blob: 9533cf873709ddb3f6a2e8b4f9700188ab9879e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "extensions/browser/lazy_context_id.h"
#include "extensions/browser/lazy_context_task_queue.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace extensions {
class Extension;
struct Event;
// Helper class for EventRouter to dispatch lazy events to lazy contexts.
// Manages waking up lazy contexts if they are stopped.
class LazyEventDispatcher {
using DispatchFunction = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
LazyEventDispatcher(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
DispatchFunction dispatch_function);
// Dispatches the lazy |event| to |dispatch_context|.
// If [dispatch_context| is for an event page, it ensures all of the pages
// interested in the event are loaded and queues the event if any pages are
// not ready yet.
// If [dispatch_context| is for a service worker, it ensures the worker is
// started before dispatching the event.
void Dispatch(const Event& event,
const LazyContextId& dispatch_context,
const base::DictionaryValue* listener_filter);
// Returns whether or not an event listener identical for |dispatch_context|
// is already queued for dispatch.
bool HasAlreadyDispatched(const LazyContextId& dispatch_context) const;
// Possibly loads given extension's background page or extension Service
// Worker in preparation to dispatch an event. Returns true if the event was
// queued for subsequent dispatch, false otherwise.
bool QueueEventDispatch(const Event& event,
const LazyContextId& dispatch_context,
const Extension* extension,
const base::DictionaryValue* listener_filter);
void RecordAlreadyDispatched(const LazyContextId& dispatch_context);
content::BrowserContext* GetIncognitoContext(const Extension* extension);
content::BrowserContext* const browser_context_;
DispatchFunction dispatch_function_;
std::set<LazyContextId> dispatched_ids_;
} // namespace extensions