blob: 64e27ab6e855134508f6b453c506980f244bbb3a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Apple's Speedometer 2 performance benchmark.
import os
import re
from benchmarks import press
from core import path_util
from telemetry import benchmark
from telemetry import story
from page_sets import speedometer2_pages
_SPEEDOMETER_DIR = os.path.join(path_util.GetChromiumSrcDir(),
'third_party', 'blink', 'perf_tests', 'speedometer')
class Speedometer2(press._PressBenchmark): # pylint: disable=protected-access
"""Speedometer2 Benchmark.
Runs all the speedometer 2 suites by default. Add --suite=<regex> to filter
out suites, and only run suites whose names are matched by the regular
expression provided.
enable_smoke_test_mode = False
def Name(cls):
return 'speedometer2'
def CreateStorySet(self, options):
should_filter_suites = bool(options.suite)
filtered_suite_names = map(
ps = story.StorySet(base_dir=_SPEEDOMETER_DIR)
ps.AddStory(speedometer2_pages.Speedometer2Story(ps, should_filter_suites,
filtered_suite_names, self.enable_smoke_test_mode))
return ps
def AddBenchmarkCommandLineArgs(cls, parser):
parser.add_option('--suite', type="string",
help="Only runs suites that match regex provided")
def ProcessCommandLineArgs(cls, parser, args):
if args.suite:
if not speedometer2_pages.Speedometer2Story.GetSuites(args.suite):
raise parser.error('--suite: No matches.')
except re.error:
raise parser.error('--suite: Invalid regex.')
class V8Speedometer2Future(Speedometer2):
"""Speedometer2 benchmark with the V8 flag --future.
Shows the performance of upcoming V8 VM features.
def Name(cls):
return 'speedometer2-future'
def SetExtraBrowserOptions(self, options):