blob: 5822bbaa74b91a785a346c607f3015298bdf9973 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import polymer
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import unittest
_HERE_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
class PolymerModulizerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self._out_folder = None
self._additional_flags = []
def tearDown(self):
if self._out_folder:
def _read_out_file(self, file_name):
assert self._out_folder
return open(os.path.join(self._out_folder, file_name), 'rb').read()
def _run_test(self, html_type, html_file, js_file,
js_out_file, js_file_expected):
assert not self._out_folder
self._out_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=_HERE_DIR)
'--in_folder', os.path.join(_HERE_DIR, 'tests'),
'--out_folder', self._out_folder,
'--js_file', js_file,
'--html_file', html_file,
'--html_type', html_type,
] + self._additional_flags)
actual_js = self._read_out_file(js_out_file)
expected_js = open(os.path.join(
_HERE_DIR, 'tests', js_file_expected), 'rb').read()
self.assertEquals(expected_js, actual_js)
# Test case where HTML is extracted from a Polymer2 <dom-module>.
def testDomModule(self):
'dom-module', 'dom_module.html', 'dom_module.js',
'dom_module.m.js', 'dom_module_expected.js')
# Test case where HTML is extracted from a Polymer2 <dom-module> that is
# wrapped in an IIFE function.
def testDomModuleIife(self):
'dom-module', 'dom_module.html', 'dom_module_iife.js',
'dom_module_iife.m.js', 'dom_module_iife_expected.js')
# Test case where HTML is extracted from a Polymer2 <dom-module> that is
# wrapped in an arrow IIFE function.
def testDomModuleIifeArrow(self):
'dom-module', 'dom_module.html', 'dom_module_iife_arrow.js',
'dom_module_iife_arrow.m.js', 'dom_module_iife_expected.js')
# Test case where HTML is extracted from a Polymer2 <dom-module> that also
# has a 'cr.define()' in its JS file.
def testDomModuleWithDefine(self):
'dom-module', 'dom_module.html', 'dom_module_with_define.js',
'dom_module_with_define.m.js', 'dom_module_with_define_expected.js')
# Test case where HTML is extracted from a Polymer2 <dom-module> that has
# ignore annotations.
def testDomModuleWithIgnore(self):
self._run_test('dom-module', 'dom_module.html', 'dom_module_with_ignore.js',
# Test case where some HTML imports should be ignored.
def testDomModuleWithIgnoreImports(self):
self._additional_flags = [
self._run_test('dom-module', 'dom_module.html', 'dom_module.js',
# Test case where some HTML imports have already been fully migrated to
# Polymer3.
def testDomModuleWithMigratedImports(self):
self._additional_flags = [
self._run_test('dom-module', 'dom_module.html', 'dom_module.js',
# Test case where HTML is extracted from a Polymer2 <dom-module> that also
# uses <if expr> for imports.
def testDomModuleWithConditionalImport(self):
self._run_test('dom-module', 'dom_module_with_if_expr.html',
'dom_module.js', 'dom_module.m.js',
# Test case where HTML is extracted from a Polymer2 style module.
def testStyleModule(self):
'style-module', 'style_module.html', 'style_module.m.js',
'style_module.m.js', 'style_module_expected.js')
# Test case where HTML is extracted from a Polymer2 <custom-style>.
def testCustomStyle(self):
'custom-style', 'custom_style.html', 'custom_style.m.js',
'custom_style.m.js', 'custom_style_expected.js')
# Test case where HTML is extracted from a Polymer2 iron-iconset-svg file.
def testIronIconset(self):
'iron-iconset', 'iron_iconset.html', 'iron_iconset.m.js',
'iron_iconset.m.js', 'iron_iconset_expected.js')
# Test case where the provided HTML is already in the form needed by Polymer3.
def testV3Ready(self):
'v3-ready', 'v3_ready.html', 'v3_ready.js',
'v3_ready.js', 'v3_ready_expected.js')
# Test the |Dependency| class directly, which is responsible for converting
# HTML imports to JS imports.
def testImportsHtmlToJs(self):
_HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
_ROOT = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(_HERE, '..', '..'))
src = os.path.join(_ROOT, 'ui/webui/resources/foo/bar/baz.html')
auto_imports = {
'ui/webui/resources/html/polymer.html': ['Polymer', 'html'],
'ui/webui/resources/html/foo.html': ['Foo'],
def assert_html_to_js(html, expected_js):
actual_js = polymer.Dependency(src, html).to_js_import(auto_imports)
self.assertEquals(expected_js, actual_js)
cases = [
# Relative paths cases.
# Case where relative path to polymer.html is used.
'import {Polymer, html} from \'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js\';'
# Case where relative path to file in the same folder is used.
['foo.html', 'import \'./foo.m.js\';'],
# Case where relative path to file in the same subtree is used.
['path/to/subfolder/foo.html', 'import \'./path/to/subfolder/foo.m.js\';'],
# Case where relative path to file in ui/webui/resources/html/ is used.
['../../html/foo.html', 'import {Foo} from \'../../js/foo.m.js\';'],
# chrome:// paths cases.
# Case where absolute path to a Polymer UI element is used.
'import \'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/path/to/folder/foo.js\';'
# Case where chrome:// path to polymer.html is used.
'import {Polymer, html} from \'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js\';'
# Case where chrome://resources/html/ path to something other than
# polymer.html is used.
'import \'chrome://resources/js/bar.m.js\';'
for [html, js_expected] in cases:
assert_html_to_js(html, js_expected)
if __name__ == '__main__':