blob: 4d36a184dc0aac75b46c70f214f1562aa1c1a4c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
#include "base/win/windows_types.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/scoped_handle.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/scoped_lsa_policy.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
// These define are documented in
// not available
// in the user mode headers.
#define DIRECTORY_QUERY 0x00000001
#define DIRECTORY_TRAVERSE 0x00000002
#define DIRECTORY_CREATE_OBJECT 0x00000004
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
class FilePath;
} // namespace base
namespace credential_provider {
// Windows supports a maximum of 20 characters plus null in username.
constexpr int kWindowsUsernameBufferLength = 21;
// Maximum domain length is 256 characters including null.
constexpr int kWindowsDomainBufferLength = 256;
// According to:
constexpr int kWindowsSidBufferLength = 184;
// Max number of attempts to find a new username when a user already exists
// with the same username.
constexpr int kMaxUsernameAttempts = 10;
// First index to append to a username when another user with the same name
// already exists.
constexpr int kInitialDuplicateUsernameIndex = 2;
// Default extension used as a fallback if the picture_url returned from gaia
// does not have a file extension.
extern const wchar_t kDefaultProfilePictureFileExtension[];
// Required extension for the picture that will be shown by the credential on
// the login screen. Windows only supports .bmp files for the images shown by
// credentials.
extern const wchar_t kCredentialLogoPictureFileExtension[];
constexpr int kLargestProfilePictureSize = 448;
// Because of some strange dependency problems with windows header files,
// define STATUS_SUCCESS here instead of including ntstatus.h or SubAuth.h
#define STATUS_SUCCESS ((NTSTATUS)0x00000000L)
// A bitfield indicating which standard handles are to be created.
using StdHandlesToCreate = uint32_t;
enum : uint32_t {
kStdOutput = 1 << 0,
kStdInput = 1 << 1,
kStdError = 1 << 2,
kAllStdHandles = kStdOutput | kStdInput | kStdError
// Filled in by InitializeStdHandles to return the parent side of stdin/stdout/
// stderr pipes of the login UI process.
struct StdParentHandles {
base::win::ScopedHandle hstdin_write;
base::win::ScopedHandle hstdout_read;
base::win::ScopedHandle hstderr_read;
// Process startup options that allows customization of stdin/stdout/stderr
// handles.
class ScopedStartupInfo {
explicit ScopedStartupInfo(const wchar_t* desktop);
// This function takes ownership of the handles.
HRESULT SetStdHandles(base::win::ScopedHandle* hstdin,
base::win::ScopedHandle* hstdout,
base::win::ScopedHandle* hstderr);
LPSTARTUPINFOW GetInfo() { return &info_; }
// Releases all resources held by this info.
void Shutdown();
base::string16 desktop_;
// Gets the brand specific path in which to install GCPW.
base::FilePath::StringType GetInstallParentDirectoryName();
// Gets the directory where the GCP is installed
base::FilePath GetInstallDirectory();
// Deletes versions of GCP found under |gcp_path| except for version
// |product_version|.
void DeleteVersionsExcept(const base::FilePath& gcp_path,
const base::string16& product_version);
// Waits for the process specified by |procinfo| to terminate. The handles
// in |read_handles| can be used to read stdout/err from the process. Upon
// return, |exit_code| contains one of the UIEC_xxx constants listed above,
// and |stdout_buffer| and |stderr_buffer| contain the output, if any.
// Both buffers must be at least |buffer_size| characters long.
HRESULT WaitForProcess(base::win::ScopedHandle::Handle process_handle,
const StdParentHandles& parent_handles,
DWORD* exit_code,
char* output_buffer,
int buffer_size);
// Creates a restricted, batch or interactive login token for the given user.
HRESULT CreateLogonToken(const wchar_t* domain,
const wchar_t* username,
const wchar_t* password,
bool interactive,
base::win::ScopedHandle* token);
HRESULT CreateJobForSignin(base::win::ScopedHandle* job);
// Creates a pipe that can be used by a parent process to communicate with a
// child process. If |child_reads| is false, then it is expected that the
// parent process will read from |reading| anything the child process writes
// to |writing|. For example, this is used to read stdout/stderr of child.
// If |child_reads| is true, then it is expected that the child process will
// read from |reading| anything the parent process writes to |writing|. For
// example, this is used to write to stdin of child.
// If |use_nul| is true, then the parent's handle is not used (can be passed
// as nullptr). The child reads from or writes to the null device.
HRESULT CreatePipeForChildProcess(bool child_reads,
bool use_nul,
base::win::ScopedHandle* reading,
base::win::ScopedHandle* writing);
// Initializes 3 pipes for communicating with a child process. On return,
// |startupinfo| will be set with the handles needed by the child. This is
// used when creating the child process. |parent_handles| contains the
// corresponding handles to be used by the parent process.
// Communication direction is used to optimize handle creation. If
// communication occurs in only one direction then some pipes will be directed
// to the nul device.
enum class CommDirection {
HRESULT InitializeStdHandles(CommDirection direction,
StdHandlesToCreate to_create,
ScopedStartupInfo* startupinfo,
StdParentHandles* parent_handles);
// Fills |path_to_dll| with the short path to the dll referenced by
// |dll_handle|. The short path is needed to correctly call rundll32.exe in
// cases where there might be quotes or spaces in the path.
HRESULT GetPathToDllFromHandle(HINSTANCE dll_handle,
base::FilePath* path_to_dll);
// This function gets a correctly formatted entry point argument to pass to
// rundll32.exe for a dll referenced by the handle |dll_handle| and an entry
// point function with the name |entrypoint|. |entrypoint_arg| will be filled
// with the argument value.
HRESULT GetEntryPointArgumentForRunDll(HINSTANCE dll_handle,
const wchar_t* entrypoint,
base::string16* entrypoint_arg);
// This function is used to build the command line for rundll32 to call an
// exported entrypoint from the DLL given by |dll_handle|.
// Returns S_FALSE if a command line can successfully be built but if the
// path to the "dll" actually points to a non ".dll" file. This allows
// detection of calls to this function via a unit test which will be
// running under an ".exe" module.
HRESULT GetCommandLineForEntrypoint(HINSTANCE dll_handle,
const wchar_t* entrypoint,
base::CommandLine* command_line);
// Handles the writing and deletion of a startup sentinel file used to ensure
// that the GCPW does not crash continuously on startup and render the
// winlogon process unusable.
bool VerifyStartupSentinel();
void DeleteStartupSentinel();
// Gets a string resource from the DLL with the given id.
base::string16 GetStringResource(int base_message_id);
// Fills |base_path| with the path where user profile pictures are stored for
// user with |sid|. This function can fail if the known folder
// FOLDERID_PublicUserTiles cannot be found.
HRESULT GetUserAccountPicturePath(const base::string16& sid,
base::FilePath* base_path);
// Returns the full path to a user profile picture of a specific |size| and
// |picture_extension|. |account_picture_path| is path filled in by a call to
// GetUserAccountPicturePath.
base::FilePath GetUserSizedAccountPictureFilePath(
const base::FilePath& account_picture_path,
int size,
const base::string16& picture_extension);
// Gets the language selected by the base::win::i18n::LanguageSelector.
base::string16 GetSelectedLanguage();
// Helpers to get strings from DictionaryValues.
base::string16 GetDictString(const base::DictionaryValue* dict,
const char* name);
base::string16 GetDictString(const std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>& dict,
const char* name);
std::string GetDictStringUTF8(const base::DictionaryValue* dict,
const char* name);
std::string GetDictStringUTF8(
const std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>& dict,
const char* name);
// Returns the major build version of Windows by reading the registry.
// See:
base::string16 GetWindowsVersion();
class OSUserManager;
class OSProcessManager;
// This structure is used in tests to set fake objects in the credential
// provider dll. See the function SetFakesForTesting() for details.
struct FakesForTesting {
ScopedLsaPolicy::CreatorCallback scoped_lsa_policy_creator;
OSUserManager* os_user_manager_for_testing = nullptr;
OSProcessManager* os_process_manager_for_testing = nullptr;
// DLL entrypoint signature for settings testing fakes. This is used by
// the setup tests to install fakes into the dynamically loaded gaia1_0 DLL
// static data. This way the production DLL does not need to include binary
// code used only for testing.
typedef void CALLBACK (*SetFakesForTestingFn)(const FakesForTesting* fakes);
// Initializes the members of a Windows STRING struct (UNICODE_STRING or
// LSA_STRING) to point to the string pointed to by |string|.
template <class WindowsStringT,
class WindowsStringCharT = decltype(WindowsStringT().Buffer[0])>
void InitWindowsStringWithString(const WindowsStringCharT* string,
WindowsStringT* windows_string) {
constexpr size_t buffer_char_size = sizeof(WindowsStringCharT);
windows_string->Buffer = const_cast<WindowsStringCharT*>(string);
windows_string->Length = static_cast<USHORT>(
std::char_traits<WindowsStringCharT>::length((windows_string->Buffer)) *
windows_string->MaximumLength = windows_string->Length + buffer_char_size;
} // namespace credential_provider