blob: aa78ae0d8f5c772f9f082338aca268469aae6e9d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_input_event_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_mouse_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/synchronous_mutation_observer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/input/boundary_event_dispatcher.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/drag_actions.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/event_with_hit_test_results.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/timer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
namespace blink {
class ContainerNode;
class DragState;
class DataTransfer;
class Element;
class FloatQuad;
class HitTestResult;
class InputDeviceCapabilities;
class LocalFrame;
class ScrollManager;
enum class DragInitiator;
// This class takes care of dispatching all mouse events and keeps track of
// positions and states of mouse.
class CORE_EXPORT MouseEventManager final
: public GarbageCollected<MouseEventManager>,
public SynchronousMutationObserver {
MouseEventManager(LocalFrame&, ScrollManager&);
virtual ~MouseEventManager();
void Trace(blink::Visitor*) override;
enum class UpdateHoverReason { kScrollOffsetChanged, kLayoutOrStyleChanged };
WebInputEventResult DispatchMouseEvent(EventTarget*,
const AtomicString&,
const WebMouseEvent&,
const String& canvas_region_id,
const FloatPoint* last_position,
EventTarget* related_target,
bool check_for_listener = false,
const PointerId& pointer_id = 0,
const String& pointer_type = "");
WebInputEventResult SetMousePositionAndDispatchMouseEvent(
Element* target_element,
const String& canvas_region_id,
const AtomicString& event_type,
const WebMouseEvent&);
WebInputEventResult DispatchMouseClickIfNeeded(
Element* mouse_release_target,
const WebMouseEvent& mouse_event,
const String& canvas_region_id,
const PointerId& pointer_id,
const String& pointer_type);
WebInputEventResult DispatchDragSrcEvent(const AtomicString& event_type,
const WebMouseEvent&);
WebInputEventResult DispatchDragEvent(const AtomicString& event_type,
Node* target,
Node* related_target,
const WebMouseEvent&,
// Resets the internal state of this object.
void Clear();
void SendBoundaryEvents(EventTarget* exited_target,
EventTarget* entered_target,
const String& canvas_region_id,
const WebMouseEvent&);
void SetElementUnderMouse(Element*,
const String& canvas_region_id,
const WebMouseEvent&);
WebInputEventResult HandleMouseFocus(
const HitTestResult&,
InputDeviceCapabilities* source_capabilities);
void FakeMouseMoveEventTimerFired(TimerBase*);
void CancelFakeMouseMoveEvent();
void MayUpdateHoverWhenContentUnderMouseChanged(
void MayUpdateHoverAfterScroll(const FloatQuad&);
void SetLastKnownMousePosition(const WebMouseEvent&);
void SetLastMousePositionAsUnknown();
bool HandleDragDropIfPossible(const GestureEventWithHitTestResults&);
WebInputEventResult HandleMouseDraggedEvent(
const MouseEventWithHitTestResults&);
WebInputEventResult HandleMousePressEvent(
const MouseEventWithHitTestResults&);
WebInputEventResult HandleMouseReleaseEvent(
const MouseEventWithHitTestResults&);
DragState& GetDragState();
void FocusDocumentView();
// Resets the state that indicates the next events could cause a drag. It is
// called when we realize the next events should not cause drag based on the
// drag heuristics.
void ClearDragHeuristicState();
void DragSourceEndedAt(const WebMouseEvent&, DragOperation);
void UpdateSelectionForMouseDrag();
void HandleMousePressEventUpdateStates(const WebMouseEvent&);
void HandleMouseReleaseEventUpdateStates();
// Returns whether pan is handled and resets the state on release.
bool HandleSvgPanIfNeeded(bool is_release_event);
void InvalidateClick();
// TODO: These functions ideally should be private but the code needs more
// refactoring to be able to remove the dependency from EventHandler.
Element* GetElementUnderMouse();
bool IsMousePositionUnknown();
FloatPoint LastKnownMousePositionInViewport();
FloatPoint LastKnownMouseScreenPosition();
bool MousePressed();
void ReleaseMousePress();
bool CapturesDragging() const;
void SetCapturesDragging(bool);
void SetMouseDownMayStartAutoscroll() {
mouse_down_may_start_autoscroll_ = true;
Node* MousePressNode();
void SetMousePressNode(Node*);
void SetClickElement(Element*);
void SetClickCount(int);
bool MouseDownMayStartDrag();
bool FakeMouseMovePending() const;
void RecomputeMouseHoverStateIfNeeded();
void RecomputeMouseHoverState();
void MarkHoverStateDirty();
class MouseEventBoundaryEventDispatcher : public BoundaryEventDispatcher {
const WebMouseEvent*,
EventTarget* exited_target,
const String& canvas_region_id);
void DispatchOut(EventTarget*, EventTarget* related_target) override;
void DispatchOver(EventTarget*, EventTarget* related_target) override;
void DispatchLeave(EventTarget*,
EventTarget* related_target,
bool check_for_listener) override;
void DispatchEnter(EventTarget*,
EventTarget* related_target,
bool check_for_listener) override;
AtomicString GetLeaveEvent() override;
AtomicString GetEnterEvent() override;
void Dispatch(EventTarget*,
EventTarget* related_target,
const AtomicString&,
const String& canvas_region_id,
const WebMouseEvent&,
bool check_for_listener);
Member<MouseEventManager> mouse_event_manager_;
const WebMouseEvent* web_mouse_event_;
Member<EventTarget> exited_target_;
String canvas_region_id_;
// If the given element is a shadow host and its root has delegatesFocus=false
// flag, slide focus to its inner element. Returns true if the resulting focus
// is different from the given element.
bool SlideFocusOnShadowHostIfNecessary(const Element&);
bool DragThresholdExceeded(const IntPoint&) const;
bool HandleDrag(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults&, DragInitiator);
bool TryStartDrag(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults&);
void ClearDragDataTransfer();
DataTransfer* CreateDraggingDataTransfer() const;
void ResetDragSource();
bool HoverStateDirty();
// Implementations of |SynchronousMutationObserver|
void NodeChildrenWillBeRemoved(ContainerNode&) final;
void NodeWillBeRemoved(Node& node_to_be_removed) final;
// NOTE: If adding a new field to this class please ensure that it is
// cleared in |MouseEventManager::clear()|.
const Member<LocalFrame> frame_;
Member<ScrollManager> scroll_manager_;
// The effective position of the mouse pointer.
// See
Member<Element> element_under_mouse_;
// The last mouse movement position this frame has seen in viewport
// coordinates.
FloatPoint last_known_mouse_position_;
FloatPoint last_known_mouse_screen_position_;
unsigned is_mouse_position_unknown_ : 1;
// Current button-press state for mouse/mouse-like-stylus.
// TODO( Buggy for chorded buttons.
unsigned mouse_pressed_ : 1;
unsigned mouse_down_may_start_autoscroll_ : 1;
unsigned svg_pan_ : 1;
unsigned captures_dragging_ : 1;
unsigned mouse_down_may_start_drag_ : 1;
Member<Node> mouse_press_node_;
int click_count_;
Member<Element> click_element_;
// This element should be mostly the same as click_element_. Only when
// click_element_ is set to null due to DOM manipulation mouse_down_element_
// remains unchanged.
Member<Element> mouse_down_element_;
IntPoint mouse_down_pos_; // In our view's coords.
base::TimeTicks mouse_down_timestamp_;
WebMouseEvent mouse_down_;
PhysicalOffset drag_start_pos_;
// This indicates that whether we should update the hover at each begin
// frame. This is set to be true after the compositor or main thread scroll
// ends, and at each begin frame, we will dispatch a fake mouse move event to
// update hover when this is true.
bool hover_state_dirty_ = false;
TaskRunnerTimer<MouseEventManager> fake_mouse_move_event_timer_;
} // namespace blink