blob: 3d8c7145caf4ced0eb7f3258d8db372545837e18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
class Profile;
namespace web_app {
// Forward declarations of generalized interfaces.
class PendingAppManager;
class InstallManager;
class InstallFinalizer;
class AppRegistrar;
class AppRegistryController;
class FileHandlerManager;
class AppIconManager;
class AppShortcutManager;
class WebAppPolicyManager;
class ManifestUpdateManager;
class WebAppAudioFocusIdMap;
class WebAppUiManager;
class WebAppProviderBase : public KeyedService {
static WebAppProviderBase* GetProviderBase(Profile* profile);
~WebAppProviderBase() override;
// The app registry model.
virtual AppRegistrar& registrar() = 0;
// The app registry controller.
virtual AppRegistryController& registry_controller() = 0;
// UIs can use InstallManager for user-initiated Web Apps install.
virtual InstallManager& install_manager() = 0;
// Implements persistence for Web Apps install.
virtual InstallFinalizer& install_finalizer() = 0;
// Keeps app metadata up to date with site manifests.
virtual ManifestUpdateManager& manifest_update_manager() = 0;
// Clients can use PendingAppManager to install, uninstall, and update
// Web Apps.
virtual PendingAppManager& pending_app_manager() = 0;
// Clients can use WebAppPolicyManager to request updates of policy installed
// Web Apps.
virtual WebAppPolicyManager& policy_manager() = 0;
virtual WebAppUiManager& ui_manager() = 0;
virtual WebAppAudioFocusIdMap& audio_focus_id_map() = 0;
virtual FileHandlerManager& file_handler_manager() = 0;
// Implements fetching of app icons.
virtual AppIconManager& icon_manager() = 0;
virtual AppShortcutManager& shortcut_manager() = 0;
} // namespace web_app