blob: a6eab3b470ace6a2cf258bd90bd4a97684ce74e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/screen_manager.h"
#include <xf86drmMode.h>
#include <utility>
#include "base/files/platform_file.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "ui/display/types/display_snapshot.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/gfx/gpu_fence.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/common/drm_util.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/crtc_controller.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/drm_console_buffer.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/drm_device.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/drm_window.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/hardware_display_controller.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/scanout_buffer.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/scanout_buffer_generator.h"
namespace ui {
namespace {
// Copies the contents of the saved framebuffer from the CRTCs in |controller|
// to the new modeset buffer |buffer|.
void FillModesetBuffer(const scoped_refptr<DrmDevice>& drm,
HardwareDisplayController* controller,
ScanoutBuffer* buffer) {
DrmConsoleBuffer modeset_buffer(drm, buffer->GetOpaqueFramebufferId());
if (!modeset_buffer.Initialize()) {
VLOG(2) << "Failed to grab framebuffer " << buffer->GetOpaqueFramebufferId();
CrtcController* first_crtc = controller->crtc_controllers()[0].get();
ScopedDrmCrtcPtr saved_crtc(drm->GetCrtc(first_crtc->crtc()));
if (!saved_crtc || !saved_crtc->buffer_id) {
VLOG(2) << "Crtc has no saved state or wasn't modeset";
uint32_t fourcc_format = buffer->GetFramebufferPixelFormat();
const auto& modifiers = controller->GetFormatModifiers(fourcc_format);
for (const uint64_t modifier : modifiers) {
// A value of 0 means DRM_FORMAT_MOD_NONE. If the CRTC has any other
// modifier (tiling, compression, etc.) we can't read the fb and assume it's
// a linear buffer.
if (modifier) {
VLOG(2) << "Crtc has a modifier and we might not know how to interpret "
"the fb.";
// If the display controller is in mirror mode, the CRTCs should be sharing
// the same framebuffer.
DrmConsoleBuffer saved_buffer(drm, saved_crtc->buffer_id);
if (!saved_buffer.Initialize()) {
VLOG(2) << "Failed to grab saved framebuffer " << saved_crtc->buffer_id;
// Don't copy anything if the sizes mismatch. This can happen when the user
// changes modes.
if (saved_buffer.canvas()->getBaseLayerSize() !=
modeset_buffer.canvas()->getBaseLayerSize()) {
VLOG(2) << "Previous buffer has a different size than modeset buffer";
SkPaint paint;
// Copy the source buffer. Do not perform any blending.
modeset_buffer.canvas()->drawImage(saved_buffer.image(), 0, 0, &paint);
CrtcController* GetCrtcController(HardwareDisplayController* controller,
const scoped_refptr<DrmDevice>& drm,
uint32_t crtc) {
for (const auto& crtc_controller : controller->crtc_controllers()) {
if (crtc_controller->crtc() == crtc)
return crtc_controller.get();
return nullptr;
} // namespace
ScreenManager::ScreenManager(ScanoutBufferGenerator* buffer_generator)
: buffer_generator_(buffer_generator) {
ScreenManager::~ScreenManager() {
void ScreenManager::AddDisplayController(const scoped_refptr<DrmDevice>& drm,
uint32_t crtc,
uint32_t connector) {
HardwareDisplayControllers::iterator it = FindDisplayController(drm, crtc);
// TODO(dnicoara): Turn this into a DCHECK when async display configuration is
// properly supported. (When there can't be a race between forcing initial
// display configuration in ScreenManager and display::NativeDisplayDelegate
// creating the display controllers.)
if (it != controllers_.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Display controller (crtc=" << crtc << ") already present.";
std::unique_ptr<CrtcController>(new CrtcController(drm, crtc, connector)),
void ScreenManager::RemoveDisplayController(const scoped_refptr<DrmDevice>& drm,
uint32_t crtc) {
HardwareDisplayControllers::iterator it = FindDisplayController(drm, crtc);
if (it != controllers_.end()) {
bool is_mirrored = (*it)->IsMirrored();
(*it)->RemoveCrtc(drm, crtc);
if (!is_mirrored) {
bool ScreenManager::ConfigureDisplayController(
const scoped_refptr<DrmDevice>& drm,
uint32_t crtc,
uint32_t connector,
const gfx::Point& origin,
const drmModeModeInfo& mode) {
bool status =
ActualConfigureDisplayController(drm, crtc, connector, origin, mode);
if (status)
return status;
bool ScreenManager::ActualConfigureDisplayController(
const scoped_refptr<DrmDevice>& drm,
uint32_t crtc,
uint32_t connector,
const gfx::Point& origin,
const drmModeModeInfo& mode) {
gfx::Rect modeset_bounds(origin.x(), origin.y(), mode.hdisplay,
HardwareDisplayControllers::iterator it = FindDisplayController(drm, crtc);
DCHECK(controllers_.end() != it) << "Display controller (crtc=" << crtc
<< ") doesn't exist.";
HardwareDisplayController* controller = it->get();
CrtcController* crtc_controller = GetCrtcController(controller, drm, crtc);
// If nothing changed just enable the controller. Note, we perform an exact
// comparison on the mode since the refresh rate may have changed.
if (SameMode(mode, crtc_controller->mode()) &&
origin == controller->origin()) {
if (controller->IsDisabled()) {
HardwareDisplayControllers::iterator mirror =
FindActiveDisplayControllerByLocation(drm, modeset_bounds);
// If there is an active controller at the same location then start mirror
// mode.
if (mirror != controllers_.end())
return HandleMirrorMode(it, mirror, drm, crtc, connector, mode);
// Just re-enable the controller to re-use the current state.
return EnableController(controller);
// Either the mode or the location of the display changed, so exit mirror
// mode and configure the display independently. If the caller still wants
// mirror mode, subsequent calls configuring the other controllers will
// restore mirror mode.
if (controller->IsMirrored()) {
controller->RemoveCrtc(drm, crtc), controller->origin()));
it = controllers_.end() - 1;
controller = it->get();
HardwareDisplayControllers::iterator mirror =
FindActiveDisplayControllerByLocation(drm, modeset_bounds);
// Handle mirror mode.
if (mirror != controllers_.end() && it != mirror)
return HandleMirrorMode(it, mirror, drm, crtc, connector, mode);
return ModesetController(controller, origin, mode);
bool ScreenManager::DisableDisplayController(
const scoped_refptr<DrmDevice>& drm,
uint32_t crtc) {
HardwareDisplayControllers::iterator it = FindDisplayController(drm, crtc);
if (it != controllers_.end()) {
HardwareDisplayController* controller = it->get();
if (controller->IsMirrored()) {
controller->RemoveCrtc(drm, crtc), controller->origin()));
controller = controllers_.back().get();
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find display controller crtc=" << crtc;
return false;
HardwareDisplayController* ScreenManager::GetDisplayController(
const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
HardwareDisplayControllers::iterator it =
if (it != controllers_.end())
return it->get();
return nullptr;
void ScreenManager::AddWindow(gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget,
std::unique_ptr<DrmWindow> window) {
std::pair<WidgetToWindowMap::iterator, bool> result =
window_map_.insert(std::make_pair(widget, std::move(window)));
DCHECK(result.second) << "Window already added.";
std::unique_ptr<DrmWindow> ScreenManager::RemoveWindow(
gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget) {
std::unique_ptr<DrmWindow> window = std::move(window_map_[widget]);
DCHECK(window) << "Attempting to remove non-existing window for " << widget;
return window;
DrmWindow* ScreenManager::GetWindow(gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget) {
WidgetToWindowMap::iterator it = window_map_.find(widget);
if (it != window_map_.end())
return it->second.get();
return nullptr;
ScreenManager::FindDisplayController(const scoped_refptr<DrmDevice>& drm,
uint32_t crtc) {
for (auto it = controllers_.begin(); it != controllers_.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->HasCrtc(drm, crtc))
return it;
return controllers_.end();
ScreenManager::FindActiveDisplayControllerByLocation(const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
for (auto it = controllers_.begin(); it != controllers_.end(); ++it) {
gfx::Rect controller_bounds((*it)->origin(), (*it)->GetModeSize());
if (controller_bounds == bounds && !(*it)->IsDisabled())
return it;
return controllers_.end();
const scoped_refptr<DrmDevice>& drm,
const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
for (auto it = controllers_.begin(); it != controllers_.end(); ++it) {
gfx::Rect controller_bounds((*it)->origin(), (*it)->GetModeSize());
if ((*it)->GetDrmDevice() == drm && controller_bounds == bounds &&
return it;
return controllers_.end();
bool ScreenManager::HandleMirrorMode(
HardwareDisplayControllers::iterator original,
HardwareDisplayControllers::iterator mirror,
const scoped_refptr<DrmDevice>& drm,
uint32_t crtc,
uint32_t connector,
const drmModeModeInfo& mode) {
gfx::Point last_origin = (*original)->origin();
// There should only be one CRTC in this controller.
drmModeModeInfo last_mode = (*original)->crtc_controllers()[0]->mode();
// Modeset the CRTC with its mode in the original controller so that only this
// CRTC is affected by the mode. Otherwise it could apply a mode with the same
// resolution and refresh rate but with different timings to the other CRTC.
// TODO(dnicoara): This is hacky, instead the DrmDisplay and CrtcController
// should be merged and picking the mode should be done properly within
// HardwareDisplayController.
if (ModesetController(original->get(), (*mirror)->origin(), mode)) {
(*mirror)->AddCrtc((*original)->RemoveCrtc(drm, crtc));
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to switch to mirror mode";
// When things go wrong revert back to the previous configuration since
// it is expected that the configuration would not have changed if
// things fail.
ModesetController(original->get(), last_origin, last_mode);
return false;
void ScreenManager::UpdateControllerToWindowMapping() {
std::map<DrmWindow*, HardwareDisplayController*> window_to_controller_map;
// First create a unique mapping between a window and a controller. Note, a
// controller may be associated with at most 1 window.
for (const auto& controller : controllers_) {
if (controller->IsDisabled())
DrmWindow* window = FindWindowAt(
gfx::Rect(controller->origin(), controller->GetModeSize()));
if (!window)
window_to_controller_map[window] = controller.get();
// Apply the new mapping to all windows.
for (auto& pair : window_map_) {
auto it = window_to_controller_map.find(pair.second.get());
HardwareDisplayController* controller = nullptr;
if (it != window_to_controller_map.end())
controller = it->second;
bool should_enable =
controller && pair.second->GetController() != controller;
// If we're moving windows between controllers modeset the controller
// otherwise the controller may be waiting for a page flip while the window
// tries to schedule another buffer.
if (should_enable) {
DrmOverlayPlane ScreenManager::GetModesetBuffer(
HardwareDisplayController* controller,
const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
DrmWindow* window = FindWindowAt(bounds);
gfx::BufferFormat format = display::DisplaySnapshot::PrimaryFormat();
uint32_t fourcc_format = ui::GetFourCCFormatForOpaqueFramebuffer(format);
const auto& modifiers =
if (window) {
const DrmOverlayPlane* primary = window->GetLastModesetBuffer();
const DrmDevice* drm = controller->GetDrmDevice().get();
if (primary && primary->buffer->GetSize() == bounds.size() &&
primary->buffer->GetGbmDeviceLinux() == drm->AsGbmDeviceLinux()) {
// If the controller doesn't advertise modifiers, wont have a
// modifier either and we can reuse the buffer. Otherwise, check
// to see if the controller supports the buffers format
// modifier.
if (modifiers.empty())
return primary->Clone();
for (const uint64_t modifier : modifiers) {
if (modifier == primary->buffer->GetFormatModifier())
return primary->Clone();
scoped_refptr<DrmDevice> drm = controller->GetDrmDevice();
scoped_refptr<ScanoutBuffer> buffer =
buffer_generator_->Create(drm, fourcc_format, modifiers, bounds.size());
if (!buffer) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create scanout buffer";
return DrmOverlayPlane(nullptr, 0, gfx::OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_INVALID,
gfx::Rect(), gfx::RectF(), /* enable_blend */ true,
/* gpu_fence */ nullptr);
FillModesetBuffer(drm, controller, buffer.get());
return DrmOverlayPlane(buffer, nullptr);
bool ScreenManager::EnableController(HardwareDisplayController* controller) {
gfx::Rect rect(controller->origin(), controller->GetModeSize());
DrmOverlayPlane plane = GetModesetBuffer(controller, rect);
if (!plane.buffer || !controller->Enable(plane)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to enable controller";
return false;
return true;
bool ScreenManager::ModesetController(HardwareDisplayController* controller,
const gfx::Point& origin,
const drmModeModeInfo& mode) {
gfx::Rect rect(origin, gfx::Size(mode.hdisplay, mode.vdisplay));
DrmOverlayPlane plane = GetModesetBuffer(controller, rect);
if (!plane.buffer || !controller->Modeset(plane, mode)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to modeset controller";
return false;
return true;
DrmWindow* ScreenManager::FindWindowAt(const gfx::Rect& bounds) const {
for (auto& pair : window_map_) {
if (pair.second->bounds() == bounds)
return pair.second.get();
return nullptr;
} // namespace ui