blob: 5c166c8299785617a4e24db4121f1a0466237be5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/web_history_service.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace history {
// A fake WebHistoryService for testing.
// Use |AddSyncedVisit| to fill the fake server-side database of synced visits.
// Use |SetupFakeResponse| to influence whether the requests should succeed
// or fail, and with which error code.
// Note: The behavior of this class is only defined for some WebHistoryService
// queries. If needed, improve FakeRequest::GetResponseBody() to simulate
// responses for other queries.
// TODO(msramek): This class might need its own set of tests.
class FakeWebHistoryService : public WebHistoryService {
~FakeWebHistoryService() override;
// Sets up the behavior of the fake response returned when calling
// |WebHistoryService::QueryHistory|; whether it will succeed, and with
// which response code.
void SetupFakeResponse(bool emulate_success, int emulate_response_code);
// Adds a fake visit.
void AddSyncedVisit(std::string url, base::Time timestamp);
// Clears all fake visits.
void ClearSyncedVisits();
// Get and set the fake state of web and app activity.
bool IsWebAndAppActivityEnabled();
void SetWebAndAppActivityEnabled(bool enabled);
// Get and set the fake state of other forms of browsing history.
bool AreOtherFormsOfBrowsingHistoryPresent();
void SetOtherFormsOfBrowsingHistoryPresent(bool present);
typedef std::pair<std::string, base::Time> Visit;
// Returns up to |count| results from |visits_| between |begin| and |end.
// Results are sorted from most recent to least recent, prioritizing more
// recent results when some need to be omitted. |more_results_left| will be
// set to true only if there are results from |visits_| that were not included
// because of |count| limitations, but were also within time range. Virtual to
// allow subclasses to modify.
virtual std::vector<FakeWebHistoryService::Visit> GetVisitsBetween(
base::Time begin,
base::Time end,
size_t count,
bool* more_results_left);
class FakeRequest;
base::Time GetTimeForKeyInQuery(const GURL& url, const std::string& key);
// WebHistoryService implementation.
Request* CreateRequest(const GURL& url,
const CompletionCallback& callback,
const net::PartialNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag&
partial_traffic_annotation) override;
// Parameters for the fake request.
bool emulate_success_;
int emulate_response_code_;
// States of serverside corpora.
bool web_and_app_activity_enabled_;
bool other_forms_of_browsing_history_present_;
// Fake visits storage.
std::vector<Visit> visits_;
} // namespace history