blob: 94ce205f37eed9367212e5e209712792f6cd54aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/default_tick_clock.h"
#include "base/trace_event/memory_dump_provider.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
namespace base {
class SequencedTaskRunner;
namespace media {
// FrameBufferPool is a pool of simple CPU memory. This class needs to be ref-
// counted since frames created using this memory may live beyond the lifetime
// of the caller to this class.
class MEDIA_EXPORT FrameBufferPool
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<FrameBufferPool>,
public base::trace_event::MemoryDumpProvider {
FrameBufferPool(const FrameBufferPool&) = delete;
FrameBufferPool& operator=(const FrameBufferPool&) = delete;
// Called when a frame buffer allocation is needed. Upon return |fb_priv| will
// be set to a private value used to identify the buffer in future calls and a
// buffer of at least |min_size| will be returned.
uint8_t* GetFrameBuffer(size_t min_size, void** fb_priv);
// Called when a frame buffer allocation is no longer needed.
void ReleaseFrameBuffer(void* fb_priv);
// Allocates (or reuses) room for an alpha plane on a given frame buffer.
// |fb_priv| must be a value previously returned by GetFrameBuffer().
uint8_t* AllocateAlphaPlaneForFrameBuffer(size_t min_size, void* fb_priv);
// Generates a "no_longer_needed" closure that holds a reference to this pool;
// |fb_priv| must be a value previously returned by GetFrameBuffer().
base::OnceClosure CreateFrameCallback(void* fb_priv);
size_t get_pool_size_for_testing() const { return frame_buffers_.size(); }
void set_tick_clock_for_testing(const base::TickClock* tick_clock) {
tick_clock_ = tick_clock;
void force_allocation_error_for_testing() { force_allocation_error_ = true; }
// Called when no more GetFrameBuffer() calls are expected. All unused memory
// is released at this time. As frames are returned their memory is released.
// This should not be called until anything that might call GetFrameBuffer()
// has been destroyed.
void Shutdown();
enum { kStaleFrameLimitSecs = 10 };
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<FrameBufferPool>;
~FrameBufferPool() override;
// Internal structure holding memory for decoding.
struct FrameBuffer;
// base::MemoryDumpProvider.
bool OnMemoryDump(const base::trace_event::MemoryDumpArgs& args,
base::trace_event::ProcessMemoryDump* pmd) override;
static bool IsUsed(const FrameBuffer* buf);
// Drop all entries in |frame_buffers_| that report !IsUsed().
void EraseUnusedResources();
// Method that gets called when a VideoFrame that references this pool gets
// destroyed.
void OnVideoFrameDestroyed(
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner,
FrameBuffer* frame_buffer);
// Allocated frame buffers.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer>> frame_buffers_;
bool in_shutdown_ = false;
bool registered_dump_provider_ = false;
bool force_allocation_error_ = false;
// |tick_clock_| is always a DefaultTickClock outside of testing.
raw_ptr<const base::TickClock> tick_clock_;
} // namespace media