blob: 89bb227261f54150f9393f9a9dce6137df039e3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/location.h"
namespace content {
class LockObserver;
namespace performance_manager {
class Graph;
class GraphOwned;
// The performance manager is a rendezvous point for communicating with the
// performance manager graph on its dedicated sequence.
class PerformanceManager {
// Returns true if the performance manager is initialized. Valid to call from
// the main thread only.
static bool IsAvailable();
// Posts a callback that will run on the PM sequence, and be provided a
// pointer to the Graph. Valid to call from the main thread only, and only
// if "IsAvailable" returns true.
using GraphCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(Graph*)>;
static void CallOnGraph(const base::Location& from_here,
GraphCallback graph_callback);
// Passes a GraphOwned object into the Graph on the PM sequence. Should only
// be called from the main thread and only if "IsAvailable" returns true.
static void PassToGraph(const base::Location& from_here,
std::unique_ptr<GraphOwned> graph_owned);
// Returns the LockObserver that should be exposed to //content to allow the
// performance manager to track usage of locks in frames. Valid to call from
// any thread, but external synchronization is needed to make sure that the
// performance manager is available.
static content::LockObserver* GetLockObserver();
virtual ~PerformanceManager();
} // namespace performance_manager