blob: 5b608654f5cd78b85bf5ee5520bfdb25b75cc116 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/graph/frame_node_impl.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/graph/page_node_impl.h"
namespace performance_manager {
class ProcessNodeImpl;
// A collection of utilities for performing common queries and traversals on a
// graph.
struct GraphImplOperations {
// Returns the collection of page nodes that are associated with the given
// |process|. A page is associated with a process if the page's frame tree
// contains 1 or more frames hosted in the given |process|.
static base::flat_set<PageNodeImpl*> GetAssociatedPageNodes(
const ProcessNodeImpl* process);
// Returns the collection of process nodes associated with the given |page|.
// A |process| is associated with a page if the page's frame tree contains 1
// or more frames hosted in that |process|.
static base::flat_set<ProcessNodeImpl*> GetAssociatedProcessNodes(
const PageNodeImpl* page);
// Returns the collection of frame nodes associated with a page. This is
// returned in level order, with main frames first (level 0), main frame
// children next (level 1), all the way down to the deepest leaf frames.
static std::vector<FrameNodeImpl*> GetFrameNodes(const PageNodeImpl* page);
// Traverse the frame tree of a |page| in the given order, invoking the
// provided |callable| for each frame node in the tree. The |callable| has to
// provide a "bool operator()(FrameNodeImpl*)". If the visitor returns false
// then the iteration is halted.
template <typename Callable>
static void VisitFrameTreePreOrder(const PageNodeImpl* page,
Callable callable);
template <typename Callable>
static void VisitFrameTreePostOrder(const PageNodeImpl* page,
Callable callable);
// Returns true if the given |frame| is in the frame tree associated with the
// given |page|.
static bool HasFrame(const PageNodeImpl* page, FrameNodeImpl* frame);
// Implementation details for VisitFrameTree*.
namespace internal {
template <typename Callable>
bool VisitFrameAndChildren(FrameNodeImpl* frame,
Callable callable,
bool pre_order) {
if (pre_order && !callable(frame))
return false;
for (auto* child : frame->child_frame_nodes()) {
if (!VisitFrameAndChildren(child, callable, pre_order))
return false;
if (!pre_order && !callable(frame))
return false;
return true;
template <typename Callable>
void VisitFrameTree(const PageNodeImpl* page,
Callable callable,
bool pre_order) {
for (auto* main_frame_node : page->main_frame_nodes()) {
if (!VisitFrameAndChildren(main_frame_node, callable, pre_order))
} // namespace internal
// static
template <typename Callable>
void GraphImplOperations::VisitFrameTreePreOrder(const PageNodeImpl* page,
Callable callable) {
internal::VisitFrameTree(page, callable, true);
// static
template <typename Callable>
void GraphImplOperations::VisitFrameTreePostOrder(const PageNodeImpl* page,
Callable callable) {
internal::VisitFrameTree(page, callable, false);
} // namespace performance_manager