blob: 557f488b9342a8c6a48f506b361a434e624c11ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/nqe/effective_connection_type.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace previews {
// Types of previews. This enum must remain synchronized with the enum
// |PreviewsType| in tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
enum class PreviewsType {
// Used to indicate that there is no preview type.
NONE = 0,
// The user is shown an offline page as a preview.
// Replace images with placeholders. Deprecated, and should not be used.
// The user is shown a server lite page.
// AMP version of the page is shown as a preview. Deprecated, and should not
// be used.
// Preview that disables JavaScript for the navigation.
// Special value that indicates that no specific type is identified. This
// might be used for checks or logging that applies to any type.
// Request that resource loading hints be used during pageload.
// Allows the browser to redirect navigations to a Lite Page server.
// Preview that defers script execution until after parsing completes.
// Insert new enum values here. Keep values sequential to allow looping from
// NONE+1 to LAST-1. Also add the enum to Previews.Types histogram suffix.
LAST = 10,
enum class CoinFlipHoldbackResult {
// Either the page load was not eligible for any previews, or the coin flip
// holdback experiment was disabled.
kNotSet = 0,
// A preview was likely for the page load, and a random coin flip allowed the
// preview to be shown to the user.
kAllowed = 1,
// A preview was likely for the page load, and a random coin flip did not
// allow the preview to be shown to the user.
kHoldback = 2,
typedef std::vector<std::pair<PreviewsType, int>> PreviewsTypeList;
// Gets the string representation of |type|.
std::string GetStringNameForType(PreviewsType type);
namespace params {
// The maximum number of recent previews navigations the black list looks at to
// determine if a host is blacklisted.
size_t MaxStoredHistoryLengthForPerHostBlackList();
// The maximum number of recent previews navigations the black list looks at to
// determine if all previews navigations are disallowed.
size_t MaxStoredHistoryLengthForHostIndifferentBlackList();
// The maximum number of hosts allowed in the in memory black list.
size_t MaxInMemoryHostsInBlackList();
// The number of recent navigations that were opted out of for a given host that
// would trigger that host to be blacklisted.
int PerHostBlackListOptOutThreshold();
// The number of recent navigations that were opted out of that would trigger
// all previews navigations to be disallowed.
int HostIndifferentBlackListOptOutThreshold();
// The amount of time a host remains blacklisted due to opt outs.
base::TimeDelta PerHostBlackListDuration();
// The amount of time all previews navigations are disallowed due to opt outs.
base::TimeDelta HostIndifferentBlackListPerHostDuration();
// The amount of time after any opt out that no previews should be shown.
base::TimeDelta SingleOptOutDuration();
// The amount of time that an offline page is considered fresh enough to be
// shown as a preview.
base::TimeDelta OfflinePreviewFreshnessDuration();
// The amount of time that a Server Lite Page Preview navigation can take before
// it is killed and the original page is loaded.
base::TimeDelta LitePagePreviewsNavigationTimeoutDuration();
// The host for Lite Page server previews.
GURL GetLitePagePreviewsDomainURL();
// The duration of a single bypass for Lite Page Server Previews.
base::TimeDelta LitePagePreviewsSingleBypassDuration();
// Whether or not to trigger a preview for a navigation to localhost. Provided
// as an experiment for automated and manual testing.
bool LitePagePreviewsTriggerOnLocalhost();
// Whether to request a Lite Page Server Preview even if there are optimization
// page hints for the host.
bool LitePagePreviewsOverridePageHints();
// Whether we should preconnect to the lite page redirect server or the origin.
bool LitePageRedirectPreviewShouldPreconnect();
// Whether we should preresolve the lite page redirect server or the origin.
bool LitePageRedirectPreviewShouldPresolve();
// Whether the Optimization Guide logic should be ignored for lite page redirect
// previews.
bool LitePageRedirectPreviewIgnoresOptimizationGuideFilter();
// Whether to only trigger a lite page preview if there has been a successful
// probe to the server. This is returns true, lite page redirect previews should
// only been attempted when a probe to the previews server has completed
// successfully.
bool LitePageRedirectOnlyTriggerOnSuccessfulProbe();
// Whether the preview should trigger on API page transitions.
bool LitePageRedirectTriggerOnAPITransition();
// The URL to probe on the lite pages server.
GURL LitePageRedirectProbeURL();
// The duration in between preresolving or preconnecting the lite page redirect
// server or the origin.
base::TimeDelta LitePageRedirectPreviewPreresolvePreconnectInterval();
// The ect threshold at which, or below, we should preresolve or preconnect for
// lite page redirect previews.
// The duration in between probes to the lite page redirect server.
base::TimeDelta LitePageRedirectPreviewProbeInterval();
// Whether the origin should be successfully probed before showing a preview.
bool LitePageRedirectShouldProbeOrigin();
// The timeout for the origin probe on lite page redirect previews.
base::TimeDelta LitePageRedirectPreviewOriginProbeTimeout();
// The maximum number of seconds to loadshed the Previews server for.
int PreviewServerLoadshedMaxSeconds();
// Returns true if we should only report metrics and not trigger when the Lite
// Page Redirect preview is enabled.
bool IsInLitePageRedirectControl();
// The default EffectiveConnectionType threshold where preview |type| will be
// triggered.
net::EffectiveConnectionType GetECTThresholdForPreview(
previews::PreviewsType type);
// The maximum EffectiveConnectionType threshold where this client session is
// allowed to trigger previews (for slow page triggered previews). This may be
// Finch configured on a session basis to limit the proportion of previews
// triggered at faster connections.
net::EffectiveConnectionType GetSessionMaxECTThreshold();
// Whether any previews are allowed. Acts as a kill-switch or holdback check.
bool ArePreviewsAllowed();
// Whether the preview type is enabled.
bool IsOfflinePreviewsEnabled();
bool IsNoScriptPreviewsEnabled();
bool IsResourceLoadingHintsEnabled();
bool IsLitePageServerPreviewsEnabled();
bool IsDeferAllScriptPreviewsEnabled();
// The blacklist version for each preview type.
int OfflinePreviewsVersion();
int LitePageServerPreviewsVersion();
int NoScriptPreviewsVersion();
int ResourceLoadingHintsVersion();
int DeferAllScriptPreviewsVersion();
// For estimating NoScript data savings, this is the percentage factor to
// multiple by the network bytes for inflating the original_bytes count.
int NoScriptPreviewsInflationPercent();
// For estimating NoScript data savings, this is the number of bytes to
// for inflating the original_bytes count.
int NoScriptPreviewsInflationBytes();
// For estimating ResourceLoadingHints data savings, this is the percentage
// factor to multiple by the network bytes for inflating the original_bytes
// count.
int ResourceLoadingHintsPreviewsInflationPercent();
// For estimating ResourceLoadingHints data savings, this is the number of
// bytes to for inflating the original_bytes count.
int ResourceLoadingHintsPreviewsInflationBytes();
// The maximum number of pref entries that should be kept by
// PreviewsOfflineHelper.
size_t OfflinePreviewsHelperMaxPrefSize();
// Forces the coin flip holdback, if enabled, to always come up "holdback".
bool ShouldOverrideNavigationCoinFlipToHoldback();
// Forces the coin flip holdback, if enabled, to always come up "allowed".
bool ShouldOverrideNavigationCoinFlipToAllowed();
// Returns true if the given url matches an excluded media suffix.
bool ShouldExcludeMediaSuffix(const GURL& url);
// Returns true if the logic to detect redirect loops with defer all script
// preview using a cache is enabled.
bool DetectDeferRedirectLoopsUsingCache();
} // namespace params
} // namespace previews