blob: d3f22d91ede04b24f10b3e837760d452911bfb9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "ash/app_list/app_list_view_delegate.h"
#include "ash/app_list/model/search/search_box_model_observer.h"
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/app_list/app_list_types.h"
#include "ash/search_box/search_box_view_base.h"
namespace views {
class Textfield;
class View;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class AppListView;
class AppListViewDelegate;
class ContentsView;
class ResultSelectionController;
class SearchModel;
class SearchResultBaseView;
// Subclass of SearchBoxViewBase. SearchBoxModel is its data model
// that controls what icon to display, what placeholder text to use for
// Textfield. The text and selection model part could be set to change the
// contents and selection model of the Textfield.
class ASH_EXPORT SearchBoxView : public SearchBoxViewBase,
public SearchBoxModelObserver {
SearchBoxView(SearchBoxViewDelegate* delegate,
AppListViewDelegate* view_delegate,
AppListView* app_list_view = nullptr);
~SearchBoxView() override;
void Init();
// Must be called before the user interacts with the search box. Cannot be
// part of Init() because the controller isn't available until after Init()
// is called.
void SetResultSelectionController(ResultSelectionController* controller);
// Called when tablet mode starts and ends.
void OnTabletModeChanged(bool started);
// Resets state of SearchBoxView so it can be reshown.
void ResetForShow();
// Returns the total focus ring spacing for use in folders.
static int GetFocusRingSpacing();
// Overridden from SearchBoxViewBase:
void ClearSearch() override;
void HandleSearchBoxEvent(ui::LocatedEvent* located_event) override;
void ModelChanged() override;
void UpdateKeyboardVisibility() override;
void UpdateModel(bool initiated_by_user) override;
void UpdateSearchIcon() override;
void UpdateSearchBoxBorder() override;
void SetupAssistantButton() override;
void SetupCloseButton() override;
void SetupBackButton() override;
void RecordSearchBoxActivationHistogram(ui::EventType event_type) override;
void OnSearchBoxActiveChanged(bool active) override;
// Overridden from views::View:
bool OnMouseWheel(const ui::MouseWheelEvent& event) override;
void GetAccessibleNodeData(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) override;
void OnPaintBackground(gfx::Canvas* canvas) override;
const char* GetClassName() const override;
void OnThemeChanged() override;
// Updates the search box's background corner radius and color based on the
// state of AppListModel.
void UpdateBackground(double progress,
AppListState current_state,
AppListState target_state);
// Updates the search box's layout based on the state of AppListModel.
void UpdateLayout(double progress,
AppListState current_state,
int current_state_height,
AppListState target_state,
int target_state_height);
// Returns background border corner radius in the given state.
int GetSearchBoxBorderCornerRadiusForState(AppListState state) const;
// Returns background color for the given state.
SkColor GetBackgroundColorForState(AppListState state) const;
// Shows Zero State suggestions.
void ShowZeroStateSuggestions();
// Called when the wallpaper colors change.
void OnWallpaperColorsChanged();
// Sets the autocomplete text if autocomplete conditions are met.
void ProcessAutocomplete(SearchResultBaseView* first_result_view);
// Updates the search box with |new_query| and starts a new search.
void UpdateQuery(const std::u16string& new_query);
// Clears the search query and de-activate the search box.
void ClearSearchAndDeactivateSearchBox();
void set_contents_view(ContentsView* contents_view) {
contents_view_ = contents_view;
ContentsView* contents_view() { return contents_view_; }
void set_a11y_selection_on_search_result(bool value) {
a11y_selection_on_search_result_ = value;
ResultSelectionController* result_selection_controller_for_test() {
return result_selection_controller_;
void set_highlight_range_for_test(const gfx::Range& range) {
highlight_range_ = range;
// Updates the search box placeholder text and accessible name.
void UpdatePlaceholderTextAndAccessibleName();
// Notifies SearchBoxViewDelegate that the autocomplete text is valid.
void AcceptAutocompleteText();
// Returns true if there is currently an autocomplete suggestion in
// search_box().
bool HasAutocompleteText();
// Removes all autocomplete text.
void ClearAutocompleteText();
// After verifying autocomplete text is valid, sets the current searchbox
// text to the autocomplete text and sets the text highlight.
void SetAutocompleteText(const std::u16string& autocomplete_text);
// Overridden from views::TextfieldController:
void OnBeforeUserAction(views::Textfield* sender) override;
void ContentsChanged(views::Textfield* sender,
const std::u16string& new_contents) override;
bool HandleKeyEvent(views::Textfield* sender,
const ui::KeyEvent& key_event) override;
bool HandleMouseEvent(views::Textfield* sender,
const ui::MouseEvent& mouse_event) override;
bool HandleGestureEvent(views::Textfield* sender,
const ui::GestureEvent& gesture_event) override;
// Overridden from SearchBoxModelObserver:
void Update() override;
void SearchEngineChanged() override;
void ShowAssistantChanged() override;
// Updates search_box() text to match |selected_result|. Should be called
// when the selected search result changes.
void UpdateSearchBoxTextForSelectedResult(SearchResult* selected_result);
// Returns true if the event to trigger autocomplete should be handled.
bool ShouldProcessAutocomplete();
// Clear highlight range.
void ResetHighlightRange();
std::u16string current_query_;
// The range of highlighted text for autocomplete.
gfx::Range highlight_range_;
// The key most recently pressed.
ui::KeyboardCode last_key_pressed_ = ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN;
AppListViewDelegate* const view_delegate_;
SearchModel* search_model_ = nullptr; // Owned by the profile-keyed service.
// Owned by views hierarchy. May be null for bubble launcher.
AppListView* const app_list_view_;
// Owned by views hierarchy. May be null for bubble launcher.
ContentsView* contents_view_ = nullptr;
// Whether tablet mode is active.
bool is_tablet_mode_;
// Set by SearchResultPageView when the accessibility selection moves to a
// search result view.
bool a11y_selection_on_search_result_ = false;
// Owned by SearchResultPageView (for fullscreen launcher) or
// AppListBubbleSearchPage (for bubble launcher).
ResultSelectionController* result_selection_controller_ = nullptr;
base::WeakPtrFactory<SearchBoxView> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash