blob: 5f672836406ca4bd08f36d58d3855e0213290cdf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform_node_base.h"
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_action_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_role_properties.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform_node_delegate.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/compute_attributes.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_conversions.h"
namespace ui {
const base::char16 AXPlatformNodeBase::kEmbeddedCharacter = L'\xfffc';
// Map from each AXPlatformNode's unique id to its instance.
using UniqueIdMap = std::unordered_map<int32_t, AXPlatformNode*>;
base::LazyInstance<UniqueIdMap>::Leaky g_unique_id_map =
// static
AXPlatformNode* AXPlatformNode::Create(AXPlatformNodeDelegate* delegate) {
AXPlatformNodeBase* node = new AXPlatformNodeBase();
return node;
// static
AXPlatformNode* AXPlatformNodeBase::GetFromUniqueId(int32_t unique_id) {
UniqueIdMap* unique_ids = g_unique_id_map.Pointer();
auto iter = unique_ids->find(unique_id);
if (iter != unique_ids->end())
return iter->second;
return nullptr;
// static
size_t AXPlatformNodeBase::GetInstanceCountForTesting() {
return g_unique_id_map.Get().size();
AXPlatformNodeBase::AXPlatformNodeBase() = default;
AXPlatformNodeBase::~AXPlatformNodeBase() = default;
void AXPlatformNodeBase::Init(AXPlatformNodeDelegate* delegate) {
delegate_ = delegate;
// This must be called after assigning our delegate.
g_unique_id_map.Get()[GetUniqueId()] = this;
const AXNodeData& AXPlatformNodeBase::GetData() const {
static const base::NoDestructor<AXNodeData> empty_data;
if (delegate_)
return delegate_->GetData();
return *empty_data;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible AXPlatformNodeBase::GetFocus() {
if (delegate_)
return delegate_->GetFocus();
return nullptr;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible AXPlatformNodeBase::GetParent() const {
if (delegate_)
return delegate_->GetParent();
return nullptr;
int AXPlatformNodeBase::GetChildCount() const {
if (delegate_)
return delegate_->GetChildCount();
return 0;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible AXPlatformNodeBase::ChildAtIndex(int index) {
if (delegate_)
return delegate_->ChildAtIndex(index);
return nullptr;
int AXPlatformNodeBase::GetIndexInParent() {
return -1;
// AXPlatformNode overrides.
void AXPlatformNodeBase::Destroy() {
delegate_ = nullptr;
void AXPlatformNodeBase::Dispose() {
delete this;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible AXPlatformNodeBase::GetNativeViewAccessible() {
return nullptr;
void AXPlatformNodeBase::NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ax::mojom::Event event_type) {
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
void AXPlatformNodeBase::AnnounceText(const base::string16& text) {}
AXPlatformNodeDelegate* AXPlatformNodeBase::GetDelegate() const {
return delegate_;
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::IsDescendantOf(AXPlatformNode* ancestor) const {
if (!ancestor)
return false;
if (this == ancestor)
return true;
AXPlatformNodeBase* parent = FromNativeViewAccessible(GetParent());
if (!parent)
return false;
return parent->IsDescendantOf(ancestor);
// Helpers.
AXPlatformNodeBase* AXPlatformNodeBase::GetPreviousSibling() {
if (!delegate_)
return nullptr;
return FromNativeViewAccessible(delegate_->GetPreviousSibling());
AXPlatformNodeBase* AXPlatformNodeBase::GetNextSibling() {
if (!delegate_)
return nullptr;
return FromNativeViewAccessible(delegate_->GetNextSibling());
AXPlatformNodeBase* AXPlatformNodeBase::GetFirstChild() {
if (!delegate_)
return nullptr;
return FromNativeViewAccessible(delegate_->GetFirstChild());
AXPlatformNodeBase* AXPlatformNodeBase::GetLastChild() {
if (!delegate_)
return nullptr;
return FromNativeViewAccessible(delegate_->GetLastChild());
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::IsDescendant(AXPlatformNodeBase* node) {
if (!delegate_)
return false;
if (!node)
return false;
if (node == this)
return true;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible native_parent = node->GetParent();
if (!native_parent)
return false;
AXPlatformNodeBase* parent = FromNativeViewAccessible(native_parent);
return IsDescendant(parent);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::HasBoolAttribute(
ax::mojom::BoolAttribute attribute) const {
if (!delegate_)
return false;
return GetData().HasBoolAttribute(attribute);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::GetBoolAttribute(
ax::mojom::BoolAttribute attribute) const {
if (!delegate_)
return false;
return GetData().GetBoolAttribute(attribute);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute attribute,
bool* value) const {
if (!delegate_)
return false;
return GetData().GetBoolAttribute(attribute, value);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::HasFloatAttribute(
ax::mojom::FloatAttribute attribute) const {
if (!delegate_)
return false;
return GetData().HasFloatAttribute(attribute);
float AXPlatformNodeBase::GetFloatAttribute(
ax::mojom::FloatAttribute attribute) const {
if (!delegate_)
return false;
return GetData().GetFloatAttribute(attribute);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::GetFloatAttribute(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute attribute,
float* value) const {
if (!delegate_)
return false;
return GetData().GetFloatAttribute(attribute, value);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::HasIntAttribute(
ax::mojom::IntAttribute attribute) const {
if (!delegate_)
return false;
return GetData().HasIntAttribute(attribute);
int AXPlatformNodeBase::GetIntAttribute(
ax::mojom::IntAttribute attribute) const {
if (!delegate_)
return 0;
return GetData().GetIntAttribute(attribute);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute attribute,
int* value) const {
if (!delegate_)
return false;
return GetData().GetIntAttribute(attribute, value);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::HasStringAttribute(
ax::mojom::StringAttribute attribute) const {
if (!delegate_)
return false;
return GetData().HasStringAttribute(attribute);
const std::string& AXPlatformNodeBase::GetStringAttribute(
ax::mojom::StringAttribute attribute) const {
if (!delegate_)
return base::EmptyString();
return GetData().GetStringAttribute(attribute);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::GetStringAttribute(
ax::mojom::StringAttribute attribute,
std::string* value) const {
if (!delegate_)
return false;
return GetData().GetStringAttribute(attribute, value);
base::string16 AXPlatformNodeBase::GetString16Attribute(
ax::mojom::StringAttribute attribute) const {
if (!delegate_)
return base::string16();
return GetData().GetString16Attribute(attribute);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::GetString16Attribute(
ax::mojom::StringAttribute attribute,
base::string16* value) const {
if (!delegate_)
return false;
return GetData().GetString16Attribute(attribute, value);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::HasInheritedStringAttribute(
ax::mojom::StringAttribute attribute) const {
const AXPlatformNodeBase* current_node = this;
do {
if (!current_node->delegate_) {
return false;
if (current_node->GetData().HasStringAttribute(attribute)) {
return true;
current_node = FromNativeViewAccessible(current_node->GetParent());
} while (current_node);
return false;
const std::string& AXPlatformNodeBase::GetInheritedStringAttribute(
ax::mojom::StringAttribute attribute) const {
const AXPlatformNodeBase* current_node = this;
do {
if (!current_node->delegate_) {
return base::EmptyString();
if (current_node->GetData().HasStringAttribute(attribute)) {
return current_node->GetData().GetStringAttribute(attribute);
current_node = FromNativeViewAccessible(current_node->GetParent());
} while (current_node);
return base::EmptyString();
base::string16 AXPlatformNodeBase::GetInheritedString16Attribute(
ax::mojom::StringAttribute attribute) const {
return base::UTF8ToUTF16(GetInheritedStringAttribute(attribute));
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::GetInheritedStringAttribute(
ax::mojom::StringAttribute attribute,
std::string* value) const {
const AXPlatformNodeBase* current_node = this;
do {
if (!current_node->delegate_) {
return false;
if (current_node->GetData().GetStringAttribute(attribute, value)) {
return true;
current_node = FromNativeViewAccessible(current_node->GetParent());
} while (current_node);
return false;
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::GetInheritedString16Attribute(
ax::mojom::StringAttribute attribute,
base::string16* value) const {
std::string value_utf8;
if (!GetInheritedStringAttribute(attribute, &value_utf8))
return false;
*value = base::UTF8ToUTF16(value_utf8);
return true;
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::HasIntListAttribute(
ax::mojom::IntListAttribute attribute) const {
if (!delegate_)
return false;
return GetData().HasIntListAttribute(attribute);
const std::vector<int32_t>& AXPlatformNodeBase::GetIntListAttribute(
ax::mojom::IntListAttribute attribute) const {
static const base::NoDestructor<std::vector<int32_t>> empty_data;
if (!delegate_)
return *empty_data;
return GetData().GetIntListAttribute(attribute);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::GetIntListAttribute(
ax::mojom::IntListAttribute attribute,
std::vector<int32_t>* value) const {
if (!delegate_)
return false;
return GetData().GetIntListAttribute(attribute, value);
// static
AXPlatformNodeBase* AXPlatformNodeBase::FromNativeViewAccessible(
gfx::NativeViewAccessible accessible) {
return static_cast<AXPlatformNodeBase*>(
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::SetHypertextSelection(int start_offset,
int end_offset) {
if (!delegate_)
return false;
return delegate_->SetHypertextSelection(start_offset, end_offset);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::IsDocument() const {
return ui::IsDocument(GetData().role);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::IsTextOnlyObject() const {
return GetData().role == ax::mojom::Role::kStaticText ||
GetData().role == ax::mojom::Role::kLineBreak ||
GetData().role == ax::mojom::Role::kInlineTextBox;
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::IsPlainTextField() const {
// We need to check both the role and editable state, because some ARIA text
// fields may in fact not be editable, whilst some editable fields might not
// have the role.
return !GetData().HasState(ax::mojom::State::kRichlyEditable) &&
(GetData().role == ax::mojom::Role::kTextField ||
GetData().role == ax::mojom::Role::kTextFieldWithComboBox ||
GetData().role == ax::mojom::Role::kSearchBox ||
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::IsRichTextField() const {
return GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kEditableRoot) &&
base::string16 AXPlatformNodeBase::GetHypertext() const {
return base::string16();
base::string16 AXPlatformNodeBase::GetInnerText() const {
if (IsTextOnlyObject())
return GetString16Attribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kName);
base::string16 text;
for (int i = 0; i < GetChildCount(); ++i) {
gfx::NativeViewAccessible child_accessible =
AXPlatformNodeBase* child = FromNativeViewAccessible(child_accessible);
if (!child)
text += child->GetInnerText();
return text;
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::IsSelectionItemSupported() const {
switch (GetData().role) {
// An ARIA 1.1+ role of "cell", or a role of "row" inside
// an ARIA 1.1 role of "table", should not be selectable.
// ARIA "table" is not interactable, ARIA "grid" is.
case ax::mojom::Role::kCell:
case ax::mojom::Role::kColumnHeader:
case ax::mojom::Role::kRow:
case ax::mojom::Role::kRowHeader: {
AXPlatformNodeBase* table = GetTable();
if (!table)
return false;
return table->GetData().role == ax::mojom::Role::kGrid ||
table->GetData().role == ax::mojom::Role::kTreeGrid;
// SelectionItem.IsSelected is exposed when aria-checked is True or False,
// for 'radio' and 'menuitemradio' roles.
case ax::mojom::Role::kRadioButton:
case ax::mojom::Role::kMenuItemRadio: {
if (GetData().GetCheckedState() == ax::mojom::CheckedState::kTrue ||
GetData().GetCheckedState() == ax::mojom::CheckedState::kFalse)
return true;
return false;
// SelectionItem.IsSelected is exposed when aria-select is True or False.
case ax::mojom::Role::kListBoxOption:
case ax::mojom::Role::kListItem:
case ax::mojom::Role::kMenuListOption:
case ax::mojom::Role::kTab:
case ax::mojom::Role::kTreeItem:
return HasBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kSelected);
return false;
base::string16 AXPlatformNodeBase::GetRangeValueText() const {
float fval;
base::string16 value =
if (value.empty() &&
GetFloatAttribute(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute::kValueForRange, &fval)) {
value = base::NumberToString16(fval);
return value;
const {
if (GetData().GetImageAnnotationStatus() ==
ax::mojom::ImageAnnotationStatus::kEligibleForAnnotation ||
GetData().GetImageAnnotationStatus() ==
ax::mojom::ImageAnnotationStatus::kSilentlyEligibleForAnnotation) {
return GetDelegate()->GetLocalizedRoleDescriptionForUnlabeledImage();
return GetString16Attribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kRoleDescription);
base::string16 AXPlatformNodeBase::GetRoleDescription() const {
base::string16 role_description =
if (!role_description.empty()) {
return role_description;
return GetDelegate()->GetLocalizedStringForRoleDescription();
AXPlatformNodeBase* AXPlatformNodeBase::GetSelectionContainer() const {
if (!delegate_)
return nullptr;
AXPlatformNodeBase* container = const_cast<AXPlatformNodeBase*>(this);
while (container &&
!IsContainerWithSelectableChildren(container->GetData().role)) {
gfx::NativeViewAccessible parent_accessible = container->GetParent();
AXPlatformNodeBase* parent = FromNativeViewAccessible(parent_accessible);
container = parent;
return container;
AXPlatformNodeBase* AXPlatformNodeBase::GetTable() const {
if (!delegate_)
return nullptr;
AXPlatformNodeBase* table = const_cast<AXPlatformNodeBase*>(this);
while (table && !IsTableLike(table->GetData().role)) {
gfx::NativeViewAccessible parent_accessible = table->GetParent();
AXPlatformNodeBase* parent = FromNativeViewAccessible(parent_accessible);
table = parent;
return table;
AXPlatformNodeBase* AXPlatformNodeBase::GetTableCaption() const {
if (!delegate_)
return nullptr;
AXPlatformNodeBase* table = GetTable();
if (!table)
return nullptr;
return static_cast<AXPlatformNodeBase*>(table->delegate_->GetTableCaption());
AXPlatformNodeBase* AXPlatformNodeBase::GetTableCell(int index) const {
if (!delegate_)
return nullptr;
if (!IsTableLike(GetData().role) && !IsCellOrTableHeader(GetData().role))
return nullptr;
AXPlatformNodeBase* table = GetTable();
if (!table)
return nullptr;
base::Optional<int32_t> cell_id = table->delegate_->CellIndexToId(index);
if (!cell_id)
return nullptr;
return static_cast<AXPlatformNodeBase*>(
AXPlatformNodeBase* AXPlatformNodeBase::GetTableCell(int row,
int column) const {
if (!IsTableLike(GetData().role) && !IsCellOrTableHeader(GetData().role))
return nullptr;
AXPlatformNodeBase* table = GetTable();
if (!table || !GetTableRowCount() || !GetTableColumnCount())
return nullptr;
if (row < 0 || row >= *GetTableRowCount() || column < 0 ||
column >= *GetTableColumnCount()) {
return nullptr;
base::Optional<int32_t> cell_id = table->delegate_->GetCellId(row, column);
if (!cell_id)
return nullptr;
return static_cast<AXPlatformNodeBase*>(
base::Optional<int> AXPlatformNodeBase::GetTableCellIndex() const {
if (!delegate_)
return base::nullopt;
return delegate_->GetTableCellIndex();
base::Optional<int> AXPlatformNodeBase::GetTableColumn() const {
if (!delegate_)
return base::nullopt;
return delegate_->GetTableCellColIndex();
base::Optional<int> AXPlatformNodeBase::GetTableColumnCount() const {
if (!delegate_)
return base::nullopt;
AXPlatformNodeBase* table = GetTable();
if (!table)
return base::nullopt;
return table->delegate_->GetTableColCount();
base::Optional<int> AXPlatformNodeBase::GetTableAriaColumnCount() const {
if (!delegate_)
return base::nullopt;
AXPlatformNodeBase* table = GetTable();
if (!table)
return base::nullopt;
return table->delegate_->GetTableAriaColCount();
base::Optional<int> AXPlatformNodeBase::GetTableColumnSpan() const {
if (!delegate_)
return base::nullopt;
return delegate_->GetTableCellColSpan();
base::Optional<int> AXPlatformNodeBase::GetTableRow() const {
if (!delegate_)
return base::nullopt;
if (delegate_->IsTableRow())
return delegate_->GetTableRowRowIndex();
if (delegate_->IsTableCellOrHeader())
return delegate_->GetTableCellRowIndex();
return base::nullopt;
base::Optional<int> AXPlatformNodeBase::GetTableRowCount() const {
if (!delegate_)
return base::nullopt;
AXPlatformNodeBase* table = GetTable();
if (!table)
return base::nullopt;
return table->delegate_->GetTableRowCount();
base::Optional<int> AXPlatformNodeBase::GetTableAriaRowCount() const {
if (!delegate_)
return base::nullopt;
AXPlatformNodeBase* table = GetTable();
if (!table)
return base::nullopt;
return table->delegate_->GetTableAriaRowCount();
base::Optional<int> AXPlatformNodeBase::GetTableRowSpan() const {
if (!delegate_)
return base::nullopt;
return delegate_->GetTableCellRowSpan();
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::HasCaret() {
if (IsInvisibleOrIgnored())
return false;
if (IsPlainTextField() &&
HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kTextSelStart) &&
HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kTextSelEnd)) {
return true;
// The caret is always at the focus of the selection.
int32_t focus_id = delegate_->GetUnignoredSelection().focus_object_id;
AXPlatformNodeBase* focus_object =
if (!focus_object)
return false;
return focus_object->IsDescendantOf(this);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::IsLeaf() {
if (GetChildCount() == 0)
return true;
// These types of objects may have children that we use as internal
// implementation details, but we want to expose them as leaves to platform
// accessibility APIs because screen readers might be confused if they find
// any children.
if (IsPlainTextField() || IsTextOnlyObject())
return true;
// Roles whose children are only presentational according to the ARIA and
// HTML5 Specs should be hidden from screen readers.
// (Note that whilst ARIA buttons can have only presentational children, HTML5
// buttons are allowed to have content.)
switch (GetData().role) {
case ax::mojom::Role::kImage:
case ax::mojom::Role::kMeter:
case ax::mojom::Role::kScrollBar:
case ax::mojom::Role::kSlider:
case ax::mojom::Role::kSplitter:
case ax::mojom::Role::kProgressIndicator:
return true;
return false;
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::IsChildOfLeaf() const {
AXPlatformNodeBase* ancestor = FromNativeViewAccessible(GetParent());
while (ancestor) {
if (ancestor->IsLeaf())
return true;
ancestor = FromNativeViewAccessible(ancestor->GetParent());
return false;
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::IsInvisibleOrIgnored() const {
const AXNodeData& data = GetData();
return data.HasState(ax::mojom::State::kInvisible) || ui::IsIgnored(data);
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::IsScrollable() const {
return (HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kScrollXMin) &&
HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kScrollXMax) &&
HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kScrollX)) ||
(HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kScrollYMin) &&
HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kScrollYMax) &&
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::IsHorizontallyScrollable() const {
DCHECK_GE(GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kScrollXMin), 0)
<< "Pixel sizes should be non-negative.";
DCHECK_GE(GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kScrollXMax), 0)
<< "Pixel sizes should be non-negative.";
return IsScrollable() &&
GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kScrollXMin) <
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::IsVerticallyScrollable() const {
DCHECK_GE(GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kScrollYMin), 0)
<< "Pixel sizes should be non-negative.";
DCHECK_GE(GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kScrollYMax), 0)
<< "Pixel sizes should be non-negative.";
return IsScrollable() &&
GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kScrollYMin) <
base::string16 AXPlatformNodeBase::GetValue() const {
// Expose slider value.
if (IsRangeValueSupported(GetData()))
return GetRangeValueText();
// On Windows, the value of a document should be its URL.
if (ui::IsDocument(GetData().role))
return base::UTF8ToUTF16(delegate_->GetTreeData().url);
base::string16 value =
// Some screen readers like Jaws and VoiceOver require a
// value to be set in text fields with rich content, even though the same
// information is available on the children.
if (value.empty() && IsRichTextField())
return GetInnerText();
return value;
void AXPlatformNodeBase::ComputeAttributes(PlatformAttributeList* attributes) {
DCHECK(delegate_) << "Many attributes need to be retrieved from our "
// Expose some HTML and ARIA attributes in the IAccessible2 attributes string
// "display", "tag", and "xml-roles" have somewhat unusual names for
// historical reasons. Aside from that virtually every ARIA attribute
// is exposed in a really straightforward way, i.e. "aria-foo" is exposed
// as "foo".
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kDisplay, "display",
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kHtmlTag, "tag", attributes);
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kRole, "xml-roles",
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kPlaceholder, "placeholder",
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kAutoComplete, "autocomplete",
if (!HasStringAttribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kAutoComplete) &&
GetData().HasState(ax::mojom::State::kAutofillAvailable)) {
AddAttributeToList("autocomplete", "list", attributes);
base::string16 role_description =
if (!role_description.empty() ||
HasStringAttribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kRoleDescription)) {
AddAttributeToList("roledescription", base::UTF16ToUTF8(role_description),
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kKeyShortcuts, "keyshortcuts",
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kHierarchicalLevel, "level",
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kSetSize, "setsize", attributes);
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kPosInSet, "posinset",
if (HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kCheckedState))
AddAttributeToList("checkable", "true", attributes);
if (IsInvisibleOrIgnored()) // Note: NVDA prefers this over INVISIBLE state.
AddAttributeToList("hidden", "true", attributes);
// Expose live region attributes.
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kLiveStatus, "live",
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kLiveRelevant, "relevant",
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kLiveAtomic, "atomic",
// Busy is usually associated with live regions but can occur anywhere:
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kBusy, "busy", attributes);
// Expose container live region attributes.
"container-live", attributes);
"container-relevant", attributes);
"container-atomic", attributes);
"container-busy", attributes);
// Expose the non-standard explicit-name IA2 attribute.
int name_from;
if (GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kNameFrom, &name_from) &&
name_from != static_cast<int32_t>(ax::mojom::NameFrom::kContents)) {
AddAttributeToList("explicit-name", "true", attributes);
// Expose the aria-haspopup attribute.
int32_t has_popup;
if (GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kHasPopup, &has_popup)) {
switch (static_cast<ax::mojom::HasPopup>(has_popup)) {
case ax::mojom::HasPopup::kFalse:
case ax::mojom::HasPopup::kTrue:
AddAttributeToList("haspopup", "true", attributes);
case ax::mojom::HasPopup::kMenu:
AddAttributeToList("haspopup", "menu", attributes);
case ax::mojom::HasPopup::kListbox:
AddAttributeToList("haspopup", "listbox", attributes);
case ax::mojom::HasPopup::kTree:
AddAttributeToList("haspopup", "tree", attributes);
case ax::mojom::HasPopup::kGrid:
AddAttributeToList("haspopup", "grid", attributes);
case ax::mojom::HasPopup::kDialog:
AddAttributeToList("haspopup", "dialog", attributes);
} else if (GetData().HasState(ax::mojom::State::kAutofillAvailable)) {
AddAttributeToList("haspopup", "menu", attributes);
// Expose the aria-current attribute.
int32_t aria_current_state;
if (GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kAriaCurrentState,
&aria_current_state)) {
switch (static_cast<ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState>(aria_current_state)) {
case ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState::kNone:
case ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState::kFalse:
AddAttributeToList("current", "false", attributes);
case ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState::kTrue:
AddAttributeToList("current", "true", attributes);
case ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState::kPage:
AddAttributeToList("current", "page", attributes);
case ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState::kStep:
AddAttributeToList("current", "step", attributes);
case ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState::kLocation:
AddAttributeToList("current", "location", attributes);
case ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState::kUnclippedLocation:
AddAttributeToList("current", "unclippedLocation", attributes);
case ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState::kDate:
AddAttributeToList("current", "date", attributes);
case ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState::kTime:
AddAttributeToList("current", "time", attributes);
// Expose table cell index.
if (IsCellOrTableHeader(GetData().role)) {
base::Optional<int> index = delegate_->GetTableCellIndex();
if (index) {
std::string str_index(base::NumberToString(*index));
AddAttributeToList("table-cell-index", str_index, attributes);
if (GetData().role == ax::mojom::Role::kLayoutTable)
AddAttributeToList("layout-guess", "true", attributes);
// Expose aria-colcount and aria-rowcount in a table, grid or treegrid if they
// are different from its physical dimensions.
if (IsTableLike(GetData().role) &&
(delegate_->GetTableAriaRowCount() != delegate_->GetTableRowCount() ||
delegate_->GetTableAriaColCount() != delegate_->GetTableColCount())) {
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kAriaColumnCount, "colcount",
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kAriaRowCount, "rowcount",
if (IsCellOrTableHeader(GetData().role) || IsTableRow(GetData().role)) {
// Expose aria-colindex and aria-rowindex in a cell or row only if they are
// different from the table's physical coordinates.
if (delegate_->GetTableCellAriaRowIndex() !=
delegate_->GetTableCellRowIndex() ||
delegate_->GetTableCellAriaColIndex() !=
delegate_->GetTableCellColIndex()) {
if (!IsTableRow(GetData().role)) {
"colindex", attributes);
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kAriaCellRowIndex, "rowindex",
// Experimental: expose aria-rowtext / aria-coltext. Not standardized
// yet, but obscure enough that it's safe to expose.
for (size_t i = 0; i < GetData().html_attributes.size(); ++i) {
const std::string& attr = GetData().html_attributes[i].first;
const std::string& value = GetData().html_attributes[i].second;
if (attr == "aria-coltext") {
AddAttributeToList("coltext", value, attributes);
if (attr == "aria-rowtext") {
AddAttributeToList("rowtext", value, attributes);
// Expose row or column header sort direction.
int32_t sort_direction;
if (IsTableHeader(GetData().role) &&
&sort_direction)) {
switch (static_cast<ax::mojom::SortDirection>(sort_direction)) {
case ax::mojom::SortDirection::kNone:
case ax::mojom::SortDirection::kUnsorted:
AddAttributeToList("sort", "none", attributes);
case ax::mojom::SortDirection::kAscending:
AddAttributeToList("sort", "ascending", attributes);
case ax::mojom::SortDirection::kDescending:
AddAttributeToList("sort", "descending", attributes);
case ax::mojom::SortDirection::kOther:
AddAttributeToList("sort", "other", attributes);
if (IsCellOrTableHeader(GetData().role)) {
// Expose colspan attribute.
std::string colspan;
if (GetData().GetHtmlAttribute("aria-colspan", &colspan)) {
AddAttributeToList("colspan", colspan, attributes);
// Expose rowspan attribute.
std::string rowspan;
if (GetData().GetHtmlAttribute("aria-rowspan", &rowspan)) {
AddAttributeToList("rowspan", rowspan, attributes);
// Expose slider value.
if (IsRangeValueSupported(GetData())) {
std::string value = base::UTF16ToUTF8(GetRangeValueText());
if (!value.empty())
AddAttributeToList("valuetext", value, attributes);
// Expose dropeffect attribute.
// aria-dropeffect is deprecated in WAI-ARIA 1.1.
if (GetData().HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kDropeffect)) {
std::string dropeffect = GetData().DropeffectBitfieldToString();
AddAttributeToList("dropeffect", dropeffect, attributes);
// Expose grabbed attribute.
// aria-grabbed is deprecated in WAI-ARIA 1.1.
AddAttributeToList(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kGrabbed, "grabbed", attributes);
// Expose class attribute.
std::string class_attr;
if (GetData().GetHtmlAttribute("class", &class_attr) ||
&class_attr)) {
AddAttributeToList("class", class_attr, attributes);
// Expose datetime attribute.
std::string datetime;
if (GetData().role == ax::mojom::Role::kTime &&
GetData().GetHtmlAttribute("datetime", &datetime)) {
AddAttributeToList("datetime", datetime, attributes);
// Expose id attribute.
std::string id;
if (GetData().GetHtmlAttribute("id", &id)) {
AddAttributeToList("id", id, attributes);
// Expose src attribute.
std::string src;
if (GetData().role == ax::mojom::Role::kImage &&
GetData().GetHtmlAttribute("src", &src)) {
AddAttributeToList("src", src, attributes);
// Text fields need to report the attribute "text-model:a1" to instruct
// screen readers to use IAccessible2 APIs to handle text editing in this
// object (as opposed to treating it like a native Windows text box).
// The text-model:a1 attribute is documented here:
if (IsPlainTextField() || IsRichTextField())
AddAttributeToList("text-model", "a1", attributes);
// Expose input-text type attribute.
std::string type;
std::string html_tag =
if (IsPlainTextField() && base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(html_tag, "input") &&
GetData().GetHtmlAttribute("type", &type)) {
AddAttributeToList("text-input-type", type, attributes);
void AXPlatformNodeBase::AddAttributeToList(
const ax::mojom::StringAttribute attribute,
const char* name,
PlatformAttributeList* attributes) {
std::string value;
if (GetStringAttribute(attribute, &value)) {
AddAttributeToList(name, value, attributes);
void AXPlatformNodeBase::AddAttributeToList(
const ax::mojom::BoolAttribute attribute,
const char* name,
PlatformAttributeList* attributes) {
bool value;
if (GetBoolAttribute(attribute, &value)) {
AddAttributeToList(name, value ? "true" : "false", attributes);
void AXPlatformNodeBase::AddAttributeToList(
const ax::mojom::IntAttribute attribute,
const char* name,
PlatformAttributeList* attributes) {
auto maybe_value = ComputeAttribute(delegate_, attribute);
if (maybe_value.has_value()) {
std::string str_value = base::NumberToString(maybe_value.value());
AddAttributeToList(name, str_value, attributes);
void AXPlatformNodeBase::AddAttributeToList(const char* name,
const std::string& value,
PlatformAttributeList* attributes) {
AddAttributeToList(name, value.c_str(), attributes);
AXHypertext::AXHypertext() = default;
AXHypertext::AXHypertext(const AXHypertext& other) = default;
AXHypertext::~AXHypertext() = default;
void AXPlatformNodeBase::UpdateComputedHypertext() {
hypertext_ = AXHypertext();
if (IsPlainTextField()) {
hypertext_.hypertext = GetValue();
int child_count = GetChildCount();
if (!child_count) {
if (IsRichTextField()) {
// We don't want to expose any associated label in IA2 Hypertext.
hypertext_.hypertext =
// Construct the hypertext for this node, which contains the concatenation
// of all of the static text and widespace of this node's children and an
// embedded object character for all the other children. Build up a map from
// the character index of each embedded object character to the id of the
// child object it points to.
base::string16 hypertext;
for (int i = 0; i < child_count; ++i) {
const auto* child = FromNativeViewAccessible(ChildAtIndex(i));
// Similar to Firefox, we don't expose text-only objects in IA2 hypertext.
if (child->IsTextOnlyObject()) {
hypertext_.hypertext +=
} else {
int32_t char_offset = static_cast<int32_t>(hypertext_.hypertext.size());
int32_t child_unique_id = child->GetUniqueId();
int32_t index = static_cast<int32_t>(hypertext_.hyperlinks.size());
hypertext_.hyperlink_offset_to_index[char_offset] = index;
hypertext_.hypertext += kEmbeddedCharacter;
void AXPlatformNodeBase::AddAttributeToList(const char* name,
const char* value,
PlatformAttributeList* attributes) {
base::Optional<int> AXPlatformNodeBase::GetPosInSet() const {
if (!delegate_)
return base::nullopt;
return delegate_->GetPosInSet();
base::Optional<int> AXPlatformNodeBase::GetSetSize() const {
if (!delegate_)
return base::nullopt;
return delegate_->GetSetSize();
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::ScrollToNode(ScrollType scroll_type) {
// ax::mojom::Action::kScrollToMakeVisible wants a target rect in *local*
// coords.
gfx::Rect r = gfx::ToEnclosingRect(GetData().relative_bounds.bounds);
r -= r.OffsetFromOrigin();
switch (scroll_type) {
case ScrollType::TopLeft:
r = gfx::Rect(r.x(), r.y(), 0, 0);
case ScrollType::BottomRight:
r = gfx::Rect(r.right(), r.bottom(), 0, 0);
case ScrollType::TopEdge:
r = gfx::Rect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), 0);
case ScrollType::BottomEdge:
r = gfx::Rect(r.x(), r.bottom(), r.width(), 0);
case ScrollType::LeftEdge:
r = gfx::Rect(r.x(), r.y(), 0, r.height());
case ScrollType::RightEdge:
r = gfx::Rect(r.right(), r.y(), 0, r.height());
case ScrollType::Anywhere:
ui::AXActionData action_data;
action_data.target_node_id = GetData().id;
action_data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kScrollToMakeVisible;
action_data.horizontal_scroll_alignment =
action_data.vertical_scroll_alignment =
action_data.target_rect = r;
return true;
// static
void AXPlatformNodeBase::SanitizeStringAttribute(const std::string& input,
std::string* output) {
// According to the IA2 spec and AT-SPI2, these characters need to be escaped
// with a backslash: backslash, colon, comma, equals and semicolon. Note
// that backslash must be replaced first.
base::ReplaceChars(input, "\\", "\\\\", output);
base::ReplaceChars(*output, ":", "\\:", output);
base::ReplaceChars(*output, ",", "\\,", output);
base::ReplaceChars(*output, "=", "\\=", output);
base::ReplaceChars(*output, ";", "\\;", output);
AXPlatformNodeBase* AXPlatformNodeBase::GetHyperlinkFromHypertextOffset(
int offset) {
std::map<int32_t, int32_t>::iterator iterator =
if (iterator == hypertext_.hyperlink_offset_to_index.end())
return nullptr;
int32_t index = iterator->second;
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
DCHECK_LT(index, static_cast<int32_t>(hypertext_.hyperlinks.size()));
int32_t id = hypertext_.hyperlinks[index];
auto* hyperlink =
if (!hyperlink)
return nullptr;
return hyperlink;
int32_t AXPlatformNodeBase::GetHyperlinkIndexFromChild(
AXPlatformNodeBase* child) {
if (hypertext_.hyperlinks.empty())
return -1;
auto iterator = std::find(hypertext_.hyperlinks.begin(),
hypertext_.hyperlinks.end(), child->GetUniqueId());
if (iterator == hypertext_.hyperlinks.end())
return -1;
return static_cast<int32_t>(iterator - hypertext_.hyperlinks.begin());
int32_t AXPlatformNodeBase::GetHypertextOffsetFromHyperlinkIndex(
int32_t hyperlink_index) {
for (auto& offset_index : hypertext_.hyperlink_offset_to_index) {
if (offset_index.second == hyperlink_index)
return offset_index.first;
return -1;
int32_t AXPlatformNodeBase::GetHypertextOffsetFromChild(
AXPlatformNodeBase* child) {
// TODO(dougt) DCHECK(child.owner()->PlatformGetParent() == owner());
// Handle the case when we are dealing with a text-only child.
// Note that this object might be a platform leaf, e.g. an ARIA searchbox.
// Also, text-only children should not be present at tree roots and so no
// cross-tree traversal is necessary.
if (child->IsTextOnlyObject()) {
int32_t hypertext_offset = 0;
int32_t index_in_parent = child->GetDelegate()->GetIndexInParent();
DCHECK_GE(index_in_parent, 0);
DCHECK_LT(index_in_parent, static_cast<int32_t>(GetChildCount()));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < static_cast<uint32_t>(index_in_parent); ++i) {
auto* sibling = static_cast<AXPlatformNodeBase*>(
if (sibling->IsTextOnlyObject()) {
hypertext_offset += (int32_t)sibling->GetHypertext().size();
} else {
return hypertext_offset;
int32_t hyperlink_index = GetHyperlinkIndexFromChild(child);
if (hyperlink_index < 0)
return -1;
return GetHypertextOffsetFromHyperlinkIndex(hyperlink_index);
int32_t AXPlatformNodeBase::GetHypertextOffsetFromDescendant(
AXPlatformNodeBase* descendant) {
auto* parent_object = static_cast<AXPlatformNodeBase*>(
while (parent_object && parent_object != this) {
descendant = parent_object;
parent_object = static_cast<AXPlatformNodeBase*>(
if (!parent_object)
return -1;
return parent_object->GetHypertextOffsetFromChild(descendant);
int AXPlatformNodeBase::GetHypertextOffsetFromEndpoint(
AXPlatformNodeBase* endpoint_object,
int endpoint_offset) {
// There are three cases:
// 1. The selection endpoint is inside this object but not one of its
// descendants, or is in an ancestor of this object. endpoint_offset should be
// returned, possibly adjusted from a child offset to a hypertext offset.
// 2. The selection endpoint is a descendant of this object. The offset of the
// character in this object's hypertext corresponding to the subtree in which
// the endpoint is located should be returned.
// 3. The selection endpoint is in a completely different part of the tree.
// Either 0 or hypertext length should be returned depending on the direction
// that one needs to travel to find the endpoint.
// TODO(nektar): Replace all this logic with the use of AXNodePosition.
// Case 1. Is the endpoint object equal to this object or an ancestor of this
// object?
// IsDescendantOf includes the case when endpoint_object == this.
if (IsDescendantOf(endpoint_object)) {
if (endpoint_object->IsLeaf()) {
DCHECK_EQ(endpoint_object, this) << "Text objects cannot have children.";
return endpoint_offset;
} else {
DCHECK_GE(endpoint_offset, 0);
// Adjust the |endpoint_offset| because the selection endpoint is a tree
// position, i.e. it represents a child index and not a text offset.
if (endpoint_offset >= endpoint_object->GetChildCount()) {
return static_cast<int>(endpoint_object->GetHypertext().size());
} else {
auto* child = static_cast<AXPlatformNodeBase*>(FromNativeViewAccessible(
return endpoint_object->GetHypertextOffsetFromChild(child);
AXPlatformNodeBase* common_parent = this;
int32_t index_in_common_parent = GetDelegate()->GetIndexInParent();
while (common_parent && !endpoint_object->IsDescendantOf(common_parent)) {
index_in_common_parent = common_parent->GetDelegate()->GetIndexInParent();
common_parent = static_cast<AXPlatformNodeBase*>(
if (!common_parent)
return -1;
DCHECK_GE(index_in_common_parent, 0);
// Case 2. Is the selection endpoint inside a descendant of this object?
// We already checked in case 1 if our endpoint object is equal to this
// object. We can safely assume that it is a descendant or in a completely
// different part of the tree.
if (common_parent == this) {
int32_t hypertext_offset =
auto* parent = static_cast<AXPlatformNodeBase*>(
if (parent == this && endpoint_object->IsTextOnlyObject()) {
// Due to a historical design decision, the hypertext of the immediate
// parents of text objects includes all their text. We therefore need to
// adjust the hypertext offset in the parent by adding any text offset.
hypertext_offset += endpoint_offset;
return hypertext_offset;
// Case 3. Is the selection endpoint in a completely different part of the
// tree?
// We can safely assume that the endpoint is in another part of the tree or
// at common parent, and that this object is a descendant of common parent.
int32_t endpoint_index_in_common_parent = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < common_parent->GetDelegate()->GetChildCount(); ++i) {
auto* child = static_cast<AXPlatformNodeBase*>(FromNativeViewAccessible(
if (endpoint_object->IsDescendantOf(child)) {
endpoint_index_in_common_parent =
DCHECK_GE(endpoint_index_in_common_parent, 0);
if (endpoint_index_in_common_parent < index_in_common_parent)
return 0;
if (endpoint_index_in_common_parent > index_in_common_parent)
return static_cast<int32_t>(GetHypertext().size());
return -1;
int AXPlatformNodeBase::GetUnignoredSelectionAnchor() {
ui::AXTree::Selection unignored_selection =
int32_t anchor_id = unignored_selection.anchor_object_id;
AXPlatformNodeBase* anchor_object =
if (!anchor_object)
return -1;
int anchor_offset = int{unignored_selection.anchor_offset};
return GetHypertextOffsetFromEndpoint(anchor_object, anchor_offset);
int AXPlatformNodeBase::GetUnignoredSelectionFocus() {
ui::AXTree::Selection unignored_selection =
int32_t focus_id = unignored_selection.focus_object_id;
AXPlatformNodeBase* focus_object =
if (!focus_object)
return -1;
int focus_offset = int{unignored_selection.focus_offset};
return GetHypertextOffsetFromEndpoint(focus_object, focus_offset);
void AXPlatformNodeBase::GetSelectionOffsets(int* selection_start,
int* selection_end) {
DCHECK(selection_start && selection_end);
if (IsPlainTextField() &&
selection_start) &&
GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kTextSelEnd, selection_end)) {
*selection_start = GetUnignoredSelectionAnchor();
*selection_end = GetUnignoredSelectionFocus();
if (*selection_start < 0 || *selection_end < 0)
// There are three cases when a selection would start and end on the same
// character:
// 1. Anchor and focus are both in a subtree that is to the right of this
// object.
// 2. Anchor and focus are both in a subtree that is to the left of this
// object.
// 3. Anchor and focus are in a subtree represented by a single embedded
// object character.
// Only case 3 refers to a valid selection because cases 1 and 2 fall
// outside this object in their entirety.
// Selections that span more than one character are by definition inside
// this object, so checking them is not necessary.
if (*selection_start == *selection_end && !HasCaret()) {
*selection_start = -1;
*selection_end = -1;
// The IA2 Spec says that if the largest of the two offsets falls on an
// embedded object character and if there is a selection in that embedded
// object, it should be incremented by one so that it points after the
// embedded object character.
// This is a signal to AT software that the embedded object is also part of
// the selection.
int* largest_offset =
(*selection_start <= *selection_end) ? selection_end : selection_start;
AXPlatformNodeBase* hyperlink =
if (!hyperlink)
int hyperlink_selection_start, hyperlink_selection_end;
if (hyperlink_selection_start >= 0 && hyperlink_selection_end >= 0 &&
hyperlink_selection_start != hyperlink_selection_end) {
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::IsSameHypertextCharacter(
const AXHypertext& old_hypertext,
size_t old_char_index,
size_t new_char_index) {
if (old_char_index >= old_hypertext.hypertext.size() ||
new_char_index >= hypertext_.hypertext.size()) {
return false;
// For anything other than the "embedded character", we just compare the
// characters directly.
base::char16 old_ch = old_hypertext.hypertext[old_char_index];
base::char16 new_ch = hypertext_.hypertext[new_char_index];
if (old_ch != new_ch)
return false;
if (new_ch != kEmbeddedCharacter)
return true;
// If it's an embedded character, they're only identical if the child id
// the hyperlink points to is the same.
const std::map<int32_t, int32_t>& old_offset_to_index =
const std::vector<int32_t>& old_hyperlinks = old_hypertext.hyperlinks;
int32_t old_hyperlinkscount = static_cast<int32_t>(old_hyperlinks.size());
auto iter = old_offset_to_index.find(static_cast<int32_t>(old_char_index));
int old_index = (iter != old_offset_to_index.end()) ? iter->second : -1;
int old_child_id = (old_index >= 0 && old_index < old_hyperlinkscount)
? old_hyperlinks[old_index]
: -1;
const std::map<int32_t, int32_t>& new_offset_to_index =
const std::vector<int32_t>& new_hyperlinks = hypertext_.hyperlinks;
int32_t new_hyperlinkscount = static_cast<int32_t>(new_hyperlinks.size());
iter = new_offset_to_index.find(static_cast<int32_t>(new_char_index));
int new_index = (iter != new_offset_to_index.end()) ? iter->second : -1;
int new_child_id = (new_index >= 0 && new_index < new_hyperlinkscount)
? new_hyperlinks[new_index]
: -1;
return old_child_id == new_child_id;
// Return true if the index represents a text character.
bool AXPlatformNodeBase::IsText(const base::string16& text,
size_t index,
bool is_indexed_from_end) {
size_t text_len = text.size();
if (index == text_len)
return false;
auto ch = text[is_indexed_from_end ? text_len - index - 1 : index];
return ch != kEmbeddedCharacter;
void AXPlatformNodeBase::ComputeHypertextRemovedAndInserted(
const AXHypertext& old_hypertext,
size_t* start,
size_t* old_len,
size_t* new_len) {
*start = 0;
*old_len = 0;
*new_len = 0;
// Do not compute for static text objects, otherwise redundant text change
// announcements will occur in live regions, as the parent hypertext also
// changes.
if (GetData().role == ax::mojom::Role::kStaticText)
const base::string16& old_text = old_hypertext.hypertext;
const base::string16& new_text = hypertext_.hypertext;
// TODO(accessibility) Plumb through which part of text changed so we don't
// have to guess what changed based on character differences. This can be
// wrong in some cases as follows:
// -- EDITABLE --
// If editable: when part of the text node changes, assume only that part
// changed, and not the entire thing. For example, if "car" changes to
// "cat", assume only 1 letter changed. This code compares common characters
// to guess what has changed.
// When part of the text changes, assume the entire node's text changed. For
// example, if "car" changes to "cat" then assume all 3 letters changed.
// Note, it is possible (though rare) that CharacterData methods are used to
// remove, insert, replace or append a substring.
bool allow_partial_text_node_changes =
size_t prefix_index = 0;
size_t common_prefix = 0;
while (prefix_index < old_text.size() && prefix_index < new_text.size() &&
IsSameHypertextCharacter(old_hypertext, prefix_index, prefix_index)) {
if (allow_partial_text_node_changes ||
(!IsText(old_text, prefix_index) && !IsText(new_text, prefix_index))) {
common_prefix = prefix_index;
size_t suffix_index = 0;
size_t common_suffix = 0;
while (common_prefix + suffix_index < old_text.size() &&
common_prefix + suffix_index < new_text.size() &&
old_text.size() - suffix_index - 1,
new_text.size() - suffix_index - 1)) {
if (allow_partial_text_node_changes ||
(!IsText(old_text, suffix_index, true) &&
!IsText(new_text, suffix_index, true))) {
common_suffix = suffix_index;
*start = common_prefix;
*old_len = old_text.size() - common_prefix - common_suffix;
*new_len = new_text.size() - common_prefix - common_suffix;
int AXPlatformNodeBase::FindTextBoundary(
AXTextBoundary boundary,
int offset,
AXTextBoundaryDirection direction,
ax::mojom::TextAffinity affinity) const {
base::Optional<int> boundary_offset =
GetDelegate()->FindTextBoundary(boundary, offset, direction, affinity);
if (boundary_offset.has_value())
return *boundary_offset;
std::vector<int32_t> unused_line_start_offsets;
return static_cast<int>(
FindAccessibleTextBoundary(GetHypertext(), unused_line_start_offsets,
boundary, offset, direction, affinity));
int AXPlatformNodeBase::NearestTextIndexToPoint(gfx::Point point) {
// For text objects, find the text position nearest to the point.The nearest
// index of a non-text object is implicitly 0. Text fields such as textarea
// have an embedded div inside them that holds all the text,
// GetRangeBoundsRect will correctly handle these nodes
int nearest_index = 0;
const AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system = AXCoordinateSystem::kScreen;
const AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior = AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped;
// Manhattan Distance is used to provide faster distance estimates.
// get the distance from the point to the bounds of each character.
float shortest_distance = GetDelegate()
0, 1, coordinate_system, clipping_behavior)
for (int i = 1, text_length = GetInnerText().length(); i < text_length; ++i) {
float current_distance =
->GetInnerTextRangeBoundsRect(i, i + 1, coordinate_system,
if (current_distance < shortest_distance) {
shortest_distance = current_distance;
nearest_index = i;
return nearest_index;
std::string AXPlatformNodeBase::GetInvalidValue() const {
const AXPlatformNodeBase* target = this;
// The aria-invalid=spelling/grammar need to be exposed as text attributes for
// a range matching the visual underline representing the error.
if (static_cast<ax::mojom::InvalidState>(
target->GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kInvalidState)) ==
ax::mojom::InvalidState::kNone &&
target->IsTextOnlyObject() && target->GetParent()) {
// Text nodes need to reflect the invalid state of their parent object,
// otherwise spelling and grammar errors communicated through aria-invalid
// won't be reflected in text attributes.
target = static_cast<AXPlatformNodeBase*>(
std::string invalid_value("");
// Note: spelling+grammar errors case is disallowed and not supported. It
// could possibly arise with aria-invalid on the ancestor of a spelling error,
// but this is not currently described in any spec and no real-world use cases
// have been found.
switch (static_cast<ax::mojom::InvalidState>(
target->GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kInvalidState))) {
case ax::mojom::InvalidState::kNone:
case ax::mojom::InvalidState::kFalse:
case ax::mojom::InvalidState::kTrue:
invalid_value = "true";
case ax::mojom::InvalidState::kOther: {
if (!target->GetStringAttribute(
ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kAriaInvalidValue, &invalid_value)) {
// Set the attribute to "true", since we cannot be more specific.
invalid_value = "true";
return invalid_value;
ui::TextAttributeList AXPlatformNodeBase::ComputeTextAttributes() const {
ui::TextAttributeList attributes;
// We include list markers for now, but there might be other objects that are
// auto generated.
// TODO(nektar): Compute what objects are auto-generated in Blink.
if (GetData().role == ax::mojom::Role::kListMarker)
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("auto-generated", "true"));
int color;
if (GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kBackgroundColor, &color)) {
unsigned int alpha = SkColorGetA(color);
unsigned int red = SkColorGetR(color);
unsigned int green = SkColorGetG(color);
unsigned int blue = SkColorGetB(color);
// Don't expose default value of pure white.
if (alpha && (red != 255 || green != 255 || blue != 255)) {
std::string color_value = "rgb(" + base::NumberToString(red) + ',' +
base::NumberToString(green) + ',' +
base::NumberToString(blue) + ')';
SanitizeTextAttributeValue(color_value, &color_value);
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("background-color", color_value));
if (GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kColor, &color)) {
unsigned int red = SkColorGetR(color);
unsigned int green = SkColorGetG(color);
unsigned int blue = SkColorGetB(color);
// Don't expose default value of black.
if (red || green || blue) {
std::string color_value = "rgb(" + base::NumberToString(red) + ',' +
base::NumberToString(green) + ',' +
base::NumberToString(blue) + ')';
SanitizeTextAttributeValue(color_value, &color_value);
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("color", color_value));
// First try to get the inherited font family name from the delegate. If we
// cannot find any name, fall back to looking the hierarchy of this node's
// AXNodeData instead.
std::string font_family(GetDelegate()->GetInheritedFontFamilyName());
if (font_family.empty()) {
font_family =
// Attribute has no default value.
if (!font_family.empty()) {
SanitizeTextAttributeValue(font_family, &font_family);
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("font-family", font_family));
float font_size;
// Attribute has no default value.
if (GetFloatAttribute(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute::kFontSize, &font_size)) {
// The IA2 Spec requires the value to be in pt, not in pixels.
// There are 72 points per inch.
// We assume that there are 96 pixels per inch on a standard display.
// TODO(nektar): Figure out the current value of pixels per inch.
float points = font_size * 72.0 / 96.0;
// Round to the nearest 0.5 points.
points = std::round(points * 2.0) / 2.0;
std::make_pair("font-size", base::NumberToString(points) + "pt"));
// TODO(nektar): Add Blink support for the following attributes:
// text-line-through-mode, text-line-through-width, text-outline:false,
// text-position:baseline, text-shadow:none, text-underline-mode:continuous.
int32_t text_style = GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kTextStyle);
if (text_style) {
if (GetData().HasTextStyle(ax::mojom::TextStyle::kBold))
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("font-weight", "bold"));
if (GetData().HasTextStyle(ax::mojom::TextStyle::kItalic))
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("font-style", "italic"));
if (GetData().HasTextStyle(ax::mojom::TextStyle::kLineThrough)) {
// TODO(nektar): Figure out a more specific value.
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("text-line-through-style", "solid"));
if (GetData().HasTextStyle(ax::mojom::TextStyle::kUnderline)) {
// TODO(nektar): Figure out a more specific value.
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("text-underline-style", "solid"));
// Screen readers look at the text attributes to determine if something is
// misspelled, so we need to propagate any spelling attributes from immediate
// parents of text-only objects.
std::string invalid_value = GetInvalidValue();
if (!invalid_value.empty())
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("invalid", invalid_value));
std::string language = GetDelegate()->GetLanguage();
if (!language.empty()) {
SanitizeTextAttributeValue(language, &language);
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("language", language));
auto text_direction = static_cast<ax::mojom::TextDirection>(
switch (text_direction) {
case ax::mojom::TextDirection::kNone:
case ax::mojom::TextDirection::kLtr:
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("writing-mode", "lr"));
case ax::mojom::TextDirection::kRtl:
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("writing-mode", "rl"));
case ax::mojom::TextDirection::kTtb:
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("writing-mode", "tb"));
case ax::mojom::TextDirection::kBtt:
// Not listed in the IA2 Spec.
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("writing-mode", "bt"));
auto text_position = static_cast<ax::mojom::TextPosition>(
switch (text_position) {
case ax::mojom::TextPosition::kNone:
case ax::mojom::TextPosition::kSubscript:
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("text-position", "sub"));
case ax::mojom::TextPosition::kSuperscript:
attributes.push_back(std::make_pair("text-position", "super"));
return attributes;
void AXPlatformNodeBase::SanitizeTextAttributeValue(const std::string& input,
std::string* output) const {
} // namespace ui