blob: c089abf40335a6579d1473b3a3c9a9e998b6e3cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/signin/core/browser/account_info.h"
namespace {
// Updates |field| with |new_value| if non-empty and different; if |new_value|
// is equal to |default_value| then it won't override |field| unless it is not
// set. Returns whether |field| was changed.
bool UpdateField(std::string* field,
const std::string& new_value,
const char* default_value) {
if (*field == new_value || new_value.empty())
return false;
if (!field->empty() && default_value && new_value == default_value)
return false;
*field = new_value;
return true;
// Updates |field| with |new_value| if true. Returns whether |field| was
// changed.
bool UpdateField(bool* field, bool new_value) {
if (*field == new_value || !new_value)
return false;
*field = new_value;
return true;
} // namespace
// This must be a string which can never be a valid domain.
const char kNoHostedDomainFound[] = "NO_HOSTED_DOMAIN";
// This must be a string which can never be a valid picture URL.
const char kNoPictureURLFound[] = "NO_PICTURE_URL";
CoreAccountInfo::CoreAccountInfo() = default;
CoreAccountInfo::~CoreAccountInfo() = default;
CoreAccountInfo::CoreAccountInfo(const CoreAccountInfo& other) = default;
CoreAccountInfo::CoreAccountInfo(CoreAccountInfo&& other) noexcept = default;
CoreAccountInfo& CoreAccountInfo::operator=(const CoreAccountInfo& other) =
CoreAccountInfo& CoreAccountInfo::operator=(CoreAccountInfo&& other) noexcept =
bool CoreAccountInfo::IsEmpty() const {
return account_id.empty() && email.empty() && gaia.empty();
AccountInfo::AccountInfo() = default;
AccountInfo::~AccountInfo() = default;
AccountInfo::AccountInfo(const AccountInfo& other) = default;
AccountInfo::AccountInfo(AccountInfo&& other) noexcept = default;
AccountInfo& AccountInfo::operator=(const AccountInfo& other) = default;
AccountInfo& AccountInfo::operator=(AccountInfo&& other) noexcept = default;
bool AccountInfo::IsEmpty() const {
return CoreAccountInfo::IsEmpty() && hosted_domain.empty() &&
full_name.empty() && given_name.empty() && locale.empty() &&
bool AccountInfo::IsValid() const {
return !account_id.empty() && !email.empty() && !gaia.empty() &&
!hosted_domain.empty() && !full_name.empty() && !given_name.empty() &&
!locale.empty() && !picture_url.empty();
bool AccountInfo::UpdateWith(const AccountInfo& other) {
if (account_id != other.account_id) {
// Only updates with a compatible AccountInfo.
return false;
bool modified = false;
modified |= UpdateField(&gaia, other.gaia, nullptr);
modified |= UpdateField(&email,, nullptr);
modified |= UpdateField(&full_name, other.full_name, nullptr);
modified |= UpdateField(&given_name, other.given_name, nullptr);
modified |=
UpdateField(&hosted_domain, other.hosted_domain, kNoHostedDomainFound);
modified |= UpdateField(&locale, other.locale, nullptr);
modified |= UpdateField(&picture_url, other.picture_url, kNoPictureURLFound);
modified |= UpdateField(&is_child_account, other.is_child_account);
modified |= UpdateField(&is_under_advanced_protection,
return modified;
AccountId AccountIdFromAccountInfo(const CoreAccountInfo& account_info) {
if ( || account_info.gaia.empty())
return EmptyAccountId();
return AccountId::FromUserEmailGaiaId(, account_info.gaia);