blob: 8b34df8f4b515feee5e5b50e2a7a5fe9f0a3daf8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_animator.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/tween.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
#include "ui/views/animation/ink_drop_ripple.h"
#include "ui/views/animation/ink_drop_state.h"
#include "ui/views/views_export.h"
namespace ui {
class Layer;
} // namespace ui
namespace views {
class CircleLayerDelegate;
class RectangleLayerDelegate;
namespace test {
class SquareInkDropRippleTestApi;
} // namespace test
// An ink drop ripple that smoothly animates between a circle and a rounded
// rectangle of different sizes for each of the different InkDropStates. The
// final frame for each InkDropState will be bounded by either a |large_size_|
// rectangle or a |small_size_| rectangle.
// The valid InkDropState transitions are defined below:
// {All InkDropStates} => HIDDEN
// {All InkDropStates} => ACTIVATED
// {All InkDropStates} => DEACTIVATED
class VIEWS_EXPORT SquareInkDropRipple : public InkDropRipple {
// The shape to use for the ACTIVATED/DEACTIVATED states.
enum ActivatedShape { CIRCLE, ROUNDED_RECT };
SquareInkDropRipple(const gfx::Size& large_size,
int large_corner_radius,
const gfx::Size& small_size,
int small_corner_radius,
const gfx::Point& center_point,
SkColor color,
float visible_opacity);
~SquareInkDropRipple() override;
void set_activated_shape(ActivatedShape shape) { activated_shape_ = shape; }
// InkDropRipple:
void SnapToActivated() override;
ui::Layer* GetRootLayer() override;
friend class test::SquareInkDropRippleTestApi;
// Enumeration of the different shapes that compose the ink drop.
enum PaintedShape {
// The total number of shapes, not an actual shape.
// Returns a human readable string for the |painted_shape| value.
static std::string ToLayerName(PaintedShape painted_shape);
// Type that contains a gfx::Tansform for each of the layers required by the
// ink drop.
typedef gfx::Transform InkDropTransforms[PAINTED_SHAPE_COUNT];
float GetCurrentOpacity() const;
// InkDropRipple:
void AnimateStateChange(InkDropState old_ink_drop_state,
InkDropState new_ink_drop_state,
ui::LayerAnimationObserver* observer) override;
void SetStateToHidden() override;
void AbortAllAnimations() override;
// Animates all of the painted shape layers to the specified |transforms|. The
// animation will be configured with the given |duration|, |tween|, and
// |preemption_strategy| values. The |observer| will be added to all
// LayerAnimationSequences if not null.
void AnimateToTransforms(
const InkDropTransforms transforms,
base::TimeDelta duration,
ui::LayerAnimator::PreemptionStrategy preemption_strategy,
gfx::Tween::Type tween,
ui::LayerAnimationObserver* observer);
// Sets the |transforms| on all of the shape layers. Note that this does not
// perform any animation.
void SetTransforms(const InkDropTransforms transforms);
// Sets the opacity of the ink drop. Note that this does not perform any
// animation.
void SetOpacity(float opacity);
// Animates all of the painted shape layers to the specified |opacity|. The
// animation will be configured with the given |duration|, |tween|, and
// |preemption_strategy| values. The |observer| will be added to all
// LayerAnimationSequences if not null.
void AnimateToOpacity(
float opacity,
base::TimeDelta duration,
ui::LayerAnimator::PreemptionStrategy preemption_strategy,
gfx::Tween::Type tween,
ui::LayerAnimationObserver* observer);
// Updates all of the Transforms in |transforms_out| for a circle of the given
// |size|.
void CalculateCircleTransforms(const gfx::Size& desired_size,
InkDropTransforms* transforms_out) const;
// Updates all of the Transforms in |transforms_out| for a rounded rectangle
// of the given |desired_size| and |corner_radius|. The effective size may
// differ from |desired_size| at certain scale factors to make sure the ripple
// is pixel-aligned.
void CalculateRectTransforms(const gfx::Size& desired_size,
float corner_radius,
InkDropTransforms* transforms_out) const;
// Calculates a Transform for a circle layer.
gfx::Transform CalculateCircleTransform(float scale,
float target_center_x,
float target_center_y) const;
// Calculates a Transform for a rectangle layer.
gfx::Transform CalculateRectTransform(float x_scale, float y_scale) const;
// Updates all of the Transforms in |transforms_out| to the current Transforms
// of the painted shape Layers.
void GetCurrentTransforms(InkDropTransforms* transforms_out) const;
// Updates all of the Transforms in |transforms_out| with the target
// Transforms for the ACTIVATED animation.
void GetActivatedTargetTransforms(InkDropTransforms* transforms_out) const;
// Updates all of the Transforms in |transforms_out| with the target
// Transforms for the DEACTIVATED animation.
void GetDeactivatedTargetTransforms(InkDropTransforms* transforms_out) const;
// Adds and configures a new |painted_shape| layer to |painted_layers_|.
void AddPaintLayer(PaintedShape painted_shape);
// The shape used for the ACTIVATED/DEACTIVATED states.
ActivatedShape activated_shape_;
// Ink drop opacity when it is visible.
float visible_opacity_;
// Maximum size that an ink drop will be drawn to for any InkDropState whose
// final frame should be large.
const gfx::Size large_size_;
// Corner radius used to draw the rounded rectangles corner for any
// InkDropState whose final frame should be large.
const int large_corner_radius_;
// Maximum size that an ink drop will be drawn to for any InkDropState whose
// final frame should be small.
const gfx::Size small_size_;
// Corner radius used to draw the rounded rectangles corner for any
// InkDropState whose final frame should be small.
const int small_corner_radius_;
// The center point of the ripple, relative to the root layer's origin.
gfx::Point center_point_;
// ui::LayerDelegate to paint circles for all the circle layers.
std::unique_ptr<CircleLayerDelegate> circle_layer_delegate_;
// ui::LayerDelegate to paint rectangles for all the rectangle layers.
std::unique_ptr<RectangleLayerDelegate> rect_layer_delegate_;
// The root layer that parents the animating layers. The root layer is used to
// manipulate opacity and location, and its children are used to manipulate
// the different painted shapes that compose the ink drop.
ui::Layer root_layer_;
// ui::Layers for all of the painted shape layers that compose the ink drop.
std::unique_ptr<ui::Layer> painted_layers_[PAINTED_SHAPE_COUNT];
} // namespace views