blob: 9631ef4a2013fefe56ed28d19a33cee9566794f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {BrowserProxy} from './browser_proxy.js';
// Global `window` context.
declare global {
interface Window {
help: any;
let browserProxy: BrowserProxy|null = null;
// Wait for the external script to be loaded, before establishing a mojo
// connection with the browser process. The browser process will be the one
// driving the events after that.
initializeExternalScript().then(() => {
if (!browserProxy) {
browserProxy = new BrowserProxy(requestSurvey);
function initializeExternalScript() {
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src =
const loaded = new Promise(r => script.onload = r);
return loaded;
async function requestSurvey(
apiKey: string, triggerId: string, enableTesting: boolean,
languageList: string[], productSpecificDataJson: string) {
// Provide a dummy window size, such that the survey renders at its desired
// size. The actual dialog will be resized to the survey provided size
// transparently.
window.innerWidth = 800;
window.innerHeight = 600;
const helpApi =, {apiKey: apiKey, locale: 'en-US'});
let loadedSent = false;
const surveyListener = {
surveyClosed: function() {
surveyCompleted: function() {
surveyPositioning: function(_: any, size: any, animationSpec: any) {
// Delay sending a loaded signal to the browser until the initial
// animation has completed.
if (!loadedSent) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, animationSpec.duration * 1000);
loadedSent = true;
// Resize the wrapping div to the requested survey size. The web
// contents displaying this content will resize to fit.
const wrapper: HTMLElement = document.querySelector('#surveyWrapper')!; = `${size.width}px`; = `${size.height}px`;
return {
anchor: 3,
verticalMargin: 0.1,
horizontalMargin: 0.1,
triggerId: triggerId,
enableTestingMode: enableTesting,
preferredSurveyLanguageList: languageList,
callback: (requestSurveyCallbackParam: any) => {
if (!requestSurveyCallbackParam.surveyData) {
surveyData: requestSurveyCallbackParam.surveyData,
colorScheme: window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ?
/* dark */ 2 :
/* light */ 1,
customZIndex: 10000,
customLogoUrl: '' +
listener: surveyListener,
productData: {
customData: productSpecificDataJson,
export {};