blob: 68c85ab23daf56fe4e00c84a6a9a8e2801f00a06 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Apple, Inc. All rights
* reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* Copyright (C) 2012 Samsung Electronics. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef ChromeClient_h
#define ChromeClient_h
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/dom/AXObjectCache.h"
#include "core/inspector/ConsoleTypes.h"
#include "core/loader/FrameLoader.h"
#include "core/loader/NavigationPolicy.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyleConstants.h"
#include "platform/Cursor.h"
#include "platform/HostWindow.h"
#include "platform/PopupMenu.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "platform/scroll/ScrollTypes.h"
#include "public/platform/BlameContext.h"
#include "public/platform/WebDragOperation.h"
#include "public/platform/WebEventListenerProperties.h"
#include "public/platform/WebFocusType.h"
#include "wtf/Forward.h"
#include "wtf/Optional.h"
#include "wtf/Vector.h"
#include <memory>
namespace blink {
class AXObject;
class ColorChooser;
class ColorChooserClient;
class CompositorAnimationTimeline;
class CompositorProxyClient;
class DateTimeChooser;
class DateTimeChooserClient;
class Element;
class FileChooser;
class FloatPoint;
class Frame;
class GraphicsLayer;
class HTMLFormControlElement;
class HTMLInputElement;
class HTMLSelectElement;
class HitTestResult;
class IntRect;
class KeyboardEvent;
class LocalFrame;
class Node;
class Page;
class PopupOpeningObserver;
class WebDragData;
class WebFrameScheduler;
class WebImage;
class WebLayer;
struct CompositedSelection;
struct DateTimeChooserParameters;
struct FrameLoadRequest;
struct GraphicsDeviceAdapter;
struct ViewportDescription;
struct WebPoint;
struct WindowFeatures;
class CORE_EXPORT ChromeClient : public HostWindow {
virtual void chromeDestroyed() = 0;
// The specified rectangle is adjusted for the minimum window size and the
// screen, then setWindowRect with the adjusted rectangle is called.
void setWindowRectWithAdjustment(const IntRect&, LocalFrame&);
virtual IntRect rootWindowRect() = 0;
virtual IntRect pageRect() = 0;
virtual void focus() = 0;
virtual bool canTakeFocus(WebFocusType) = 0;
virtual void takeFocus(WebFocusType) = 0;
virtual void focusedNodeChanged(Node*, Node*) = 0;
virtual bool hadFormInteraction() const = 0;
virtual void beginLifecycleUpdates() = 0;
// Start a system drag and drop operation.
virtual void startDragging(LocalFrame*,
const WebDragData&,
const WebImage& dragImage,
const WebPoint& dragImageOffset) = 0;
virtual bool acceptsLoadDrops() const = 0;
// The LocalFrame pointer provides the ChromeClient with context about which
// LocalFrame wants to create the new Page. Also, the newly created window
// should not be shown to the user until the ChromeClient of the newly
// created Page has its show method called.
// The FrameLoadRequest parameter is only for ChromeClient to check if the
// request could be fulfilled. The ChromeClient should not load the request.
virtual Page* createWindow(LocalFrame*,
const FrameLoadRequest&,
const WindowFeatures&,
NavigationPolicy) = 0;
virtual void show(NavigationPolicy = NavigationPolicyIgnore) = 0;
void setWindowFeatures(const WindowFeatures&);
// All the parameters should be in viewport space. That is, if an event
// scrolls by 10 px, but due to a 2X page scale we apply a 5px scroll to the
// root frame, all of which is handled as overscroll, we should return 10px
// as the overscrollDelta.
virtual void didOverscroll(const FloatSize& overscrollDelta,
const FloatSize& accumulatedOverscroll,
const FloatPoint& positionInViewport,
const FloatSize& velocityInViewport) = 0;
virtual void setToolbarsVisible(bool) = 0;
virtual bool toolbarsVisible() = 0;
virtual void setStatusbarVisible(bool) = 0;
virtual bool statusbarVisible() = 0;
virtual void setScrollbarsVisible(bool) = 0;
virtual bool scrollbarsVisible() = 0;
virtual void setMenubarVisible(bool) = 0;
virtual bool menubarVisible() = 0;
virtual void setResizable(bool) = 0;
virtual bool shouldReportDetailedMessageForSource(LocalFrame&,
const String& source) = 0;
virtual void addMessageToConsole(LocalFrame*,
const String& message,
unsigned lineNumber,
const String& sourceID,
const String& stackTrace) = 0;
virtual bool canOpenBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel() = 0;
bool openBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel(const String& message,
bool isReload);
virtual void closeWindowSoon() = 0;
bool openJavaScriptAlert(LocalFrame*, const String&);
bool openJavaScriptConfirm(LocalFrame*, const String&);
bool openJavaScriptPrompt(LocalFrame*,
const String& message,
const String& defaultValue,
String& result);
virtual void setStatusbarText(const String&) = 0;
virtual bool tabsToLinks() = 0;
virtual void* webView() const = 0;
// Methods used by HostWindow.
virtual WebScreenInfo screenInfo() const = 0;
virtual void setCursor(const Cursor&, LocalFrame* localRoot) = 0;
// End methods used by HostWindow.
virtual Cursor lastSetCursorForTesting() const = 0;
// Returns a custom visible content rect if a viewport override is active.
virtual WTF::Optional<IntRect> visibleContentRectForPainting() const {
return WTF::nullopt;
virtual void dispatchViewportPropertiesDidChange(
const ViewportDescription&) const {}
virtual void contentsSizeChanged(LocalFrame*, const IntSize&) const = 0;
virtual void pageScaleFactorChanged() const {}
virtual float clampPageScaleFactorToLimits(float scale) const {
return scale;
virtual void mainFrameScrollOffsetChanged() const {}
virtual void layoutUpdated(LocalFrame*) const {}
void mouseDidMoveOverElement(LocalFrame&, const HitTestResult&);
virtual void setToolTip(LocalFrame&, const String&, TextDirection) = 0;
void clearToolTip(LocalFrame&);
bool print(LocalFrame*);
virtual void annotatedRegionsChanged() = 0;
virtual ColorChooser* openColorChooser(LocalFrame*,
const Color&) = 0;
// This function is used for:
// - Mandatory date/time choosers if !ENABLE(INPUT_MULTIPLE_FIELDS_UI)
// - Date/time choosers for types for which
// LayoutTheme::supportsCalendarPicker returns true, if
// - <datalist> UI for date/time input types regardless of
virtual DateTimeChooser* openDateTimeChooser(
const DateTimeChooserParameters&) = 0;
virtual void openTextDataListChooser(HTMLInputElement&) = 0;
virtual void openFileChooser(LocalFrame*, PassRefPtr<FileChooser>) = 0;
// Asychronous request to enumerate all files in a directory chosen by the
// user.
virtual void enumerateChosenDirectory(FileChooser*) = 0;
// Pass nullptr as the GraphicsLayer to detach the root layer.
// This sets the graphics layer for the LocalFrame's WebWidget, if it has
// one. Otherwise it sets it for the WebViewImpl.
virtual void attachRootGraphicsLayer(GraphicsLayer*,
LocalFrame* localRoot) = 0;
// Pass nullptr as the WebLayer to detach the root layer.
// This sets the WebLayer for the LocalFrame's WebWidget, if it has
// one. Otherwise it sets it for the WebViewImpl.
virtual void attachRootLayer(WebLayer*, LocalFrame* localRoot) = 0;
virtual void attachCompositorAnimationTimeline(CompositorAnimationTimeline*,
LocalFrame* localRoot) {}
virtual void detachCompositorAnimationTimeline(CompositorAnimationTimeline*,
LocalFrame* localRoot) {}
virtual void enterFullscreenForElement(Element*) {}
virtual void exitFullscreenForElement(Element*) {}
virtual void clearCompositedSelection(LocalFrame*) {}
virtual void updateCompositedSelection(LocalFrame*,
const CompositedSelection&) {}
virtual void setEventListenerProperties(WebEventListenerClass,
WebEventListenerProperties) = 0;
virtual WebEventListenerProperties eventListenerProperties(
WebEventListenerClass) const = 0;
virtual void setHasScrollEventHandlers(bool) = 0;
virtual bool hasScrollEventHandlers() const = 0;
virtual void setTouchAction(TouchAction) = 0;
// Checks if there is an opened popup, called by LayoutMenuList::showPopup().
virtual bool hasOpenedPopup() const = 0;
virtual PopupMenu* openPopupMenu(LocalFrame&, HTMLSelectElement&) = 0;
virtual DOMWindow* pagePopupWindowForTesting() const = 0;
virtual void postAccessibilityNotification(AXObject*,
AXObjectCache::AXNotification) {}
virtual String acceptLanguages() = 0;
enum DialogType {
AlertDialog = 0,
ConfirmDialog = 1,
PromptDialog = 2,
HTMLDialog = 3
virtual bool shouldOpenModalDialogDuringPageDismissal(
const DialogType&,
const String&,
Document::PageDismissalType) const {
return true;
virtual bool isSVGImageChromeClient() const { return false; }
virtual bool requestPointerLock(LocalFrame*) { return false; }
virtual void requestPointerUnlock(LocalFrame*) {}
virtual IntSize minimumWindowSize() const { return IntSize(100, 100); }
virtual bool isChromeClientImpl() const { return false; }
virtual void didAssociateFormControlsAfterLoad(LocalFrame*) {}
virtual void didChangeValueInTextField(HTMLFormControlElement&) {}
virtual void didEndEditingOnTextField(HTMLInputElement&) {}
virtual void handleKeyboardEventOnTextField(HTMLInputElement&,
KeyboardEvent&) {}
virtual void textFieldDataListChanged(HTMLInputElement&) {}
virtual void ajaxSucceeded(LocalFrame*) {}
// Input method editor related functions.
virtual void didCancelCompositionOnSelectionChange() {}
virtual void willSetInputMethodState() {}
virtual void didUpdateTextOfFocusedElementByNonUserInput(LocalFrame&) {}
virtual void showImeIfNeeded() {}
virtual void registerViewportLayers() const {}
virtual void showUnhandledTapUIIfNeeded(IntPoint, Node*, bool) {}
virtual void onMouseDown(Node*) {}
virtual void didUpdateBrowserControls() const {}
virtual void registerPopupOpeningObserver(PopupOpeningObserver*) = 0;
virtual void unregisterPopupOpeningObserver(PopupOpeningObserver*) = 0;
virtual CompositorProxyClient* createCompositorProxyClient(LocalFrame*) = 0;
virtual FloatSize elasticOverscroll() const { return FloatSize(); }
// Called when observed XHR, fetch, and other fetch request with non-GET
// method is initiated from javascript. At this time, it is not guaranteed
// that this is comprehensive.
virtual void didObserveNonGetFetchFromScript() const {}
virtual std::unique_ptr<WebFrameScheduler> createFrameScheduler(
BlameContext*) = 0;
// Returns the time of the beginning of the last beginFrame, in seconds, if
// any, and 0.0 otherwise.
virtual double lastFrameTimeMonotonic() const { return 0.0; }
virtual void installSupplements(LocalFrame&) {}
~ChromeClient() override {}
virtual void showMouseOverURL(const HitTestResult&) = 0;
virtual void setWindowRect(const IntRect&, LocalFrame&) = 0;
virtual bool openBeforeUnloadConfirmPanelDelegate(LocalFrame*,
bool isReload) = 0;
virtual bool openJavaScriptAlertDelegate(LocalFrame*, const String&) = 0;
virtual bool openJavaScriptConfirmDelegate(LocalFrame*, const String&) = 0;
virtual bool openJavaScriptPromptDelegate(LocalFrame*,
const String& message,
const String& defaultValue,
String& result) = 0;
virtual void printDelegate(LocalFrame*) = 0;
bool canOpenModalIfDuringPageDismissal(Frame* mainFrame,
const String& message);
void setToolTip(LocalFrame&, const HitTestResult&);
LayoutPoint m_lastToolTipPoint;
String m_lastToolTipText;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ChromeClientTest, SetToolTipFlood);
} // namespace blink
#endif // ChromeClient_h