web_dev_style: discourage CSS *-left/right properties and values

Instead, suggest equivalent *-start/end values that automatically
flip in RTL.  For example, if the presubmit finds something along
the lines of:

  margin-left: 5px;

It'll flag it and encourage the directionally-aware:

  margin-inline-start: 5px;

Unless annotated with:

  margin-left: 5px;  /* csschecker-disable-line left-right */

for code that's truly direction agnostic.


Change-Id: If649c4eed125af4dfd5cb8b3284dc1c900230847
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/1407787
Reviewed-by: Demetrios Papadopoulos <dpapad@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Dan Beam <dbeam@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#623096}
diff --git a/tools/web_dev_style/css_checker.py b/tools/web_dev_style/css_checker.py
index ec5680ad..da17bd8 100644
--- a/tools/web_dev_style/css_checker.py
+++ b/tools/web_dev_style/css_checker.py
@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
 # TODO(dbeam): Real CSS parser? https://github.com/danbeam/css-py/tree/css3
 class CSSChecker(object):
+  DISABLE_PREFIX = 'csschecker-disable'
+  DISABLE_FORMAT = DISABLE_PREFIX + '(-[a-z]+)+ [a-z-]+(-[a-z-]+)*'
   def __init__(self, input_api, output_api, file_filter=None):
     self.input_api = input_api
     self.output_api = output_api
@@ -31,7 +35,7 @@
     def _remove_all(s):
       s = _remove_grit(s)  # Must be done first.
       s = _remove_ats(s)
-      s = _remove_comments(s)
+      s = _remove_comments_except_for_disables(s)
       s = _remove_mixins_and_valid_vars(s)
       s = _remove_template_expressions(s)
       return s
@@ -47,8 +51,9 @@
           .*?}                    # stuff up to the first end curly }
           """, r'\1', s, flags=re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE)
-    def _remove_comments(s):
-      return re.sub(r'/\*.*?\*/', '', s, flags=re.DOTALL)
+    def _remove_comments_except_for_disables(s):
+      return re.sub(r'/\*(?! %s \*/$).*?\*/' % self.DISABLE_FORMAT,'', s,
+                    flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
     def _remove_grit(s):
       return re.sub(r"""
@@ -63,6 +68,11 @@
       mixin_or_value = r'({.*?}|[^;}]+);?\s*'
       return re.sub(valid_vars + mixin_or_value, '', s, flags=re.DOTALL)
+    def _remove_disable(content, lstrip=False):
+      prefix_reg = ('\s*' if lstrip else '')
+      disable_reg = '/\* %s \*/' % self.DISABLE_FORMAT
+      return re.sub(prefix_reg + disable_reg, '', content, re.MULTILINE)
     def _remove_template_expressions(s):
       return re.sub(r'\$i18n(Raw)?{[^}]*}', '', s, flags=re.DOTALL)
@@ -79,8 +89,9 @@
     def alphabetize_props(contents):
       errors = []
       # TODO(dbeam): make this smart enough to detect issues in mixins.
+      strip_rule = lambda t: _remove_disable(t).strip()
       for rule in re.finditer(r'{(.*?)}', contents, re.DOTALL):
-        semis = map(lambda t: t.strip(), rule.group(1).split(';'))[:-1]
+        semis = map(strip_rule, rule.group(1).split(';'))[:-1]
         rules = filter(lambda r: ': ' in r, semis)
         props = map(lambda r: r[0:r.find(':')], rules)
         if props != sorted(props):
@@ -176,6 +187,7 @@
       return re.search('url\s*\(\s*["\']', line, re.IGNORECASE)
     def one_rule_per_line(line):
+      line = _remove_disable(line)
       one_rule_reg = re.compile(r"""
           [\w-](?<!data):  # a rule: but no data URIs
           (?!//)[^;]+;     # value; ignoring colons in protocols:// and };
@@ -285,9 +297,9 @@
         """, re.VERBOSE)
     def suggest_unprefixed_logical_axis(line):
-      preffix, prop = prefixed_logical_axis_reg.search(line).groups()
+      prefix, prop = prefixed_logical_axis_reg.search(line).groups()
       block_or_inline = 'block' if prop == 'height' else 'inline'
-      return ' (replace with %s)' % (preffix + block_or_inline + '-size')
+      return ' (replace with %s)' % (prefix + block_or_inline + '-size')
     def prefixed_logical_axis(line):
       return prefixed_logical_axis_reg.search(line)
@@ -313,6 +325,23 @@
     def prefixed_logical_side(line):
       return prefixed_logical_side_reg.search(line)
+    _LEFT_RIGHT_REG = '(?:(border|margin|padding)-|(text-align): )' \
+                      '(left|right)' \
+                      '(?:(-[a-z-^:]+):)?(?!.*/\* %s left-right \*/)' % \
+                      self.DISABLE_LINE
+    def start_end_instead_of_left_right(line):
+      return re.search(_LEFT_RIGHT_REG, line, re.IGNORECASE)
+    def suggest_start_end_from_left_right(line):
+      groups = re.search(_LEFT_RIGHT_REG, line, re.IGNORECASE).groups()
+      prop_start, text_align, left_right, prop_end = groups
+      start_end = {'left': 'start', 'right': 'end'}[left_right]
+      if text_align:
+        return ' (replace with text-align: %s)' % start_end
+      prop = '%s-inline-%s%s' % (prop_start, start_end, prop_end or '')
+      return ' (replace with %s)' % prop
     def zero_width_lengths(contents):
       hsl_reg = re.compile(r"""
           hsl\([^\)]*       # hsl(maybestuff
@@ -401,6 +430,13 @@
           'test': prefixed_logical_side,
           'after': suggest_unprefixed_logical_side,
+        {
+          'desc': 'Use -start/end instead of -left/right ' \
+                  '(https://goo.gl/gQYY7z, add /* %s left-right */ to ' \
+                  'suppress)' % self.DISABLE_LINE,
+          'test': start_end_instead_of_left_right,
+          'after': suggest_start_end_from_left_right,
+        },
         { 'desc': 'Use "0" for zero-width lengths (i.e. 0px -> 0)',
           'test': zero_width_lengths,
           'multiline': True,
@@ -445,7 +481,7 @@
           lines = f[1].splitlines()
           for lnum, line in enumerate(lines):
             if check['test'](line):
-              error = '    ' + line.strip()
+              error = '    ' + _remove_disable(line, lstrip=True).strip()
               if 'after' in check:
                 error += check['after'](line)
diff --git a/tools/web_dev_style/css_checker_test.py b/tools/web_dev_style/css_checker_test.py
index fa066195..a122afd 100755
--- a/tools/web_dev_style/css_checker_test.py
+++ b/tools/web_dev_style/css_checker_test.py
@@ -133,11 +133,11 @@
   def testCssAlphaWithLongerDashedProps(self):
 div {
-  border-left: 5px;  /* A hopefully removed comment. */
+  border-inline-start: 5px;  /* A hopefully removed comment. */
   border: 5px solid red;
 }""", """
 - Alphabetize properties and list vendor specific (i.e. -webkit) above standard.
-    border-left: 5px;
+    border-inline-start: 5px;
     border: 5px solid red;""")
   def testCssAlphaWithVariables(self):
@@ -466,6 +466,24 @@
     -webkit-padding-end: 3px; (replace with padding-inline-end)
     -webkit-padding-start: 4px; (replace with padding-inline-start)""")
+  def testStartEndInsteadOfLeftRight(self):
+    self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput("""
+.inline-node {
+  --var-is-ignored-left: 10px;
+  --var-is-ignored-right: 10px;
+  border-left-color: black;
+  border-right: 1px solid blue;  /* csschecker-disable-line left-right */
+  margin-right: 5px;
+  padding-left: 10px;    /* csschecker-disable-line some-other-thing */
+  text-align: right;
+}""", """
+- Use -start/end instead of -left/right (https://goo.gl/gQYY7z, add /* csschecker-disable-line left-right */ to suppress)
+    border-left-color: black; (replace with border-inline-start-color)
+    margin-right: 5px; (replace with margin-inline-end)
+    padding-left: 10px; (replace with padding-inline-start)
+    text-align: right; (replace with text-align: end)
   def testCssZeroWidthLengths(self):
 @-webkit-keyframe anim {