChromeVersion": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"MinimumRequiredChromeVersion": "61.0.3163.120"
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": ""}
"DeviceLoginScreenAutoSelectCertificateForUrls": {
"UnaffiliatedArcAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"unaffiliated_arc_allowed": false
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.unaffiliated_arc_allowed"}
"DeviceHostnameTemplate": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"DeviceHostnameTemplate": "chromebook-${ASSET_ID}"
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "" }
"DeviceQuickFixBuildToken": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"DeviceQuickFixBuildToken": "sometoken"
"AbusiveExperienceInterventionEnforce": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"AbusiveExperienceInterventionEnforce": false
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "abusive_experience_intervention_enforce"}
"AdsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSites": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"AdsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSites": 1
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "",
"indicator_selector": "[content-setting=ads]",
"indicator_tests": [
{ "policy": { "DefaultAdsSetting": 1 },
"value": "allow"},
{ "policy": { "DefaultAdsSetting": 2 },
"value": "block"}
"SafeBrowsingExtendedReportingEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "SafeBrowsingExtendedReportingEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "safebrowsing.scout_reporting_enabled" }
"RestrictAccountsToPatterns": {
"PasswordProtectionWarningTrigger": {
"DeviceOffHours": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {"DeviceOffHours": {"intervals": [{"start" : {"day_of_week" : 1, "time": 12840000}, "end": {"day_of_week" : 1, "time": 21720000}}], "timezone" : "GMT", "ignored_policy_proto_tags": [8, 3]}}
"DeviceKerberosEncryptionTypes": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"note": "Chrome OS device policy used by authpolicyd only, not used in Chrome"
"DeviceUserPolicyLoopbackProcessingMode": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"note": "Chrome OS device policy used by authpolicyd only, not used in Chrome"
"DeviceMachinePasswordChangeRate": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"note": "Chrome OS device policy used by authpolicyd only, not used in Chrome"
"DeviceGpoCacheLifetime": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"note": "Chrome OS device policy used by authpolicyd only, not used in Chrome"
"DeviceAuthDataCacheLifetime": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"note": "Chrome OS device policy used by authpolicyd only, not used in Chrome"
"DeviceLoginScreenIsolateOrigins": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"note": "Chrome OS device policy used by session_manager only"
"DeviceLoginScreenSitePerProcess": {
"note": "This policy has been removed in Chrome 77, see ."
"VirtualMachinesAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"virtual_machines_allowed": true
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device.virtual_machines_allowed"}
"CrostiniAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "CrostiniAllowed": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "crostini.user_allowed_by_policy" }
"DeviceUnaffiliatedCrostiniAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"device_unaffiliated_crostini_allowed": false
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device.unaffiliated_crostini_allowed"}
"CrostiniExportImportUIAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "CrostiniExportImportUIAllowed": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "crostini.user_export_import_ui_allowed_by_policy" }
"CrostiniRootAccessAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "CrostiniRootAccessAllowed": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "crostini.user_root_access_allowed_by_policy" }
"DeviceSamlLoginAuthenticationType": {
"DeviceScheduledUpdateCheck": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DeviceScheduledUpdateCheck": {"update_check_time" : {"hour": 23, "minute": 35}, "frequency": "WEEKLY", "day_of_week": "MONDAY" }}
"ChromeCleanupEnabled": {
"os": ["win"],
"test_policy": { "ChromeCleanupEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "software_reporter.enabled",
"local_state": true
"ChromeCleanupReportingEnabled": {
"os": ["win"],
"test_policy": { "ChromeCleanupReportingEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "software_reporter.reporting" }
"SafeBrowsingWhitelistDomains": {
"PasswordProtectionLoginURLs": {
"PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURL": {
"AutoplayAllowed": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "AutoplayAllowed": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "media.autoplay_allowed" }
"AutoplayWhitelist": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"AutoplayWhitelist": [
"", ""
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "media.autoplay_whitelist" }
"TabUnderAllowed": {
"note": "This policy is deprecated and removed since Chrome 68."
"ArcAppInstallEventLoggingEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "ArcAppInstallEventLoggingEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "arc.app_install_event_logging_enabled" }
"UsageTimeLimit": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "UsageTimeLimit": { "time_window_limit": { "entries": [{ "effective_day": "WEDNESDAY", "starts_at": { "hour": 21, "minute": 0 }, "ends_at": { "hour": 7, "minute": 30 }, "last_updated_millis": "1000000" }, { "effective_day": "SATURDAY", "starts_at": { "hour": 14, "minute": 0 }, "ends_at": { "hour": 16, "minute": 15 }, "last_updated_millis": "1400000" }]}, "time_usage_limit": { "monday": { "usage_quota_mins": 120, "last_updated_millis": "1200000" }, "thursday": { "usage_quota_mins": 15, "last_updated_millis": "1600000" }, "reset_at": { "hour": 6, "minute": 0 }}, "overrides": [{ "action": "UNLOCK", "created_at_millis": "1250000", "action_specific_data": { "duration_mins": 30 }}]}},
"can_be_recommended": false,
"pref_mappings": [{ "pref": "screen_time.limit" }]
"EnableSyncConsent": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "EnableSyncConsent": false },
"pref_mappings": [{ "pref": "sync_consent.enabled" }]
"ContextualSuggestionsEnabled": {
"note": "This policy has been removed. See"
"DeviceAutoUpdateTimeRestrictions": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {"UpdateTimeRestrictions": [{"start" : {"day_of_week" : "Wednesday", "minutes": 30, "hours": 3}, "end": {"day_of_week" : "Thursday", "minutes": 20, "hours": 13}}, {"start": {"day_of_week": "Monday", "minutes": 45, "hours": 1}, "end": {"day_of_week": "Monday", "minutes": 50, "hours": 15}}]}
"DeviceUpdateStagingSchedule": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"note": "Chrome OS device policy used by update_engine only, not used in Chrome."
"WebAppInstallForceList": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"WebAppInstallForceList": [{
"url": "https://foo.example",
"default_launch_container": "tab"
}, {
"url": "https://bar.example",
"default_launch_container": "window"
}, {
"url": "https://foobar.example"
}, {
"url": "https://xyz.example",
"create_desktop_shortcut": true
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "profile.web_app.install.forcelist" }
"PluginVmAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "PluginVmAllowed": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device.plugin_vm_allowed" }
"PluginVmLicenseKey": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"PluginVmLicenseKey": "LICENSE_KEY"
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device.plugin_vm_license_key" }
"ParentAccessCodeConfig": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "ParentAccessCodeConfig": {
"current_config": {
"shared_secret": "oOA9nX02LdhYdOzwMsGof+QA3wUKP4YMNlk9S/W3o+w=",
"access_code_ttl": 600,
"clock_drift_tolerance": 300
"future_config": {
"shared_secret": "KMsoIjnpvcWmiU1GHchp2blR96mNyJwS",
"access_code_ttl": 600,
"clock_drift_tolerance": 300
"old_configs": [{
"shared_secret": "sTr6jqMTJGCbLhWI5plFTQb/VsqxwX2Q",
"access_code_ttl": 600,
"clock_drift_tolerance": 300
"pref_mappings": [{ "pref": "child_user.parent_access_code.config" }]
"ClientCertificateManagementAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "ClientCertificateManagementAllowed": 2 },
"pref_mappings": [{ "pref": "client_certificate_management_allowed" }]
"CACertificateManagementAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "CACertificateManagementAllowed": 2 },
"pref_mappings": [{ "pref": "ca_certificate_management_allowed" }]
"VoiceInteractionContextEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "VoiceInteractionContextEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [{ "pref": "settings.voice_interaction.context.enabled" }]
"DeviceRebootOnUserSignout": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"DeviceRebootOnUserSignout": 0
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device.reboot_on_user_signout"}
"ForceNetworkInProcess": {
"note": "This policy is used directly through the policy service instead of through a pref."
"DeviceWilcoDtcAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DeviceWilcoDtcAllowed": true },
"pref_mappings": [{ "pref": "cros.device.wilco_dtc_allowed" }]
"DeviceWilcoDtcConfiguration": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"DeviceWilcoDtcCOnfiguration": {
"url": "",
"hash": "deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef"
"DevicePowerPeakShiftEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DevicePowerPeakShiftEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
"pref": "ash.power.peak_shift_enabled",
"local_state": true
"DevicePowerPeakShiftBatteryThreshold": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DevicePowerPeakShiftBatteryThreshold": 20 },
"pref_mappings": [
"pref": "ash.power.peak_shift_battery_threshold",
"local_state": true
"DevicePowerPeakShiftDayConfig": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"DevicePowerPeakShiftDayConfig": {
"entries": [
"charge_start_time": {
"hour": 20,
"minute": 0
"day": "MONDAY",
"end_time": {
"hour": 10,
"minute": 15
"start_time": {
"hour": 7,
"minute": 30
"charge_start_time": {
"hour": 22,
"minute": 30
"day": "FRIDAY",
"end_time": {
"hour": 9,
"minute": 45
"start_time": {
"hour": 4,
"minute": 0
"pref_mappings": [
"pref": "ash.power.peak_shift_day_config",
"local_state": true
"DeviceBootOnAcEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DeviceBootOnAcEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
"pref": "ash.power.boot_on_ac_enabled",
"local_state": true
"DeviceDockMacAddressSource": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DeviceDockMacAddressSource": 2},
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "cros.device.device_dock_mac_address_source" }
"DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
"pref": "ash.power.advanced_battery_charge_mode_enabled",
"local_state": true
"DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeDayConfig": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeDayConfig":
"entries": [
"charge_start_time": {
"hour": 10,
"minute": 0
"day": "MONDAY",
"charge_end_time": {
"hour": 20,
"minute": 15
"charge_start_time": {
"hour": 8,
"minute": 30
"day": "FRIDAY",
"charge_end_time": {
"hour": 15,
"minute": 45
"pref_mappings": [
"pref": "ash.power.advanced_battery_charge_mode_day_config",
"local_state": true
"DeviceBatteryChargeMode": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DeviceBatteryChargeMode": 5 },
"pref_mappings": [
"pref": "ash.power.battery_charge_mode",
"local_state": true
"DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStartCharging": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStartCharging": 60 },
"pref_mappings": [
"pref": "ash.power.battery_charge_custom_start_charging",
"local_state": true
"DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStopCharging": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStopCharging": 91 },
"pref_mappings": [
"pref": "ash.power.battery_charge_custom_stop_charging",
"local_state": true
"DeviceUsbPowerShareEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DeviceUsbPowerShareEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
"pref": "ash.power.usb_power_share_enabled",
"local_state": true
"DevicePowerwashAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": { "DevicePowerwashAllowed": true },
"pref_mappings": [
"pref": "cros.device.device_powerwash_allowed",
"local_state": true
"----- Chrome Frame policies -------------------------------------------": {},
"ChromeFrameRendererSettings": {
"RenderInChromeFrameList": {
"RenderInHostList": {
"ChromeFrameContentTypes": {
"GCFUserDataDir": {
"AdditionalLaunchParameters": {
"SuppressChromeFrameTurndownPrompt": {
"SkipMetadataCheck": {
"ArcBackupRestoreServiceEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": false,
"test_policy": { "ArcBackupRestoreServiceEnabled": 0 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "arc.backup_restore.enabled" }
"ArcGoogleLocationServicesEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": false,
"test_policy": { "ArcGoogleLocationServicesEnabled": 0 },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "arc.location_service.enabled" }
"SafeSitesFilterBehavior": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": false,
"test_policy": { "SafeSitesFilterBehavior": 0 },
"note": "pref_mappings cannot be tested here as the code where the pref will be registered is not yet ready."
"ReportVersionData": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "ReportVersionData": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "enterprise_reporting.report_version_data" }
"ReportPolicyData": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "ReportPolicyData": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "enterprise_reporting.report_policy_data" }
"ReportMachineIDData": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "ReportMachineIDData": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "enterprise_reporting.report_machine_id_data" }
"ReportUserIDData": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "ReportUserIDData": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "enterprise_reporting.report_user_id_data" }
"ReportExtensionsAndPluginsData": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "ReportExtensionsAndPluginsData": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "enterprise_reporting.report_extensions_and_plugins_data" }
"ReportSafeBrowsingData": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "ReportSafeBrowsingData": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "enterprise_reporting.report_safe_browsing_data" }
"CloudExtensionRequestEnabled": {},
"CloudReportingEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "CloudReportingEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "enterprise_reporting.chrome_cloud_reporting" }
"VpnConfigAllowed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"can_be_recommended": false,
"test_policy": { "VpnConfigAllowed": false },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "vpn_config_allowed" }
"AlternativeBrowserPath": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "AlternativeBrowserPath": "foobarbaz" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser_switcher.alternative_browser_path" }
"AlternativeBrowserParameters": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": {
"AlternativeBrowserParameters": ["-foreground", "-new-window"]
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser_switcher.alternative_browser_parameters" }
"BrowserSwitcherChromePath": {
"os": ["win"],
"test_policy": { "BrowserSwitcherChromePath": "chrome.exe" },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser_switcher.chrome_path" }
"BrowserSwitcherChromeParameters": {
"os": ["win"],
"test_policy": { "BrowserSwitcherChromeParameters": ["--force-dark-mode"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser_switcher.chrome_parameters" }
"BrowserSwitcherUrlList": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": {
"BrowserSwitcherUrlList": ["", ""]
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser_switcher.url_list" }
"BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylist": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": {
"BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylist": ["", ""]
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser_switcher.url_greylist" }
"BrowserSwitcherUseIeSitelist": {
"os": ["win"],
"test_policy": {
"BrowserSwitcherUseIeSitelist": true
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser_switcher.use_ie_sitelist" }
"BrowserSwitcherExternalSitelistUrl": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": {
"BrowserSwitcherExternalSitelistUrl": "file:///C:/src/sitelist.xml"
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser_switcher.external_sitelist_url" }
"BrowserSwitcherExternalGreylistUrl": {
"os": [],
"test_policy": {
"BrowserSwitcherExternalGreylistUrl": "file:///C:/src/greylist.xml"
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser_switcher.external_greylist_url" }
"BrowserSwitcherDelay": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": {
"BrowserSwitcherDelay": 10000
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser_switcher.delay" }
"BrowserSwitcherEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": {
"BrowserSwitcherEnabled": true
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser_switcher.enabled" }
"BrowserSwitcherKeepLastChromeTab": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": {
"BrowserSwitcherKeepLastChromeTab": false
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "browser_switcher.keep_last_tab" }
"StartupBrowserWindowLaunchSuppressed": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"StartupBrowserWindowLaunchSuppressed": false
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "startup_browser_window_launch_suppressed" }
"SafeBrowsingRealTimeLookupEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"SafeBrowsingRealTimeLookupEnabled": true
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "safebrowsing.real_time_lookup_enabled" }
"LockScreenMediaPlaybackEnabled": {
"os": ["chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"LockScreenMediaPlaybackEnabled": true
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "ash.lock_screen_media_controls_enabled" }
"SendFilesForMalwareCheck": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos"],
"test_policy": {
"SendFilesForMalwareCheck": 2
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "safebrowsing.send_files_for_malware_check" }
"UnsafeEventsReportingEnabled": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "UnsafeEventsReportingEnabled": false },
"pref_mappings": [ { "pref": "safebrowsing.unsafe_events_reporting",
"local_state": true } ]
"BlockLargeFileTransfer": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "BlockLargeFileTransfer": 0 },
"pref_mappings": [ { "pref": "safebrowsing.block_large_file_transfers",
"local_state": true } ]
"DelayDeliveryUntilVerdict": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "DelayDeliveryUntilVerdict": 0 },
"pref_mappings": [ { "pref": "safebrowsing.delay_delivery_until_verdict",
"local_state": true } ]
"AllowPasswordProtectedFiles": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "AllowPasswordProtectedFiles": 0 },
"pref_mappings": [ { "pref": "safebrowsing.allow_password_protected_files",
"local_state": true } ]
"CheckContentCompliance": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "CheckContentCompliance": 0 },
"pref_mappings": [ { "pref": "safebrowsing.check_content_compliance",
"local_state": true } ]
"DomainsToCheckComplianceOfDownloadedContent": {
"DomainsToNotCheckComplianceOfUploadedContent": {
"DomainsToCheckForMalwareOfUploadedContent": {
"RendererCodeIntegrityEnabled": {
"os": ["win"],
"test_policy": { "RendererCodeIntegrityEnabled": true },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "renderer_code_integrity_enabled",
"local_state": true
"HSTSPolicyBypassList": {
"os": ["win", "linux", "mac", "chromeos", "android"],
"test_policy": { "HSTSPolicyBypassList": ["example"] },
"pref_mappings": [
{ "pref": "hsts.policy.upgrade_bypass_list", "local_state": true }
"TotalMemoryLimitMb": {
"os": ["win", "mac"],
"test_policy": { "TotalMemoryLimitMb": 2048 },
"pref_mappings": [
"pref": "total_memory_limit_mb",
"local_state": true