blob: e3aca5b366965898aa50c3b0017836989bc92b1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iterator>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/ephemeral_range.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/iterators/text_iterator_behavior.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/member.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
namespace blink {
class LayoutBlockFlow;
// Mapping between position and text offset in "inline contents" with using
// characters from |TextIterator|.
// The "inline contents" is a similar to "inline formatting context" defined
// in CSS 2.1 specification or |LayoutBlockFlow| for inline contents, except
// for:
// - Including characters from "display:inline-block".
// - Exclude "float" or "positioned" appeared in middle of inline contents
// - Treats characters with CSS property "-webkit-text-security" as "x"
// instead of a bullet (U+2022), which breaks words.
class CORE_EXPORT TextOffsetMapping final {
// |InlineContents| represents "inline contents" in a range of layout tree.
class CORE_EXPORT InlineContents final {
// |first| and |last|(inclusive) represent inline layout object run, they
// should be descendants of |block_flow|.
InlineContents(const LayoutBlockFlow& block_flow,
const LayoutObject& first,
const LayoutObject& last);
// |block_flow| must be non-anonymous empty block or block containing only
// anonymous object.
InlineContents(const LayoutBlockFlow& block_flow);
InlineContents() = default;
bool operator==(const InlineContents& other) const;
bool operator!=(const InlineContents& other) const {
return !operator==(other);
const LayoutBlockFlow* GetEmptyBlock() const;
const LayoutObject& FirstLayoutObject() const;
const LayoutObject& LastLayoutObject() const;
EphemeralRangeInFlatTree GetRange() const;
bool IsNotNull() const { return !IsNull(); }
bool IsNull() const { return !block_flow_; }
// Returns |InlineContents| from |block_flow_| toward last of layout tree.
static InlineContents NextOf(const InlineContents&);
// Returns |InlineContents| from |block_flow_| toward first of layout tree.
static InlineContents PreviousOf(const InlineContents&);
friend class TextOffsetMapping;
PositionInFlatTree FirstPositionAfterBlockFlow() const;
PositionInFlatTree LastPositionBeforeBlockFlow() const;
const LayoutBlockFlow* block_flow_ = nullptr;
const LayoutObject* first_ = nullptr;
const LayoutObject* last_ = nullptr;
// |BackwardRange| class is used with range-for to traverse inline contents
// toward start of document.
class CORE_EXPORT BackwardRange final {
class CORE_EXPORT Iterator
: public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, InlineContents> {
explicit Iterator(const InlineContents& current) : current_(current) {}
Iterator() = default;
InlineContents operator*() const;
void operator++();
bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const {
return current_ == other.current_;
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const {
return !operator==(other);
InlineContents current_;
explicit BackwardRange(const InlineContents& start) : start_(start) {}
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(start_); }
Iterator end() const { return Iterator(); }
const InlineContents start_;
// |ForwardRange| class is used with range-for to traverse inline contents
// toward end of document.
class CORE_EXPORT ForwardRange final {
class CORE_EXPORT Iterator
: public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, InlineContents> {
explicit Iterator(const InlineContents& current) : current_(current) {}
Iterator() = default;
InlineContents operator*() const;
void operator++();
bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const {
return current_ == other.current_;
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const {
return !operator==(other);
InlineContents current_;
explicit ForwardRange(const InlineContents& start) : start_(start) {}
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(start_); }
Iterator end() const { return Iterator(); }
const InlineContents start_;
// Constructor |TextOffsetMapping| for the |inline_contents|.
explicit TextOffsetMapping(const InlineContents& inline_contents);
~TextOffsetMapping() = default;
// Returns range of |LayoutBlock|.
const EphemeralRangeInFlatTree GetRange() const { return range_; }
// Returns characters in subtree of |LayoutBlock|, collapsed whitespaces
// are not included.
const String& GetText() const { return text16_; }
// Returns offset in |text16_| of specified position.
int ComputeTextOffset(const PositionInFlatTree&) const;
// Returns position before |offset| in |text16_|
PositionInFlatTree GetPositionBefore(unsigned offset) const;
// Returns position after |offset| in |text16_|
PositionInFlatTree GetPositionAfter(unsigned offset) const;
// Returns a range specified by |start| and |end| offset in |text16_|.
EphemeralRangeInFlatTree ComputeRange(unsigned start, unsigned end) const;
// Returns an offset in |text16_| before non-whitespace character from
// |offset|, inclusive, otherwise returns |text16_.length()|.
// This function is used for computing trailing whitespace after word.
unsigned FindNonWhitespaceCharacterFrom(unsigned offset) const;
// Helper functions to construct |TextOffsetMapping|.
// Returns a |BackwardRange| for backward iteration of |InlineContents|
// from |InlineContens| containing |position|.
static BackwardRange BackwardRangeOf(const PositionInFlatTree& position);
// Returns a |ForwardRange| for forward iteration of |InlineContents|
// from |InlineContens| containing |position|.
static ForwardRange ForwardRangeOf(const PositionInFlatTree& position);
// Returns |LayoutBlockFlow| satisfying |IsInlineContents()| from |position|
// (inclusive) toward start of document, or null if no such |LayoutBlockFlow|.
static InlineContents FindBackwardInlineContents(
const PositionInFlatTree& position);
// Returns |LayoutBlockFlow| satisfying |IsInlineContents()| from |position|
// (inclusive) toward end of document, or null if no such |LayoutBlockFlow|.
static InlineContents FindForwardInlineContents(const PositionInFlatTree&);
TextOffsetMapping(const InlineContents&, const TextIteratorBehavior&);
template <typename Traverser>
static InlineContents FindInlineContentsInternal(const Node*, Traverser);
const TextIteratorBehavior behavior_;
const EphemeralRangeInFlatTree range_;
const String text16_;
CORE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&,
const TextOffsetMapping::InlineContents&);
} // namespace blink