blob: 8c69950615f3aadd8d7f2f7e61bcb9c9dede6744 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/iterators/text_iterator_text_node_handler.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/first_letter_pseudo_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/node_computed_style.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/ephemeral_range.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/iterators/text_iterator_text_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_text_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/line/inline_text_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/line/root_inline_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_offset_mapping.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// A magic value for infinity, used to indicate that text emission should
// proceed till the end of the text node. Can be removed when we can handle text
// length differences due to text-transform correctly.
const unsigned kMaxOffset = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
bool ShouldSkipInvisibleTextAt(const Text& text,
unsigned offset,
bool ignores_visibility) {
// TODO(xiaochengh): Get style from NGInlineItem or NGPhysicalTextFragment.
const LayoutObject* layout_object = AssociatedLayoutObjectOf(text, offset);
if (!layout_object)
return true;
if (layout_object->Style()->Display() == EDisplay::kNone)
return true;
if (ignores_visibility)
return false;
return layout_object->Style()->Visibility() != EVisibility::kVisible;
EVisibility FirstLetterVisibilityOf(const LayoutObject* layout_object) {
const LayoutTextFragment* text_fragment = ToLayoutTextFragment(layout_object);
return text_fragment->GetFirstLetterPseudoElement()
struct StringAndOffsetRange {
String string;
unsigned start;
unsigned end;
StringAndOffsetRange ComputeTextAndOffsetsForEmission(
const NGOffsetMapping& mapping,
const NGOffsetMappingUnit& unit,
const TextIteratorBehavior& behavior) {
// TODO(xiaochengh): Handle EmitsOriginalText.
if (behavior.EmitsSpaceForNbsp()) {
String string = mapping.GetText().Substring(
unit.TextContentEnd() - unit.TextContentStart());
string.Replace(kNoBreakSpaceCharacter, kSpaceCharacter);
return {string, 0, string.length()};
return {mapping.GetText(), unit.TextContentStart(), unit.TextContentEnd()};
} // namespace
const TextIteratorBehavior& behavior,
TextIteratorTextState* text_state)
: behavior_(behavior), text_state_(*text_state) {}
bool TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::HandleRemainingTextRuns() {
if (uses_layout_ng_) {
return text_state_.PositionNode();
if (ShouldProceedToRemainingText())
// Handle remembered text box
if (text_box_) {
return text_state_.PositionNode();
// Handle remembered pre-formatted text node.
if (!needs_handle_pre_formatted_text_node_)
return false;
return text_state_.PositionNode();
void TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::HandleTextNodeWithLayoutNG() {
DCHECK_LE(offset_, end_offset_);
DCHECK_LE(end_offset_, text_node_->data().length());
while (offset_ < end_offset_ && !text_state_.PositionNode()) {
const EphemeralRange range_to_emit(Position(text_node_, offset_),
Position(text_node_, end_offset_));
// We may go through multiple mappings, which happens when there is
// ::first-letter and blockifying style.
auto* mapping = NGOffsetMapping::GetFor(range_to_emit.StartPosition());
if (!mapping) {
offset_ = end_offset_;
const unsigned initial_offset = offset_;
for (const NGOffsetMappingUnit& unit :
mapping->GetMappingUnitsForDOMRange(range_to_emit)) {
if (unit.TextContentEnd() == unit.TextContentStart() ||
ShouldSkipInvisibleTextAt(*text_node_, unit.DOMStart(),
IgnoresStyleVisibility())) {
offset_ = unit.DOMEnd();
auto string_and_offsets =
ComputeTextAndOffsetsForEmission(*mapping, unit, behavior_);
const String& string = string_and_offsets.string;
const unsigned text_content_start = string_and_offsets.start;
const unsigned text_content_end = string_and_offsets.end;
text_state_.EmitText(*text_node_, unit.DOMStart(), unit.DOMEnd(), string,
text_content_start, text_content_end);
offset_ = unit.DOMEnd();
// Bail if |offset_| isn't advanced; Otherwise we enter a dead loop.
// However, this shouldn't happen and should be fixed once reached.
if (offset_ == initial_offset) {
offset_ = end_offset_;
bool TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::ShouldHandleFirstLetter(
const LayoutText& layout_text) const {
if (handled_first_letter_)
return false;
if (!layout_text.IsTextFragment())
return false;
const LayoutTextFragment& text_fragment = ToLayoutTextFragment(layout_text);
return offset_ < text_fragment.TextStartOffset();
static bool HasVisibleTextNode(const LayoutText* layout_object) {
if (layout_object->Style()->Visibility() == EVisibility::kVisible)
return true;
if (!layout_object->IsTextFragment())
return false;
const LayoutTextFragment* fragment = ToLayoutTextFragment(layout_object);
if (!fragment->IsRemainingTextLayoutObject())
return false;
LayoutObject* pseudo_element_layout_object =
return pseudo_element_layout_object &&
pseudo_element_layout_object->Style()->Visibility() ==
void TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::HandlePreFormattedTextNode() {
// TODO(xiaochengh): Get rid of repeated computation of these fields.
LayoutText* const layout_object = text_node_->GetLayoutObject();
const String str = layout_object->GetText();
needs_handle_pre_formatted_text_node_ = false;
if (last_text_node_ended_with_collapsed_space_ &&
HasVisibleTextNode(layout_object)) {
if (!behavior_.CollapseTrailingSpace() ||
(offset_ > 0 && str[offset_ - 1] == ' ')) {
EmitChar16Before(kSpaceCharacter, offset_);
needs_handle_pre_formatted_text_node_ = true;
if (ShouldHandleFirstLetter(*layout_object)) {
LayoutTextFragment* remaining_text = ToLayoutTextFragment(layout_object);
const bool stops_in_first_letter =
end_offset_ <= remaining_text->TextStartOffset();
if (first_letter_text_) {
const String first_letter = first_letter_text_->GetText();
const unsigned run_start = offset_;
const unsigned run_end =
stops_in_first_letter ? end_offset_ : first_letter.length();
EmitText(first_letter_text_, run_start, run_end);
first_letter_text_ = nullptr;
text_box_ = nullptr;
offset_ = run_end;
if (!stops_in_first_letter)
needs_handle_pre_formatted_text_node_ = true;
DCHECK_NE(EVisibility::kVisible, FirstLetterVisibilityOf(remaining_text));
if (stops_in_first_letter) {
offset_ = end_offset_;
// Fall through to handle remaining text.
offset_ = remaining_text->TextStartOffset();
if (layout_object->Style()->Visibility() != EVisibility::kVisible &&
DCHECK_GE(offset_, layout_object->TextStartOffset());
const unsigned run_start = offset_ - layout_object->TextStartOffset();
const unsigned str_length = str.length();
const unsigned end = end_offset_ - layout_object->TextStartOffset();
const unsigned run_end = std::min(str_length, end);
if (run_start >= run_end)
EmitText(text_node_->GetLayoutObject(), run_start, run_end);
void TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::HandleTextNodeInRange(const Text* node,
unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset) {
// TODO(editing-dev): Stop passing in |start_offset == end_offset|.
DCHECK_LE(start_offset, end_offset);
text_node_ = node;
offset_ = start_offset;
end_offset_ = end_offset;
handled_first_letter_ = false;
first_letter_text_ = nullptr;
uses_layout_ng_ = false;
if (NGOffsetMapping::GetFor(Position(node, offset_))) {
// Restore end offset from magic value.
if (end_offset_ == kMaxOffset)
end_offset_ = node->data().length();
uses_layout_ng_ = true;
LayoutText* layout_object = text_node_->GetLayoutObject();
String str = layout_object->GetText();
// Restore end offset from magic value.
if (end_offset_ == kMaxOffset)
end_offset_ = layout_object->TextStartOffset() + str.length();
// handle pre-formatted text
if (!layout_object->Style()->CollapseWhiteSpace()) {
if (layout_object->FirstTextBox())
text_box_ = layout_object->FirstTextBox();
const bool should_handle_first_letter =
if (should_handle_first_letter)
if (!layout_object->FirstTextBox() && str.length() > 0 &&
!should_handle_first_letter) {
if (layout_object->Style()->Visibility() == EVisibility::kVisible ||
IgnoresStyleVisibility()) {
last_text_node_ended_with_collapsed_space_ =
true; // entire block is collapsed space
if (should_handle_first_letter) {
if (first_letter_text_) {
layout_object = first_letter_text_;
} else {
DCHECK_NE(EVisibility::kVisible, FirstLetterVisibilityOf(layout_object));
if (end_offset_ <= layout_object->TextStartOffset()) {
offset_ = end_offset_;
text_box_ = nullptr;
// Fall through to handle remaining text.
offset_ = layout_object->TextStartOffset();
// Used when text boxes are out of order (Hebrew/Arabic w/ embeded LTR text)
if (layout_object->ContainsReversedText()) {
for (InlineTextBox* text_box : layout_object->TextBoxes()) {
std::sort(sorted_text_boxes_.begin(), sorted_text_boxes_.end(),
sorted_text_boxes_position_ = 0;
text_box_ = sorted_text_boxes_.IsEmpty() ? 0 : sorted_text_boxes_[0];
void TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::HandleTextNodeStartFrom(
const Text* node,
unsigned start_offset) {
HandleTextNodeInRange(node, start_offset, kMaxOffset);
void TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::HandleTextNodeEndAt(const Text* node,
unsigned end_offset) {
HandleTextNodeInRange(node, 0, end_offset);
void TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::HandleTextNodeWhole(const Text* node) {
HandleTextNodeStartFrom(node, 0);
// Restore the collapsed space for copy & paste. See
wtf_size_t TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::RestoreCollapsedTrailingSpace(
InlineTextBox* next_text_box,
wtf_size_t subrun_end) {
if (next_text_box || !text_box_->Root().NextRootBox() ||
text_box_->Root().LastChild() != text_box_)
return subrun_end;
const LayoutText* layout_object =
first_letter_text_ ? first_letter_text_ : text_node_->GetLayoutObject();
const String& text = layout_object->GetText();
if (text.EndsWith(' ') == 0 || subrun_end != text.length() - 1 ||
text[subrun_end - 1] == ' ')
return subrun_end;
// If there is the leading space in the next line, we don't need to restore
// the trailing space.
// Example: <div style="width: 2em;"><b><i>foo </i></b> bar</div>
InlineBox* first_box_of_next_line =
if (!first_box_of_next_line)
return subrun_end + 1;
Node* first_node_of_next_line =
if (!first_node_of_next_line ||
first_node_of_next_line->nodeValue()[0] != ' ')
return subrun_end + 1;
return subrun_end;
void TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::HandleTextBox() {
LayoutText* layout_object =
first_letter_text_ ? first_letter_text_ : text_node_->GetLayoutObject();
if (layout_object->Style()->Visibility() != EVisibility::kVisible &&
!IgnoresStyleVisibility()) {
text_box_ = nullptr;
} else {
String str = layout_object->GetText();
const unsigned text_start_offset = layout_object->TextStartOffset();
// Start and end offsets in |str|, i.e., str[start..end - 1] should be
// emitted (after handling whitespace collapsing).
DCHECK_GE(offset_, text_start_offset);
DCHECK_GE(end_offset_, text_start_offset);
const unsigned start = offset_ - text_start_offset;
const unsigned end = end_offset_ - text_start_offset;
while (text_box_) {
const unsigned text_box_start = text_box_->Start();
const unsigned run_start = std::max(text_box_start, start);
// Check for collapsed space at the start of this run.
InlineTextBox* first_text_box =
? (sorted_text_boxes_.IsEmpty() ? 0 : sorted_text_boxes_[0])
: layout_object->FirstTextBox();
const bool need_space = last_text_node_ended_with_collapsed_space_ ||
(text_box_ == first_text_box &&
text_box_start == run_start && run_start > 0);
if (need_space &&
text_state_.LastCharacter()) &&
text_state_.LastCharacter()) {
if (run_start > 0 && str[run_start - 1] == ' ') {
unsigned space_run_start = run_start - 1;
while (space_run_start > 0 && str[space_run_start - 1] == ' ')
EmitText(layout_object, space_run_start, space_run_start + 1);
} else {
EmitChar16Before(kSpaceCharacter, run_start);
const unsigned text_box_end = text_box_start + text_box_->Len();
const unsigned run_end = std::min(text_box_end, end);
// Determine what the next text box will be, but don't advance yet
InlineTextBox* next_text_box = nullptr;
if (layout_object->ContainsReversedText()) {
if (sorted_text_boxes_position_ + 1 < sorted_text_boxes_.size())
next_text_box = sorted_text_boxes_[sorted_text_boxes_position_ + 1];
} else {
next_text_box = text_box_->NextForSameLayoutObject();
// FIXME: Based on the outcome of it's possible we can
// remove this block. The reason we new it now is because BIDI and
// FirstLetter seem to have different ideas of where things can split.
// FirstLetter takes the punctuation + first letter, and BIDI will
// split out the punctuation and possibly reorder it.
if (next_text_box &&
!(next_text_box->GetLineLayoutItem().IsEqual(layout_object))) {
text_box_ = nullptr;
DCHECK(!next_text_box ||
if (run_start < run_end) {
// Handle either a single newline character (which becomes a space),
// or a run of characters that does not include a newline.
// This effectively translates newlines to spaces without copying the
// text.
if (str[run_start] == '\n') {
// We need to preserve new lines in case of PreLine.
// See bug
if (layout_object->Style()->WhiteSpace() == EWhiteSpace::kPreLine) {
EmitChar16Before('\n', run_start);
} else {
EmitReplacmentCodeUnit(kSpaceCharacter, run_start);
offset_ = text_start_offset + run_start + 1;
} else {
wtf_size_t subrun_end = str.find('\n', run_start);
if (subrun_end == kNotFound || subrun_end > run_end) {
subrun_end = run_end;
subrun_end =
RestoreCollapsedTrailingSpace(next_text_box, subrun_end);
offset_ = text_start_offset + subrun_end;
EmitText(layout_object, run_start, subrun_end);
// If we are doing a subrun that doesn't go to the end of the text box,
// come back again to finish handling this text box; don't advance to
// the next one.
if (text_state_.PositionEndOffset() < text_box_end + text_start_offset)
if (behavior_.DoesNotEmitSpaceBeyondRangeEnd()) {
// If the subrun went to the text box end and this end is also the end
// of the range, do not advance to the next text box and do not
// generate a space, just stop.
if (text_box_end == end) {
text_box_ = nullptr;
// Advance and return
const unsigned next_run_start =
next_text_box ? next_text_box->Start() : str.length();
if (next_run_start > run_end) {
last_text_node_ended_with_collapsed_space_ =
true; // collapsed space between runs or at the end
text_box_ = next_text_box;
if (layout_object->ContainsReversedText())
// All remaining text boxes are after range end. Nothing left to emit.
if (text_box_start >= end) {
offset_ = end_offset_;
// Advance and continue
text_box_ = next_text_box;
if (layout_object->ContainsReversedText())
if (ShouldProceedToRemainingText()) {
bool TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::ShouldProceedToRemainingText() const {
if (text_box_ || !remaining_text_box_)
return false;
return offset_ < end_offset_;
void TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::ProceedToRemainingText() {
text_box_ = remaining_text_box_;
remaining_text_box_ = nullptr;
first_letter_text_ = nullptr;
offset_ = text_node_->GetLayoutObject()->TextStartOffset();
void TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::HandleTextNodeFirstLetter(
LayoutTextFragment* layout_object) {
handled_first_letter_ = true;
if (!layout_object->IsRemainingTextLayoutObject())
FirstLetterPseudoElement* first_letter_element =
if (!first_letter_element)
LayoutObject* pseudo_layout_object = first_letter_element->GetLayoutObject();
if (pseudo_layout_object->Style()->Visibility() != EVisibility::kVisible &&
LayoutObject* first_letter = pseudo_layout_object->SlowFirstChild();
remaining_text_box_ = text_box_;
CHECK(first_letter && first_letter->IsText());
first_letter_text_ = ToLayoutText(first_letter);
text_box_ = first_letter_text_->FirstTextBox();
bool TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::ShouldFixLeadingWhiteSpaceForReplacedElement()
const {
// This is a hacky way for white space fixup in legacy layout. With LayoutNG,
// we can get rid of this function.
if (uses_layout_ng_)
return false;
if (!last_text_node_ended_with_collapsed_space_)
return false;
if (!behavior_.CollapseTrailingSpace())
return true;
if (!text_node_)
return false;
const String str = text_node_->GetLayoutObject()->GetText();
return offset_ > 0 && str[offset_ - 1] == ' ';
bool TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::FixLeadingWhiteSpaceForReplacedElement() {
if (!ShouldFixLeadingWhiteSpaceForReplacedElement())
return false;
text_state_.EmitChar16AfterNode(kSpaceCharacter, *text_node_);
return true;
void TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::ResetCollapsedWhiteSpaceFixup() {
// This is a hacky way for white space fixup in legacy layout. With LayoutNG,
// we can get rid of this function.
last_text_node_ended_with_collapsed_space_ = false;
void TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::EmitChar16Before(UChar code_unit,
unsigned offset) {
text_state_.EmitChar16Before(code_unit, *text_node_, offset);
void TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::EmitReplacmentCodeUnit(UChar code_unit,
unsigned offset) {
text_state_.EmitReplacmentCodeUnit(code_unit, *text_node_, offset);
void TextIteratorTextNodeHandler::EmitText(const LayoutText* layout_object,
unsigned text_start_offset,
unsigned text_end_offset) {
String string = behavior_.EmitsOriginalText() ? layout_object->OriginalText()
: layout_object->GetText();
if (behavior_.EmitsSpaceForNbsp())
string.Replace(kNoBreakSpaceCharacter, kSpaceCharacter);
text_start_offset + layout_object->TextStartOffset(),
text_end_offset + layout_object->TextStartOffset(),
string, text_start_offset, text_end_offset);
} // namespace blink