blob: 2133a87bc0a6a8267a9085badac59e3e7dfea55c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <ostream>
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/gles2_utils_export.h"
// Windows defines an ERROR macro.
#ifdef ERROR
#undef ERROR
namespace gpu {
// Members are uppercase instead of kCamelCase for consistency with base log
// severity enum.
enum LogLevel {
// This is a very simple logger for use in command buffer code. Common and
// command buffer code cannot be dependent on base. It just outputs the message
// to stderr.
class GLES2_UTILS_EXPORT Logger {
Logger(bool condition, LogLevel level)
: condition_(condition),
level_(level) {
template <typename X>
static Logger CheckTrue(const X& x,
const char* file, int line,
const char* x_name,
const char* check_name) {
if (!!x)
return Logger(true, FATAL);
return Logger(false, FATAL)
<< file << "(" << line << "): " << check_name
<< "(" << x_name << " (" << x << ")) failed. ";
template <typename X, typename Y>
static Logger CheckEqual(const X& x, const Y& y,
const char* file, int line,
const char* x_name, const char* y_name,
const char* check_name) {
if (x == y)
return Logger(true, FATAL);
return Logger(false, FATAL)
<< file << "(" << line << "): " << check_name
<< "(" << x_name << " (" << x << "), "
<< y_name << "(" << y << ")) failed. ";
template <typename X, typename Y>
static Logger CheckNotEqual(const X& x, const Y& y,
const char* file, int line,
const char* x_name, const char* y_name,
const char* check_name) {
if (x != y)
return Logger(true, FATAL);
return Logger(false, FATAL)
<< file << "(" << line << "): " << check_name
<< "(" << x_name << " (" << x << "), "
<< y_name << "(" << y << ")) failed. ";
template <typename X, typename Y>
static Logger CheckLessThan(const X& x, const Y& y,
const char* file, int line,
const char* x_name, const char* y_name,
const char* check_name) {
if (x < y)
return Logger(true, FATAL);
return Logger(false, FATAL)
<< file << "(" << line << "): " << check_name
<< "(" << x_name << " (" << x << "), "
<< y_name << "(" << y << ")) failed. ";
template <typename X, typename Y>
static Logger CheckGreaterThan(const X& x, const Y& y,
const char* file, int line,
const char* x_name, const char* y_name,
const char* check_name) {
if (x > y)
return Logger(true, FATAL);
return Logger(false, FATAL)
<< file << "(" << line << "): " << check_name
<< "(" << x_name << " (" << x << "), "
<< y_name << "(" << y << ")) failed. ";
template <typename X, typename Y>
static Logger CheckLessEqual(const X& x, const Y& y,
const char* file, int line,
const char* x_name, const char* y_name,
const char* check_name) {
if (x <= y)
return Logger(true, FATAL);
return Logger(false, FATAL)
<< file << "(" << line << "): " << check_name
<< "(" << x_name << " (" << x << "), "
<< y_name << "(" << y << ")) failed. ";
template <typename X, typename Y>
static Logger CheckGreaterEqual(const X& x, const Y& y,
const char* file, int line,
const char* x_name, const char* y_name,
const char* check_name) {
if (x >= y)
return Logger(true, FATAL);
return Logger(false, FATAL)
<< file << "(" << line << "): " << check_name
<< "(" << x_name << " (" << x << "), "
<< y_name << "(" << y << ")) failed. ";
// Retrieves the stream that we write to. This header cannot depend on
// <iostream> because that will add static initializers to all files that
// include this header.
std::ostream& stream();
template <typename T>
Logger& operator<<(const T& value) {
if (!condition_)
stream() << value;
return *this;
Logger(const Logger& logger)
: condition_(logger.condition_),
level_(logger.level_) {
const bool condition_;
const LogLevel level_;
} // namespace gpu
#define GPU_CHECK(X) ::gpu::Logger::CheckTrue( \
(X), __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, "GPU_CHECK")
#define GPU_CHECK_EQ(X, Y) ::gpu::Logger::CheckEqual( \
(X), (Y), __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, #Y, "GPU_CHECK_EQ")
#define GPU_CHECK_NE(X, Y) ::gpu::Logger::CheckNotEqual( \
(X), (Y), __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, #Y, "GPU_CHECK_NE")
#define GPU_CHECK_GT(X, Y) ::gpu::Logger::CheckGreaterThan( \
(X), (Y), __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, #Y, "GPU_CHECK_GT")
#define GPU_CHECK_LT(X, Y) ::gpu::Logger::CheckLessThan( \
(X), (Y), __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, #Y, "GPU_CHECK_LT")
#define GPU_CHECK_GE(X, Y) ::gpu::Logger::CheckGreaterEqual( \
(X), (Y), __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, #Y, "GPU_CHECK_GE")
#define GPU_CHECK_LE(X, Y) ::gpu::Logger::CheckLessEqual( \
(X), (Y), __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, #Y, "GPU_CHECK_LE")
#define GPU_LOG(LEVEL) ::gpu::Logger(false, LEVEL)
#if defined(NDEBUG)
#define GPU_DEBUG_IS_ON false
#define GPU_DEBUG_IS_ON true
#define GPU_DCHECK(X) \
::gpu::Logger::CheckTrue( \
(X), __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, "GPU_DCHECK")
#define GPU_DCHECK_EQ(X, Y) \
::gpu::Logger::CheckEqual( \
(X), (Y), __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, #Y, "GPU_DCHECK_EQ")
#define GPU_DCHECK_NE(X, Y) \
::gpu::Logger::CheckNotEqual( \
(X), (Y), __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, #Y, "GPU_DCHECK_NE")
#define GPU_DCHECK_GT(X, Y) \
::gpu::Logger::CheckGreaterThan( \
(X), (Y), __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, #Y, "GPU_DCHECK_GT")
#define GPU_DCHECK_LT(X, Y) \
::gpu::Logger::CheckLessThan( \
(X), (Y), __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, #Y, "GPU_DCHECK_LT")
#define GPU_DCHECK_GE(X, Y) \
::gpu::Logger::CheckGreaterEqual( \
(X), (Y), __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, #Y, "GPU_DCHECK_GE")
#define GPU_DCHECK_LE(X, Y) \
::gpu::Logger::CheckLessEqual( \
(X), (Y), __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, #Y, "GPU_DCHECK_LE")
#define GPU_DLOG(LEVEL) if (GPU_DEBUG_IS_ON) ::gpu::Logger(true, LEVEL)