blob: e78e0ea8221c88ce5e6c3f1e41a8429030f0722a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "components/image_fetcher/core/image_fetcher_types.h"
#include "net/traffic_annotation/network_traffic_annotation.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace image_fetcher {
class ImageDecoder;
// Encapsulates image fetching customization options.
// (required)
// traffic_annotation
// Documents what the network traffic is for, gives you free metrics.
// max_download_size
// Limits the size of the downloaded image.
// frame_size
// If multiple sizes of the image are available on the server, choose the one
// that's closest to the given size (only useful for .icos). Does NOT resize
// the downloaded image to the given dimensions.
class ImageFetcherParams {
// Only allow the bridge to access the private function set_skip_transcoding
// used for gif download.
friend class ImageFetcherBridge;
// Sets the UMA client name to report feature-specific metrics. Make sure
// |uma_client_name| is also present in histograms.xml.
net::NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag network_traffic_annotation_tag,
std::string uma_client_name);
ImageFetcherParams(const ImageFetcherParams& params);
ImageFetcherParams(ImageFetcherParams&& params);
const net::NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation() const {
return network_traffic_annotation_tag_;
void set_max_download_size(base::Optional<int64_t> max_download_bytes) {
max_download_bytes_ = max_download_bytes;
base::Optional<int64_t> max_download_size() const {
return max_download_bytes_;
void set_frame_size(gfx::Size desired_frame_size) {
desired_frame_size_ = desired_frame_size;
gfx::Size frame_size() const { return desired_frame_size_; }
const std::string& uma_client_name() const { return uma_client_name_; }
bool skip_transcoding() const { return skip_transcoding_; }
// Only to be used in unittests.
void set_skip_transcoding_for_testing(bool skip_transcoding) {
skip_transcoding_ = skip_transcoding;
bool skip_disk_cache_read() { return skip_disk_cache_read_; }
void set_skip_disk_cache_read(bool skip_disk_cache_read) {
skip_disk_cache_read_ = skip_disk_cache_read;
void set_skip_transcoding(bool skip_transcoding) {
skip_transcoding_ = skip_transcoding;
const net::NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag network_traffic_annotation_tag_;
base::Optional<int64_t> max_download_bytes_;
gfx::Size desired_frame_size_;
std::string uma_client_name_;
// When true, the image fetcher will skip transcoding whenever possible. Only
// use this if you've considered the security implications. For instance, in
// some java clients we decode GIFs entirely in Java which is safe to do
// in-process without transcoding.
bool skip_transcoding_;
// True if the disk cache should be skipped because it was already checked in
// java.
bool skip_disk_cache_read_;
// A class used to fetch server images. It can be called from any thread and the
// callback will be called on the thread which initiated the fetch.
class ImageFetcher {
ImageFetcher() {}
virtual ~ImageFetcher() {}
// Fetch an image and optionally decode it. |image_data_callback| is called
// when the image fetch completes, but |image_data_callback| may be empty.
// |image_callback| is called when the image is finished decoding.
// |image_callback| may be empty if image decoding is not required. If a
// callback is provided, it will be called exactly once. On failure, an empty
// string/gfx::Image is returned.
virtual void FetchImageAndData(const GURL& image_url,
ImageDataFetcherCallback image_data_callback,
ImageFetcherCallback image_callback,
ImageFetcherParams params) = 0;
// Fetch an image and decode it. An empty gfx::Image will be returned to the
// callback in case the image could not be fetched. This is the same as
// calling FetchImageAndData without an |image_data_callback|.
void FetchImage(const GURL& image_url,
ImageFetcherCallback callback,
ImageFetcherParams params) {
FetchImageAndData(image_url, ImageDataFetcherCallback(),
std::move(callback), params);
// Just fetch the image data, do not decode. This is the same as
// calling FetchImageAndData without an |image_callback|.
void FetchImageData(const GURL& image_url,
ImageDataFetcherCallback callback,
ImageFetcherParams params) {
FetchImageAndData(image_url, std::move(callback), ImageFetcherCallback(),
virtual ImageDecoder* GetImageDecoder() = 0;
} // namespace image_fetcher