blob: 67fbccc8f571f6d1109d23ae667b9a1f400b9b80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "storage/common/fileapi/file_system_types.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace storage {
class FileSystemContext;
class Profile;
// BrowsingDataFileSystemHelper instances for a specific profile should be
// created via the static Create method. Each instance will lazily fetch file
// system data when a client calls StartFetching from the UI thread, and will
// notify the client via a supplied callback when the data is available.
// The client's callback is passed a list of FileSystemInfo objects containing
// usage information for each origin's temporary and persistent file systems.
// Clients may remove an origin's file systems at any time (even before fetching
// data) by calling DeleteFileSystemOrigin() on the UI thread. Calling
// DeleteFileSystemOrigin() for an origin that doesn't have any is safe; it's
// just an expensive NOOP.
class BrowsingDataFileSystemHelper
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<BrowsingDataFileSystemHelper> {
// Detailed information about a file system, including its origin and the
// amount of data (in bytes) for each sandboxed filesystem type.
struct FileSystemInfo {
explicit FileSystemInfo(const url::Origin& origin);
FileSystemInfo(const FileSystemInfo& other);
// The origin for which the information is relevant.
url::Origin origin;
// FileSystemType to usage (in bytes) map.
std::map<storage::FileSystemType, int64_t> usage_map;
using FetchCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::list<FileSystemInfo>&)>;
// Creates a BrowsingDataFileSystemHelper instance for the file systems
// stored in |profile|'s user data directory. The BrowsingDataFileSystemHelper
// object will hold a reference to the Profile that's passed in, but is not
// responsible for destroying it.
// The BrowsingDataFileSystemHelper will not change the profile itself, but
// can modify data it contains (by removing file systems).
static BrowsingDataFileSystemHelper* Create(
storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context);
// Starts the process of fetching file system data, which will call |callback|
// upon completion, passing it a constant list of FileSystemInfo objects.
// StartFetching must be called only in the UI thread; the provided Callback1
// will likewise be executed asynchronously on the UI thread.
// BrowsingDataFileSystemHelper takes ownership of the Callback1, and is
// responsible for deleting it once it's no longer needed.
virtual void StartFetching(FetchCallback callback);
// Deletes any temporary or persistent file systems associated with |origin|
// from the disk. Deletion will occur asynchronously on the FILE thread, but
// this function must be called only on the UI thread.
virtual void DeleteFileSystemOrigin(const url::Origin& origin);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<BrowsingDataFileSystemHelper>;
explicit BrowsingDataFileSystemHelper(
storage::FileSystemContext* filesystem_context);
virtual ~BrowsingDataFileSystemHelper();
// Enumerates all filesystem files, storing the resulting list into
// file_system_file_ for later use. This must be called on the file
// task runner.
void FetchFileSystemInfoInFileThread(FetchCallback callback);
// Deletes all file systems associated with |origin|. This must be called on
// the file task runner.
void DeleteFileSystemOriginInFileThread(const url::Origin& origin);
// Returns the file task runner for the |filesystem_context_|.
base::SequencedTaskRunner* file_task_runner();
// Keep a reference to the FileSystemContext object for the current profile
// for use on the file task runner.
scoped_refptr<storage::FileSystemContext> filesystem_context_;
// An implementation of the BrowsingDataFileSystemHelper interface that can
// be manually populated with data, rather than fetching data from the file
// systems created in a particular Profile. Only kTemporary file systems
// are supported.
class CannedBrowsingDataFileSystemHelper
: public BrowsingDataFileSystemHelper {
explicit CannedBrowsingDataFileSystemHelper(
storage::FileSystemContext* filesystem_context);
// Manually adds a filesystem to the set of canned file systems that this
// helper returns via StartFetching.
void Add(const url::Origin& origin);
// Clear this helper's list of canned filesystems.
void Reset();
// True if no filesystems are currently stored.
bool empty() const;
// Returns the number of currently stored filesystems.
size_t GetCount() const;
// Returns the current list of filesystems.
const std::set<url::Origin>& GetOrigins() const { return pending_origins_; }
// BrowsingDataFileSystemHelper implementation.
void StartFetching(FetchCallback callback) override;
void DeleteFileSystemOrigin(const url::Origin& origin) override;
~CannedBrowsingDataFileSystemHelper() override;
// Holds the current list of filesystems returned to the client.
std::set<url::Origin> pending_origins_;