blob: dc8fde09df84f3e0b5fb0eefcdc19648f7c98c8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/policy/core/common/schema.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <climits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/json_schema_constants.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/schema_internal.h"
#include "third_party/re2/src/re2/re2.h"
namespace schema = json_schema_constants;
namespace policy {
using internal::PropertiesNode;
using internal::PropertyNode;
using internal::RestrictionNode;
using internal::SchemaData;
using internal::SchemaNode;
namespace {
struct ReferencesAndIDs {
// Maps schema "id" attributes to the corresponding SchemaNode index.
std::map<std::string, short> id_map;
// List of pairs of references to be assigned later. The string is the "id"
// whose corresponding index should be stored in the pointer, once all the IDs
// are available.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, short*>> reference_list;
// Sizes for the storage arrays. These are calculated in advance so that the
// arrays don't have to be resized during parsing, which would invalidate
// pointers into their contents (i.e. string's c_str() and address of indices
// for "$ref" attributes).
struct StorageSizes {
: strings(0),
string_enums(0) {}
size_t strings;
size_t schema_nodes;
size_t property_nodes;
size_t properties_nodes;
size_t restriction_nodes;
size_t required_properties;
size_t int_enums;
size_t string_enums;
// |Schema::MaskSensitiveValues| will replace sensitive values with this string.
// It should be consistent with the mask |NetworkConfigurationPolicyHandler|
// uses for network credential fields.
constexpr char kSensitiveValueMask[] = "********";
// An invalid index, indicating that a node is not present; similar to a NULL
// pointer.
const short kInvalid = -1;
// Maps a schema key to the corresponding base::Value::Type
struct SchemaKeyToValueType {
const char* key;
base::Value::Type type;
// Allowed types and their base::Value::Type equivalent. These are ordered
// alphabetically to perform binary search.
const SchemaKeyToValueType kSchemaTypesToValueTypes[] = {
{schema::kArray, base::Value::Type::LIST},
{schema::kBoolean, base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN},
{schema::kInteger, base::Value::Type::INTEGER},
{schema::kNumber, base::Value::Type::DOUBLE},
{schema::kObject, base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY},
{schema::kString, base::Value::Type::STRING},
const SchemaKeyToValueType* kSchemaTypesToValueTypesEnd =
kSchemaTypesToValueTypes + base::size(kSchemaTypesToValueTypes);
// Allowed attributes and types for type 'array'. These are ordered
// alphabetically to perform binary search.
const SchemaKeyToValueType kAttributesAndTypesForArray[] = {
{schema::kDescription, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kId, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kItems, base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY},
{schema::kSensitiveValue, base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN},
{schema::kTitle, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kType, base::Value::Type::STRING},
const SchemaKeyToValueType* kAttributesAndTypesForArrayEnd =
kAttributesAndTypesForArray + base::size(kAttributesAndTypesForArray);
// Allowed attributes and types for type 'boolean'. These are ordered
// alphabetically to perform binary search.
const SchemaKeyToValueType kAttributesAndTypesForBoolean[] = {
{schema::kDescription, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kId, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kSensitiveValue, base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN},
{schema::kTitle, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kType, base::Value::Type::STRING},
const SchemaKeyToValueType* kAttributesAndTypesForBooleanEnd =
kAttributesAndTypesForBoolean + base::size(kAttributesAndTypesForBoolean);
// Allowed attributes and types for type 'integer'. These are ordered
// alphabetically to perform binary search.
const SchemaKeyToValueType kAttributesAndTypesForInteger[] = {
{schema::kDescription, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kEnum, base::Value::Type::LIST},
{schema::kId, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kMaximum, base::Value::Type::DOUBLE},
{schema::kMinimum, base::Value::Type::DOUBLE},
{schema::kSensitiveValue, base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN},
{schema::kTitle, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kType, base::Value::Type::STRING},
const SchemaKeyToValueType* kAttributesAndTypesForIntegerEnd =
kAttributesAndTypesForInteger + base::size(kAttributesAndTypesForInteger);
// Allowed attributes and types for type 'number'. These are ordered
// alphabetically to perform binary search.
const SchemaKeyToValueType kAttributesAndTypesForNumber[] = {
{schema::kDescription, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kId, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kSensitiveValue, base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN},
{schema::kTitle, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kType, base::Value::Type::STRING},
const SchemaKeyToValueType* kAttributesAndTypesForNumberEnd =
kAttributesAndTypesForNumber + base::size(kAttributesAndTypesForNumber);
// Allowed attributes and types for type 'object'. These are ordered
// alphabetically to perform binary search.
const SchemaKeyToValueType kAttributesAndTypesForObject[] = {
{schema::kAdditionalProperties, base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY},
{schema::kDescription, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kId, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kPatternProperties, base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY},
{schema::kProperties, base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY},
{schema::kRequired, base::Value::Type::LIST},
{schema::kSensitiveValue, base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN},
{schema::kTitle, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kType, base::Value::Type::STRING},
const SchemaKeyToValueType* kAttributesAndTypesForObjectEnd =
kAttributesAndTypesForObject + base::size(kAttributesAndTypesForObject);
// Allowed attributes and types for $ref. These are ordered alphabetically to
// perform binary search.
const SchemaKeyToValueType kAttributesAndTypesForRef[] = {
{schema::kDescription, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kRef, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kTitle, base::Value::Type::STRING},
const SchemaKeyToValueType* kAttributesAndTypesForRefEnd =
kAttributesAndTypesForRef + base::size(kAttributesAndTypesForRef);
// Allowed attributes and types for type 'string'. These are ordered
// alphabetically to perform binary search.
const SchemaKeyToValueType kAttributesAndTypesForString[] = {
{schema::kDescription, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kEnum, base::Value::Type::LIST},
{schema::kId, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kPattern, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kSensitiveValue, base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN},
{schema::kTitle, base::Value::Type::STRING},
{schema::kType, base::Value::Type::STRING},
const SchemaKeyToValueType* kAttributesAndTypesForStringEnd =
kAttributesAndTypesForString + base::size(kAttributesAndTypesForString);
// Helper for std::lower_bound.
bool CompareToString(const SchemaKeyToValueType& entry,
const std::string& key) {
return entry.key < key;
// Returns true if a SchemaKeyToValueType with key==|schema_key| can be found in
// the array represented by |begin| and |end|. If so, |value_type| will be set
// to the SchemaKeyToValueType value type.
bool MapSchemaKeyToValueType(const std::string& schema_key,
const SchemaKeyToValueType* begin,
const SchemaKeyToValueType* end,
base::Value::Type* value_type) {
const SchemaKeyToValueType* entry =
std::lower_bound(begin, end, schema_key, CompareToString);
if (entry == end || entry->key != schema_key)
return false;
if (value_type)
*value_type = entry->type;
return true;
// Shorthand method for |SchemaTypeToValueType()| with
// |kSchemaTypesToValueTypes|.
bool SchemaTypeToValueType(const std::string& schema_type,
base::Value::Type* value_type) {
return MapSchemaKeyToValueType(schema_type, kSchemaTypesToValueTypes,
kSchemaTypesToValueTypesEnd, value_type);
bool StrategyAllowInvalid(SchemaOnErrorStrategy strategy) {
return strategy == SCHEMA_ALLOW_INVALID;
bool StrategyAllowUnknown(SchemaOnErrorStrategy strategy) {
return strategy != SCHEMA_STRICT;
void SchemaErrorFound(std::string* error_path,
std::string* error,
const std::string& msg) {
if (error_path)
*error_path = "";
*error = msg;
void AddListIndexPrefixToPath(int index, std::string* path) {
if (path) {
if (path->empty())
*path = base::StringPrintf("items[%d]", index);
*path = base::StringPrintf("items[%d].", index) + *path;
void AddDictKeyPrefixToPath(const std::string& key, std::string* path) {
if (path) {
if (path->empty())
*path = key;
*path = key + "." + *path;
bool IgnoreUnknownAttributes(int options) {
return (options & kSchemaOptionsIgnoreUnknownAttributes);
// Check that the value's type and the expected type are equal. We also allow
// integers when expecting doubles.
bool CheckType(const base::Value* value, base::Value::Type expected_type) {
return value->type() == expected_type ||
(value->is_int() && expected_type == base::Value::Type::DOUBLE);
// Returns true if |type| is supported as schema's 'type' value.
bool IsValidType(const std::string& type) {
return MapSchemaKeyToValueType(type, kSchemaTypesToValueTypes,
kSchemaTypesToValueTypesEnd, nullptr);
// Validate that |dict| only contains attributes that are allowed for the
// corresponding value of 'type'. Also ensure that all of those attributes are
// of the expected type. |options| can be used to ignore unknown attributes.
bool ValidateAttributesAndTypes(const base::Value& dict,
const std::string& type,
int options,
std::string* error) {
const SchemaKeyToValueType* begin = nullptr;
const SchemaKeyToValueType* end = nullptr;
if (type == schema::kArray) {
begin = kAttributesAndTypesForArray;
end = kAttributesAndTypesForArrayEnd;
} else if (type == schema::kBoolean) {
begin = kAttributesAndTypesForBoolean;
end = kAttributesAndTypesForBooleanEnd;
} else if (type == schema::kInteger) {
begin = kAttributesAndTypesForInteger;
end = kAttributesAndTypesForIntegerEnd;
} else if (type == schema::kNumber) {
begin = kAttributesAndTypesForNumber;
end = kAttributesAndTypesForNumberEnd;
} else if (type == schema::kObject) {
begin = kAttributesAndTypesForObject;
end = kAttributesAndTypesForObjectEnd;
} else if (type == schema::kRef) {
begin = kAttributesAndTypesForRef;
end = kAttributesAndTypesForRefEnd;
} else if (type == schema::kString) {
begin = kAttributesAndTypesForString;
end = kAttributesAndTypesForStringEnd;
} else {
NOTREACHED() << "Type should be a valid schema type or '$ref'.";
base::Value::Type expected_type = base::Value::Type::NONE;
for (const auto& it : dict.DictItems()) {
if (MapSchemaKeyToValueType(it.first, begin, end, &expected_type)) {
if (!CheckType(&it.second, expected_type)) {
*error = base::StringPrintf("Invalid type for attribute '%s'",
return false;
} else if (!IgnoreUnknownAttributes(options)) {
*error = base::StringPrintf("Unknown attribute '%s'", it.first.c_str());
return false;
return true;
// Validates that |enum_list| is a list and its items are all of type |type|.
bool ValidateEnum(const base::Value* enum_list,
const std::string& type,
std::string* error) {
if (enum_list->type() != base::Value::Type::LIST ||
enum_list->GetList().empty()) {
*error = "Attribute 'enum' must be a non-empty list.";
return false;
base::Value::Type expected_item_type = base::Value::Type::NONE;
MapSchemaKeyToValueType(type, kSchemaTypesToValueTypes,
kSchemaTypesToValueTypesEnd, &expected_item_type);
for (const base::Value& item : enum_list->GetList()) {
if (item.type() != expected_item_type) {
*error = base::StringPrintf(
"Attribute 'enum' for type '%s' contains items with invalid types",
return false;
return true;
// Forward declaration (used in ValidateProperties).
bool IsValidSchema(const base::Value& dict, int options, std::string* error);
// Validates that the values in the |properties| dict are valid schemas.
bool ValidateProperties(const base::Value& properties,
int options,
std::string* error) {
for (const auto& dict_it : properties.DictItems()) {
if (dict_it.second.type() != base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY) {
*error = base::StringPrintf("Schema for property '%s' must be a dict.",
return false;
if (!IsValidSchema(dict_it.second, options, error))
return false;
return true;
// Checks whether the passed dict is a valid schema. See
// |kAllowedAttributesAndTypes| for a list of supported types, supported
// attributes and their expected types. Values for 'minimum' and 'maximum' for
// type 'integer' can be of type int or double. Referenced IDs ($ref) are not
// checked for existence and IDs are not checked for duplicates. The 'pattern'
// attribute and keys for 'patternProperties' are not checked for valid regulax
// expression syntax. Invalid regular expressions will cause a value validation
// error.
bool IsValidSchema(const base::Value& dict, int options, std::string* error) {
// Validate '$ref'.
const base::Value* ref_id = dict.FindKey(schema::kRef);
if (ref_id)
return ValidateAttributesAndTypes(dict, schema::kRef, options, error);
// Validate 'type'.
const base::Value* type = dict.FindKey(schema::kType);
if (!type) {
*error = "Each schema must have a 'type' or '$ref'.";
return false;
if (type->type() != base::Value::Type::STRING) {
*error = "Attribute 'type' must be a string.";
return false;
const std::string type_string = type->GetString();
if (!IsValidType(type_string)) {
*error = base::StringPrintf("Unknown type '%s'.", type_string.c_str());
return false;
// Validate attributes and expected types.
if (!ValidateAttributesAndTypes(dict, type_string, options, error))
return false;
// Validate 'enum' attribute.
if (type_string == schema::kString || type_string == schema::kInteger) {
const base::Value* enum_list = dict.FindKey(schema::kEnum);
if (enum_list && !ValidateEnum(enum_list, type_string, error))
return false;
if (type_string == schema::kInteger) {
// Validate 'minimum' > 'maximum'.
const base::Value* minimum_value = dict.FindKey(schema::kMinimum);
const base::Value* maximum_value = dict.FindKey(schema::kMaximum);
if (minimum_value && maximum_value) {
double minimum = minimum_value->is_int() ? minimum_value->GetInt()
: minimum_value->GetDouble();
double maximum = maximum_value->is_int() ? maximum_value->GetInt()
: maximum_value->GetDouble();
if (minimum > maximum) {
*error = base::StringPrintf("Invalid range specified [%f;%f].", minimum,
return false;
} else if (type_string == schema::kArray) {
// Validate type 'array'.
const base::Value* items = dict.FindKey(schema::kItems);
if (!items) {
*error = "Schema of type 'array' must have a schema in 'items'.";
return false;
if (!IsValidSchema(*items, options, error))
return false;
} else if (type_string == schema::kObject) {
// Validate type 'object'.
const base::Value* properties = dict.FindKey(schema::kProperties);
if (properties && !ValidateProperties(*properties, options, error))
return false;
const base::Value* pattern_properties =
if (pattern_properties &&
!ValidateProperties(*pattern_properties, options, error)) {
return false;
const base::Value* additional_properties =
if (additional_properties) {
if (!IsValidSchema(*additional_properties, options, error))
return false;
const base::Value* required = dict.FindKey(schema::kRequired);
if (required) {
for (const base::Value& item : required->GetList()) {
if (!item.is_string()) {
*error = "Attribute 'required' may only contain strings.";
return false;
const std::string property_name = item.GetString();
if (!properties || !properties->FindKey(property_name)) {
*error = base::StringPrintf(
"Attribute 'required' contains unknown property '%s'.",
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
// Contains the internal data representation of a Schema. This can either wrap
// a SchemaData owned elsewhere (currently used to wrap the Chrome schema, which
// is generated at compile time), or it can own its own SchemaData.
class Schema::InternalStorage
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<InternalStorage> {
static scoped_refptr<const InternalStorage> Wrap(const SchemaData* data);
static scoped_refptr<const InternalStorage> ParseSchema(
const base::Value& schema,
std::string* error);
const SchemaData* data() const { return &schema_data_; }
const SchemaNode* root_node() const { return schema(0); }
// Returns the validation_schema root node if one was generated, or nullptr.
const SchemaNode* validation_schema_root_node() const {
return schema_data_.validation_schema_root_index >= 0
? schema(schema_data_.validation_schema_root_index)
: nullptr;
const SchemaNode* schema(int index) const {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
return schema_data_.schema_nodes + index;
const PropertiesNode* properties(int index) const {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
return schema_data_.properties_nodes + index;
const PropertyNode* property(int index) const {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
return schema_data_.property_nodes + index;
const RestrictionNode* restriction(int index) const {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
return schema_data_.restriction_nodes + index;
const char* const* required_property(int index) const {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
return schema_data_.required_properties + index;
const int* int_enums(int index) const {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
return schema_data_.int_enums + index;
const char* const* string_enums(int index) const {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
return schema_data_.string_enums + index;
// Compiles regular expression |pattern|. The result is cached and will be
// returned directly next time.
re2::RE2* CompileRegex(const std::string& pattern) const;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<InternalStorage>;
// Determines the expected |sizes| of the storage for the representation
// of |schema|.
static void DetermineStorageSizes(const base::Value& schema,
StorageSizes* sizes);
// Parses the JSON schema in |schema|.
// If |schema| has a "$ref" attribute then a pending reference is appended
// to the |reference_list|, and nothing else is done.
// Otherwise, |index| gets assigned the index of the corresponding SchemaNode
// in |schema_nodes_|. If the |schema| contains an "id" then that ID is mapped
// to the |index| in the |id_map|.
// If |schema| is invalid then |error| gets the error reason and false is
// returned. Otherwise returns true.
bool Parse(const base::Value& schema,
short* index,
ReferencesAndIDs* references_and_ids,
std::string* error);
// Helper for Parse() that gets an already assigned |schema_node| instead of
// an |index| pointer.
bool ParseDictionary(const base::Value& schema,
SchemaNode* schema_node,
ReferencesAndIDs* references_and_ids,
std::string* error);
// Helper for Parse() that gets an already assigned |schema_node| instead of
// an |index| pointer.
bool ParseList(const base::Value& schema,
SchemaNode* schema_node,
ReferencesAndIDs* references_and_ids,
std::string* error);
bool ParseEnum(const base::Value& schema,
base::Value::Type type,
SchemaNode* schema_node,
std::string* error);
bool ParseRangedInt(const base::Value& schema,
SchemaNode* schema_node,
std::string* error);
bool ParseStringPattern(const base::Value& schema,
SchemaNode* schema_node,
std::string* error);
// Assigns the IDs in |id_map| to the pending references in the
// |reference_list|. If an ID is missing then |error| is set and false is
// returned; otherwise returns true.
static bool ResolveReferences(const ReferencesAndIDs& references_and_ids,
std::string* error);
// Sets |has_sensitive_children| for all |SchemaNode|s in |schema_nodes_|.
void FindSensitiveChildren();
// Returns true iff the node at |index| has sensitive child elements or
// contains a sensitive value itself.
bool FindSensitiveChildrenRecursive(int index,
std::set<int>* handled_schema_nodes);
// Cache for CompileRegex(), will memorize return value of every call to
// CompileRegex() and return results directly next time.
mutable std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<re2::RE2>> regex_cache_;
SchemaData schema_data_;
std::vector<std::string> strings_;
std::vector<SchemaNode> schema_nodes_;
std::vector<PropertyNode> property_nodes_;
std::vector<PropertiesNode> properties_nodes_;
std::vector<RestrictionNode> restriction_nodes_;
std::vector<const char*> required_properties_;
std::vector<int> int_enums_;
std::vector<const char*> string_enums_;
Schema::InternalStorage::InternalStorage() {}
Schema::InternalStorage::~InternalStorage() {}
// static
scoped_refptr<const Schema::InternalStorage> Schema::InternalStorage::Wrap(
const SchemaData* data) {
InternalStorage* storage = new InternalStorage();
storage->schema_data_ = *data;
return storage;
// static
scoped_refptr<const Schema::InternalStorage>
Schema::InternalStorage::ParseSchema(const base::Value& schema,
std::string* error) {
// Determine the sizes of the storage arrays and reserve the capacity before
// starting to append nodes and strings. This is important to prevent the
// arrays from being reallocated, which would invalidate the c_str() pointers
// and the addresses of indices to fix.
StorageSizes sizes;
DetermineStorageSizes(schema, &sizes);
scoped_refptr<InternalStorage> storage = new InternalStorage();
short root_index = kInvalid;
ReferencesAndIDs references_and_ids;
if (!storage->Parse(schema, &root_index, &references_and_ids, error))
return nullptr;
if (root_index == kInvalid) {
*error = "The main schema can't have a $ref";
return nullptr;
// None of this should ever happen without having been already detected.
// But, if it does happen, then it will lead to corrupted memory; drop
// everything in that case.
if (root_index != 0 || sizes.strings != storage->strings_.size() ||
sizes.schema_nodes != storage->schema_nodes_.size() ||
sizes.property_nodes != storage->property_nodes_.size() ||
sizes.properties_nodes != storage->properties_nodes_.size() ||
sizes.restriction_nodes != storage->restriction_nodes_.size() ||
sizes.required_properties != storage->required_properties_.size() ||
sizes.int_enums != storage->int_enums_.size() ||
sizes.string_enums != storage->string_enums_.size()) {
*error =
"Failed to parse the schema due to a Chrome bug. Please file a "
"new issue at";
return nullptr;
if (!ResolveReferences(references_and_ids, error))
return nullptr;
SchemaData* data = &storage->schema_data_;
data->schema_nodes = storage->;
data->property_nodes = storage->;
data->properties_nodes = storage->;
data->restriction_nodes = storage->;
data->required_properties = storage->;
data->int_enums = storage->;
data->string_enums = storage->;
data->validation_schema_root_index = -1;
return storage;
re2::RE2* Schema::InternalStorage::CompileRegex(
const std::string& pattern) const {
auto it = regex_cache_.find(pattern);
if (it == regex_cache_.end()) {
std::unique_ptr<re2::RE2> compiled(new re2::RE2(pattern));
re2::RE2* compiled_ptr = compiled.get();
regex_cache_.insert(std::make_pair(pattern, std::move(compiled)));
return compiled_ptr;
return it->second.get();
// static
void Schema::InternalStorage::DetermineStorageSizes(const base::Value& schema,
StorageSizes* sizes) {
if (schema.FindStringKey(schema::kRef)) {
// Schemas with a "$ref" attribute don't take additional storage.
base::Value::Type type = base::Value::Type::NONE;
const std::string* type_string = schema.FindStringKey(schema::kType);
if (!type_string || !SchemaTypeToValueType(*type_string, &type)) {
// This schema is invalid.
if (type == base::Value::Type::LIST) {
const base::Value* items = schema.FindDictKey(schema::kItems);
if (items)
DetermineStorageSizes(*items, sizes);
} else if (type == base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY) {
const base::Value* additional_properties =
if (additional_properties)
DetermineStorageSizes(*additional_properties, sizes);
const base::Value* properties = schema.FindDictKey(schema::kProperties);
if (properties) {
for (const auto& property : properties->DictItems()) {
DetermineStorageSizes(property.second, sizes);
const base::Value* pattern_properties =
if (pattern_properties) {
for (const auto& pattern_property : pattern_properties->DictItems()) {
DetermineStorageSizes(pattern_property.second, sizes);
const base::Value* required_properties = schema.FindKey(schema::kRequired);
if (required_properties) {
sizes->strings += required_properties->GetList().size();
sizes->required_properties += required_properties->GetList().size();
} else if (schema.FindKey(schema::kEnum)) {
const base::Value* possible_values = schema.FindListKey(schema::kEnum);
if (possible_values) {
size_t num_possible_values = possible_values->GetList().size();
if (type == base::Value::Type::INTEGER) {
sizes->int_enums += num_possible_values;
} else if (type == base::Value::Type::STRING) {
sizes->string_enums += num_possible_values;
sizes->strings += num_possible_values;
} else if (type == base::Value::Type::INTEGER) {
if (schema.FindKey(schema::kMinimum) || schema.FindKey(schema::kMaximum))
} else if (type == base::Value::Type::STRING) {
if (schema.FindKey(schema::kPattern)) {
bool Schema::InternalStorage::Parse(const base::Value& schema,
short* index,
ReferencesAndIDs* references_and_ids,
std::string* error) {
const std::string* ref = schema.FindStringKey(schema::kRef);
if (ref) {
if (schema.FindStringKey(schema::kId)) {
*error = "Schemas with a $ref can't have an id";
return false;
references_and_ids->reference_list.emplace_back(*ref, index);
return true;
const std::string* type_string = schema.FindStringKey(schema::kType);
if (!type_string) {
*error = "The schema type must be declared.";
return false;
base::Value::Type type = base::Value::Type::NONE;
if (!SchemaTypeToValueType(*type_string, &type)) {
*error = "Type not supported: " + *type_string;
return false;
if (schema_nodes_.size() > std::numeric_limits<short>::max()) {
*error = "Can't have more than " +
std::to_string(std::numeric_limits<short>::max()) +
" schema nodes.";
return false;
*index = static_cast<short>(schema_nodes_.size());
SchemaNode* schema_node = &schema_nodes_.back();
schema_node->type = type;
schema_node->extra = kInvalid;
schema_node->is_sensitive_value = false;
base::Optional<bool> is_sensitive_value =
if (is_sensitive_value)
schema_node->is_sensitive_value = *is_sensitive_value;
if (type == base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY) {
if (!ParseDictionary(schema, schema_node, references_and_ids, error))
return false;
} else if (type == base::Value::Type::LIST) {
if (!ParseList(schema, schema_node, references_and_ids, error))
return false;
} else if (schema.FindKey(schema::kEnum)) {
if (!ParseEnum(schema, type, schema_node, error))
return false;
} else if (schema.FindKey(schema::kPattern)) {
if (!ParseStringPattern(schema, schema_node, error))
return false;
} else if (schema.FindKey(schema::kMinimum) ||
schema.FindKey(schema::kMaximum)) {
if (type != base::Value::Type::INTEGER) {
*error = "Only integers can have minimum and maximum";
return false;
if (!ParseRangedInt(schema, schema_node, error))
return false;
const std::string* id = schema.FindStringKey(schema::kId);
if (id) {
auto& id_map = references_and_ids->id_map;
if (base::Contains(id_map, *id)) {
*error = "Duplicated id: " + *id;
return false;
id_map[*id] = *index;
return true;
bool Schema::InternalStorage::ParseDictionary(
const base::Value& schema,
SchemaNode* schema_node,
ReferencesAndIDs* references_and_ids,
std::string* error) {
int extra = static_cast<int>(properties_nodes_.size());
properties_nodes_[extra].additional = kInvalid;
schema_node->extra = extra;
const base::Value* additional_properties =
if (additional_properties) {
if (!Parse(*additional_properties, &properties_nodes_[extra].additional,
references_and_ids, error)) {
return false;
properties_nodes_[extra].begin = static_cast<int>(property_nodes_.size());
const base::Value* properties = schema.FindDictKey(schema::kProperties);
if (properties) {
// This and below reserves nodes for all of the |properties|, and makes sure
// they are contiguous. Recursive calls to Parse() will append after these
// elements.
property_nodes_.resize(property_nodes_.size() + properties->DictSize());
properties_nodes_[extra].end = static_cast<int>(property_nodes_.size());
const base::Value* pattern_properties =
if (pattern_properties) {
property_nodes_.resize(property_nodes_.size() +
properties_nodes_[extra].pattern_end =
if (properties != nullptr) {
int base_index = properties_nodes_[extra].begin;
int index = base_index;
for (const auto& property : properties->DictItems()) {
property_nodes_[index].key = strings_.back().c_str();
if (!Parse(property.second, &property_nodes_[index].schema,
references_and_ids, error)) {
return false;
CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(properties->DictSize()), index - base_index);
if (pattern_properties != nullptr) {
int base_index = properties_nodes_[extra].end;
int index = base_index;
for (const auto& pattern_property : pattern_properties->DictItems()) {
re2::RE2* compiled_regex = CompileRegex(pattern_property.first);
if (!compiled_regex->ok()) {
*error = "/" + pattern_property.first +
"/ is a invalid regex: " + compiled_regex->error();
return false;
property_nodes_[index].key = strings_.back().c_str();
if (!Parse(pattern_property.second, &property_nodes_[index].schema,
references_and_ids, error)) {
return false;
index - base_index);
properties_nodes_[extra].required_begin = required_properties_.size();
const base::Value* required_properties = schema.FindKey(schema::kRequired);
if (required_properties) {
for (const base::Value& val : required_properties->GetList()) {
properties_nodes_[extra].required_end = required_properties_.size();
if (properties_nodes_[extra].begin == properties_nodes_[extra].pattern_end) {
properties_nodes_[extra].begin = kInvalid;
properties_nodes_[extra].end = kInvalid;
properties_nodes_[extra].pattern_end = kInvalid;
properties_nodes_[extra].required_begin = kInvalid;
properties_nodes_[extra].required_end = kInvalid;
return true;
bool Schema::InternalStorage::ParseList(const base::Value& schema,
SchemaNode* schema_node,
ReferencesAndIDs* references_and_ids,
std::string* error) {
const base::Value* items = schema.FindDictKey(schema::kItems);
if (!items) {
*error = "Arrays must declare a single schema for their items.";
return false;
return Parse(*items, &schema_node->extra, references_and_ids, error);
bool Schema::InternalStorage::ParseEnum(const base::Value& schema,
base::Value::Type type,
SchemaNode* schema_node,
std::string* error) {
const base::Value* possible_values = schema.FindListKey(schema::kEnum);
if (!possible_values) {
*error = "Enum attribute must be a list value";
return false;
if (possible_values->GetList().empty()) {
*error = "Enum attribute must be non-empty";
return false;
int offset_begin;
int offset_end;
if (type == base::Value::Type::INTEGER) {
offset_begin = static_cast<int>(int_enums_.size());
for (const auto& possible_value : possible_values->GetList()) {
if (!possible_value.is_int()) {
*error = "Invalid enumeration member type";
return false;
offset_end = static_cast<int>(int_enums_.size());
} else if (type == base::Value::Type::STRING) {
offset_begin = static_cast<int>(string_enums_.size());
for (const auto& possible_value : possible_values->GetList()) {
if (!possible_value.is_string()) {
*error = "Invalid enumeration member type";
return false;
offset_end = static_cast<int>(string_enums_.size());
} else {
*error = "Enumeration is only supported for integer and string.";
return false;
schema_node->extra = static_cast<int>(restriction_nodes_.size());
restriction_nodes_.back().enumeration_restriction.offset_begin = offset_begin;
restriction_nodes_.back().enumeration_restriction.offset_end = offset_end;
return true;
bool Schema::InternalStorage::ParseRangedInt(const base::Value& schema,
SchemaNode* schema_node,
std::string* error) {
int min_value = schema.FindIntKey(schema::kMinimum).value_or(INT_MIN);
int max_value = schema.FindIntKey(schema::kMaximum).value_or(INT_MAX);
if (min_value > max_value) {
*error = "Invalid range restriction for int type.";
return false;
schema_node->extra = static_cast<int>(restriction_nodes_.size());
restriction_nodes_.back().ranged_restriction.max_value = max_value;
restriction_nodes_.back().ranged_restriction.min_value = min_value;
return true;
bool Schema::InternalStorage::ParseStringPattern(const base::Value& schema,
SchemaNode* schema_node,
std::string* error) {
const std::string* pattern = schema.FindStringKey(schema::kPattern);
if (!pattern) {
*error = "Schema pattern must be a string.";
return false;
re2::RE2* compiled_regex = CompileRegex(*pattern);
if (!compiled_regex->ok()) {
*error = "/" + *pattern + "/ is invalid regex: " + compiled_regex->error();
return false;
int index = static_cast<int>(string_enums_.size());
schema_node->extra = static_cast<int>(restriction_nodes_.size());
restriction_nodes_.back().string_pattern_restriction.pattern_index = index;
restriction_nodes_.back().string_pattern_restriction.pattern_index_backup =
return true;
// static
bool Schema::InternalStorage::ResolveReferences(
const ReferencesAndIDs& references_and_ids,
std::string* error) {
const auto& reference_list = references_and_ids.reference_list;
const auto& id_map = references_and_ids.id_map;
for (auto& ref : reference_list) {
auto id = id_map.find(ref.first);
if (id == id_map.end()) {
*error = "Invalid $ref: " + ref.first;
return false;
*ref.second = id->second;
return true;
void Schema::InternalStorage::FindSensitiveChildren() {
if (schema_nodes_.empty())
std::set<int> handled_schema_nodes;
FindSensitiveChildrenRecursive(0, &handled_schema_nodes);
bool Schema::InternalStorage::FindSensitiveChildrenRecursive(
int index,
std::set<int>* handled_schema_nodes) {
DCHECK(static_cast<unsigned long>(index) < schema_nodes_.size());
SchemaNode& schema_node = schema_nodes_[index];
if (handled_schema_nodes->find(index) != handled_schema_nodes->end())
return schema_node.has_sensitive_children || schema_node.is_sensitive_value;
bool has_sensitive_children = false;
if (schema_node.type == base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY) {
const PropertiesNode& properties_node =
// Iterate through properties and patternProperties.
for (int i = properties_node.begin; i < properties_node.pattern_end; ++i) {
int sub_index = property_nodes_[i].schema;
has_sensitive_children |=
FindSensitiveChildrenRecursive(sub_index, handled_schema_nodes);
if (properties_node.additional != kInvalid) {
has_sensitive_children |= FindSensitiveChildrenRecursive(
properties_node.additional, handled_schema_nodes);
} else if (schema_node.type == base::Value::Type::LIST) {
int sub_index = schema_node.extra;
has_sensitive_children |=
FindSensitiveChildrenRecursive(sub_index, handled_schema_nodes);
schema_node.has_sensitive_children = has_sensitive_children;
return schema_node.has_sensitive_children || schema_node.is_sensitive_value;
Schema::Iterator::Iterator(const scoped_refptr<const InternalStorage>& storage,
const PropertiesNode* node) {
if (node->begin == kInvalid || node->end == kInvalid) {
it_ = nullptr;
end_ = nullptr;
} else {
storage_ = storage;
it_ = storage->property(node->begin);
end_ = storage->property(node->end);
Schema::Iterator::Iterator(const Iterator& iterator)
: storage_(iterator.storage_), it_(iterator.it_), end_(iterator.end_) {}
Schema::Iterator::~Iterator() {}
Schema::Iterator& Schema::Iterator::operator=(const Iterator& iterator) {
storage_ = iterator.storage_;
it_ = iterator.it_;
end_ = iterator.end_;
return *this;
bool Schema::Iterator::IsAtEnd() const {
return it_ == end_;
void Schema::Iterator::Advance() {
const char* Schema::Iterator::key() const {
return it_->key;
Schema Schema::Iterator::schema() const {
return Schema(storage_, storage_->schema(it_->schema));
Schema::Schema() : node_(nullptr) {}
Schema::Schema(const scoped_refptr<const InternalStorage>& storage,
const SchemaNode* node)
: storage_(storage), node_(node) {}
Schema::Schema(const Schema& schema)
: storage_(schema.storage_), node_(schema.node_) {}
Schema::~Schema() {}
Schema& Schema::operator=(const Schema& schema) {
storage_ = schema.storage_;
node_ = schema.node_;
return *this;
// static
Schema Schema::Wrap(const SchemaData* data) {
scoped_refptr<const InternalStorage> storage = InternalStorage::Wrap(data);
return Schema(storage, storage->root_node());
bool Schema::Validate(const base::Value& value,
SchemaOnErrorStrategy strategy,
std::string* error_path,
std::string* error) const {
if (!valid()) {
SchemaErrorFound(error_path, error, "The schema is invalid.");
return false;
if (value.type() != type()) {
// Allow the integer to double promotion. Note that range restriction on
// double is not supported now.
if (value.is_int() && type() == base::Value::Type::DOUBLE) {
return true;
SchemaErrorFound(error_path, error,
"The value type doesn't match the schema type.");
return false;
if (value.is_dict()) {
base::flat_set<std::string> present_properties;
for (const auto& dict_item : value.DictItems()) {
SchemaList schema_list = GetMatchingProperties(dict_item.first);
if (schema_list.empty()) {
// Unknown property was detected.
SchemaErrorFound(error_path, error,
"Unknown property: " + dict_item.first);
if (!StrategyAllowUnknown(strategy))
return false;
} else {
bool all_subschemas_are_valid = true;
for (const auto& subschema : schema_list) {
std::string new_error;
const bool validation_result = subschema.Validate(
dict_item.second, strategy, error_path, &new_error);
if (!new_error.empty()) {
AddDictKeyPrefixToPath(dict_item.first, error_path);
*error = std::move(new_error);
if (!validation_result) {
// Invalid property was detected.
all_subschemas_are_valid = false;
if (!StrategyAllowInvalid(strategy))
return false;
if (all_subschemas_are_valid)
for (const auto& required_property : GetRequiredProperties()) {
if (base::Contains(present_properties, required_property))
error_path, error,
"Missing or invalid required property: " + required_property);
return false;
} else if (value.is_list()) {
for (size_t index = 0; index < value.GetList().size(); ++index) {
const base::Value& list_item = value.GetList()[index];
std::string new_error;
const bool validation_result =
GetItems().Validate(list_item, strategy, error_path, &new_error);
if (!new_error.empty()) {
AddListIndexPrefixToPath(index, error_path);
*error = std::move(new_error);
if (!validation_result && !StrategyAllowInvalid(strategy))
return false; // Invalid list item was detected.
} else if (value.is_int()) {
if (node_->extra != kInvalid &&
!ValidateIntegerRestriction(node_->extra, value.GetInt())) {
SchemaErrorFound(error_path, error, "Invalid value for integer");
return false;
} else if (value.is_string()) {
if (node_->extra != kInvalid &&
!ValidateStringRestriction(node_->extra, value.GetString().c_str())) {
SchemaErrorFound(error_path, error, "Invalid value for string");
return false;
return true;
bool Schema::Normalize(base::Value* value,
SchemaOnErrorStrategy strategy,
std::string* error_path,
std::string* error,
bool* changed) const {
if (!valid()) {
SchemaErrorFound(error_path, error, "The schema is invalid.");
return false;
if (value->type() != type()) {
// Allow the integer to double promotion. Note that range restriction on
// double is not supported now.
if (value->is_int() && type() == base::Value::Type::DOUBLE) {
return true;
SchemaErrorFound(error_path, error,
"The value type doesn't match the schema type.");
return false;
if (value->is_dict()) {
base::flat_set<std::string> present_properties;
std::vector<std::string> drop_list; // Contains the keys to drop.
for (const auto& dict_item : value->DictItems()) {
SchemaList schema_list = GetMatchingProperties(dict_item.first);
if (schema_list.empty()) {
// Unknown property was detected.
SchemaErrorFound(error_path, error,
"Unknown property: " + dict_item.first);
if (!StrategyAllowUnknown(strategy))
return false;
} else {
bool all_subschemas_are_valid = true;
for (const auto& subschema : schema_list) {
std::string new_error;
const bool normalization_result = subschema.Normalize(
&dict_item.second, strategy, error_path, &new_error, changed);
if (!new_error.empty()) {
AddDictKeyPrefixToPath(dict_item.first, error_path);
*error = std::move(new_error);
if (!normalization_result) {
// Invalid property was detected.
all_subschemas_are_valid = false;
if (!StrategyAllowInvalid(strategy))
return false;
if (all_subschemas_are_valid)
for (const auto& required_property : GetRequiredProperties()) {
if (base::Contains(present_properties, required_property))
error_path, error,
"Missing or invalid required property: " + required_property);
return false;
if (changed && !drop_list.empty())
*changed = true;
for (const auto& drop_key : drop_list)
return true;
} else if (value->is_list()) {
base::Value::ListStorage& list = value->GetList();
// Instead of removing invalid list items afterwards, we push valid items
// forward in the list by overriding invalid items. The next free position
// is indicated by |write_index|, which gets increased for every valid item.
// At the end |list| is resized to |write_index|'s size.
size_t write_index = 0;
for (size_t index = 0; index < list.size(); ++index) {
base::Value& list_item = list[index];
std::string new_error;
const bool normalization_result = GetItems().Normalize(
&list_item, strategy, error_path, &new_error, changed);
if (!new_error.empty()) {
AddListIndexPrefixToPath(index, error_path);
*error = new_error;
if (!normalization_result) {
// Invalid list item was detected.
if (!StrategyAllowInvalid(strategy))
return false;
} else {
if (write_index != index)
list[write_index] = std::move(list_item);
if (changed && write_index < list.size())
*changed = true;
return true;
return Validate(*value, strategy, error_path, error);
void Schema::MaskSensitiveValues(base::Value* value) const {
if (!valid())
// static
Schema Schema::Parse(const std::string& content, std::string* error) {
// Validate as a generic JSON schema, and ignore unknown attributes; they
// may become used in a future version of the schema format.
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> dict = Schema::ParseToDictAndValidate(
content, kSchemaOptionsIgnoreUnknownAttributes, error);
if (!dict)
return Schema();
// Validate the main type.
const std::string* type = dict->FindStringKey(schema::kType);
if (!type || *type != schema::kObject) {
*error =
"The main schema must have a type attribute with \"object\" value.";
return Schema();
// Checks for invalid attributes at the top-level.
if (dict->FindKey(schema::kAdditionalProperties) ||
dict->FindKey(schema::kPatternProperties)) {
*error =
"\"additionalProperties\" and \"patternProperties\" are not "
"supported at the main schema.";
return Schema();
scoped_refptr<const InternalStorage> storage =
InternalStorage::ParseSchema(*dict, error);
if (!storage)
return Schema();
return Schema(storage, storage->root_node());
// static
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> Schema::ParseToDictAndValidate(
const std::string& schema,
int validator_options,
std::string* error) {
base::JSONParserOptions json_options = base::JSON_ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMAS;
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> json =
base::JSONReader::ReadAndReturnErrorDeprecated(schema, json_options,
nullptr, error);
if (!json)
return nullptr;
if (!json->is_dict()) {
*error = "Schema must be a JSON object";
return nullptr;
if (!IsValidSchema(*json, validator_options, error))
return nullptr;
return json;
base::Value::Type Schema::type() const {
return node_->type;
Schema::Iterator Schema::GetPropertiesIterator() const {
CHECK_EQ(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY, type());
return Iterator(storage_, storage_->properties(node_->extra));
namespace {
bool CompareKeys(const PropertyNode& node, const std::string& key) {
return node.key < key;
} // namespace
Schema Schema::GetKnownProperty(const std::string& key) const {
CHECK_EQ(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY, type());
const PropertiesNode* node = storage_->properties(node_->extra);
if (node->begin == kInvalid || node->end == kInvalid)
return Schema();
const PropertyNode* begin = storage_->property(node->begin);
const PropertyNode* end = storage_->property(node->end);
const PropertyNode* it = std::lower_bound(begin, end, key, CompareKeys);
if (it != end && it->key == key)
return Schema(storage_, storage_->schema(it->schema));
return Schema();
Schema Schema::GetAdditionalProperties() const {
CHECK_EQ(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY, type());
const PropertiesNode* node = storage_->properties(node_->extra);
if (node->additional == kInvalid)
return Schema();
return Schema(storage_, storage_->schema(node->additional));
SchemaList Schema::GetPatternProperties(const std::string& key) const {
CHECK_EQ(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY, type());
const PropertiesNode* node = storage_->properties(node_->extra);
if (node->end == kInvalid || node->pattern_end == kInvalid)
return {};
const PropertyNode* begin = storage_->property(node->end);
const PropertyNode* end = storage_->property(node->pattern_end);
SchemaList matching_properties;
for (const PropertyNode* it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
if (re2::RE2::PartialMatch(key, *storage_->CompileRegex(it->key))) {
Schema(storage_, storage_->schema(it->schema)));
return matching_properties;
std::vector<std::string> Schema::GetRequiredProperties() const {
CHECK_EQ(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY, type());
const PropertiesNode* node = storage_->properties(node_->extra);
if (node->required_begin == kInvalid || node->required_end == kInvalid)
return {};
const size_t begin = node->required_begin;
const size_t end = node->required_end;
return std::vector<std::string>(storage_->required_property(begin),
Schema Schema::GetProperty(const std::string& key) const {
Schema schema = GetKnownProperty(key);
if (schema.valid())
return schema;
return GetAdditionalProperties();
SchemaList Schema::GetMatchingProperties(const std::string& key) const {
SchemaList schema_list;
Schema known_property = GetKnownProperty(key);
if (known_property.valid())
SchemaList pattern_properties = GetPatternProperties(key);
schema_list.insert(schema_list.end(), pattern_properties.begin(),
if (schema_list.empty()) {
Schema additional_property = GetAdditionalProperties();
if (additional_property.valid())
return schema_list;
Schema Schema::GetItems() const {
CHECK_EQ(base::Value::Type::LIST, type());
if (node_->extra == kInvalid)
return Schema();
return Schema(storage_, storage_->schema(node_->extra));
bool Schema::ValidateIntegerRestriction(int index, int value) const {
const RestrictionNode* rnode = storage_->restriction(index);
if (rnode->ranged_restriction.min_value <=
rnode->ranged_restriction.max_value) {
return rnode->ranged_restriction.min_value <= value &&
rnode->ranged_restriction.max_value >= value;
} else {
for (int i = rnode->enumeration_restriction.offset_begin;
i < rnode->enumeration_restriction.offset_end; ++i) {
if (*storage_->int_enums(i) == value)
return true;
return false;
bool Schema::ValidateStringRestriction(int index, const char* str) const {
const RestrictionNode* rnode = storage_->restriction(index);
if (rnode->enumeration_restriction.offset_begin <
rnode->enumeration_restriction.offset_end) {
for (int i = rnode->enumeration_restriction.offset_begin;
i < rnode->enumeration_restriction.offset_end; ++i) {
if (strcmp(*storage_->string_enums(i), str) == 0)
return true;
return false;
} else {
int index = rnode->string_pattern_restriction.pattern_index;
DCHECK(index == rnode->string_pattern_restriction.pattern_index_backup);
re2::RE2* regex = storage_->CompileRegex(*storage_->string_enums(index));
return re2::RE2::PartialMatch(str, *regex);
void Schema::MaskSensitiveValuesRecursive(base::Value* value) const {
if (IsSensitiveValue()) {
*value = base::Value(kSensitiveValueMask);
if (!HasSensitiveChildren())
if (value->type() != type())
if (value->is_dict()) {
for (const auto& dict_item : value->DictItems()) {
auto& sub_value = dict_item.second;
SchemaList schema_list = GetMatchingProperties(dict_item.first);
for (const auto& schema_item : schema_list)
} else if (value->is_list()) {
for (auto& list_elem : value->GetList())
Schema Schema::GetValidationSchema() const {
const SchemaNode* validation_schema_root_node =
if (!validation_schema_root_node)
return Schema();
return Schema(storage_, validation_schema_root_node);
bool Schema::IsSensitiveValue() const {
// This is safe because |node_| is guaranteed to have been returned from
// |storage_| and |storage_->root_node()| always returns to the |SchemaNode|
// with index 0.
int index = node_ - storage_->root_node();
const SchemaNode* schema_node = storage_->schema(index);
if (!schema_node)
return false;
return schema_node->is_sensitive_value;
bool Schema::HasSensitiveChildren() const {
// This is safe because |node_| is guaranteed to have been returned from
// |storage_| and |storage_->root_node()| always returns to the |SchemaNode|
// with index 0.
int index = node_ - storage_->root_node();
const SchemaNode* schema_node = storage_->schema(index);
if (!schema_node)
return false;
return schema_node->has_sensitive_children;
} // namespace policy